《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Ten •
"So, are you going to Archer's match tomorrow?" Caitlyn asked me as she chewed on some popcorn.
I haven't seen Caitlyn enough lately, so I invited her to spend Friday afternoon at my house. We've been talking about all sorts of random things, while eating a bunch of crap, for the last two hours.
"Yeh, he invited me yesterday."
"So, should I even bother asking you if you'll come with the rest of us to Jamie's party. It's tomorrow night." She looked at me innocently.
I enjoy the occasional social or house party, but sometimes it's just too much for my nerves. There are large amounts of people, which are mostly drunk.
"I don't know Caitlyn..."
"Devin is going after Archer's match, he said that he was going to try convince Archer to go as well. He said that Cody won't need much convincing." She said in an attempt to persuade me.
"It starts at six. That's an hour after Archers match." She continued. "Arriving late is obviously not a big deal."
"Um, I'll think about it."
"Com'on. Everybody knows that 'I'll think about it' means no." She's right, that's what it means, I was just hoping that she wouldn't pick up on that. "Tell me you're coming, right now." She insisted.
Ugh, I hate it when she does this. I feel too bad to say no and she knows this.
Maybe it'll be good for me to loosen up for a change, take a break from the norm, maybe dance a bit...
"Ugh... Okay." I caved. "You owe me." She laughed in victory.
"No, you owe me for opening you up to such experiences." She joked.
I shoved her over, while we laughed.
Today is match day.
Caitlyn informed me that Archer and Cody agreed to join Devin, myself and the group to the party, but I'm still a little nervous about going.
I had to pick an outfit that was party worthy, but appropriate to wear in front of all the boxing lovers at the club.
So, I went with an off the shoulder, white crop top; ripped, light denim jeans and my white sneakers.
I'm currently staying in Archers prematch room, watching Devin and Cody pretend fight with each other. They look ridiculous, but adorable. Devin has his hands up, protecting his face, while Cody dies the same bouncing around Devin like he's about to strike.
"Guys, enough." I said through giggles. "We should start heading for our seats, Archer will be starting soon."
They stopped and looked at me disappointed. Devin punched Cody in the shoulder when he was still turned looking at me.
"Ow. You sneaky son of a bitch." Cody yelled.
Devin just chuckled. "Now I'm ready, let's go."
"I'll get you back for that, ass hole."
We made our way to our seats and as soon as we did, the announcer called out Archer's opponents name.
The guy named Bud stepped into the ring flexing and showing off his hugeness. This guy was a lot more muscular than the guy from last week, but he was also extremely arrogant.
The announcer called out Archer's name and once again, the crowd went mad. I joined them this time, screaming out for Archer with my hands in the air.
He came into the ring with the same look of determination and concentration that he has every time he fights. Again he was looking fine with his muscles exposed.
The bell went off for the round to begin and as if he had been anticipating it, Archer stepped forward and took the first shot at his opponent, landing it square on the side of his head. I can't get enough of watching Archer in the ring. He radiats power.
"Whooooo, yes Archer!" Cody and I screamed alongside each other.
Bud took a few shots at Archer, but Archer held his arms in front if his face, not allowing Bud to hit anywhere other than Archers shoulders and arms. Archer ducked and hit Bud in the stomach, causing bud to let out a deep grunt. Archer again took a shot at his opponents face, but Bud ducked out of the way.
"Shit!" Escaped my mouth.
After more hits from both fighters, the bell went off to signal the end of the round.
"Dammit." I said stomping my foot on the ground.
"Relax, Archer will take him." Cody said.
"Cody is right. His opponent is too arrogant. He opens himself up to easily." Devin agreed.
Hopefully they're right, they should really know their stuff considering their constant supposed for Archer in his fighting career.
'Ding'. The bell signaled the beginning of the second round. Com'on Archer.
Archer bounced around, left and right confusing Bud, radiating energy. He planted a hit on Bud's cheek, and Bud stumbled back. That must've been a strong punch. Archer leaped for Bud again, and hit him on the side of his head. The guy dropped to the floor, out cold.
"Yessss!" I yelled.
"Told you." Cody said.
"Yes yes." I waved him off.
I continued to cheer until Archer left the ring.
We made our way to the back to meet up with Archer. He looked worse than he did last time. I hated seeing him cut up and bruised like this. My heart ached.
"Nice match, Arch." Devin said.
"Thanks man. He was an arrogant little shit, was fun getting to knock him out." He chuckled, but I could see he was tired.
"You Okay?" I asked him.
"All good, Blondie. Don't worry about me. I'm tough, remember." He said smirking.
After that we waited while Archer packed up and then headed to the cars.
I took a ride with Archer to the party, because Devin and Cody went together and I don't mind riding with him.
It was quarter to six by the time we left the club and we were on our way to Jamie's house.
"Are you even up to this?" I asked Archer.
He looked exhausted to say the least. I don't know how he can want to go to a party after having just fought.
"Yeh. I'm good. I enjoy a good party. Plus, someone has to make sure Devin doesn't get into too much trouble." It's sweet of him to care so much about his friends, it's one of the things that is most attractive about him.
"Okay. If you say so."
"Are you?" He asked after a moment of silence. "Last I remember, a large crowed and overpowering noise was the cause of a panic attack.
"I'm not sure. I didn't want to go in the first place, but Caitlyn convinced me. It might be good for me to let go a bit." I explained.
"Okay, as long as you're sure."
I'm not sure, but I can't let my anxiety hold me back from enjoying my teen years.
When we arrived I texted Caitlyn letting her know that I was here. She met me by the entrance and lead me to the kitchen to get a drink. Leaving Archer with Devin and Cody by the dance floor.
"Archer looks hot when he's all cut up." Caitlyn gushed.
"How much have you had to drink." I said laughing at my best friend.
"Only about one... bottle." She said. "Haha, kidding. Only five cups." She giggled.
"Okay then." And its only seven.
"Hey, Ar. You're here! Com'on lets go daaance!" Erin said, dragging Caitlyn and I through the house.
The dance floor was filled with large groups of drunk, dancing teens. There was great choice of music and there were colourful lights illuminating the room.
I danced with my fiends and we were later joined by E and Barry.
They are honestly so cute together. Barry had his arm around Ethan's shoulder and they were dancing to the music.
"Hey, this is Barry." Ethan yelled over the music. "I'm sure you two have met."
"Yeh, Aurora is in a few of my classes." Barry said smiling.
We continued to dance and sing along to the music. Devin lead Archer and Cody to where we were dancing and the guys joined us. They look so natural dancing and letting loose.
I've seen him mess around, makes jokes and flirt, but I've never seen him this easy going.
Someone bumped into me and I looked up to find a drunk guy, I've never seen, glaring down at me. Must be someone from another school.
"Careful bitch." He said to me. Excuse you Asshole.
"Sorry, it was only an accident." Not wanting to cause a fight with a huge drunken teenage boy, I said nothing offensive and moved back over to my group.
The scene with that guy bright me out of my fun energy bubble and now I'm fully aware of all the people bouncing around me. The music felt as though it was getting louder. People were laughing and cheering around me. I bumped into another person who only glared at me, thankfully. I started to feel dizzy, so I stood still trying to orientate myself. It wasn't working. My skin was starting to burn and I felt my hands shaking.
I turned to a drunk Caitlyn and told her I was going to the bathroom, but I'm not sure if she heard me or not.
I walked out of the mess of people and hid myself in the empty hallway that lead to the bathroom. I sat in the corner with my back against the wall, trying to control my breathing. I could still hear the music and cheers. My breaths became short and shallow.
I heard footsteps approaching me, so I removed my head from between my knees and looked up.
"You Okay?" He asked concerned.
I shook my head as tears began to fall down my cheeks. My nose was starting to tingle and my hands were still shaking. Crap.
He came and crouched beside me.
"You want me to get you out of here?"
I nodded my head.
"Okay Com'on." He said, grabbing my arm gently, helping me up. I wiped my tears with my hands as he guided me out with his hand on the small of my back.
"Almost there." He reassured me as we made it way to the exit. When we made it out of the house we headed in the direction of the car.
Once locked inside the dark car, Archer sat in silence watching me as I calmed myself down.
I breathed out a long breath and looked over at him. I probably looked a mess. I was still shaking.
"You alright?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed.
I nodded and offered a small smile.
"You don't have to lie."
"Ha. Yeh, okay. If I don't, then I'm showered by pity." I lashed. "Sorry... I didn't mean to shout. I'm just... rattled."
He hesitated, but replied. "I understand. I don't pity you, Blondie. I just want to help." He said reassuringly.
I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. Mmm.
"Okay. You really wanna know, Archer?" I pushed, "it feels like my face is being pricked with needles, my head is throbbing, my hands are still shaking and I feel like I'm floating out side my body, but at least the tears have stopped." I blurted out.
We sat for a few seconds.
At least I feel a little lighter after yelling.
"Feel better?" He asked smirking.
"A little." I said letting out a small laugh.
"Good." He said holding out his hand and touched my shoulder. He made circles with his thumb, but too soon after he removed it to start the car.
I sent my friends a message letting them know that I've left, but I'm not sure they'll miss me too much, because they have each other.
"Why did you agree to go to this party?" He asked me.
"Caitlyn made me and I thought maybe I'd have fun."
"Regretting going?" He asked looking ahead at the road.
I looked over at him thinking about what he said. "No. I had fun, until..."
"Mmm." Archer breathed out.
When we arrived at my house, he turned off the car. We sat there for a few moments in silence.
"Would you like to come in?" I asked him.
He looked at me, conflict evident in his eyes. "I would be intruding."
"My parents are out for date night until somewhere around ten and my sister is staying at a friend."
Archer looked at the clock on the car's dash, 8:30.
He paused for a moment. "Okay."
"Okay." Is all I said in response.
We stepped out of the car, shut our doors and he locked it. We walked up to the door and I unlocked it with my house keys. After stepping in and shutting the door again, Archer walked further in, taking in his surroundings.
"It's nice." He said.
"Thanks." I smiled. "Would you like something to drink?" I offered.
"Oh no thanks." He said shaking his head. "Okay. I'm going to leave you for a second to change my clothes."
"Don't worry about me, I'll keep myself occupied."
"The living room is through there. Take a seat or... yeh." I said before bolting up the stairs, not wanting to keep him waiting too long.
I threw my hair into a bun, put on a comfortable fluffy top and a pair of comfy pants. I looked in the mirror to see the extent of the mess my panic attack made of my appearance. I had bags under my eyes and my mascara was slightly smudged, so I washed my face and reapplied my face cream. At least I look slightly better.
When I went back down stairs, Archer was looking through the framed photos on the living room wall, a smile just visible on his face.
"You snooping, Archer?" I asked amused.
He looked up and toward me, just smiling, not denying it. He looked me once over, then averted his eyes.
"Movie?" I asked.
"Sounds good."
Here I am, watching the lion king with a bowl of popcorn on my lap, wrapped in a fluffy blanket with Archer, crying my eyes out. While Archer sits next to me with perfectly dry eyes, damn robot.
"Haven't you seen this?"
"Yes, but it doesn't make his death any easier!" I cried.
Archer chuckled.
I will always love Disney movies. Always have, always will.
When Archer chuckled I suddenly realize that the two of us have moved slightly closer together. He was fully fixed on the movie, so I doubt he even realized it himself. I looked up at him, studying his features. He looked at peace.
"You were the one who wanted to watch the movie, and now your not even watching." He said turning his head to face me. I quickly looked away, but he was still smirking down at me. I looked back up at him.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." He said looking away, but still smirking.
Nothing my ass.
A little over half way through the movie I started to nod off, which caused me to naturally lean my head on Archers shoulder. My exhaustion left me carelessly dozing off into sleep.
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