《Beach Baby》chapter 28 | date




I feel anxious for this date today with Kai.

Even though we already went on a date before I will still get nervous every time.

I need to get Laila ready to go to Greysons apartment.

I pick her up out of her walker and sit on my bed.

I pull my shirt down and let her latch onto my nipple so she can feed one more time before tomorrow.

She eats quickly and I put her on the floor to let her sit as I grab her clothes.

Today she is seven months old.

She's growing so quickly and it makes me sad.

I grab a pair of baby jeans and a white shirt with the nirvana logo in black.

The shirt says nirvana with a smiley face with its tongue out and a 'x' for eyes.

I grab her pair of mini air forces that match mine and put them on her feet.

I pick her up and put her on my hip as she bounces and squeals the whole time.

She's excited I guess.

Not long after Greyson shows up.

"Hi, pretty girl," he smiles at her and picks her up from me.

"Here's her bag. It has her Paci, diapers and breast milk. There is a little blanket that smells like me that she won't sleep without," I say to him and he smiles.

"Got it, I'll bring her back tomorrow in the afternoon," he says and I smile.

I walk over to my baby.

"Bye baby, mommy will miss you," I say as I kiss all over her face and she laughs.

"Thank you Greyson. I love you guys see you soon," i say as I smile at him.

"Bye baby sister. Say bye Laila," he says as he waves her little hand.

I smile at them as they leave.

Time to get myself ready.

It's currently 2pm and according to Kai we are going to the aquarium.

I love animals.

He told me where we were going yesterday after we had done those things.

I really enjoyed everything we did yesterday and I want to do it again some day.

I am ready to go all the way but I'll wait for him to initiate and if he wants to do that.

Time to get ready.

I take a quick shower and dry off before coming back to the bathroom.

My hair is drying so I decide to get dressed.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

I chose some high rise jeans and a shirt that is a black croptop but has strings that tie in the back to have a cute design.

I then do my hair.

I decide to do a hairstyle I've seen on Pinterest that's really cute.

The hair:

(Choose as you wish!)

I then put on some shoes which are my high top converse.

I put on perfume, deodorant, makeup and brush my teeth. I then put on lipgloss and put gum in my mouth.

Kai texted me he is almost here and I don't know what to do with myself.

I just stare in the mirror.

Do I need to fix anything? Do I look pretty enough?

I'm snapped out of my thought by the door bell ringing.


I quickly walk to the door and open it to see Kai with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

He got me white peonies.


I smile as I take them from him.

"Hi," he says shyly and I almost scream at his cuteness.

"Hey, how did you know these were my favorite?," I ask excitedly.


"I know because you always have one on your nightstand. Just like I know your perfume has something to do with cherries that's why I keep cherries in my house even though I hate them," he says and I shake my head.

"Why do you keep them if you hate them?," I ask him curiously.

"Because they smell like you," he says and I could cry.

I smile as I kiss his cheek.

I grab his hand and pull him to my kitchen.

"Let me put these in a vase and then we can go. Okay?," I ask him and he nods.

I grab them and cut them before adding water to a vase and sticking them in.

I put them on the island in my kitchen.

"They're very beautiful," I say and he nods.

He moves over and grab my hand before leading me out of my apartment.

I lock the door and we get to the car.

He opens the door for me and I get it.

We start to drive to the aquarium and he fidgets with his hands.

I put them in my lap to stop him and he smiles to himself before fidgeting with my jeans.

"You look stunning by the way," he says as he looks at me.

"So do you," I say happily.

"Thank you sunshine," he says and I smile at the nickname.

I chew my gum loudly to be annoying.

"Stop it," he says as he rolls his eyes.

"It tastes better when I smack on it," I say and he laughs.

It doesn't take long to get to the aquarium.

We park the car and get out before walking to the door.

Kai has a very firm grip on my hand as if he is nervous about something but I don't know what.

I squeeze his hand to try to possibly comfort him and he squeezes it back.

When we get inside I notice that the place is empty.

"Why is it empty. Where is everyone?" I ask him as I look around confused.

"I rented the place for the day so no one is here," he says to me and I smile.

"That's so cool. Now no one can be in our way to look at everything," I say to him excitedly and he smiles.

"You're so cute," he says as he kisses my head.

"So are you," I say to him and he laughs.

"Okay where to first?," he asks me and I tap my finger on my lips as I think.

"I want to see polar bears?," I say to him and he nods.

"Then let's go see them," he says to me and I walk with him as we hold hands.

We get to the polar bears shortly after.

They swim around and I go close to the glass and one swims right up to me.

"Do you see this one he likes me," I say to Kai and he smiles as he stands back behind me.

I walk to the side and the bear follows me.

"See he loves me," I say and smile at the bear.

I put my hand to the glass and it puts its hand where mine is on the other side.

I laugh at him before going back to Kai.

"That was magical. Where to next?," I ask him and he smiles.

We go to the turtles next because Kai says he wants to.

We walk to them as they swim around and he just watched them with a smile on his face.


"When I was a kid I had a turtle," he says and I laugh.

"What happened to it?," I ask him and he laughs.

"Since there slow at everything I thought they were slow with eating. So I had given him some food and he ate it all. I thought it took a while for them to digest the food since their slow and they would stay full for a few days," he says and I try not to laugh.

"I was wrong. I left to my friends for the week and didn't feed my turtle. I came back home to a dead turtle and my mom telling me I didn't feed him when he needed to be fed," he says and I laugh so hard.

"What was his name?," I ask him and he laughs.

"Mr. Flippy," he says and I lose it.

I start laughing so hard.

"Why?," I ask him and he shakes his head.

"He kept flipping and he flapped his hands to swim. I thought it was fitting," he says as he smiles.

"You're cute," I say to him and he just smiles.

"I have somewhere that I want to go now," he says to me and I nod.

He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers before pulling me somewhere.

We stop at the shark tunnel.

It's very beautiful!

"The sharks remind me of myself," he says.

"Why?," I ask as I tilt my head in confusion.

"They like to be alone like me," he says and I laugh.

"Then why do you come to my house and hang out with me and Laila all the time?," I say in amusement.

"Because you and Laila are the only people that I can stand to be around," he says and I smile.

"I brought you here because this is where I go when I feel overwhelmed or mad at the world. I also brought you here to ask you a important question that's been sitting in the back of my mind for days," he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me against the glass.

"Let's sit her while I talk," he says as he sits with his back against the glass and looking at the other side.

I sit next to him.

"When I was in highschool I had a addiction with cigarettes and smoking them everyday. I used them to try to relax and be more carefree. Little did I know they did more harm to me then good," he says.

"Recently I have found something else that I'm addicted to that makes me relaxed and happy. That person was you and you only do good," he says and I smile to myself.

"You single-handedly made me a better person by just existing. When I'm with you I feel safe from the things that can hurt me inside my head. You bring out the happy, funny, playful side of me and I couldn't thank you enough," he says and I swear I'm melting into a puddle.

"You discovered parts of me I didn't know existed and I found someone when I believed falling in love wasn't real. Everyday I see you I get eternally happy. You're just so loving and compassionate about things that you love and people you love," he says.

"That's not all there is. You're so gorgeous and breathtaking. Your personality is captivating and freeing. You can make anyones bad day turn into good by just one smile. Your baby Laila. God, I love her so much and I applaud you everyday for making her," he says.

"You went through so much and you still continue to pull through for your baby. Your the ultimate example of being strong. Even going through what you went through you managed to raise the most loving and sweet baby I've ever seen," he says and I smile at the thought of Laila.

He's making my eyes water.

"My mouth hasn't stopped talked about you since it first smiled at you," he says.

A tear is currently rolling down my face.

"So, I had brought you here to tell you that I'm falling in love with you and to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend?," he says to me and I can't stop crying he's so thoughtful and sweet.

I just stare at him while smiling.

"Your scaring me," he says to me and i start laughing.

I straddle his lap and hold onto his face to make him look at me as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"It's a yes," I say to him as I pull his face closer to mine and press my lips to his.

He pushes his lips onto mine as he rubs his thumb back and fourth on my hip.

Our lips caress eachother as we both smile into the kiss as we separate.

"You scared me I thought you would say no," he says and I laugh.

"No, I was always gonna say yes. But now since your my boyfriend you have to do everything I say," I say to him with a smirk.

"Don't I already do that?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"When I asked to be the mother bird and you the baby bird you said no," I say as I glare at him.

"I'm not doing that," he says.

"Okay fine. What you said was really sweet though and I appreciate it. For your information I'm falling in love with you too," I say to him and peck his lips.

"Let's go home," he says to me and I nod.

I stand up and hold both his hands and try to pull him up.

It barely works.

We walk out of their holding hands as I swing them back and fourth aggressively.

"Why are you so aggressive?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"Because it's fun," I say and he shakes his head.

We get to the car and start driving to my apartment.

The whole time Kai can keep his hands off me like he holds my thigh or my hand.

It's cute.

We quickly make it to my apartment and when we get there I quickly attach my lips to his roughly.

He quickly responds by kissing me back and pushing me against the wall.

I moan into the kiss as his tongue is pushed into my mouth.

Our tongues swirl eachothers as we fight for dominance even though he always wins.

We run out of breath so we unattach our lips.

"I'm ready to go all the way," I say breathlessly.

"Are you sure," he asks me and I smile.

"Yes, sir," I say.


Here is chapter 28!



Annoyed because I'm shadowbanned on tik tok bc tik tok is a cunt and people spam like me. So I'm not posting the tik tok today.

This was what was gonna happen in the date and I made everyone anxious.

Still so close to 1k on here!!

Anyways thank you for all the reads and support. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you next time! I love you -addyson <333

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