《Beach Baby》epilogue



13 years later....


That's what I am today.

The reason for that is my wife and my daughter are synched.

They're both on their periods and hate me at the moment and I'm fearing my life.

Laila is now 16, Levi is 13, Luka is 8, Lorella is 4.

Yes me and Aulora have four kids together and what about it.

"Dad, where did you put my chips," Laila says as she storms into the kitchen where I'm cooking.

She looks angry with her arms crossed.

"Their in the pantry," I mumble as I stare at her nervously.

She stomps away and goes to get them.

Lorella comes running in and hugs my legs.

"Hi cutie," I say to her and she looks at me with a huge smile.

"Daddy, mommy told me to bug you for fishies," she says and I roll my eyes.

I grab the goldfish and put it at the table and help her sit in the chair.

Aulora comes stomping down the stairs glaring at me and her arms are crossed.

"Why did you keep the boys up last night now they have slept all day and have to much energy," she huffs ad she stares at me.

"Uhm," I say scratching the back of my neck.

Levi walks up to me with a smirk on his face.

"Moms just mad that I get bitches," he shrugs and my eyes widen.

"LEVI DONT THINK I WONT SEND YOU TO YOUR TWIN IS IF YOU DONT STOP," Aulora yells at Levi and he laughs before running away to his room.

Do we make jokes about the trauma of loosing Luna? Yes we do.

Luka walks down the stairs tiredly.

Luka is very different from Levi.

Luka is very quiet, smart, and definitely a mommas boy it's very cute.


He walks up to Aulora and puts his arms up signaling for her to hold him.

He picks him up and he lays his head on her shoulder as he stares at everything.

Me and Luka have our moments but he would rather be with his mom.

Lorella is a daddies girl and loves to be with me.

"Are you hungry?," she asks Luka and he shakes his head at her as he lays there.

She nods her head before walking to the couch and sitting down with him cuddling up to her.

Aulora is such a amazing mom and doesn't give herself enough credit.

She single-handedly birthed five children and breastfed four children.

I swear I love this woman more and more everyday.

We have been all to busy to see our friends but they all have such amazing lives now.

Their all married with kids.

Sam and Grey are married with 2 boys and a girl.

Lorenzo and Oliver are married with one boy and one girl.

Amelia and Nalani are married with no kids.

Delilah's and Elias are married with 4 girls and 3 boys.

Delilah and Elias got very busy and popped our kids like no ones business but who am I to judge.

Aulora and I also have one dog.

The dog is obsessed with Laila and follows her everywhere around the house.

Laila comes back and sits next to Aulora as she eats her chips in silence.

"Who left my chips open their stale," she groans before she gets up and throws the whole bag away.

"Daddy I do it," Lorella says quietly and I nod my head at her.

"I did it sorry baby sunshine," I mumble to her and she just shakes her head.

Levi walks back downstairs and sits on the couch.


"I'm sorry for calling women bitches I won't do it again," levi mumbles and i smile at him.

We teach our boys to respect women.

"It's okay but next time you do it you will be seeing your twin in the flesh and blood," Aulora says as she rubs Lukas back while he falls asleep.

He slowly nods his head and sits there.

I take Lorella and sit her on the couch as we all just stare at eachother.

"Hypothetically if I did have a girlfriend would you guys get mad at me?," levi asks and I shake my head at him.

This kid.

"I wish you would wait til your older," Aulora says and I agree with her and he nods his head.

"I have a boyfriend," Lorella says and I snap my head to her.

"Nope immediately no," I shake my head as I talk and she just stares at me.

"Daddy I love him," she says and my eyes widen.

"Nope you're literally a baby I won't let you grow up just stop talking," I say to her.

"But dadd-," I shush her and put my hand covering her mouth.

"I think that I like girls and boys," Laila says and my head snaps to her next.

"You guys keep hitting me with all this information gimme a second," I mumble as I pretend to hyperventilate.

"You don't support me," Laila says as her eyes start to water.

"Noo, I mean yes. Yes I do support you I just needed a second. I don't care what your sexuality is," I mumble to her and she sighs in relief.

"I support you too," Aulora says and leans over and kisses her cheek.

"Luka do you have a girlfriend too?," Aulora asks him and he shakes his head.

"Thank you lord," she mumbles.

"I have a boyfriend," he mumbles and her eyes widen.

"No you're not allowed to date your going to be my baby forever," Aulora says as she squeezes him.

"But I kiss him," he mumbles back and Aulora just shushes him and pretends not to hear it.

"You're literally seven months old," she says as she stares at him and he shakes his head.

"Don't fight me," she says and he shakes his head.

"Mama I'm 8," he mumbles and she laughs at him.

"You're a baby just be quiet I'm not letting you grow up," she mumbles.

Poor guy.


Here's the epilogue.


The love you guys showed me yesterday on the last chapter literally made me cry.

Thank you for all the support and reads it means the world to me.

I love you guys so much never forget that! <3

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