《Just the Baby Momma》3.7
I know I keep saying it but thank y'all so much we getting up there with the views 🥺💕😭. I appreciate every one of y'all for coming back.
Alright I'm done let's go.
Ashley POV
I walk into a busy hospital mentally preparing myself for the day ahead. I really didn't feel like being here today but i have to make this money. I almost missed my alarm this morning dealing with Izzys comfortable ass bed. I swear that shit is a piece of heaven chopped off and put on his bed.
But that's when it hit me. I haven't spoken to Michael since our date and he most likely will be here today. I don't know how im going to tell him but i need to get it out. But for now im going to do my job and maybe stay out his way. I just pray he does pop up out of the blue like he tends to do.
Surprisingly, my schedule isn't that bad today. Ive done a surgery and only have about 2 more for today. Im really ready to leave and go home to my son so im not complaining. Since i have a little time to spare i decide to go to michaels office to see if he is in there. I take a deep breath before knocking on the glass door. I hope and pray he isn't here today.
"come in" i here his deep voice sound as is slowly push the door open. I give a simple smile as i enter causing him to look up with a joyful look on his face which caused me to feel bad. He gets up and embraces me in a hug before we both sit down. We sit in silence for a moment before I decide to speak up.
"so..." i start trying to gain some confidence.
"i think i already know where this is going" he says causing me to look up. "i saw the pictures online" he says giving a half smile.
"i'm sorry Mic-" he cuts me off before i can explain. Damn I feel bad.
"its okay Ashley. I could tell by the way the way you look at each other so its my fault for trying to overstep. We both said that we should just stay friends so i apologize" he says looking sad still
"Its not your fault Michael... i honestly thought we could have something" i tell him. I hate to be that person but ive never been one to know how to comfort or express things to people so i hope im not coming off rude. "i hope we can still be friends" i smile to him.
"of course ash" he smiles before we embrace each other in a hug once again. I exit his office before going about my day.
Izzy POV
"have you spoken to your sister" my ma says grabbing some toast out of the toaster
"you know she been acting different n shit" i tell her honestly. Jas been acting different since she found out that Ashley was pregnant. I mean i understand she was cool with Zonnique but at the end of the day im her brother and she should have my back no matter what. She used to call me and tell me how she wanted to come to Atlanta but now she dont even text me.
"well you know if anybody can figure out what's wrong with her its you" she say picking up her plate and leaving the kitchen.
"damn ma where my food at" i yell
"in the fridge... waiting to be cooked" she says to me "and take Ashley her lunch. She left it this morning." she says as soon as my phone rings.
"Yurrr" King says through the speaker as i walk upstairs to check on Santana.
"wussap nigga" i say walking into my bedroom seeing him still asleep. I swear this nigga must be growing or sum because he can sleep. Like damn.
"im back in yo city..bout to slide through" he says as I hear the car engine in the back
"ight bet...hurry up though i gotta take Ashley her lunch." i say texting her letting her know ill be there in a lil bit before going to my closet. After getting me and Santana ready i grab him in his carseat and his bag and head down stairs. As i put him in into the car, King pulls up before hoping out.
"wussap" he daps me up before he looks over to Santana. "damn bruh... he look just like you" he says as Santana looks back at him.
"yeah man" i say rubbing my hand over my face. His moms need to hurry up and get off a nigga tired.
We hop into the car and make our way to Ashley job. It's shouldn't take long since she work like 15 minutes away.
"so how ashley left her lunch at yo house" King nosy ass asks. I swear this nigga try and know everything.
"when she woke up and left to go to work she forgot it. Ion know how cause i told her when she was getting ready to grab it." i back out of the garage.
"wait.. hold on" King says confused. "she stayed over here" he asked
"...yeah why" i ask looking ahead
"and where she slept at" he asks me
"damn nigga in my bed" i laugh at him
"niggaa... is yall fucking?"
"no nigga we not but we is tryna work on being together tho" i pull onto the road of the hospital
"yo..nigga you done grew some balls huh" he laugh making fun of me
"yeah nigga whatever we here so come on" i say turning of the car before going around and taking Santana out of his car seat. I aint feel like carrying it but i knew she was going to want to see him so i just decided to take him out. i lock the car before we make our way to the door. She told me to go through the West wing which i aint never been through before so it was odd seeing it was barely anybody in the main area other than the workers n shit.
I hear an elevator ding and turn to see Ashley with her scrubs on with her hair pulled back. She walks up to us greeting us
"hey yall" she says before grabbing Santana "hi bubby... i miss you" she says kissing his face
"damn that's all i get" i say crossing my arms looking over how good she look in her work attire.
'hi Israel" she says in my ear seductively as she stands on her toes, wrapping her free arm around my neck. "what yall about to do with my son" she says smiling as she backs up
"we aint about to do nothing probably go back to the house. What time you get-" im cut off by a masculine voice coming from behind her.
"Ashley" Mica or whatever his name is calls out. "you left your phone in my office" he saying coming up to us not even speaking to me or king. I hear King scoff beside me as i watch the scene in front of me play out.
"oh damn Thank you" Ashley grabs the phone from him before turning back around ready to continue the conversation with me.
"i was about to go get some lunch you want anything" he continues. He obviously tryna be funny like why he even still here.
"naa bruh she good i brought her sum" i say to him before he says okay and walks off. I look at Ashley to see her giving me a "really" look. "what" i ask her
"nothing." she rolls her eyes before handing me Santana and grabbing her lunch. "i get off at 3 so let me know if you going back to my house or not." she says
"probably not but ill let you know" i tell her before we go our separate ways. When we get back to the car i put my son back in his car seat before getting in.
"damn ian know the nigga work with her" king ass says
"yeah the nigga was tryna be funny" i say
"but why was her phone in his office tho" King says
"nigga ian tryna talk about that right now" i smack my teeth.
"i know you aint but that shit a lil sus" he says. I mean he do have a point. Why was she even in his office
'ill talk to her later" i say pulling out onto the road.
Ashley POV
I am tired as hell.
I walk out to my car, before getting in to make my way home for there night. As i am getting ready to call Izzy, i get a phone call from my apartment building.
"hello" i answer
"Hi , Ms. Ford . This is Hannah from the leasing office, i am calling because you have a lot of mail coming in as of now and it is taking up quite some space in our office" i haven been gone a day and i have too much mail that's odd. I try and think about any orders i may have placed but there are none i can think of.
"okay thank you Hannah ill be there to pick it up soon" I hang up before calling Izzy
"hey did you order anything? the leasing office is calling saying i have a lot of mail" i say
"naa i dont but we can pick it up later im still at my house" he says
"okay im on my way" i hang up the phone and make my way to his house. My stomach is actually getting butterflies like a little girl as im making my way to his house. He had looked so good earlier i just wanted to do some thangs...but im not.
I pull into his large drive way before hopping out of my car and making my way to the door. I ring the bell since this isn't my residence and wait for someone to answer.
"hey" i smile to Izzy as he doesn't say anything letting me in. I shake his no response off and follow him up the stairs.
"god im tired" i say taking off my work shoes
"mhm" he says going over to the couch. I look at him weirdly trying to figure out why he has an attitude. After sitting my bag down on the bed i walk over to where he is sitting and take a seat in his lap which i get no response.
"what's wrong" i say looking concerned.
"nun man watch out" he tries to move me off of him.
"you obviously have a problem and i can't help you unless you explain why your mad" i say looking him dead in his face as he looks at the tv. There is a moment of silence before he decides to talk.
"why was your phone in his office" he says making me laugh. "aint shit funny why you laughing" he says
"is that why your mad?" i say "because i went in there to tell him that we couldnt be more than friends since we are trying to work on our relationship are we not?" i say. He couldnt say anything so i tried to get up off of his lap causing him to firmly grip my waist causing me to stay in place.
"naa let me up" i say to him trying to move his arms
"im good" he grips me firmer placing his head in my neck.
"no you mad right?" i say trying to move again
"ian mad no more. I figured you had a reason but i was thinking about it too hard and made myself doubt you. My bad ma" he says pecking my neck.
"you can't do that... if you want to know something you ask dont just shut down " i say to him.
" i gotchu ma" he says continuing his pecking which quickly turns to an assault.
"you betta quit" i say
"or what" he says sending a cool chill down my spine.
"alright" i say pulling away sitting on the side of him paying attention to thee tv. I dont need anything happening right now plus im on my period.
"so i go back to work next month" Izzy says breaking me out of my thoughts. "ill be back and forth but for the most part ill be on the road for weeks maybe months at a time" he says as i shake my head. "i know you work almost everyday so my mom will be here for two weeks after i leave but she miss home so she'll be heading back"
"i understand... and ive been thinking i think i want to take some time off from work. Aiden still young and you gone be on the road but i dont know yet" i love my job but i dont want my mom basically raising my child since both of his parents will be working a lot.
"well just let me know what you gone do you know i got yall" he places his hand on my thigh. I have enough money saved so that if i wanted i can take off but i get what he is saying.
"We'll get to that when the time comes" i say smiling a closed mouth smile. "but i need to get some more clothes so you coming" i say getting up. I believe Aiden is with Ms.Sharon right now so i think we should leave him here and go get some clothes.
Before we leave i decide to go use the restroom to handle my business and to my surprise i see a foreign object in the pad. It looks like my IUD. Thats when it clicked. Did my shit just fall out?
I hurry and finish before calling my doctor and explaining what just happened.
"well Ashley you know my office is very busy and i may not be able to fit you in until time for your next appointment which is... in 6 months." Dr.Jackie says causing my jaw to drop. Its the beginning of april so that means october.
"okay can you let me know if you get any availabilities" i ask
"yes ill try" she says before hanging up. Shit. I should be fine its just 6 months.
I walk out of the bathroom and hop into the passenger side of my car. We decided to drive it since it was already out of the garage and Israel said he's never really driven it.
"you good" he asks
"yeah im fine " i say before we pull off.
Pulling up to the apartment we head to the office before we go up to the apartment.
"hi im Ashley Ford here to pick up mail" i say to the lady at the desk before she gets up and goes to get the mail. As she comes back i see there is boxes and a crate full of what look to be envelopes.
"are you sure these are addressed to the right apartment" i ask as she shakes her head yes. Izzy then grabs the two boxes before i grab the crate and we make our way to my apartment. When we enter i sit the crate down and begin to look through he mail seeing that it was addressed to Izzy. This confused me as to how do this many people know that he is even here.
"the fuck" he says as i turn around seeing that he is reading a message. "fucking zonnique man" he mumbles
"what happened" i ask
"My manager just texted me saying somebody leaked your address saying I lived here" he says
" that could've been anyone tho love" I say to him looking at the boxes "are you going to open any of this" I say
"We can open the boxes since it's only two but ion no bout all those letters" he says as I walk over and grab a knife. I slowly walk back over to him handing him the knife. He begins opening the first box which is filled with random stuff like a shirt and a cd and a letter asking him to autograph then. But then it was the second box.
Third POV
As soon as Ashley had gotten a glance at what was inside of the box she was rushing to the nearest bathroom to empty her stomach.
Izzy stood there looking over the photo covered inside analyzing all of the photos of the two. In all of the pictures, Ashley's face was either crossed out or cut out like the incident before. This made it obvious that there was others to the matter.
What upset Ashley stomach was the small pig that had had its guts ripped out and was lying dead in the bottom of the large box.
This made Izzy upset. This was a threat to not only her but their son and Izzy was not about to stand around and let someone terrorize his family.
He closed the box and made his way to Ashley who was rinsing her mouth out.
"Go pack you enough stuff for a min" he says as she shakes her head. Ashley knows that it is not the time to be questioning his judgement. As she scrambles through her room Izzy goes to Aidens nursery and begins packing his necessities but not too much since they have a lot already at his house. By the time he is done he goes into Ashley's room seeing that's she now has on some sweats and is her zip up her large duffel bag. He can't help but notice that she loves to wear the necklace he gifted her but ignores it since this isn't the time.
"I'll send somebody for yo bags and stuff" Izzy says as he puts the bag on his shoulder before they hurry out of the apartment. On the ride home Ashley wants to break down in tears but fights it. This is the second time she has had to move out of her house due to some threatening her existence. She's not scared but upset. She's tired of running, tired of living in caution.
Izzy on the other hand was preparing himself for a sacrifice that he was about to have to make. The one phone call that can change all the progress he has made.
When they made it to the house he parked Ashley's car in the garage and helped her with the stuff. He didn't want to pressure her into moving into the room with him so allowed her to choose where her clothes would be. Izzy was surprised when she went to his room sitting her bag down.
" you can put your stuff in the closet if you want" still trying to play it cautiously he says. The other large closet had been empty since he moved in since Zonnique never technically never stayed there and he didn't have anything to go since he was still filling the first one.
Ashely put the bag in the closet before exiting the room to go get her son. Izzy took this chance to call up his old friend. He closed the door behind Ashley before heading onto the balcony that overlooked his large backyard. He took a deep breath before pressing call and holding the phone up to his ear diving back into his past.
"Wuddap my nigga It's been a while" the voice speaks through
"Wussap cash you know we can't be in contact like that. " Izzy says sparking a prerolled blunt referring to the fact that the two can't let anyone know that they are even still cool.
"I know you need sum so wussap shadow" Cash says. Cash is a old friend of Izzys. Before the fame and shit, the two ran the streets of Detroit together. Cash being the one who was always in the spotlight and Izzy being the one who moved in silence or in the shadows being how the nickname "shadow" came about. Everyone knew shadow was a cold blooded killer and was ruthless but only few knew the face. After a while Izzy decided that he wanted more in his life and turned to music. Being that no one knew of his identity it was hard for him to start his career. He wanted to take Cash with him but he was too in love with the streets, his power and money. So when shadow "disappeared", Cash took over and made up for what the duo were together becoming someone that putting even more fear in many people hearts and love in those in his community.
"man... somebody playing with my family" he says taking a puff "you know I can't really go into detail"
" congrats on your son my nigga I heard about that but you know I gotchu just tell me what you need. But I need something too..." Cash says which did not surprise Izzy.
" shit ain't what it used to be niggas think they can fuck me over n shit. I know you a changed man and all But I just need to to oversee a few shipments here and there , take care of a few niggas that's playing with my shit...you know the drill. Ion need you working for me or nun but just a lil shit." He starts. "Shadow you really the only nigga who can put fear back in these niggas chest. Ion even hold the power that you held. Shit still hold. You know you gone have your cut I'll double what it was before and I take care of your family." He finishes. Izzy sits there for a second, thinking about what he should do.
"Ight im in" Izzy says basically signing his new life over.
" ight bet" Cash says before the line goes dead. Izzy knows that he has just returned back into the life he would hate for his son to have to witness. Leaning back in the chair he blows out the rest of the smoke in his lungs before putting out the blunt. He stays there until he feels a soft hand on his shoulder. He looks up to see Ashley with a almost 4 month old Aiden. Without saying anything she takes a seat on his lap allowing him to rest his hands on her waist as Aiden tries to sit up by hisself on his mother's lap.
"I didn't know you had a pool" Ashley says lowly
"Yeah... never used it tho" he says looking at his son who is trying to grab his mothers breast.
"I wanted to start getting Aiden some swimming lessons..." she says trying to take both of their minds off of everything the are current dwelling on.
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