《Beach Baby》chapter 53 | gender




The gender reveal is today and I'm so excited.

I'm about 20 weeks today so I'm halfway there.

I've been extremely tired lately and my feet have been hurting a lot so that's great.

Kai is with Laila per usual.

He is getting her ready as I get ready because he takes five seconds to get ready.

Her outfit:

(choose as you wish, her belly isn't that big it's a little smaller lmfao)

I chose to wear white because I'm not team girl or team boy I'm just happy to have a healthy baby.

I brush my hair and put on my makeup before I walk out of the bathroom to the living room.

Kai is dressed in black pants and a blue shirt and Laila is dressed in a blue dress.

Team boy is winning.

"Mommy I boy," Laila says as she runs up to me.

"You're team boy?," I ask her and she nods her head rapidly.

"If I right, I get candy? Or juice?," she calls Capri Sun juice so that's what she wants.

"Hmm, maybe but what if your wrong?," I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I right, baby telled me," she says as she puts her head to my bump and pretends to listen to it.

"Yeah I right," she says and I just shake my head at her and her attitude.

Kai walks to me and gives me a peck on the lips and Laila claps her hands.

She's a very firm lover of our relationship.

It's cute honestly and I love it.

"How you feeling?," he asks me as he rubs his hands up and down my stomach.

It feels like a massage for my stomach.

"Little tired but I'm okay," I say and he nods his head.

"You guys ready to go?," Kai asks and Laila screams.

Not a squeal a ear piercing scream.

"MOMMY IM SO EXCITED," she screams even louder and I laugh through the pain.

"Okay Laila," I smile and she huffs.

"Okay Aulora," she mumbles back.

"My name isn't Aulora," I say to her and she sighs.

"My name isn't Laila," she says as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Sorry, baby sunshine," I sigh.

"Sorry mommy," she sighs.

Get this parrot out of here.

Kai picks her up as we walk out of the house and to the car.

We get in and buckle ourselves up as we drive to Nalani's house.

She's the one who set up the gender reveal.

It takes us like ten minutes to drive to her house because she lives close by.


Once we get there Kai gets Laila out of the car as she bounces up and down excitedly.

Then I get myself out of the car and walk to the front door.

We open the door and see the house decorated in pink and blue everywhere.

There are big balloons that say 'boy or girl?' On the wall and it's so cute I could melt.

At the entrance there are pink and blue Leis for you to wear your guess if gender.

I pick up a pink one and slip it on.

Everyone is in the backyard and we walk out and they all smile when they see us.

"Hi!, how is my baby?," Nalani asks as she rubs my belly.

"My baby," Laila glares at her and removes her hands from off my belly.

"No it's mine," Nalani says as she teases Laila.

"No is mine. Mommy is mine?," she asks and I nod my head at her.

"See mommy says is my baby," I love the way she says baby.

It sounds like beebee and it's so cute.

"We're gonna do the reveal in a few minutes because I'm impatient and I want you guys to have fun afterwords," Nalani says and I smile excitedly.

I can't wait to see if I'm having a boy or girl!!

Kai comes behind me again and wraps his arms around my waist as he rubs my bump as the baby kicks.

He does this everyday to get a reaction from the baby and everytime the baby starts to kick wildly.

Maybe he just likes to hug me from behind.

"Are you excited?," he whispers in my ear.

"More than you'll ever know," he smiles at my words and continues to rub my belly.

Laila comes infront of me and glares at Kai.

She smacks his hands off my belly and puts hers on there and starts to rub my stomach.

"Stop daddy, is my baby," she says and I roll my eyes at this girl.

She won't let anyone near me.

"No it's not," he mumbles to her.

"Yes, baby kick for me. Not you. Is my baby not you," she rolls her eyes as she looks at me.

"Mommy, tell him is my baby!," she says and I roll my eyes.

"The baby in my belly is Lailas baby," I say and she smiles.

"My brother not you," she says as she rubs my stomach once before she runs away.

"Who is that and what did they do with Laila?," Kai asks and I shake my head.


"When the baby is born I guess she is going to be a single mother because it's her baby," I say to him and he laughs.

"She won't have a partner until she is 50. That goes for this baby too," he puts his hands to my belly again "he or she won't date anyone til their 50," he says and I nod my head.

"Good luck," i say as I pat his chest before we walk over to the set up for the gender reveal.

"Okay, we have placed fireworks on the floor and when we light them they will reveal the color of the babies gender," Nalani says as she holds her lighter in her hands.

"Don't get to close to it just in case," she adds and everyone stands around the firework.

Everyone as in all our friends and Kais mom.

Kai stands beside me as he holds my hand and Laila is being held by Enzo.

"Okay are you ready?," she asks and I nod my head.

She lights the firework and grey smoke starts to come out of it.

Then it erupts with the color....


I start to cry of happiness as I drop into a squat with my hand on my mouth and one on my belly.

I feel Kai wrap his arms around me as we both cry of happiness.

I can't believe we're having a baby boy.

I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly as we both cry.

"Thank you," he whispers and I laugh.

"For what?," I ask him.

"For giving me another baby," he says and I can still hear everyone cheering around us.

We let go and everyone has big smiles on their face as they watch us.

Charlotte comes to me and hugs me and I hug her back tightly.

"I know what you did to my mom," I say to her and she pulls back a little to gauge my reaction.

"I'm not mad. I wanted to thank you. My dad didn't know about the custody's thing and when he found out he divorced her. Now my dad is happy and I can keep Laila so I'm very grateful," I say to her and she smiles before she kisses all over my face.

"You're the bonus child I've always wanted," she says to me and I smile.

"Can I call you 'mom'?," I ask her and she smiles so brightly.

"It would make me so happy if you did," she says and I smile and let her go.

Laila comes running at me and hugs her arms around my neck.

"Thank you mommy, you give me brother," she says and I smile at her and hug her tighter.

She saved my life multiple times I love this girl.

"You're welcome baby sunshine. Are you going to play with your brother?," I ask her and she nods her head.

"We can be friends. Play trucks," she says and I laugh at her.

She's so sweet.

"Go give your daddy a big hug!," i away to her and she nods before tackling Kai into a hug as he hugs her back.

He was talking with his friends but dropped the conversation to hug his baby.

"DADDY, MOMMY GIVE ME BROTHER," She screams bad everyone laughs at her.

"Okay time for cake," Nalani says and we all sit on the grass and eat the cake.

Everytime Laila takes a bite from the cake she yells "MMM" like when she was a baby.

I miss baby Laila it feels like forever since she was that small and was still breastfed.

That I don't miss she was a wild one when I tried to feed her and it was rough.

Kai is sitting next to me eating his cake silently.

"I'm so tired," I mumble and he laughs.

He grabs my hands and pulls my into his lap as I rest against him.

I close my eyes and feel like I'm going to fall asleep when I know I shouldn't.

"Don't fall asleep, baby," he mumbles and his voice is not helping as it makes me fall asleep more.

"I'm awake," I say as I open my eyes and stand up.

Once everyone is done eating we play a bunch of fun games for prizes.

Delilah won like most of them and had so much candy by the end of the day.

We all talked and had fun til the day was over.


Here's chapter 53!

Everyone was giving me such nice comments and some people messaged me about how my book helped them and it made me so emotional ily guys so much it unreal.

AND I HIT 600K ON TOP OF THAT. I'm screaming thank you all so much.

Started my new book and I'm so fucking excited to write it, it's in my drafts and everything.

Not everyone wanting her to be a stripper.

Anyways thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time I love you -addyson <33

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