《Beach Baby》chapter 55 | sore





That's how my whole body feels.

I'm so tired, I still throw up a lot, my back hurts, my whole body hurts, my feet hurt.

I try to spend time with Laila but most of my time is spent in bed because I'm so tired and drained.

This whole pregnancy is a lot worse then with Laila and I don't know why.

I'm laying on the couch right now as Laila plays with her toys in the floor.

I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my belly is as big as what it was with Laila.

The baby is very active and I'm thankful for that but at times it can hurt and be uncomfortable.

"Mommy, look my train," Laila says and I smile at her happily.

"It's very cute, baby," I say to her and she smiles.

"Yes, so tute," she smiles as she hums to herself.

Kai is currently in the kitchen making me dinner.

I've been also having Braxton hicks and they hurt so badly.

I'm currently experiencing them as my belly tightens and I groan.

"Mommy, baby is hurt you?," she asks as she looks at me curiously.

"Mhm," I mumbles as I try to breath through the pain of the Braxton hick.

"Baby no hurt mommy," she mumbled to my belly as she points at it.

The Braxton hicks stop and I sigh in relief.

Kai comes back with a plate that has grilled cheese and salt and vinegar chips.

"Thank you baby," I mumble to him and he smiles before kissing my temple.

He sits next to me as I sit up and eat my food happily.

"Mommy i has some?," Laila asks me while she turns her head to the side curiously.

"Come here," I say to her and she stands between my legs.

I push my sandwich up to her lips and she takes a bite out of it.

She hums loudly as she spins around.

"Mommy, is so good," she says happily.

"Here baby," I say to her and hand her half of my sandwich and she smiles happily.

"Tank you mommy! Kith?," she asks and I can't stop smiling at her.

She does her kissy lips and I do mine as we miss and she yells "mwah" loudly when we're finish.

She's to funny.

She sits by her train with her sandwich meanwhile she keeps singing to herself.

"Train and Sammy," she mumbles.

She starts to giggle weirdly and sounds like a demon and I promise you I think this child could actually kill me.


I lean back, Kai throws a arm over my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.

"How is it?," he asks.

"It's really good and I was craving it really bad," I mumble as I balance the plate on my bump.

Kai moves his hand to rub my bump as baby boy kicks happily.

He was probably really hungry.

As I finish my sandwich I feel an intense pain in my belly causing me to lean into kai.

He rubs my belly and holds onto me tightly as he tries to comfort me through the pain.

"Ow shit it hurts so bad," I mumble and Laila comes to me.

"What's shit?," she asks as the pain settles down and I'm left shocked looking at her.

"Something you shouldn't be saying," Kai says as he continues to rub my belly and cuddle me close to him.

"But what is? I like shit. Fun word," she says as she finishes her sandwich and Kai face palms.

"No Laila, I will send you to time out if you say it again," Kai says sternly.

"I will no say it," she says and walks away.

Soon through the house all I can hear is.

"Sammy and train and shit," as she sings and I roll my eyes at her.

What a brat.

"Time out now," Kai says and grabs her hand and pulls her to the corner.

She sits on the floor as she stairs at the corner of the wall of the room.

Discipline is needed.

A few minutes later Kai tells her to come out and she does with tears coming down her face.

When she turns around she runs up the stairs and to her room as she cries.

I stand up before making my way to the stairs.

I walk up the stairs and to her room and open the door as she sits on her bed hugging her teddy bear as she cries.

I sit on the bed next to her and she crawls onto my lap and wraps her arms around my neck.

"I no know is bad word, daddy mean to me," she mumbles as she hugs me.

I rub her back up and down.

"You can't say those words. You know not to, Laila," I tell her and she huffs.

"Why call me Laila," she asks and I shake my head.

Here we go with the baby sunshine.

"Okay, I'm sorry baby sunshine but daddy was teaching you that you don't say those words when he tells you not to," I say to her and she nods her head at me.


She grabs her bear and walks down the stairs as i follow right behind her.

She slowly walks to him as she hugs her bear.

"Come here," he says and opens his arms to let her get in his lap.

"I don't want to punish you but you have to listen when I tell you not to say those words," Kai says to her and she nods her head.

"I sorry daddy. No happen 'gain," she says and laugh at her sentences and how they sound.

"Wanna watch mobie?," she asks and Kai nods.

Her turns on the TV and loads Disney plus as he starts to play a princess movie.

I sit on his lap and Laila sits next to us.

I just want his comfort right now.

He wraps his arm around my belly/waist and puts his other hand in Lailas lap because she likes to fiddle with it.

She plays with his fingers as she scratches his nails and fiddles with them.

During the movie intense pain hits me and Kai tries to rub my belly to help me but it doesn't work because this hurts to bad.

I try to breath through the pain but it's not working this feels like more then Braxton hicks.

I groan in pain as I bury my face into his neck and hold onto his hand tightly.

We look at eachother with wide eyes when we feel the gush of liquid spill from my onto him.

"Did your water just break or did you pee on me?," he asks me and I can't answer through the pain as tears blur my vision.

"Owww, baby p-please take me to the hospital," I yell as the pain starts to be to much.

Kai grabs the things we need to have a baby and calls his mom to come get Laila.

His mom loves a few minutes away so she quickly picked her up as we got in the car and headed towards the hospital.

During the car ride I felt intense pain as I squeezed one of Kai'a hands.

He drove while trying to comfort me.

"I'm right here baby, you'll be okay," he says and I just smile at him lightly as I squeeze his hand again.

I never thought I would go into labor this early and I'm kind of nervous.

He drives to the hospital and parks the car.

He comes to my side and helps me get out as he practically carries me inside.

"Hi, my wife is in labor," he mumbles, I smile when he calls me his wife.

They take us to a hospital room and get me all hooked up to give birth to this baby boy.

Kai sits in the chair next to me as he holds my hand, letting me squeeze the daylight out of it as he just sits there silently.

The doctor comes in to check how dilated I am and I get disappointed when they say I'm only dilated to three so I decide to take a nap.

I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up again and it hurts more then it did before as I try to breath through the pain.

I feel like I need to stand up.

I have Kai help me up as I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his on my hips.

He sway's with me as I hum to try and simmer down the pain.

"You're doing great baby, I love you," he says in my ear.

"I love you too," I groan out, putting my hand on my belly where I feel the most pain.

The doctor comes back in to see how dilated I am and she says I'm about 8 centimeters.

Two more.


It's been a few hours.

This labor is going slow.

The pain is intense but I'm so grateful that Kai is here to coax me through this all.

He's truly the best person I've ever met.

I didn't want the epidural so I didn't get one and I slightly regret it because it's so painful.

The doctor comes back in to check how dilated I am again.

"Alright it looks like your ten centimeters! It's time to have this baby," she says and I smile through the breathing exercises I'm doing.

I'm so happy to finally meet my baby boy with the love of my life by my side.


Here's chapter 55!

Y'all are gonna be so mad at me. Everyone is already mad at me for the tik tok I posted an and some said they'll stop reading my book bc of it.

Books have drama though and tough times so I don't understand.

Thank you so much for all the reads and the comments I'm so thankful for you guys.

Apparently I must be doing something right with some hate some people are sending me.

I'm so close to 2k followers I might cry.

Anyways thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time! I love you -addyson <33

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