《Dear Mr.CEO {COMPLETED}》Impending Luck


Chapter 13:

I walk into my apartment and I see Regina in the living room- watching a show she always watches with her ice cream. She looks up with her face stuffed-with cookies and cream- smiling at me.

"So how was work?" She asked.

I plop right on the couch next to her. "Regina its been... eventful."

"What do you mean?" She asked, sitting up.

"I think I almost kissed the CEO." I confessed to her, slightly blushing.

She chokes on her ice cream. "WHAT!"

I look down. "To be honest I really don't know, he wanted me to call him by his first name when we are alone and I refused because that is going to be bad business I think, and I don't know how it happened I just ended up in his arms and...."

I look up and she staring at me.

"Continue." She says looking eager for information.

"And so he started leaning in I didn't know what to do and it almost happened but this reception lady walked in." I finished.

"Well I think you like him."

"I don't even know the guy and besides he's my boss." I exclaim, she should be telling me to be more professional.

"Mhm okay Embre." She brushed me off, getting up to go into the kitchen and I followed after her. "It's been how many weeks?"

"I'm telling the truth!" I continued with my slight lie. It was a harmless crush that was manageable.

"Did you want him to kiss you?"

I freeze. "Regina." I whine, not wanting to answer her. She already knew what the answer was.

"Did you?" She pressed, putting the ice cream away before turning to face me.

"Fine! I think I did." But I quickly follow up with, "But he's my boss isn't it suppose to be professional?"

"Not if he doesn't want it to be."

"But what if I want it to be?"

"Then tough shit."


"That's sexual harassment."

"Girl please." She scoffed. "We all know you want it and it's not like you can't kick him in his ass."

I roll my eyes at her, watching her walk out the room to go to hers and I do too, needing a good nights rest.

I gather all of my things needed be to take a shower, stepping into the cold water that soon turns warm I feel my tense muscles relax against the running water.

My daily night routine was finished and putting on my black t shirt and Nike shorts I was about to lay down for the night when I heard my phone buzz.. No one texts me so I grab my phone in confusion.

That's weird. I pick up to read a message by in unknown number:

you really should put a password on your phone~Landon.

How did he get my phone number? Then I remember; that slick bastard.

I text back.

Well I didn't think I would lose my phone or better yet someone leaving their number in my phone.

I wait a few minutes and then my phone buzzes.


Hmm I don't think I know anyone who would do such a thing.

I text back.

I think I know someone who might do 'such a thing' he starts with an L ends with a n.

I wait for two minutes.

Landon: I dont know anyone that goes by those initials but i'll keep my eye open.

I sit down on my bed and I can't stop giggling. I reply back.

Okay you do that while I catch some sleep after all I do have work tomorrow.

I wait for a few minutes and in that time I get under the covers. My phone buzzes.

Landon: You make that sound like a bad thing after all I do get to see my favorite person.

I feel heat creeping up to my cheeks.

"And who would that be" I reply back.

Landon: Ah I dont know but she starts with in E and ends with an E.


"Really? I don't know anyone with those initials but I keep my eyes open. Copying his words. I add. Goodnight Mr.Hale.

I say he's probably glaring or smirking at his phone.

Landon: ....Goodnight.

I set my alarm for 7:30 and I doze off shortly after, my thoughts scrambling my mind before shutting down.




I slam my hand against my alarm clock. Shut the hell up.

Rolling out of bed, already missing its warmth, I took a shower, washing my hair in the process to turn my straight hair back to its natural state, it took me thirty minutes to do but it was worth it.

After applying my hair products and edge control to keep my hair tamed, I decided to let it air dry instead of using my diffuser because I didn't really have the time.

And I go into my closet and I pick my outfit. A white see-through button down sleeve shirt with on undershirt underneath and a black skirt and my black 3 inch wedges adding my favorite necklace and some earrings. I check my time and I have thirty minutes to get there on time and I was going to make sure I was.

I quickly rush out of my bedroom and into the living room. "Here." Regina said throwing my keys to me.

"Thank you." I thank her, grabbing my phone, my bag and I'm off.

"Have a great day at work baby!" She yells to me, before I could shut the door.

"You too sweetheart!" I said back. Being a journalist I would need all the luck I could get with trying to find stories.

I grab my AUX cord, playing music instead of listening to the running traffic that I know I'm going to have to deal with.


Pulling up to the building and I have five minutes to get into the building and I made it my mission to get there on time.

Having a easy sail from the elevator I walked into my office, already having work to do; to contact the people assigned to jet for his- I mean our trip to New York City.

I pressed the button to his office. "Mr Hale?"

"Yes?" He answers, I don't think I'm going to get use to his voice.

"Mr Hale it's Miss Daniel, I was calling you to tell you that everything is set for New York."

"Of course Miss. Daniels."

"Okay I'll leave you to your work." I say about to remove my hand from the intercom button.

"Miss Daniels."


"I would like coffee. Black and two sugars."

"Yes, Sir." He hangs up. I get up from my sit and I make my way to the reception lady.

"Um do you know where to coffee room is?" This was my first time getting him coffee in the morning.

"Yes. Take a left and continue down." She instructs.

"Thank you."

I take a left and I continue down into I see a label Lounge. I open the door, seeing a coffee machine and I make my way towards it.

I begin making his coffee. Black with two sugars right? I think so, hearing a noise and I turn sharply and I am meet with innocent doe eyes. "Oh my god, you scared me!" I say putting my hand over my heart.

"I'm sorry!"

"Its okay."

"Are you new here?" She brushes her hair out of her face.

"Yes I am I'm Mr.Hale P.A."

"Oh Miss Daniels?"

"Embre." I say, smiling to her. "What's your name?"


"Well I better get going I have to give the boss his coffee nice meeting you, see you around."

"You too."

I make my way out of the room and I make my way to his office and I give a knock.

"Come In." I hear his voice. Opening the door I walk into his office.

Luck better be on my side, and if not I'm suing.


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