《Dear Mr.CEO {COMPLETED}》Unexpectedly


Chapter 9:

I gave his door a small knock, and I heard his voice automatically. "Come in."

"Did you need something Mr. Hale?"

Well obviously. That's why he called you in.

"Yes, sit please." And I did what he asked before looking at him and he creased his eyebrows down before asking. "The notes?"

"Oh right." I handed him the folder. "Miss Jones is a great teacher."

"Is she now?" He had a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I do take you're enjoying her company."

"Yes sir, I am."

"You don't have to be formal with me."


"Well." I cleared my throat. "Sorry sir."

"You did good today." He acknowledged my efforts. "Can you make a reservation for me at De Rosa Cafe down the street, table for two."

Oh? Who was the lucky girl?

It could be a male friend Embre shut up.

"Of course." He sat the notes down before resting his back against the chair with his right arm perched up on the armrest. Did he have to look like a runway model? It wasn't fair.

"Do you need something Miss Daniels? Anything." He asked me and I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Uh.." I cleared my throat. "I don't think so."

"Good." It was plain word but something told me he had a double meaning to his words.

"So I'm just going to get right on that for you. The reservation."


Walking back to my office and finally sitting down in the seat, my body felt as if it were going to disappear in the material it was made out, I sighed in contentment.

Opening the computer that was sitting on the desk, I looked up the closet cafes near me. And sure enough I think the one he was talking about was De Rose Cafe- it had a five star rating.


I decided to not use my phone but instead the one that was sitting two feet away from me. Sliding over to phone- I had to catch myself from how fast the chair made me go- I dialed the ten digit number.

"Hello?" A women speaks into the phone.

"Hi, I would like to book a table for two please?"

"Yes of course and for whom?" The lady asked, trying to confirm who name she should put down.

"For Mr. Hale the CEO of Hale Enterprises." Once I gave her the name, I could hear a conversation going on in the background.

"Yes of course." Once she realized I was still on the phone waiting for her to come back to reality of what she heard.

"Thank you." I thanked her and hung up. This time being cautious I slid down to the intercom button to Mr. Hales office, not wasting time to tell him I did what he told me.


"I just booked you a table for two at the 'Finest Cafe'." I emphasize the last two words. "So you're set to go."

"Thank you." The next words surprise me. "Be ready in five Miss. Daniels."


"Why?" I dared ask.

"Because I'm taking you out for lunch." And he hangs up. He wanted to take me out?

'Don't freak out.' I chanted to myself, it's only because we need lunch. Right?

Its been five minutes when I hear someone knock on my door, and already knowing who presence I was going to be in, I walked and opened it. And there stood a approximately 6'2 Mr. Hale. "You ready?" He asked giving me a once look over.

"Yes" I replied back. "One second." Grabbing my things, we walked out of my office to the elevators. I was getting ready to press the button but his hand beat me to it, pushing my hand to the side and I automatically felt goosebumps trying to rise on my hand.


I think it was to the fact that the opposite sex and a greek looking god touched my hand.

There was no denying that I was attracted to him but it was my job to be professional about it.

My eyes darted to the numbers, feeling the tension in the elevator grow by the second.

He was standing behind me but I could feel his intense stare and if I didn't get out of this elevator I knew something bad was going to happen, and I would lose my job.

"Ladies first." He gestured for me to leave the elevator first when I didn't move. "Miss Day, Miss Daniels and I are going to lunch for a business meeting we will be back shortly, cancel my meeting, and reschedule it to three o'clock. Thank you." He said, well not really, to the reception lady who I now know her name is Miss Day.

"Of course Mr. Hale." She seemed to have come to life as she eyed him as if he was a piece of her favorite meat and she purred her answer to him.

It was disgusting really but I couldn't blame her because my thoughts were the same a few seconds ago. I looked to him to see he doesn't seem fazed about her trying to flirt with him.

Thinking that I was going to follow behind him his hand snatched out to grab mine before I could even reach Regina's car "This way." He released my hand.

I followed after him, and he pulled out his car key to his car that I definitely didn't know the name of. I thought he was going to walk over to his side but he stopped by the passenger door, opening it for me.

"What?" He asked me as I eyed him and I shook my head at him.

"Nothing." I guess chivalry wasn't dead yet after all. "Thank you."

Slipping into his car, my nostrils didn't seem to burn as the car smelled just like him, well plus the scented fragrant tree that was perched on the rear view mirror. At least he smelled decent; like mint and rosewood.

I turned my head to the side, seeing him entering his vehicle. "Seatbelt." He didn't command me to do it more of suggesting for me to like I wasn't already.

I secured mine around myself. Suddenly the car jointed forward, making my hand shoot up for the bar handle to hold on and he took off down the street.

So that's why he made sure I was wearing my seatbelt..

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