《Beach Baby》chapter 26 | jealous




College is fun at times but really hard to balance with being a mother.

Currently I'm sitting in my math class.

Kai is in this class too.

We are sitting at a table of four.

Me and Kai on one side and two boys on the other side.

The boys names are Josh and Sam.

Sam is really sweet and Josh tries to flirt with me all the time.

"Alright, everyone work with your table to do the packet," the teacher says and walks to her desk.

"I can do it all if you want me to," Sam says and I shake my head.

"I'll help, your not doing it by yourself," I say to him and grab the packet.

"I'll help if Aulora gives me her number," josh says as he smiles at me.

"It's 911, say 'I'm looking for stripper Aulora' they will put me on the phone," I say as I stare at the packet and write some of the answers.

"Why are you playing hard to get babe. I know you want me," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Because she doesn't want you," Kai says as he places his hand on my left thigh.

"I know she does she just won't admit it," he says trying to get my attention as I do the packet.

"Talk to me on Tuesdays that's when I let people slut me out for free but today is Thursday so it's gonna be a no," I say to him as I look up at him with a fake pout.

Kai starts laughing silently to himself next to me.

What if I was serious?

Would he be laughing then?


"Well either way, I know you will end up with me so I don't care," he says and I try not to laugh.

He's trying to hard now.

I see that Kai has his other hand in his lap digging his nails into the palm of his hand.

I place my hand in his to get him to stop hurting himself.

He looks up at me and smiles a little bit.

I grab a piece of paper from my bag before writing Kai a note.

You okay? I write to him and he reads it before writing.

I don't like when he flirts with you. He writes back and I understand.

I'm sorry :(. I wrote back to him before handing him the note.

He shakes his head.

You have nothing to be sorry for it's not your fault. I'm always gonna feel a sort of way when people flirt with my girl. He writes back and I blush.

You have nothing to worry about. I wrote back and he smiles before kissing my temple.

"Sam we are going to be having dinner at my house do you want to go?," I ask him and he looks up at me.

"Who is going?," he asks me and I smile.

"Me and Kai and my daughter Laila. The three couple Lorenzo and Oliver, Amelia and Nalani, Elias and Delilah, and my brother Greyson," I say and he smiles.


"Sure," he says happily.

So cute.


It's currently 4pm and everyone is supposed be here at 5pm.

I'm currently setting the table and cooking for everyone as Laila is attached to my hip.

She's being clingy again.

I don't even care because she is so cute.

I'm making Lasagna and Salad.

I'm currently assembling the layers one handed as I hold Laila with the other hand.

I hear movement behind me signaling people have started to enter my house.

I continue what I'm doing and layer lasagna noodles then sauce and meat then ricotta then noodle.

Repeat that a bunch of times.

I quickly finish all of the layer and put it into the oven.

I haven't even looked who is here I'm to busy.

I go to my room and grab my baby carrier.

I strap it to myself and slide Laila in as she lays her head on my chest.


I go back to the kitchen and grab my lettuce.

I start preparing all the toppings and lettuce as I bounce lightly on my feet to rock her to sleep.

I finish cutting up everything and wash my hands before walking into the living room and seeing everyone on the couch.

Everyone but Sam.

Right when I think that he walks in the door.

Everyone turns to him and looks at him.

What catches my attention is Greyson checking him out thoroughly.

Sam just blushes before he sits on the couch and tries to take the attention off him.

"You we're working so hard you didn't notice anyone coming in," Delilah says to me and I just laugh.

"I knew y'all were here I was just busy so I thought you guys could mingle by yourselves," I say to them and they smile as I sit on the floor.

Everyone else is on the couch.

"I'm impressed you did it one handed while holding Laila," Amelia says.

"Well you adapt when your baby is clingy," I say to them and they laugh.

"I don't mean to pry but is someone here the babies father," Sam says in a small voice as he's shy to talk.

"A lot of you don't know. The only person who knows are Greyson and Kai I believe. I could be wrong but let's not sugar coat it. I made a friend that was a guy we went to a party and he took me into a room and raped me. I had Laila and he got jail for life," I say and their eyes widen.

"I'm sorry for asking and I'm sorry that happened to you," Sam says as his face turns red.

"It's okay calm down. I'm sorry for myself to I didn't deserve that but at least I have my baby ," I say with a smile as I see her dead asleep.

I look up and see Kai smiling at me warmly.

He's gonna make me blush a lot.

I quickly get up and go to my room to get Laila her pacifier.

When I get in there I hear a knock on my door.


"Come in," I say as I pop the Paci in her mouth and Sam appears into the room.

I smile at him and sit on my bed and signal for him to sit down next to me.

He sits down by me and I pat Laila's butt as I wait for him to talk.

"I just wanted to tell you that your not alone. When I was 16 I was in a secret relationship with this guy. I'm gay if you didn't know. Anyways, he wanted to keep me a secret. I did that for a while before getting annoyed and trying to tell him I'm done," he says.

"He had got mad that I had wanted to not be a secret anymore so he got abusive. It was verbally at first. He would call me slurs and say really homophobic things," he says.

(A/N: I will not be disclosing what he had said to Sam because as a straight woman I don't feel comfortable typing or saying such offensive things or saying slurs that aren't mine to say. Just wanted to bring awareness to something that has really happened to people through Sam's character! Your never alone!)

"It started verbally and then moved to physically he would hit me for a while before he moved onto more. He would sexually assault me some times. After that I quickly left that relationship," he says and takes a breath.

"I'm telling you this because your not alone I know some of the pain you feel. Your one of the few people I have told," he says to me and I'm in shock.

"I'm sorry you went through that your very strong. I hope you can find someone who loves you the way you deserve to be loved. I'm proud of you for telling me this and thank you," I say to him as I hug him.

"Also I'm to shy to talk to him but your brother Greyson is really cute," he says as his cheeks go red.

"He so checked you out," I say to him.

He laughs.

"The guy with the black hair and tattoos wouldn't keep his eyes off of you," he says and I blush.

"Stop oh my gosh. Let's go check on my food," I say to him as I kiss his cheek and get up.

We walk into the kitchen and I see the food still has a little bit of time.

I feel a shadow come behind me.

I feel Kai wrap his arms around my waist before looking over my shoulder at Laila.

"She is out," he says and I nod my head.

"She had a long hard job of being held while I cooked for everyone," I say and roll my eyes.

"Mhm," he says as he just pulls my closer and nuzzles his face in my neck as we sway side to side.

"You okay?," I ask him as I turn my head to him.

"I am now," he says and I smile.

"I need to get the food out," I say to him as he still holds me.

"I got it," he says and let's go.

I miss the warmth.

He takes the lasagna out and cuts slices in the pan before taking it to the table.

He grabs all of the salad and the toppings and takes them to the table.

I already set the table with plates.

We all sit down.

(Here's a visual!)

I leave Laila in her carrier asleep as I sit in my chair.

I let everyone take some food before I let myself have some.

I grab a slice of lasagna and some salad before I sit down.

I pat Laila's little butt with one hand and eat with the other.

"So Sam, how old are you?," Oliver asks.

"I am 19," he says as he eats his food.

"And are you dating someone?," Oliver asks again.

Sam blushes and shakes his head.

"Do you like anyone?," Oliver asks him.

He looks at Greyson before he shakes his head no.

"Have you ever dated anyone before,," Kai asks him curiously.

"I have had one boyfriend. I'm gay if you didn't know," he's says and I smile at him.

He's so sweet I cannot.

I feel a hand come on my lap and I see Kai is holding onto Laila's foot as she sleeps.

Maybe it's a comfort thing..?

He plays with her little toes as he sits there eating his food.

"What is everyone else sexuality?," he asks shyly.

"Lesbian," Amelia says.

"Pansexual," Nalani says.

"Straight," Elias says.

"Gay," Oliver says.

"B-bisexual," Lorenzo says.

"Straight," Delilah says.

"Bisexual," Greyson says.

"Aulorasexual," Kai says.

"Straight," I say.

"Be serious," Greyson says as he hits Kai on the back of the head.

"Ow, okay I'm straight," he mumbles.

He never let go of Laila's foot the whole time.

We continue our dinner with light conversations until it gets late.

"Thank you for the dinner it was so good," Sam says and everyone agrees with him as we all stand up.

"Does anyone want to stay the night?," I ask them and they turn to me.

"Yes," All of them say at the same time.

This should be fun!


Here's chapter 26!

I'm so excited to write the next few chapters because something amazing is happening.

Finding aesthetic pictures for my tik tok is so hard.

I do think more smut is in your future so don't you worry.

The song 'fade into you' by mazzy star is so good.

Thank you for 120k reads on here and 250k reads on my other book I never thought anyone would read my shit writing.

Anyways I hope you had/have a good day and enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading and I will see you next time! I love you -addyson <33

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