《Beach Baby》chapter 52 | question




I'm pretty nervous going into the aquarium.

What I'm doing today would make anyone nervous if they had to do it.

I'm going to be inside the tank with the polar bears.

That's why I'm so nervous today and I think Aulora noticed.

I'm just messing with you.

I'm actually going to propose to Aulora today so that's why I'm so nervous.

I park at the aquarium and get out of the car.

I open Aulora's door before going to the back and getting Laila out.

I put her on my hip as I hold her.

"I want mommy," she says as she reaches for her and I just laugh.

I hand her to Aulora and Aulora sits her on her hip.

I still get uncomfortable when she holds Laila because I think it will hurt the baby but the doctor says it won't.

She carries Laila inside and my hands start to shake.

We get to the door way and I stop her.

I take Laila out of her hands and speak to her.

"Remember what I told you?," I ask her and she nods at me.

"Okay, go," I say and she runs away and leaves me and Aulora by ourselves.

Aulora looks at me confused before I take both of her hands and start walking.

On the entrance by the ground their is rose peddles leading to the shark tunnel where I asked her to be my girlfriend.

"Where is this taking us?," she asks and I just shake my head at her.

I'm not telling her cause it will ruin the surprise.

I walk her to the shark room and in there the room is filled with candles and rose peddles.

On the far end of the shark room on the glass written in cursive there is the words 'will you marry'.

On Lailas shirt it says 'My daddy?'.

Aulora is infront of me as she looks at everything.

Her back is turned to me as I lower myself onto one knee as she stares at Laila who is smiling at her as she stands still.

Just how we planned...

She turns around with tears in her eyes as she looks at me on one knee.

She smacks her hand onto her mouth as she looks at me and I begin talking.


"As you can see by the stuff in here and Lailas clothes and me on my knee. I'm asking you to marry me," I mumble and take a breath.

"You're easily the greatest person I've met in my life. The only person I can stand to be around and not want to rip my hair out," she laughs as tears come down her face.

"I fall in love with you more and more everyday and I can't seem to stop. You have given me the greatest gift of becoming a father when I met you and took over the role of being Lailas father and I love that little girl to pieces. Then the second gift was carrying our sweet baby in your stomach and sharing your body with the baby," I say to her as my eyes tear up and she rubs her belly lovingly.

"You're so selfless. Being pregnant isn't easy and you do it marvelously and gracefully. Everything you do is graceful. You're so gorgeous and thoughtful. That's why I am obsessed with you and that's why I'm a bitch boy," I say and she laughs again as a tear drips down my face.

"You have taught me what love is and have given me the honor of becoming a dad when I had a shit one. You reassure me everyday that I'm doing enough and that I'm good enough for you but I'll never believe it because look at you. No one will ever be good enough to get the privilege of being with you. Yet here I am and I'm so grateful that you've let me be with you because I'm so in love with you," I say.

"So, that being said. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?," i ask her as I open the ring box.

"Yes, a million times over again and it's still yes," she mumbles and I put the ring on her finger before hugging her tightly.

In the back Laila goes wild.

"Yes daddy," she yells as she claps and jumps.

I smile at her before nuzzling my face into Aulora's neck and holding her tighter.

We pull away and she looks at the ring on her finger.

The ring:

(Choose as you wish!)


"How did you know I wanted this ring?," she asks me and I just shake my head.

"I talked to your brother about it and he helped me pick the ring," I say to her and she smiles.

Laila runs up to me and crashes into my legs, hugging them to her.

"I do good? Did I do good, daddy?," she asks me as she jumps up and down.

I pick her up and hug her.

"Yes you did baby. You did so good," I tell her and she smiles.

"I knew, mommy," she says happily and I smile.

"Knew what?," I ask her and she laugh.

"I knew daddy was gonna ring you," she says and I laugh at the way she worded it.

I love this little girl.

I kiss her cheek as Aulora speaks to her.

"You knew he was gonna propose to me? You're so good at keeping secrets," she says and I smile.

"Yes I be good. My shirt made for daddy to ring you," she says and I laugh.

"Yes it's very cute," she says as she rubs her belly lightly over and over.

"What's wrong?," I slightly get worried as I ask her.

"The baby is kicking and won't settle down," she laughs and I move over to her and pull her back against my chest as my hand drops to her belly.

I hold Laila with one arm as I rub her belly and feel the baby kick crazily.

The baby slowly starts to slow down the kicks when I rub her belly and she sighs.

"Thank you. When the baby goes crazy like that it can be overwhelming at time but I'm grateful baby is active," she says and I just smile and kiss her cheek.

"Fishies," Laila mumbles in awe as she stares at the sharks in the tunnel.

"Those are sharks," I say.

"Sharkies," she says in the same tone as her eyes are wide and her mouth is parted in awe.

I can't with her right now.

After the excitement wears off and we're just giddy we walk around the aquarium looking at everything.

"So I talked to Nalani and she said the gender reveal is in 2 weeks because they need to get it ready," I say to Aulora and she nods.

"That's far away but it's okay I can wait," she says and I smile and agree with her.

Better be a good gender reveal.

We walk around the empty aquarium some more before we decide it's time to go home for the day.

Laila is tired and practically falling asleep on me so I think it's time.

We get in the car and buckle up as we drive home.

We quickly get home and I carry a a sleeping Laila all the way to her bed and tuck her in so she can have a nap.

She's out like a light as I close her door and walk back to the car.

I carry sleeping Aulora to our room and take her to the bed and tuck her in.

I plant a kiss on her forehead and pull the covers to her neck and let her sleep.

The baby really wears her out.

I get into the bed beside her and cuddle up next to her sleeping form.

She senses me as she moves over and lays next to me wrapping her arms around me.

I keep one hand on her bump lightly rubbing it and wrap the other around her and hold her close to me as she starts to snore again.

As I look at her ring I think how grateful I am to have her and Laila and the baby in my life and being able to love them.

With that as my last thought I drift off to sleep with my soon to be wife in my arms.


Here's chapter 52!

It's a short one because I wanted to focus on the proposal and nothing else.

We're so close to 600k I might shit my pants I can't even believe this many people read my books

Just a pro-tip I read all my comments so whether their nice or mean I still see them and appreciate them.

If you guys ever want to be friends with me don't hesitate to tell me. We can talk on tik tok or here or anywhere you want.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time, I love you -addyson <333

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