《arranged marriage to a cricketer》part 4



As i opended the door i was shocked to see Ms. Fairy sitting OMG she was really looking gorgeous in red colour kurti and blue jean she look divine like a fairy, i think i kept her name correctly only oh my god what are you thinking karthik my thoughts were broken by her polite voice, damn her voice is like a honey

SHE : how can i help you sir?

She asked me i replied her calmly

KARTHIK : i want to meet your mam.

SHE : do you have appointment sir ?

She asked i mean i feel like i want to hear her voice i dont wont her to stop talking she has some magic in her voice arrey karthik what are you thinking saying this i replied her


SHE : sir you should wait for half a hour as mam is having lunch and you should give your details sir.

She said this so politely i just nodded then she went and took the register may be note my detail she asked my name which made me shock i thought she is beeing professional with me and i said.

SHE : sir what is your name ?

KARTHIK : karthik chander

Again she asked me a question which made me shock now i understand she dont even know who i am.

SHE : sir what is your profession ?

KARTHIK : whole world knows my profession

She gave me a confused look okay i think she dont know who i am so i said her.


after i said this she was really shocked but she was so cute when she is shocked and hot too, by her expression i could say that she was embarrassed because she did not know but to confirm i asked her.

KARTHIK : dont you see cricket ?

But her reply made me surprised

SHE : i do see cricket sir but not much i see last over only that to if india is in winning stage and you pleople always were helmet so i could not identify you sir.

She said which confused me i am while bating we were the helmet but not while fielding so i asked her.

KARTHIK : but while fielding we dont wear helmet.

SHE : but sir while fielding also they dont show you properly.

She said which made me smile and then she said i can go and meet principal mam before i open the door of principal mam room i turned and asked her name.

KARTHIK : Ms. College president what is your name?

She looked at me with a horrified expression where as i chuckled seeing her expression she was looking damn cute i dont know who is going to be her husband but that person is so lucky to have her in his life i understood her expression and said.


KARTHIK : hey dont worry i wont say to your mam i am just asking you to know.

After i said this she gave me a smile of relief and said.

SHE : priya sir

I smiled and said her

KARTHIK : Ms. Priya i will fulfill your suggestion.

She gave me a confused look and asked me

PRIYA : what suggestion sir?

KARTHIK : that you could not see my face due to helmet. I said and she smiled oh my god her smile she is really a fairy from heaven i thought and i continued

KARTHIK : for that you should see my match that to when i score 50 and 100 i will show my face to camera. She was listening everything carefully and smiled at me and said

PRIYA : i am waiting sir.

I smiled and she return me smile and i went and met principal mam

( i will reveal the conversation of principal mam and karthik in my 5th part or 6th part)

And i left after meeting her mam now i came to dinning table for dinner and without eating i am thinking about her, her smile, her cute expressions when she is shocked or horrified, her answer when she got to know that i am a cricketer, uff her big doe eyes which speaks more than her voice, everyone can easily fall for her. Today only i noticed she has a long black hair, white skin, slim body with a big doe eyes which look really cute and innocent my thought were broke by my brother who cleared his throat.

Oh my god i have been caught by my whole family all are looking at me with a suprising look as i was smiling like a idiot while i was thinking about my Ms. Fairy now how will i answer their questions its so embarrassing god please save me.

BHABHI : who is the girl you are thinking about karu ?

No bhabhi i cant reveal no please dont do this to me. I looked at my family who were curiously looking at me i cant even say lies properly as i will be caught so i will tell them the truth.

I explained my family everything except when i admired her beauty. My siblings are giving me a teasing look where as my mom smiled and asked.

MOM : was she beautiful ?

when my mom asked this question i smiled like a idiot and said

KARTHIK : ma she is not only beautiful she is cute also you should have seen her expression she was damn cute with her big doe eyes she look like a fairy came from heaven.

i said this dreamingly but then i realized that i said all this to my family oh my god how embarrassing it is to say my family about her beauty oh i am blushing like a hell yes i do feel shy in some case but in today case i blurt everything to my family which is making me more blush ajd guess what my devil did she took a snap of me blushing and said.


DEVIL :Oh my good my brother is blushing i will show this pic to my future bhabhi what you say keerti bhabhi?

Oh my god now my whole family will keep on teasing me and my bhabhi also started teasing me.

BHABHI : yes yes i will surely show to your future wife karthik and say her that "your husband can blush more than you" while hearing this i feel more shy so i got up and went to my room without even saying anything and i said to myself

"oh Ms. Fairy what are you doing to me that make me blush alot". I said and slept thinking about the incident in morning.


I gotup and left to college i came to principal mam room and saw the place and time yesterday in this same place and time i saw him, his dark brown eyes was really attracting i mean anyone can fall for him he is damn hot and even cute uff priya stop thinking about him i thought and left.

It has been 1 week after i saw him now i am in my home and seeing T V guess what i am seeing yes i am seeing cricket today india vs australia i am sitting and seeing. the match is not started i am waiting to see karthik and then he came in blue jersey looking like a greek god i dont know anything about cricket but i do want to watch cricket for karthik. India won the toss and opted for bating karthik was the opening batsman with other crickter which i am least bother

To know. Karthik came to the ground he was wearing the helmet i smiled remembering when he said me to see his match

He was all set but before he started playing he removed the helmet and winked at the camera.

I was shocked did he do that for me really i felt my cheeks heated up by his one wink my cheek were red i was blushing like a hell thank god my mom and dad

went out .

I thought "karthik by your one wink i blush this much what are you doing to me"

and the game started he is playing really well still now his score is 38 - 0 i am waiting for him to score 50 and 100 and atlast his score is now 50 and again he removed his helmet and showed his face to the camera and smiled widely which made my smile wider oh my god everyone will think that he has gone mad as he is showing his face to camera. Now is score is 94 and i am praying that he should hit a 6 atlast he hit a six and again showed his face and i could nothing just smile at his craziness.

Now australia is playing and Mr. Perfectionist is blowing he has a good blowing experience also and a good fielding experience atlast india won.

Karthik who i saw just 2 and a half month before is a captain of indian cricket team i mean he is prefect even in cricket, his know to manage his team, he know their advantages and disadvantages, this match was a nail biting match but he did not even take tension and even he was cooling his team. He is just perfect i can't say anything more he is a inspiration to all, i learnt this from him that what ever the situation be you may win or lose but be cool.

I smiled and he received the man of the match trophy he thanked his family and atlast what he said shocked me.

KARTHIK : i thank my whole team without them we couldn't have won the match, i thank my fans who has inspired me who has motivated me and who has admired me. I would like to thank my family who are my back bone and last but not least my fan who has inspired me by her suggestion. Yes she could not identify me as a cricketer she said you wear helmet so i could not see your face and i could not recognize you so today i think she saw me and i believe she is seeing now thank you for your kind words and inspiration.

Oh my god karthik did you say that i am really feeling shy i have never felt shy when ever i am around boy or when i talked with boy but i feel shy when you are around me and when you talk about me. What are you doing Mr. Perfectionist thinking about this i drifted off to sleep.

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