《Primrose》Chapter 27


My hands are shaking as the nerves are starting to get to me. Today is fundraiser day. I told May about it but she said that she doesn't want to see me get hurt. So she'll be cheering me on from home along with Clyde. I pace around my little back room by myself. The boys' matches are first so that gives me plenty of time to freak out.

I know I said that I'm not going to be nervous, but that was before the day finally came. Just take deep breaths in. I close my eyes as I feel like I'm starting to relax. Jed, Nash, and Kade are going up today. I wish them the best of luck.

"You got this Prim. You are going to do you're best and even if you don't win, you're still going to get something out of it," I whisper encouragingly to myself.

The door to my backroom opens and Heath walks in. "You good?" He asks me. I nod my head and bury my face in his chest, inhaling his sweet scent.

"I'm just a bit nervous. I didn't know how scary this would be," I say but it comes out muffled since I'm talking against his hard chest.

His arms wrap around my small frame and his hands come up to cup my face forcing it up to meet his beautiful hazel green eyes. "You will do fine. I believe in you," He says and pecks my lips. "Plus, the guys are going first. So you have nothing to worry about right now,"

I close my eyes once more and nod my head. You're probably wondering why I'm freaked out because I went up for the preview of the fundraiser. Well, the actual fundraiser has way more people than I expected. The preview only had less than a hundred. But this place is packed with a bunch of people. That's why I'm nervous.

I hear the announcer as Jed, Nash, and Kade get ready to fight against their opponent. Heath and I start to make our way out to watch them. "I'll be out in a second, I'm gonna grab my water bottle real quick," I say. He nods and heads outside. I hear the door close and just as I am about to open it back up so that I can make my way out, the devil enters my room.

"Bitchtoria," I greet with a smile.

She gives me a serious look. "Prim, I just wanted to clear the air between us before we both go out there," She starts.


My eyes widen in shock. "Wow, you actually got my name correct," I state happily. "That's a first,"

"Haha, very funny. Anyway, we're on the same team here. I'm sorry that I came out a bit harsh to you. But I just want to wish you luck okay? You can hate me all you want, but I need our team to win tonight. So, I'm calling a temporary truce between us," She says.

I raise an eyebrow. "And why should I believe you?" I ask.

She sighs. "I know my brother has probably told you things about me, which leads you to see me this way, but I promise, we can go back to hating each other after this night finishes. Please?" She begs me this time.

I don't know. Side with the devil, or leave her be. She does seem sincere about her speech earlier. And a truce does sound a bit less nerve-wracking. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. "Okay, truce until this night ends," I say. We both shake our hands.

"Shall we?" She asks with a smile and I follow her out to where Jed is currently in the ring with some other dude. "I hope Jed wins," She says looking worriedly.

"Me too," I say as I watch them begin to circle each other.

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"Prim you got this. Just go up there and pretend that the person you're beating the shit out of is Emily," Kade says rubbing my shoulders.

I nod. The boys' match is over. Jed won but sadly, Kade almost got a tie, and Nash just barely lost. Now, it's the girl's turn and Victoria is up first. Yes, Victoria not Bitchtoria. It's a truce, for now.

She enters the ring looking confident that she's going to win. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope she does. I try to distract myself by playing with Heath's hand, and soon enough Victoria wins her match and now it's my turn. My breathing picks up as Heath stands up, pulling me along with him.

"Hey, look at me," He says and cups my face. "Think about how after you will win, I'll take you out on the most extravagant date you can imagine. And if you lose I'm making you spend the day with Kade, alone," He says. I laugh, I just know he's saying this to help me try and win. And it's safe to say that's it sort of working.

I blow out a deep breath and make my way to the ring. "You got this Prim," Victoria says from the sidelines with a genuine smile and a thumbs up.


I see my opponent making her way over into the ring. As the light shines onto her face, I can't help but let a gasp escape my lips. "Sasha?" I ask shocked.

She smirks up at me. "Surprise, surprise, Prim," She says.

"I don't understand, what're you doing here? I thought this place wasn't for you?" She does not look like the type of girl to box. Actually, I just judged a book by its cover. I looked like the kind of girl who doesn't box but look at me now.

"You are actually the reason I'm here," She spits angrily at me. The bell rings, signaling to us that the match has begun. We circle around each other.

"What?" I ask bewildered.

"Yeah, you stole everything from me," She yells and takes a swing at me. "You have no idea what you put me through," She says again and takes another swing at me. "This is all your fault!" And another swing.

I dodge all three swings and raise an eyebrow up. "Mind telling me why?" I ask circling her.

"Oh, don't act all innocent," She fake laughs at me. "You stole my husband!" She yells and punches me.

"Who? Heath? You guys weren't even married! You cheated on him!" I yell back. She just shakes her head.

"Stop talking!" She screams at me and lunges towards me. I step out of the way causing her to fall to the floor. "Get back here," She yells and stands back up throwing blows my way. Some I was able to dodge but some got me good on the ribs and on the face. Well, those are going to leave serious bruises.

"You. Are. A. Bitch!" She says between punches. Her body grows tired by every punch. So after the final one, I jab her side, causing her to slump down onto the floor. At least she got her anger out. The referee raises my hand and the crowd cheers. Huh, I guess that was easier than I thought.

I take a good look at Sasha lying on the floor from exhaustion before someone yanks me out of the ring. Before I know it I am being pulled into a hug. I inhale his scent. Jed. I wrap my arms around him and he hugs me back tighter. "I'm so proud of you bestie," He says kissing the top of my head.

"Woohoo!" Kade shouts as he approaches me. He pulls me in a hug and so does Nash. "I can't believe Sasha was up there," Kade says with a shocked expression.

"What did she say to you? It looked like she was screaming her head off up there," Nash says.

I slump down on the couch. "She was just ranting to me about how I stole Heath from her," I say shrugging. The door opens and Victoria and Heath walk in with wide smiles on their faces.

"You did it, babe," Heath says pulling me in a tight hug.

"Well, I wouldn't have done it without you. So, thank you," I say and kiss his lips. I turn to face Victoria with a smile. "You did great as well. So, now that both of our fights are over, is the truce over?" I ask. I'm surprised to say that I am a bit sad that the truce would be over. Our friendship was fun while it lasted.

She looks down for a moment before shaking her head. "Actually, I hate to admit it but you're a pretty good friend," She mumbles.

"So, friends?" I ask. She nods her head and pulls me in a hug. I turn back to face Heath once she releases me. "You mister, owe me and I quote 'the most extravagant date you can imagine'."

"Forget about the date. Let's celebrate," Jed says squishing Heath and me into a hug with him in the middle.

"I'll talk to May about the good news. But does anybody know how much money we raised? That was the main reason why I wanted to enter this in the first place, for the families--"

"We get it, Prim, you're all about family first," Kade says interrupting me.

"Well, in total with the boy's and girl's matches, we made about $800,000.00," Victoria says. My eyes grow wide. 800,000? No way. I could buy a brand new car with that money. But it's not for me. Better yet, those families can even buy a new home and food that can last them almost an entire year. This is truly amazing.

This night was definitely something different. I won a match against Heath's crazy ex-girlfriend, called a truce with Victoria, raised $800,000, and Victoria and I remained friends. Huh, the word friend and Victoria in the same sentence is something that I never thought I would ever say. But, I'm glad that I can be able to say it now.

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