《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Seven •


Monday came around too quickly. Unfortunately the weekend flew by and it was the start of a new week. Sarcastic yay.

After taking a, longer than necessary, shower went over and I opened up my closet.

What says: 'I don't really want to be here, but because I have to I'm going to dress appealingly'?

I decided to go with my light denim jeans, a black plain spaghetti cut top, my white sneakers and my big wooly coat.

Satisfied, I run a brush though my hair, put on some lip gloss and headed downstairs.

"Good morning, family." I said with a tired smile.

"Morning, Aurora. Didn't you sleep well?" My mom asked concerned.

"Not really mom, but I'm okay." I said offering her another smile.

I really didn't sleep well. It was around twelve when I decided to actually take a sleeping pill, because I couldn't sit there any longer. Eventually I fell asleep, but woke up a few times after.

"Sorry my babe." She said stroking my hair.

"I'm good, don't stress." I hoped to reassure her. I don't like worrying my parents.

I made my morning smoothly, then I took a seat at the kitchen counter. I still have a few minutes left to enjoy my morning at home, before I had to leave for school.

"Good morning my girls." My dad greeted upon entering the kitchen.

He placed a kiss on the top of my head and one on my mom's cheek.

"Hey dad." I replied smiling.

"Another damn Monday." My dad said sighing.

My dad is in advertising. He is a ECD (Executive Creative Director), which means constantly dealing with clients and other people.

Doesn't that sound fun?

Oh how I love human beings.

My dad is given a brief by the client (brand or company) and he has to stick to the concept that they want. He comes up with the idea, the other creatives have to plot out the ideas, then he either approves or disapproves it. Only to do that hundreds of times to be turned down by the fussy client. Eventually he gets it spot on, but it's quite the process. He produces some really amazing things, I love the things he comes up with.

"That bad?" I asked.

"I have a presentation with one of the clients today, so that is how I'm starting my week."


"Sorry dad, but I'm sure you'll kill it." I try to encourage him.

He just gives me a smile and hugs me.

"Thanks, Ar."

"Has Wil already left?" I ask my mom.

"Yes, she had early morning practice for the competition next week."

Willow goes to an art school. She has all the normal high school subjects, but they make more time for her arts and culture subjects. They are strict about their students' training.

"Oh, okey." I mumble out, sad that I missed her this morning."

"You ready to go?" My mom asked me.



"Bye mom." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek, before exciting the car.

"Enjoy your day."

Haha, Okay.

I made my way up the school's steps and into the busy halls of the building. I walked casually down the corridor toward my locker. When I got there I opened it up and took out my books that I needed for my first few lessons.

"Well well, look who's early." Caitlyn said from behind me. "What's got you up earlier than usual?"

"Hi to you too." I smiled, "I couldn't sleep last night, I kept waking up and eventually just got up. I was sick of my disrupted sleep."

"What's new." Caitlyn said sarcastically.

"Exactly." I sighed.

I closed my locker and we started to walk down the hall toward my Art class.

"How was the match?" She questioned.

"It was amazing. I really enjoyed myself. Archer is really good." I babbled out.

"Sounds like you had fun." She Laughed.

"I really did. We went for pizza afterward and the guys are so much fun to be around."

"Just you, Archer and Cody?"

"Devin was there too, you'd like them."

"Well YOU definitely seem to." She laughed out. I just smiled at her.

When we got to my class, Caitlyn nudged me and teased, "You better not ditch me for them." She winked at me, before walking away.

"Never!" I shouted out at her as she walked away, laughing.

Earning the looks of my classmates.

I just shrugged them off, not in the mood to care.


At lunch, I approached our usual table and sat down.

"Hey, friends. Where's Erin?" I asked.


"She's being lectured by Mr J." Ethan chuckled out.

"Not surprised, but okay." I chuckled along with E. It was only a matter of time before Mr J had, had enough.

"How was your date, E?" Caity asked.

"It was good. We went to a movie." He said. I'm not one to kiss and tell, but..."

E said blushing.

"Eeeeh!" Alice squealed.

"Nice, maybe he's a keeper?" Caity said.

"It was only the first date." I stated.

"Ar is right, but I'm liking the odds."

She looked at me victoriously and I laughed.

Just then, Archer and his two idiot sidekicks approached our table.

"Hey Blondie." Archer said looking down at me.

"Hey." I said confused.

"We were thinking of sitting with you guys today. That's cool?" Cody casually said.

They started to sit. Cody between myself and Ethan, Devin between Alice and Caitlyn, and Archer between me and Caitlyn.

"What, you guys can't get enough of her?" Asked Caitlyn.

Of course, you can always count on her for making it wierd.

"She's our girl." Cody said smiling.

Aww. I feel special.

Archer chuckled beside me, his shoulder brushing agains mine.

I'm pretty sure I went red. Any contact from any human makes me uncomfortable, but this was different.

I really enjoy the guys' company, but Ive noticed that get more nervous around Archer.

He looked down at me, offering me a smile. I smile back.

"So, Archer. I hear you're a pretty good boxer." Ethan stated.

I glared at him.

Archer chuckled. Now I'm definitely going red.

"Already telling your friends about me?" He said playfully, nudging my shoulder.

"They asked!" I defended.

My friends were looking at me laughing. Thanks guys.

"So, you're Feisty's friends? You guys as weird as her?" Cody questioned.

"I'm not wierd!" I exclaimed.

"Feisty?" Caitlyn asked Cody laughing.

"Yeh, she put Archer in his place last week after he bumped into her and gave her crap about it." Cody explained.

"She bumped into me." Archer insisted.

"No she didn't, I was there." Cody said.

"Ha!" I laughed, pointing at him accusingly. "I knew it."

He rolled his eyes, but I could see the slight smile tugging on his lips.

"So are you going to introduce us at some point or what." Caitlyn said.

"Oh right. This is Caitlyn, Ethan and Alice, our one friend Erin is missing right now. Guys this is Archer, Cody and Devin, which you probably already knew." I introduced, gesturing between my friends and the guys.

They all exchanged awkward 'hi's.

"At least now I feel like they know who I am." Caity said satisfied.

They all chuckled, Archer's shoulder brushed against mine once again.

While the others started their own conversations between each other, Archer leaned down to whisper in my ear, "you're cute when you're nervous." His breath felt hot on my ear, giving me goosebumps.

What!? My breathing stopped.

How could he tell I was nervous, is it that obvious?

Then I realized I was tensed up, my hands fiddling with each other on my lap.


"I'm not nervous." I whispered back.

"Tell that to your hands." He said nodding his head toward my lap.

Realizing I was still fiddling, I shoved my hands between my legs to keep them still.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I acted confident.

He chuckled into my ear, "Okay, Blondie."

We joined our friends in the rest of their conversations, but I wasn't really listening. I just kept thinking about Archer and how close he was to me. He thought I'm cute. Should I like what he said as much as I did?

Eventually the bell rang and lunch was over. So we all got up ready to go to our next class.

"Well this was fun. Let's do it again sometime." Devin said.

"Agreed." Caitlyn said.

"How about ice cream after school?" Cody asked smiling.

Archer looked at him. "What is with you and ice cream?"

Cody shrugged.

"I can't but maybe another time, you guys should still go." Alice insisted.

"I'll let Erin know." Caitlyn said. "She's in my next class."

"Great." Devin said satisfied.

"So, this is happening." I said.

Archer and I looked at each other, amazed by how well our friends merged.

"See you later than, Blondie." He said smirking.

"Bye." I said, waving him off, but still smirking to myself.

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