《arranged marriage to a cricketer》part 14



today was the best day in my life, no no from the day karthik entered in my life every day is more special to me, the way he treats me, his care, his innocence, his naughtiness, his glares everything is making me go mad, i have never felt like this before whenever he is close to me i feel shy, when his breath touch me i feel lost and when his hands are on me i feel 1000 butterfies are running here and there in my stomach, i dont know what is this feeling called but i am enjoying this feeling.

My thoughts were broke by phone call it will be none other than karthik ya who call me at night 11 o clock so without seeing the caller ID i took the phone and said.

PRIYA : hey karthik you did not sleep?

I asked but when i heard the reply i saw the caller ID oh my god its babhi call not karthik oh its so embarrassing bhabhi said.

BHABHI : so karthik call you in this time, priya i think you should atleast see the caller ID, i think karthik is disturbing so much even when mom called you said karthik, even when i am called you are saying karthik or you were lost in karthik thoughts that made you call karthik.

Bhabhi finished her teasing i felt really shy i could not even answer but than she continued.

BHABHI : okay now stop blushing i called you because we are going to shopping tomorrow so will you join and one main thing dont say to karthik its our girls plan if he gets to know these boys will plan someother thing okay.

Bhabhi completed i replied her.

PRIYA : okay bhabhi i wont say to karthik and ya i will join where should i come.

BHABHI : first come to our house at morning 10 than we will decide where okay.

PRIYA : okay bhabhi good night and sweet dreams.

BHABHI : good night and dream about your karthik.

She said this and cut the call but her words are ringing in my ears "your karthik". I smiled and slept.


I got ready in yellow colour anarkali i am really very excited to go out with my girls gang, i ate my breakfast said my mom and dad bye and left to their house.

I knocked on the door my mother - in - law opened the door and hugged me even i hugged her and we both came inside i saw everyone sitting in the living room except karthik uff he is a sleepyhead, i took blessing from dad and hugged bhabhi and shreya, today i saw bhabhi glowing alot before i could ask my cute little angel came and hugged me even i hugged her and kissed her lovingly and was searching for karthik shreya came close to me and whispered


SHREYA : bhabhi the one you are searching is in his room.

She said i looked at her shockingly and said.

PRIYA : i am not searching for karthik.

I said her but she smirked at me and said.

SHREYA : i did not mention his name.

She said i face palmed myself.

Our conversation was broke by mom

MOM : shreya call your brother for breakfast.

SHREYA : sure mom

She said and looked at me and pulled me with her i was shocked she took me near his room and said.

SHREYA : bhabhi please bring karthik down for breakfast.

She said this and went without even letting me speak, now what will i do i slowly knocked his door there was no response so i opened the door whereas even he also came out from washroom and was shirtless water was dripping from his body his prefect abs were fully wet i felt like sucking the water oh god priya what happened to you thank god he was wearing a pant but i was shocked to see him shirtless and shouted at him.

PRIYA : dont you have manner coming outside without a shirt.

He looked at me first he was shocked but than he smirked looking at me and said

KARTHIK : oh madam you are in my room and asking i am shirtless and get used to this because after our marriage you will daily see me like this and one day you will see me more than this also.

He said all this coming closer to me i moved back, now my back hit on the wall and his hands were either side of the wall he came really closer his lips were one inch away from my lips and his one hand caught my waist and pulled me even closer to him and his another hands started caressing my face, he did not leave me i was breathing heavily because of his closeness and by his touch, his hands were caressing my lips and he said.

KARTHIK : one more time if you call me bahu instead of my hands, my lips will be replaced.

He said this looking at my lips i could not take anymore i hugged him tightly and even he hugged me i buried my face in crock of his neck, after sometime we broke the hug but he still did not leave me he came more closer and wispered in my ears.

KARTHIK : what are you doing to me priya.

He said this i felt shy i did not saying anything than only i noticed my hands were on his bare chest and his abs oh my god i just feel like kissing him there, priya control yourself.


I looked at him whereas he was smirking at him and he asked.

KARTHIK : what are you doing here?

He asked i said him everything how bhabhi called i did not say him that i thought bhabhi call was his call.

the next he said shocked me

KARTHIK : oh how can i forget to tell you this priya its a happy news bhabhi is pregnant.

I was first shocked but it turned to excitement and said karthik.

PRIYA : karthik why are you saying now you could have said me before i would have bought some toys.

I said this with a pout that he did not say.

KARTHIK: priya yesterday night only bhabhi said us so i did not have time to say sorry.

I smiled at him and happily said.

PRIYA : oh my god i will get a cute little baby.

He smiled looking at me and said

KARTHIK : if you leave me now i will go and change and come, i mean i dont have any probs to be like this forever with you, but all are waiting for breakfast so please leave me.

Than only i realised i am on him in his bed, how did i fall on my god in excitement i hugged

him tightly in that way which made us stumble and fall in bed.

I immediately gotup and he was searching a t shirt i said him slowly and ran away.

PRIYA : bahu come fast fir breakfast. I said this and came running downstairs and got hit by shreya.

She looked at me with a naughty look before she could say anything bhabhi and bhai said me.

BHAI : priya you are going to be chachi again.

I smiled looking at them and said congratulations and hugged bhabhi and said i am really very excited for the new baby. Whereas she smiled at me just than karthik came down in yellow T shirt i smiled as we both were matching he winked at me before i could say anything mom asked me.

MOM : come priya lets have breakfast.

PRIYA : no mom i had and only came sorry mom next time i will have for sure.

I said she smiled at me all were sitting just than bhabhi started cryimg we all were shocked to see bhabhi crying i asked her she said.

BHABHI : my husband ate my chocolate, i love chocolate but he ate it without giving me.

She said i suppressed my laughter not only me but everyone are supressing their laughter but bhai was horrified seeing bhabhi complaint, i know it is because of her mood swing she shouted at bhai.

BHABHI : i hate you, you ate my chocolate, dont talk to me from now onwards.

Whereas bhai was trying to convince bhabhi.

BHAI : i was hungry so i ate i will buy 10 chocolates for you dear dont be angry with your poor hubby.

He said this with puppy dog face but bhabhi was still angry and karthik was laughing like a hell he was rolling on the floor and started laughing. Bhai was pissed off with karthik and said what he said made me blush profusely.

BHAI : karthik now you are enjoying when your turn come i will laugh more than you laugh.

He said and karthik looked at me and winked i did not say anything than only i remember i got chocolates for ahana i went and took 3 chocolates and gave bhai to give to bhabhi and i gave ahana the other two chocolates.

After bhai gave the chocolates bhabhi forgive bhai and started eating the chocolate like a kid.

I smiled seeing bhabhi mood swing but my thought were broke by karthik as he took my hands under the table and started caressing my hands with his when i looked at him he started eating like a innocent boy idiot i wanted to free my hand but his hold is really tight that i cant free myself. I got an evil idea i looked at me who was smirking at me i said slowly in his ears.

PRIYA : wait and watch see what i will do

i said this but i did not expect that my lips will touch his ears, my lips touched his bare ears whereas he stiffened i slowly pinched his stomach where as he shouted and left my hands.

I looked at him innocently and asked me.

PRIYA : what happened karthik are you okay.

He nodded and glared at me where as i suppressed my laughter.

Everyone looked at karthik and bhai gave him a look like i know what are you guys doing and bhabhi winked at me.

Thats all i will update one more part today, please vote and comment, if their is any mistake sorry, thank you all for the votes and comments for the previous parts.

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