《Alpha Alcander》TWENTY




I'll be lying if I said that wasn't fûckin scary.

Just him.

In my mind.

Saying he sees me.

Right when he said that I turned around and raised my ears high, listening for any sound of him. I even sniffed the air.

I looked up and see the sun about to rise and I bet he brought Zelix or someone with him. Or at least he left in charge. I sprinted towards the opening of the woods. I sniffed the air and I didn't smell any scent, so I think I found open field.

I hid my scent for a good while, by rolling into mud and dirt but now it's harden and rubbing against my skin. I whimpered but I kept running away from him.

If he wants to play a game of chase, then I would give him a good game of chase....one that he would never win.

I looked back to see if he was behind but nothing. I felt my lips move up to a wolfy smile but right when I turned around I ran into a tree.

The fûck!? I thought it was an opening.

I fell backwards and rolled on my side. I sneezed because it hit me right in the nose. I shook my head and was about to get up but that when I knew I wasn't alone.

A snout came on my neck and growled. I growled back and was about to get up, but they put both their paws on my side. They put their weight in their front paw so, I think he was more like 600 pound wolf. So yeah that on your rib hurts like a bîtch.

I snapped at his stomach but he jumped up and landed harder on my side. I growled and started to shake and he fell on top of me. I clamped my jaw on his side and shook violently.


His head turned towards me but I moved to the side and pulled back and placed my paws on his side and yanked off a good piece of meat off of him.

He howled and I growled because he might give me away, so...I spit out the meat and when he was turning around I got his neck and clamped down as hard as I could and pulled back. Taking a piece with me.

His mouth would open and close but nothing came out. His throat is gushing out blood and he falls on his side with his eyes open staring at the blue sky.

I got on top of him and started to rub his sent all over me and wiped my snout on the grass then back on his fur.

I took off in a sprint and looked ahead for any 'trees'. I pasted two territories already, but I never went inside. I didn't want to be thought of a rogue.

I think that wolf I killed was one, because he smelled horrible.

I found a stream and I was already panting. My paws hurt so much. I bent down and drank the cool water. I shifted when I was done and my feet were blistered and bleeding. Pieces of twigs were jammed in the heels of my feet and I had to bite my lip from crying. I slowly started to pull them out. I bit my lip. I can taste the blood in my mouth.

I sunk my feet in the water, it stung but felt good. I laid down with me feet in the rushing water and stared at the clouds moving slowly around the sky.

The sky was light blue and it was a nice day...well for the others. Clearly not me. I'm playing with an Alpha. Not just an Alpha, the most feared...and my mate. And I just killed someone back there.


I sighed while covering my eyes with my arm while I listen to the nature here. Birds chirped and squirrels ran around looking for food. My ears listened and I jumped when a twig snapped. I quickly took my arm off my eyes and I sat up.

I turned around and see a rabbit munching on the twig but then ends up hopping away. I sighed and looked back at my feet.

I took them out and exam them. They were slowly healing but that's good enough to keep going. I shifted back and stretched a little before I took off. I started to trout but thats when I heard a roar.

It sent a shiver down my spin and I knew it was him. I started to sprint because his roar wasn't that far away.

I started to run west now and I made my self fall. I rolled around in the dirt and looked for more mud. When I found some I coated my self with it. I got back up and ran towards the woods again.

I ran for my life while I heard him roar again but it was starting to muffle from the miles away from each other.

I can kinda smell him but not that strong. I'm hoping he can't smell me. I prayed that I covered my scent enough.

I jumped over logs and dodged trees. Twisting and turning around the huge trees.

When I couldn't smell him or hear him I knew I lost him. I smiled but when I started to smell the air I lost that smile right away.

I'm in some ones territory.

I slammed my paws on the ground and started to turn around and sprint towards the area I just left.

But it's to late.

Warriors were already behind me. In ready position, snaring their fangs at me.

I crouched down and started to puff up my fur and slowly started to curl up my lip showing some fangs.

They stated to creep froward but I stayed in my spot.

There were five. Five against one.

I took out two before but never five. Dakota and Maddox could take down five but I was always the one who can take down two.

When they started to come a little bit close for my liking, I started to walk back. I growled at them but I stopped when they stood up tall bending their head down then bending down with their heads on the ground.

I stopped and stood up and slowly looked behind me because they were staring behind me.

"Shift." His voiced said calm and collected.

And I felt my heart drop.

Oh no.

Not him.


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