《arranged marriage to a cricketer》part 21



i gotup soon and got ready in red colour top and yellow colour skirt. I am really excited for my 22 gift already yesterday gift is really special to me as it was our first kiss i am waiting for his other gifts so i am ready to see his surprise i said to my parents bye.

I left to his house as usual he is sleeping like a donkey, today lets do a different prank on him i thought and smiled evilly i went to kitchen opened the fridge and got some ice cubes i slowly went near him and lifted his T shirt and put some ice cubes but for my shock he did not getup so i took more ice cubes and took his feet and rubbed the ice cubes in his feet and took a ice cubes and kept it on his closed lips he immediately gotup due to chillness and pulled me on him and he smashed his lips on mine i could feel his cold lips i sucked his cold lips to make it warm where as his hands were on my waist inside my top and he started caressing my waist which made me moan and he took this a chance and dominated me by kissing my lips hardly and passionately he did not stop kissing me i bited his lips and dominated him by kissing him more passionately after 10 minutes we broke the kiss but his hands were under my top caressing my bare waist which made me feel shy he started kissing my earlobe and bited my ears and wispered sucking my ears making me completely red.

KARTHIK : if you one more time play prank than i will kiss you before everyone.

He said sucking my earlobe and i gulped looking at him where as he busted into laughter seeing my expression and said

KARTHIK : oh god priya your expression, its worth watching i was just joking.

He said a pecked my lips i gave him a dead glare and said

PRIYA : you scared me karthik from now onwards for 1 month no kiss for you that is your punishment and even you should not kiss me.

I said this and he was shocked now and said

KARTHIK : but i will be here only for 2 days so after this 2 days we will start the punishment however i want be here for 1 month as i am going for match so that 1 month i wont kiss you okay deal.

I gave him a stern look and said.

PRIYA : no from today it starts okay now give me my 22 gifts.


KARTHIK : you want get is easily you should earn it i will give you a sentence and the answer will be your gift okay so let's start your first gift is

" if you wear that you will look like a princess and when you twirl its looks even more beautiful what is it "

I am confused if a twirl means its a dress, i will look like a princess mean it will be a gown for sure so i said

PRIYA : gown

Karthik nodded his head and gave me the gown was it is really beautiful

KARTHIK : okay ready for your second gift so your second gift

" In this world their is no time for anyone but i want you to spare sometime with me, whenever you look at your wrist you should remember that you should dedicate sometime for me and what is that ?"

I should spend some time means it kind of some watch or what and whenever i look at my wirst means its confirm that its a watch.

PRIYA : watch,

i said with excitement he nodded and took a box which made me smile it matched the gown.

KARTHIK : so your third gift is

" This gift is a pair like us, it is tied with a laces, like we are tied together, this gift help you to walk freely from all hurdles like that even i will protect you from all hurdles so what is it "

It is a pair has a laces means shoe it makes me walk means confirm shoe.

PRIYA : shoe.

Karthik nodded, he has really made more efforts for my birthday which make me feel lucky, shoe were matching my gown.

KARTHIK : your forth gift is

" This gift make your ears more cute what is it "

PRIYA : Ofcourse earing which can make ears beautiful

it was a set of earing which he bought oh god all are really good.

KARTHIK : fifth gift is

" I want to remove this when i am kissing your neck "

He said first i could not guess but after he said neck

PRIYA : chain

He nodded i smiled seeing his gift

KARTHIK : your sixth gift

" Your hands are already beautiful but when you wear this in your wirst you will look more beautiful "

PRIYA : i think it bangles or bracelet.

Yes it was correct OMG priya you also have brain i thought and laughted at myself.

KARTHIK : 7th gift

" i am sure you will look sexy when you wear this gift and i want to do the pleats of your dress, when i am angry i want you to wear this which vanishes my anger "


PRIYA : pleats means it is a saree.

I felt shy when he said me sexy but i like his choice of sarees.

KARTHIK : your 8th gift

" i always like your big doe eyes, this gift makes your big doe eyes more visible and more beautiful so what is it "

I immediately said

PRIYA : kajal

(Guys only 20 pics are allowed so i could not put this, think this gift as mabeline newyork kajal )

KARTHIK : so ready for your 9th gift

" Its a normal cover which you can see in your mobile "

Its a normal cover which i can see in mobile means

PRIYA : back cover.

Oh my god my favourite panda back case

KARTHIK : your 10th gift is

" It is a colour which make your juicy lips more colorful and attractive "

PRIYA : lipstick

KARTHIK : yoir 11th gift

" This is a paint which make your long finger more beautiful "

PRIYA : nail polish

KARTHIK : your 12th gift

" Every girl dreams about this, like hugging this gift it is soft but it cannot talk it is made of cotton which every girl wishes to have one i am giving this to you because when i am not their think that as me and hug it when i am their i will replace it "

Soft and girl dream done with cotton means

PRIYA : teddy bear ?

I asked him with confused face but his gift mesmerized me in that gift thier was a huge teddy bear with small small teddy bear also

KARTHIK : your 13th gift is

" I already love your fragrance but this will make you more fragrant "

PRIYA : lotion or scent

But to my surprise it was a pack of all lotion, soap, gel etc

KARTHIK : your 14th gift

" Its not real but it look really cute i wish that even i want a children like this, this is small but it is cute,

it used for putting in bag zip or pouch zip, it is used for even putting in keys and the answer is in the question last line "

PRIYA : last line means key chain

Wow even i want children cute like these keychain.

KARTHIK : your 15th gift

" You use this when you go out, it is easy to keep money and card in this "

PRIYA : handbag or purse

Oh my god again he bought a set of bags

KARTHIK : your 16th gift

" With this gift you can drink water or coffee, with this gift you can hug it or hold it or you can keep it in your head and sleep and the other gift is made out by a cardboard in which thier will be wishes "

PRIYA : first one is cup the next one is pillow i think and other is greetings card.

KARTHIK : your 17th gift is

" I know you love dolls this is one among that doll with a house set which you are trying hard to buy but could not buy "

My eyes shined and i said.

PRIYA : barbie doll.

KARTHIK : your 18th gift

" This gift you can use in college for your exams this are necessary items for your college

PRIYA : stationary

( Guys only 20 pics are allowed so think that he gave her a classmate notebook, pen, pencil everything)

KARTHIK : your 19th gift

" Like this gift even our love is blossoming day by day i am sure that one day our love will flourish"

PRIYA : flowers

KARTHIK : your 20th gift

" Our life is like a novel whenever we turn the next page we have a new chapter like that only our life is, when ever we take a new page their will be a new bond for us, chetan bhagat has written lots of love stories but our love story is written by god "

PRIYA : novels

Its all romantic novels which i love alot.

KARTHIK : so your 21th gift

" We have already created some memories but i want to create more memories with you throughout my life, this is a box which contain our memories till now "

PRIYA : collage

It was a explosion box oh my god my photo with his parents, with my parents, with my friends, with him.

( Guys the picture is not opening because of lots of pictures sorry you can assume your explosion box)

KARTHIK : last gift but not least ready for your 22nd gift

" You have already entered my life and made by boring life sweet, when we taste this it taste like a sweet like your lips which taste like a sweet "

PRIYA : chocolate

After i received all my 22 gift i started crying seeing his love for me, hus caring nature i hugged him tightly and after two minutes i broke it and smashed my lips on his and started kissing him while kissing him i said thank you he smiled and started kissing me hardly he dominated me and i allowed him to dominate me.

after breaking the kiss i said

PRIYA : thank you karthik for making my day special by all your special gifts this gifts are more special to me.

He kissed my forehead and i hugged him like their is no tomorrow.

He is correct our love is already blossoming like a flower.

Thats all for today hope you liked his gifts and his questions its not riddles but she should find the answer.

Sorry if their is any mistakes, i will update explosion box, barbie and kajal in next part.

Thanks you all for your votes and comments for my previous parts.

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