

Today me and Amber are going out to do a lie detector test. Buzzfeed has this series and our management decided to sign us up for it. It's being broadcasted live on their Instagram like always, but I have to say I am kind of worried. The producers have a list of questions for the partner to ask, and you have to answer them. Luckily the girls always go up first, but i won't be having fun over the anxiety of when it comes to me.

It was an hour before I had to go and I was in my office drinking a Diet Coke, watching videos on how to correctly lie during a lie detector test. I know I know its stupid as fuck but its worth a shot.

Amber was in the bath and Johnson was getting dressed from showering. It took him a while to get in because, well we were messing around. Hopefully I gave you an idea as to what we did.

About 10 minutes later, A knock on my door was heard. Surely knowing who it is, I smirked to myself and paused the video. Setting my coke down, I stood up and opened the door for my lover.

"Sir I need to talk to you about something important." He said in all seriousness but winked at the end. It is our codish thing when people are in the house and not get caught making out in my office.

"Yes Johnson please come in." I replied while he walked in with that sexy skin tight black shirt. I closed the door, locking it behind me just for extra reassurance.

Soon enough right as I locked it, i pinned JJ on the door and put my lips on his so fast my head is spinning. My hands moved down his arms, landing on his chest. A smile crept up on my face through our rough kissing.

His arms slid around my neck, rising one of his skinny but beautiful legs up mine.

As we continued to make out, we walked over to my chair. He giggled through our kiss as I would squeeze his small yet adorable ass.

"Babe I have no ass i'm sorry you barely have anything to squeeze." He chuckles pulling away from my lips. He might be centimeters away from my throbbing lips, but I already miss him.

I shake my head roll my eyes playfully, grinning. "Baby boy, You have an amazing ass, please don't ever apologize." I chuckle and pulling him closer to me. He rose an eyebrow and wiped his thumb over my cheek.

"I know my ass will never compete with Ambers, but hey my moans are pretty pleasurable to hear." JJ Smiled pecking my lips.

I give him a shocked look, you are kidding me. "Jack motherfucking Johnson, you are such an amazing, kind human, not to mention fucking beautiful. I would much rather eat your ass than hers." I laugh ruffling his blonde, newly dyed hair. His cheeks turned a bright red and he slapped my shoulder playfully. "Jesus Jack, what a compliment." He pouted, soon turned into laughing along with me.

"I speak the truth honey!" I smirk. He started to bite his lip, while giving off a lustful vibe. I'm all in for this.


"Well, do you maybe wanna show me some of the, stuff you don't do with Amber? You know," He started to whisper, pushing his finger on my chest to sit me down in my office chair. I lick my lips, seeing as he sits on my lap and takes off his black shirt. Leaning into my ear he whispered seductively, ending with a moaned whimper, "Sexually? Me in your king-sized gray bed, my nails digging into your back as you pound into me. Your fingers as they are being sucked, in my mouth to not let my moans wake up the entire neighborhood." I threw my head back as his hands roamed my chest, inside my shirt.

"I need you, right here right now JJ." I groaned, looking the pale boy on my lap up and down. It really was a beautiful sight. My favorite boy shirtless, his blonde beautiful hair sticking up, and those lust filled eyes that could kill everyone. "Then come get me, loverboy." He smirked, making sure to bite his plump lips to tease me.

I pull him so every inch of him is on me, down to our cocks. He wraps his arms around my neck and aggressively starts to kiss me. I kiss back with huge passion, making sure to creep my tongue into his mouth. His small, long fingers intertwine in my hair, slightly pulling it. Causing a quiet moan to leave me during our kissing.

Just as I was about to remove his belt, a knock is heard at my door.

"Mr. Gilinsky, Amber is calling for you. Something about what to wear." Vanessa called through the other side of the door.

"Might as well shove a brick down my throat. Shit we are leaving soon anyways." I sigh looking over at my watch. "I'll be there in 3. Thank you Vanessa." I fakely say in a happy tone.

Johnson pouts and fixes his messed up hair. "It's fine Jack, we'll just have to try to continue another time. You gotta tend your cattle." He smiles butting our heads together.

"You got it babe. Besides it's only like a two hour event. Maybe when I get back we can go to the hot tub and, play a bit." I whisper, pulling his neck in to kiss me.

After he gets up and puts his shirt back on and adjusts his belt.

"So you aren't even a bit worried about her finding out about us during the lie detector test? It's also broadcasted live in real time G." He asked, starting to fiddle with his fingers.

This is exactly why I didn't want to mention it to him, but he found out through online. He has terrible anxiety and everyone finding out would put it over the edge.

"JJ, i'm sure nothing will happen. And if it does i'll lie and say it's some instagram model. No need to get anxious." I reassure, kissing the top of his head, making my way to the door.

He nods and turns off the light as we both walk out of the office, staring a random conversation about getting a raise to not make anyone in the house suspicious.


"Baby im excited for today, so many questions are gonna be revealed and that means media attention for us!" Amber exclaimed as we stepped out of my Jeep.


She decided to wear a red tube top with denim shorts and thigh high black velvet boots. Like said before she always tries to go all out extra. She's so sexy but if she wasn't a total bitch i'd be smashing her in the backseat.

"Oh yes Amber. I think it'll be so entertaining. Can't wait to ask you questions haha." I chuckled getting a hold of her hand.

"I might be going first but how bad can the questions be? Either way I cannot wait for you to go up." she smiles, both of us entering the building.

I instantly gulped, my free palm started to sweat. I'm not worried about her questions because i'm great to her. I give her everything and more, I treat Amber like a queen, with respect and love.


Amber sat in the white plastic chair and the machine operator started to set her up.

"Okay here are the 12 questions you ask Ms. Scholl, and no you may not skip any. once we go live you say the words written on top of the paper. This whole thing is going to be under 1 hour and 30 minutes so try to go quick. Great? Great. Starting in two minutes everyone!" My manager explained to me while putting on my mic.

I was used to this kind of commotion but it was just my anxiety building up.

Oh god these questions are gonna fuck me. There are laid back ones in the beginning like "Did you have love at first sight?", "Do you think that your partner is happy with you?" "Do you actually do everything the other person tells you to do, cleaning wise?" Those I can say yes too and more, but some are just no no. "Are you currently happy with your relationship?" "Are you currently cheating with your significant other?" "Are you in love, like from the first day you met?" Oh god no.

"3,2,1 We are live!" The director calls out.

"Hello everybody, I am Jack Gilinsky and this is my humble and beautiful girlfriend Amber scholl. you might know us from 2017 Hottest instagram couple in cosmopolitan, but today you all will get a bit more juice from us in 'The real deal detector"." I smile into the live camera.

"I am kinda nervous to be honest but how bad can this be! I still don't know what the questions are but I trust Jack." Amber giggles bouncing her knee up and down.

"Okay let's go! Question one,'Did you fall in love at first sight with me?" I asked smiling, Hey i kinda have fun right.

She blushed and nodded her head. "You are such a beautiful human of course!" She exclaimed laughing.

"That is true." The man operating it said.


"Haha know we are gonna get interesting." I devilishly laugh in a playful manner.

She shook her head and smiled. "Hit me!"

"Okay, do you still feel in total love, like how when you met me?" I ask. Her smile instantly dropped but quickly came back. She started fiddling with her feet and adjusted her hair.

"Y-Yes duh! How can I not baby?" She said with a shaky voice. I raised my eyebrow and looked over to the man operating the machine.

"Nope not true." He sighed, getting tired of this segment already. I give her a look of shock and try to clear my throat. Amber just sits there, fiddling with her hair, not making eye contact with me.

"O-Oh please the machine is probably broken, B-Baby I really l-love you." She reassured me. I stayed silent and looked up at the camera woman. She just shrugged and continued going.

"Huh okay. Well next one, Are you currently cheating on your significant other?" This one has to be a no. I will genuinely flip my shit. Why would she have a reason to be cheating? Like I said I give her absolutely everything.

She sighed hard, running a hand through her black hair. "Jack I'm so sorry, I really am." She said looking up at me.

I Shook my head and dryly laughed. "Answer the damn question, for the amazing people." I answered through my teeth, my palms starting to sweat.

"J-Jack, im so sorry, but yes." She admitted. My eyes widened and so did everyones behind the camera. My manager ran to the backroom, probably about to scream.

Everyone looked at the operator and he said, "It's true."

Are you fucking kidding me? No no no this cannot be happening, No how? I've done nothing but love her and support her. Especially on live internet? Everyone is seeing this. My parents, our fans, friends, some of my family, literally everyone and their mother.

"Amber what the fuck? Are you seriously cheating on me?!" I shouted standing up, causing my chair to fall.

"Babe I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to drag out so long with Marcus. I need you-" She quaked standing as well, taking off the machinery.

"Don't you dare 'babe' me. Turn the fucking live off I'm leaving. Marcus? The man i let in my home and car? Seriously?! I could just throw your chair right now. Fuck this. Amber Stay at your moms or with your fuck buddy because this is over. Pick up your shit tomorrow." I roared, ripping off my mic and walking out.

It feels like everything is tumbling down as I walk through the halls. How could she?

As I walked out to get to my car, she ran catching up to me.

"Jack no you can't do this, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I cant lose you." She pleaded holding my hands.

I pull them away and push her to not be so close to me. "You should of thought of that before you hopped on Marcus's dick. Now get the fuck out of my way before I hit you. And i actually care about you, to not do that." I fumed.

Her jaw dropped open and I ran to the car.

"And get your own ride bitch." I yelled.

God fuck Amber Scholl.


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