《Dear Mr.CEO {COMPLETED}》Getting Ready


Chapter 2:

I go straight into my bathroom-if she wanted to go out then a shower was definitely in order.

Turning on the shower, I began doing other things waiting for the water to grow warm.

Opening my cabinet, I pulled out my face cleanser and applied it to my face, knowing my face was sensitive to makeup, I didn't want to have another acne break out session and having to spend almost a week indoors.

Rinsing my hands from the product, I dried my hands before grabbing my phone to listen to music. I'm glad I made a playlist just for this so I wouldn't be bored.

Stripping from my clothing, I stepped into the sizzling warm water. I didn't want to take too long due to not wanting to hear Regina's nagging voice of "you're taking too long to shower."

Grabbing my towel hanging on the rod outside of my shower I wrapped it around my mid section, stepping out.

Going into my bedroom I went over to my drawer, opening the top one were my undergarments were, I pulled out a matching set. Letting the towel drop, I quickly dressed as if fighting to get away from the cold air.. but it hardly worked.

Going through all my clothes-realizing that most of my stuff was for when I get a job, or just regular everyday clothes- I sighed in defeat and for my reality. Going over to my door and I yelled out. "Regina I have nothing to wear!"

"That's why I have a closet, Duh!" She yells from her room.

Grabbing my towel off the floor, I secured it around myself before making my way to her room. And I already see two dresses laid out on her bed.

"Choose one." She told me, as she walked out from her bathroom brushing her teeth.


"I like the red one." My eyes kept drifting back to it.

"Good choice, go on put it on." She urged me, as she fanned her hand out, signaling me to leave.

"Okay, Okay." I took the red dress and literally run out the room. Heaven knows that no one wants to see her turn into a green eyed monster.. literally.

Putting the dress down on my bed, I go back into the bathroom. Now I had the most difficult task..

The beast I call.. My hair.

It's naturally curly, and the worst part is detangling it, pulling out my straightener, I decided to straighten my hair. But it probably would go back curly by tonight since me and humidity don't get along. I needed my heat protector spray, I would be doomed without it.

Getting to work, I have learned in a records time that I could do my hair less than thirty minutes... but it always felt longer than that. Grabbing a hair tie I secured it into a loose ponytail so I could do my makeup.

But first I needed to put on my dress, I didn't want any smudges on it.

I change into the dress carefully. The dress is skin tight at the top, making me feel like I couldn't breathe a little bit, but around my waist line the dress let up a little bit, and when I moved the dress flowed around me, it stopped above my knee.

I really felt like a high school girl going to homecoming.

Smoothing the dress out, I made my way back into the bathroom. Opening the counter drawer and I pulled out my makeup bag.

I put on little makeup, Regina always gets mad at me for this. I just go with a natural look, due to me not having much experience with makeup.


Examining myself trying to see if I messed up anywhere. I removed my hair tie from around my hair to let my hair fall around me, my hair resting a little over my breast.

"Do you have those hoop earrings-"Regina barges in without making her announcement first, but she cut herself short. "Well look at you."

"Do I look okay?" I asked, she looks at me like I had grown two heads.. well that couldn't be good.

"Okay? Girl you look great!" I felt my face heat up, but I know she saw the little tint of red on my cheeks. Being mixed sure did have its downfall, everybody could see it.

I give the hoop earrings- that I borrowed back to her and she puts them on, leaving again, to go put on her dress.

Turning back to the mirror I smiled, the girl in the mirror copying my movement, causing me to laugh at my idiocy, I mean it was me after all.

I was glad that I had done my toe nails, because just yesterday my toes were trying to have a full conversation with me on how I don't take care of them. Too much information.. moving on.

Opening my closet door, I grabbed my black laced heels. Slipping them on I went from 5'3 to 5'6.

Leaving my bedroom and I make my way to Regina's room, giving her door a small knock, letting her know that I was coming in but she knows it's me -after all we are the only two in the house. I see her fumbling with her zipper causing me to laugh.

I decided to let her out of her misery by helping her zip up. "Thank you."

"What would you do without me." I flipped my hair over my shoulder dramatically, as if I just helped her finish her homework.

"Oh shut up." She turns to face me and her eyes widen as she once again takes in my appearance. "Tell me why you are still single?"

"Maybe I haven't met him yet." I didn't know, and I wasn't really looking for a relationship.

"You might see him tonight." She joked, playfully wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah hopefully." I fake cheered with her, doubting it. "Are you ready to go?" I asked, changing the subject from my boring life.

"Yeah let me just grab my things."

"I'll meet you in the living room."


I walk out of her room going straight into the living room. A few minutes later Regina walks out and she grabs her keys. "Ready?" She asked me, as if I wasn't sitting out here waiting for her.

"Ready." We walk out of our apartment and she walks down the long narrow hallway, while I lock our place up.

"Where are we going?" I ask her, after I had literally had to jog to catch up with her.

"It's a surprise." I give her a look. She hit the number one button for us to descend down to exit the building complex.

Shortly, we had made it to her car and I persistently kept asking her where we were going because I didn't like surprises that much.

She doesn't give it away as she just laughs as we entered the vehicle as she pulls away, driving to our destination.

Blasting music on the way and I thought to myself after tonight she really needs to go to the doctor and I laugh, joining in with her as we bob our heads to the music.

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