《Just the Baby Momma》1.0


Ashley POV

" Girl come on... just come out with us this one time and I won't ask again" my best friend Briana begged with pleading eyes. Bri and I have been friends since high school and have been inseparable since. She is currently a dancer and is working towards opening a hair shop.

"Fine." I fell her rolling my eyes "but don't ask me again"

" I swear I won't. We have to find you the right thing to wear because you are going to have a time you won't forget"

I gave in this time because Bri is always asking me to go out but I just don't fit it in my schedule not because I don't want to... well maybe. You see, I mostly spend my time working. At 23 years old I am a full time nurse anesthetist and although I can have a flexible schedule I chose not to because it's something I love. So Bri just couldn't wait for me to have a day off so she can come barge in my house and drag me out to a club. I understand where she is coming from because i am very introverted. I have three close friends and barely like to go out unless its to their houses or to the grocery store. Every now and again i go out with the girls just to let go but for the most part im in the house. I am single as hell and am quite enjoying it. Not that i don't want someone, its just i would like to enjoy my time alone before settling down. I've dated in the past and have been in one serious relationship which resulted in him being unfaithful. Me being so trusting, i was blinded by his affectionate ways. Until one day, i went to go take him dinner because he claimed to be working overtime at the office and there he was...already having his dinner... his coworker.

Getting up from my cozy bed, I make my way into the large walk in closet attached to my master suite where Bri is rummaging through my clothes.

"Umm Ash why does all these fine ass clothes still have tags on them" she asks confused as she continues to look through the untouched item.

"Because I've never worn them" I say in a duh tone. I have a bit of a shopping addiction but i feel as though since i manage my money well enough i can do that. You can't be spending your pay check on designer items and can't pay your bills, honey.


I continue to look through my shoes and jewelry collection before crossing my arms and leaning on the doorway.

" you know what go shower and do your hair and makeup I'll handle this just be ready to wear what I tell you to." She push's me out the closet. I just keep my mouth shut as I know better than to argue with her. Taking a look into my bathroom mirror, i take a look at my hair tail length, bone straight hair which i just got done before placing it in a bonnet and shower cap.

After about three hours of preparing myself mentally and physically I look at myself in the mirror taking in the short black leather skirt paired with a leopard print bustier top I don't even remember buying. I was paired with my silver Chanel belt , layered rings, and silver Rolex my cousin brought me for my twenty-first birthday. I had on matching peak toe stilettos, a tiny purse to add to the look. Admiring my shape, i am happy with the outcome. One thing about by bestfriend is that she knows how to dress and i'll never discredit her.

"Damn I look good" I mumble before applying my font lip gloss on top of my brown lined lips. Bri really did her thing tonight.

" and you do" Bri said coming into the bathroom where I was brushing her wavy hair out. She was dressed in a yellow rushed body con dress that complemented her chocolate skin. "Lets go have fun bitch, the girls are already in the kitchen" she said smacking my behind and walking out the bathroom.

We leave out my room and head down the stairs into the kitchen of my townhouse to see our friends Maya and Paris taking videos of each other. They were both dressed in fitted outfits. Maya, the taller of the two, had on spandex black pant along with a yellow see through top and clear heels. Paris on the other hand wore an all leopard print dress that stopped just after her behind. Paris and I both worked at Emory hospital in Atlanta so we were around each other the most. The three of us met in college at Spelman College. Paris and I being roommates and Bri and Maya the same. I started with Bri coming to hang out in my room and she would bring along maya. Although Bri dropped out due to the very expensive tuition and Maya for other reasons, we have stayed friends through it all.


" Oh my god she has arisen from the dead" Paris acts shocked seeing me walk in

" good to see you too bitch" I laugh as I hug them. "Y'all must of planned these outfits out ahead of time." realizing we all somehow had matching attire on. Shortly catching up with the girls, i realized how much i missed this and it reminded me of when we were in school.

" okay time for shots" Bri states loudly placing nine shots of patron in front of us taking me out of my thoughts.

" girl why is there nine shots and four of us?" I question looking up to see her pushing three my way. This girl was trying to have me fucked already.

" drink up hoe" she says before they begin throwing them back and me shortly after. As I finish I drink some Red Bull to chase the burning sensation.

" y'all dirty. Let's go before i get drunk and can't leave for real" I say gathering my phone and purse. As I lock up my house and walk out side I see the girls getting in Maya's car where her driver we holding the door open. Maya comes from a wealthy family here in Atlanta. She comes from a very long line of lawyers and politicians, but she is a Instagram model. Not discrediting my girl or nothing but you can imagine how her father felt when he announced at his retirement party that he was passing on the legacy to her just for her to have to tell him that she dropped out in front of every city official.

"How are you tonight Donovan?" I asked the middle aged man I've seen on many occasions.

" I'm fine, and you Ms . Ford" I states plainly giving me a simple smile. From what I've gathered about Donavan is that he has been driving around Maya since the beginning of time. I honestly think Mayas father keeps him on to secretly spy on her due to the trust she has built in him.

" just fine" i enter the SUV with the girls to them playing City Girls "Where the bag at". We all sing along, pregaming before the club. Pulling out a flask, Maya passes is to me first as they hype me up to down the burning substance. Laughing it off, i pass it to the other girls before recording a video for my snap chat .It is not long before we are pulling up to the club. Donovan comes around letting us out stating how he will be waiting until we are ready. The bouncer instantly recognizes maya and lets us through. The loud bass of the trending music grows louder as we gain closer into the club. Making our way into the crowed area, i take a look around. You can see a sea of people dancing on each other having the time of their lives and bartenders shaking drinks before handing them to customers.

"Y'all go get some drinks, Ima go find King and his crew they have a section" she says as she leaves with her security detail. King has been her on and off boyfriend for about 3 years now. He hasn't really had to make a name for hisself due to his father being one of the largest rap icons and social media raving over him and Maya's relationship.

The rest of us stay behind and gets more shots from the bar. I figure since I'm here I might as well have a good time. Fuck it. Ordering a raspberry martini i dance in my seat a little and Bri records Maya and I.

" excuse me miss" I turn my head to some twenty one savage wannabe looking ass nigga trying to get my attention. I roll my eyes and turn back around from his corny ass. Im not a rude person but im not paying his short clown ass no mind.

" damn bitch you don't have to be rude." He says causing me to snap my head around. I guess Paris and Bri heard it because we all looked at each other and began to laugh. He then crosses his arms getting mad making me laugh even harder.

" he mad as hell bitch" Paris begins laughing

" he tried it" we all began laughing again I look at my phone seeing maya texted the group chat telling us how to get to the section.

"Ion find shit funny" he says huffing and puffing

"oh bitch lets go before he knock us down" I say before we get up and walk towards the section.

Time to turn tf up.

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