《Beach Baby》chapter 59 | engagment




That's what I'm doing today.

I'm going on a date with my amazing, sexy, incredible, muscly boyfriend.

I piss him off a lot but he loves me.

We're currently in bed as I squeeze his head to my chest and hug him as he sighs.

"You're h-hurting me," he mumbles and I just smile at him.

"Hurt, love, their the same thing. I'm aggressively loving you," I say to him and he just slides his hands around my waist and hugs me.

I'm laying on top of him too. So he's very squished by me right now.

"Olive," he huffs as I push my head under his shirt and pull my head through the neck hole and hug him closer.

"I need to be closer, let me in your skin," I mumble but of course he ignores me.


"Did you're dick hurt when you pierced it?," I ask him knowing the answer is yes.

"Mhm," he mumbles while rubbing his thumb on my waist.

"You need to get up, I thought we were going on a date," I say to him and he nods his head.

"Can't g-get up if your o-o-on top of m-me," he mumbles.

Dramatic I'm barely touching him.

I roll my eyes as I get off of him and lay besides him.

"A-are you gonna g-g-get ready?," Lorenzo asks me and I just huff.

"Baby, w-why are you m-mad?," he asks me as if he doesn't know the reason.

"Because I was barely touching you and you say "oh my god you're crushing me" I'll just never lay on you again," I roll my eyes and get up to go to the closet.

I look through my clothes when I feel his arms snake around my waist and a light kiss placed on my neck.

"I j-just needed t-t-to get ready. I-I'm sorry," he says and I just smile.

"I was never mad I was fucking with you but as you should," I shrug.

He huffs and let's go of next before walking away.

I grab a outfit for myself.

Which is loose khaki pants and a light blue crew neck with some light blue vans.

I comb my hair just making sure it doesn't look messy and dumb.

Lorenzo walks into the bathroom in a black shirt and pants with black shoes.

He has all sorts of rings and jewelry on that makes him look edible.

He can ruin me later.

Anyways I brush my teeth as he does his.

Once we're both done with brushing our teeth I turn to him with a smile.

"What d-do you w-w-want?," he sighs because he knows I'm gonna ask for something.


"Just a kiss," I smile innocently.

He rolls his eyes at me before he grabs my throat and pulls me to him.

He slams our lips together effectively knocking my breath from my throat.

As our lips move in sync.

He rubs his thumb up and down my jaw as he kisses me with so much intensity.

Eventually he lets go as I try to catch my breath.

"Are you ready to go?," I ask him and he nods his head at me as I grab his hand and pull him out the door.

We get into the car as he drives because who needs to drive when you have this handsome big savior of a man to drive for you.

"You're my hero," I say to him and he blinks at me.

"I think I would start a fanpage for you if my whole phone wasn't already dedicated to you," I shrug as I grab his hand and put it on my lap and intertwine our fingers.

We get to the movie theaters after a few minutes.

We both get out of the car and walk back inside with our hands joined together.

We get our tickets and walk to the room number.

Inside the room their are flower petals everywhere.

I look at the screen and it says "watch me" in big letters.

It flips to another page.

(A/N: I'm doing it this way bc some people commented that Lorenzo's stutter is annoying and makes them want to bang their heads into a wall and I can't deal with more negativity in my life. Anyways enjoy!)

"I don't want to talk because I will stutter to much so I'm doing it this way," it reads.

It flips to another page.

"I've loved you for years and have dreamt of the day I would finally be able to do this," it says.

Flip to next page.

"You're the love of my life even if I don't show it because I have trouble showing it. I love you more then anything and will continue to remind you every day of my life as long as you'll have me," It reads.

Next page.

"8 letters, 3 words, one meaning. I love you, when I think of love I think of you. You're the only person that I told 'I love you' to and it will stay that way until we have little kids running around," he says and my eyes glass over.

It flips to the next page.

"You always wonder why I mumble random numbers at you but I mumble 831 because it's a way that I can say I love you without having to stutter," it says and I'm so close to sobbing.


Next page.

"So if you turn around there is someone waiting for you," it says and by now I'm crying so much.

I turn around and see Lorenzo on one knee with a box with a ring on the inside.

"Will you marry me?," he asks.

He didn't stutter and that just makes me cry more.

I nod my head not trusting myself to speak at all because my voice will shake and crack.

He smiles and takes the ring and wraps it around my ring finger.

I tackle him into a hug and kiss all over his face over and over as he laughs.

The best sound in the world.

I then press my lips to his in a searing kiss full of passion and love.

"I love you," I say and he pulls back and pulls the ring off my finger.

I stare at him confused until he points to the 831 engraved on the inside of the ring.

I smile even more before snatching the ring and putting it back on my finger.

"We need to get you a ring too so bitches know that your mine," I say to him and he shakes his head.

"No o-one wants m-me," he mumbles and I laugh.

"Please I say so many people looking at you lustfully and I will claw their eyes out. You better tell them you're taken it I will kill you," I say wrapping my hands around his neck.

"I l-liked to b-b-be c-choked so I w-won't tell t-t-them off," he shrugs and I glare at him.

"Stop," I huff.

"I'm k-kidding," he says and kisses my cheek.

"So are we watching a movie now?," I ask him and he nods his head.

We sit down and watch the movie he chose.

It was pretty good but I couldn't stop fiddling with my ring happily as I thought of him.

"We should fuck when we get home," I shrug as I look at him and he nods with a hum.

Dick = hard.

Lemme stop.

Anyways, we finish up the movie before gathering our things and walking out of the theaters.

We make it halfway to the car before I dramatically stop Lorenzo.

"It's a good thing that you proposed because I'm pregnant," I say as I put my hands on my stomach.

"What?," he says unamused.

"I took a test yesterday and it came back positive. I'm pregnant with our love child," I say seriously as my eyes start to tear up.

I'm a great actor.

"You're c-crazy," he says as he rolls his eyes.

"Wow you don't believe me," I cry and storm away as his eyes widen at me.

"Umm," he mumbles before he pats my back as I fake cry again my car.

"You suck at this. It was practice for when k really get pregnant," I shrug and he rolls his eyes at me.

He totally thinks I can get pregnant.

"M-men can't g-g-get pregnant," he says with a blank face.


I guess I didn't get him.

I shrug and get in the car as he goes to the other side and gets in as well.

We drive home and get inside the house.

"I'm going to make a five star meal for you," I say and he just nods his head like he doesn't believe me.

I grab a frozen pizza and put it in the oven.

"That's five stars if I've ever seen it," I mumble and he shakes his head.

I walk over to him and sit on his lap as I wait for the pizza to cook.

He mindlessly rubs his thumb on my hip as I sit there and watch the TV with him.

Soon enough the pizza is done and i walk over to the oven and get it out.

I take it out and cut it for us before plating it and giving it to Lorenzo as I sit back in his lap.

"Thank y-you, love," he mumbles.

We share a plate as we eat my five star meal.


Here's chapter 59! This chapter was requested so here you go.

Some of the comments on the target guy thing were very uncomfortable for me to read I just thought it was a silly joke. He could have a wife and kids so I'm not going back and talking to him.


Book ending at chapter 60 bc I have no more ideas for chapters and I'm unmotivated for this book and it's going to get to long.


But lemme tell you why do I keep running into hot people bc the man that works their is tall and so cute I died.

PSA: a way to keep a friendship is to be nice to them and don't talk to them like a child ;)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time thank you for reading. I love you <33

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