
Chapter 28:

Deciding to face the music, I walked into his office before shutting the door already knowing the protocol for me being in here.

I peek my head in to see him sitting at his desk and I closed the door before walking over to him. "You wanted to see me?"

"Why are you late?" He asked me, he was sitting on the edge of his desk and I really didn't like how calm the atmosphere felt. What was he going on about?

"I'm not, I came here with you." Obviously.

"Really? Because when I entered the building I was on time."

"Are we really going to do this right now?" I really didn't want to argue and I wasn't good at it either. "Why are you being petty minded."

"That wasn't you on in elevator talking to one of your coworkers?" He connected the top of his fist with the palm on his left hand before he snapped pointing to me. "No one of my employees?"

"You mean Seth?" I asked, pointing my thumb back to the door.

He dipped his head down and I could visibly see that he was laughing to himself before he settled. "So you two are on first base now? You already know his name?"

I glare at him. "He's a friend." That was a lie, we could be, but he didn't know that.

"Sure." He scoffed. "Last time I checked 'friends' don't flirt with each other."

And last time I checked we didn't have a label.

I then look to the door, wanting to leave. "So what? What if he did? It's not like I'm interested in him." I watched him cross his arms. "Why do you care?" I ask him, curiosity getting the better of me. I found myself always having a double meaning behind my words.

At my words his arms dropped and he stood up.

"Why do I care?" He asked me, his tone laced with angry, and he held the same curiosity that I had.

Every step he took towards me, I took one back. I honestly didn't like him like this but once seeing my facial expression that I looked frightened, he stopped. "Why do I care?" He asked again gruffly, but I feel like he was not talking to me, more to himself.

"I have to go." I turned to leave but before I could open the door an inch it was slammed shut, the noise echoed throughout the room. "Landon-" Turning back to face him, I couldn't even utter out a single word before his lips came crashing down on mine.

He kisses me hard, almost brutally as he pressed me closer to the door with his hips and I sighed against him trying to keep up. I couldn't function around him. Just like he couldn't with me. Bringing both of my hands up to push him away from me, he stopped me by wrapping both of his hands around my wrist bringing them above my head. My body betrayed me as my back arches off the door to press our fronts together and he responded back just as fast.

It didn't matter to me how quickly our undiscussed relationship was going, he was the first person that actually made me feel something and it scared the shit out of me.

It grew scorching hot in the room, almost like the sun was directed on our skin as we both kept the same pace, once realizing that I wasn't hesitant anymore he released my arms and they fell around his neck and into his hair. His lips released mine, only to take my bottom between his teeth, I shook my head once not wanting to be teased and our tongues danced in harmony.


Right now we were suppose to be working, answering calls.. but I didn't care anymore, they could wait.

We heard a faint knock on the door and my eyes widened before pushing him away from me. "Mr. Hale is everything okay? I heard banging."

"Yes, I accidentally dropped.." He had to think quick. "My books? I mean my books." I tried to sniffle my laughter, he definitely didn't have any books in here.

"Well alright.. if your sure.." The sound of the clicking heels disappeared.

He returned his attention back to me. "Embre I-"

"No, don't worry about it." I brushed myself off, trying to regroup.

"I never really explained what we were." He countered back, obviously he had something he wanted to get off his chest. "I like you, a lot actually. And I want you to be mine for the time being of us.. whatever this is." He pointed to the both of us. "Shit." He mumbled to himself. "That doesn't make sense does it?"

"Kind of." I shrugged, sagging into the wall. "While we are dating, you don't want me or you to date other people, just us." I hit the nail right on the head as he agreed with me. "That defeats the purpose.. we already live together and that's a major step."

"It's only temporary sweetheart."

"Yeah temporally." .. Just like me. It was really my fault for dragging out my stay at his place but he didn't seem to mind it.

"Hey." He took note of my change of tone and facial expression that I didn't try to hide. "That's not what I meant."

"I know." I sighed before standing upright once again. "You'll probably get bored of me."

"Come here." He flicked his forefinger out to me for me to walk into his opening arms, his hand went under my chin for me to look up at me. "If you were boring, I would have let you beat your feet on trying to figure out where to live in the meantime." He stated out to me. "I wouldn't try this hard if you were boring."

"Try what?"

"I've never wanted someone as much as I want you." His piercing hazel green eyes held mine. "Physical and mentally, usually it's just the first one." His chest rose up and down in sync with mine.

"So.." I cleared my throat. "How many girlfriends have you had?"

"Other than you.. three but I wouldn't really count one of them. It lasted all of four hours."


"Let's just say.. the press got ahold of my relationship faster than I could process it."

"Oh so she wanted the label."

"Exactly." He gave me a gently squeeze of approval of my understanding. "So no, in my terms I've never had a real relationship."

"But you want one now?" It was a rhetorical question, but I wanted to hear the words come from him.


"Oh well the girl must be lucky." I pat his chest twice for encouragement. "I would love to meet her one day."

"Funny." He chuckled before his lips pulled up into a smile. We stood there for a good solid fifteen seconds just admiring each other, my eyes scanning his face and for the first time I didn't feel self conscious when he stared at me. "I really like this on you." My forefinger trailed along his beard.


"It makes me look older than what it's suppose to be." He informed me. "It betrays me every single time."

"Well I like it still." I puckered his cheeks. "Makes you look mature."

"Then I might keep it." He joked. "At least my favorite girl will like it."

"Stop." I rolled my eyes at his overload of affection he was showing, but I couldn't deny that I liked it.

"You look beautiful today." He continued on and I bowed my head, smiling to myself. "Your outfit is just a bonus."

"We have work." I redirected the conversation. "And unless you want your phone blowing off the hook, I suggest you go answer it."

"They can wait."

"Okay when you're broke and go out of business don't say I didn't warn you."

"As much as I hate saying this." His hands travel down, securing them around his favorite spot on my body. "I am a millionaire."

"And? I own a bunch of pennies in my piggy bank what does that make me? A pennyanaire?" I just made that word up.

"You don't even own dimes?"

"No, because my nickels get jealous."

He rolled his eyes before trying to hold back his laugh. "You are something else."

"Wait until you meet my family." I joked but he stiffened as soon as the last word slipped my mouth. "That just ruined the moment." I mumbled to myself.

"No." He shook his head before I felt his body slowly releasing itself back to normal. "If we are still together, I wouldn't mind."

"Okay." I cheerfully gloated and he kissed me on my forehead before letting me go.

"As much as I don't want you to leave.."

"We have work to attend." I finished his thought and he caught me off guard as he winked at me before turning to walk to his desk.

"I'll see you in a few." He called out to me once he grew some distance between us.

"Yes sir." He stopped in his place, he turned his head to the side before angling his body to me.

But before he could even utter what he was thinking, I rushed out of the room. I knew I was going to hear about it later.

Going to my office, I wanted to smack my head against the wall after seeing the paperwork and sticky notes of numbers I needed to call. I swear being a Personal Assistant is a lot of work.


After a good solid four hours had passed I leant back in my chair, deciding to take a five to ten to maybe forever break.

"Knock, Knock." I heard a soft soothing voice and it took everything within me to not fall asleep. Opening my eyes I saw Adaline standing in the middle of the doorway. "Hey come in."

"You look stressed." She took notice of how I was slumped before sitting up.

"I am." I ran my head over my hair making sure nothing was sticking up. "How are you?" I gestured for to have a seat if she wanted to.

"I'm good." She replied. "I heard about what happened."

"What happened?"

"Your friend? News travels around here."

"People are so noisy.." I rolled my eyes before shrugging. "But yes it's true."

"Do you still need a place to stay?"

"Not anymore I don't."

Her eyebrows furrowed in questioning. "Where are you staying?"

"Well uh.."

"If you need me to close the door then okay." She went over to the door and shut it. "Too many vultures roam this company."

"Well you already know him." I hinted, and it wasn't like a secret to her anyway and she respected that I wanted to keep it to ourselves.

"I know him?" She looked deep in thought. "I don't know anybody else expect for-" I could tell she already figured it out. She pointed in the direction of his office. "Him?"


"As in him, him. You're sure?" Her eyes were as wide as cotton balls, I could tell she was trying to process it all.

"How did that happen?!"

"He offered me after I told him what happened." I stated simply, there was no need for the details.

"He offered?"


"Like offered, offered right? Like-"

"I'm hungry you want to go grab something to eat?" I asked, realizing she was stunned for words.

"Yeah, that's a great idea." She placed her hand to her forehead before we set out for lunch.


We arrive back to the office and we go our separate ways, after having to explain to her what happened since she still couldn't believe it, before getting back to work. I sit down at my desk and my intercom comes on almost automatically, as if it knew my arrival.



"We have a meeting in 10."

"What room?" I asked him while gathering my supplies needed for the meeting.

"1476." Why does he keep changing the rooms?

"I'm on my way." He ends the call and I get up and make my way to the room. Sitting down on the far left side like always, I wait.

A few minutes later some- some familiar-business men come into the room- Landon last- and he sits next to me, leaving the other men to sit around him.

It was quite odd that he sat next to me unexpectedly, and a few eyes lingered on us, I knew that they took notice to his unusual behavior. I wasn't going to question him so I clicked my pen, preparing to do my job.

I took notes, listening-sometimes passing in my inputs when asked-but all too soon I came to the conclusion as to why he was sitting next to me.

His hand ran across my thigh almost unexpectedly and it caused me to jump in fright before looking down to seeing his hand tighten its grip on my thigh.

It didn't really bother me until he started to draw small circles with his thumb and it caused me to shiver, but it wasn't because of the cold. Looking up from my paper to see him- talking as usual-with a small smirk lingering on the corner of his lips.

I tried to move away from his touch, but his hand clamps around my thigh- stopping his circle motion- causing my cheeks to heat up but I try to remain professional like he wasn't possibly affecting me.

I faked a rubbing of my nose before dropping my hand to my lap before latching my hand around his.

It seemed to take him by surprise but he flipped his hand over for my hand to fit into his.

"That's it for the meeting gentlemen, you may leave."

"But-" One of them tried to interject.

"I said you may leave." He sternly ordered them. "Come back tomorrow if you are still interested, then I'll let you know if I'm interested in investing."

"Yes sir." They all got up, some looked annoyed, pissed, and others looked like they were pleading with him to let them stay to make a deal.

Once the door closed, I flicked his hand away. "That was rude."

"How so?"

"You talk rough all the time."

"That's one of my jobs." He twisted his chair to face me his facial expression stern and I backed my chair up to stand.

"Well then I should get back to my job." I cheekily grinned before gathering my stuff.

"I didn't say you could leave."

"You don't have to say or tell me anything, I was blessed with two of these." I pointed to my ears.

"I want you to stay."

"We're almost off and then after that I can stay for how longer you want." I held out of my hand for him to shake.

He took it nonetheless but instead of giving me a solid handshake he yanked me down colliding our bodies together. "Do I talk rough with you?" His tone changed, raspy and affective. He knew he was in charge.

"Not really." I shrugged, before placing my folder in between us. "I'll see you in your office." But I quickly had to add in once I saw his facial expression, a sly grin was forming as he thought of other.. naughty things. "For the notes." He fake pouted but before it could take a toll on me, I exited the room to go to his.

Pushing open his door, I entered. His gigantic chair- bigger than mine- seemed inviting and looking to the door and looking back and I decide to humor myself while waiting.

Rounding his desk I flopped down, almost falling from how low it is compared to my chair in my office.

Once readjusting it. I gave myself a twirl before facing the door again, grinning to myself I did it again. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." I stop with the chair facing the opposite direction.


Slowly spinning myself back around, I see him closing the door. Placing my hands on his desk, I stood up in a hurry. "You did not see that."

I watched him carefully as he pulled off his suit jacket- a little too slowly for me- the ripple of his muscles followed his movement. "But I did."

I continued to watch him walk towards me and my hands tightened on the edge of his desk.

Turning the chair, I watched him back his chair away from me for him to sit and for once he was looking up at me.

He reached out for my hand before tugging it, telling me he wanted me to sit. "I'm kind of heavy." I warned him before granting him what he wanted.

He didn't make any sign of discomfort. Both of his hands went around my mid section, his right hand fanning out before pressing me back and I leaned into his embrace, my back meeting his front. I leant my head back onto his right shoulder.

"The notes?" He turned his head to the side, his lips lingering against my cheek causing goosebumps to awaken.

"Right there." I pointed to green folder I had used his desk. "You want to go over them right now?"


"Okay." We stayed in silence after that. I turned my head to the side to see his beautiful eyes were shut closed. Twisting a little, I reached my right hand up to lay against his left cheek before running my thumb across softly. I heard his small sigh- it couldn't have gone unnoticed- but he didn't open his eyes. He seemed peaceful.

Traveling my hand down, letting my hand rest on his chest, I leaned in to give him a small kiss but before I could pull away his left hand reached up, his forefinger and thumb going under my chin, securing me to him. This unlike the others remained slow, and it felt.. different.

Opening my eyes, I found his hazel green eyes boring back at mine. "I have something to ask you."


"Will you go out with me?" I looked at him confused before he continued. "Damn that sounded weird, but to an event I have go to."

"Oh it's mandatory?"

"For all business men and women.. sort of like an appreciation for what we do."

"Oh so the personal assistants don't get the same treatment, I'll have you know this is a hard job." He grinned before dropping his hand to secure it back to were it was originally.

"I'm asking you this because my parents are going.. and so are my siblings." I tensed after the word parents slipped from his lips.

"Your parents.." I sat up and he released me, his hands falling on both the armrest.

"Yes, my dad and my stepmom." He answered and if my eyes weren't already gigantic, they sure did expand.

"I'm meeting your parents?" My brain didn't seem to want to accept the information, like it wanted to send it back out.

"That's if you want to." He reached for me again, pulling me back into his embrace. "If you don't want to, just say no it won't hurt my feelings."

"N-no, I want to. I would love to."

"Good." He kissed me cheek and I turned my head into his shoulder, hiding my face. "Why do you do that?" He chuckled after seeing me shy away from him.

"Because I'm not use to it." I mumbled before lifting back up to see written confusion plaster his face. "You don't think we're moving a little bit too fast?"

"Embre I'm 25 years old and I'm not getting any younger, I've already experienced life way too many times."

"Well.." I was still on the fence about it, I've only known him for a two months and I feel like I've known him for a lifetime.

"It's better for you to meet them now rather than dating for a year and it turns out they hate you or you hate them, our relationship wouldn't work then."

"Family is important." I agreed with him on that. "So when is this event?"

"In two weeks."

"Okay, that gives me plenty time.. speaking of time, what time is it?"

He flicked his hand out before reading his watch. "Close to three."

"I'm so tired." I whined, wrapping my hands around his neck. "Can I get the rest of the day off?"

"Nice try." He rubbed my back before patting it twice. "Let's go over the notes."

"Fine." I thought he was going to allow to me to stand up but he rolled the seat close to his desk.

"You know there is a good perfect looking seat right there for me to use."

"You don't like the one you're sitting on?" He asked, reaching for the notes.

"I didn't say that."

"You implied it."

"Let's just get this over with." I changed th subject, grabbing my notebook. And for the rest of time, I had to ignore Landon's manhood, and fighting my sleep.

Just great.


Eventually I ended up back in my office, after reading the time to see that it was time for us to head home.

Gathering my things, I went right back to office. Seeing that people were dismissing themselves to their vehicles to go home.


He slid back on his suit jacket before looking up to see who it was. "Hey." He acknowledged me.

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