《Alpha Alcander》TEN



I woke up with a bandage wrapped around my neck. I looked down and saw skin so I knew I was my normal self. I'm on some ones bed, and by the smell of it, it's Alcander.

I roll my eyes and I try to roll off the bed but he strapped me down.

Are you fûckin serious.

I feel my fangs coming out and my claws and I try to cut the straps but he walks in.

"Don't Jenna." He walks towards me and quickly unstrap me. "Now you know better."

I open my mouth but no words come out. He walks back with a sad face. I sat up and tried to speak again but all you can hear are whizzes. My hands shoots up to the bandage and my eyes tear. He sits at the end of the bed and tries to touch my leg above the blanket but I bring up my legs to my chest.

"Dr.Vivens said that the chain cut through your vocal cords. That's how bad the chain cut through your neck. I'm surprised you could even growl." He said while looking at me.

I tried to swallow but it hurts.

"My Beta told me it would be better till you get healed till we introduced you to the pack. And that's where I show everyone mine mark on your neck." He said while looking at my neck then back to my eyes.

My eyes grew huge and my eyebrows came together. I shook my head 'no' and I scooted away from him more.

"Jenna. That's how my pack works. All upper ranks introduced their mate at the ceremony and they mark their mate there or before hand in private." He said with serious face.

I gripped the blanket and placed it above my neck because of his stare is on the side of my neck. I shook my head again.

He sighed and pulled the blanket off and I was met with the cool breeze. Goose bumps appeared on my body and I shook. I looked down and saw I was in some track shorts and a tank top. I didn't have a bra on so you saw that I was a cold...


I look up and see his eyes dilated and he's trying to take control of what the moon goddess wants but he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His eyes are back to hazel and he's looking at my eyes nothing else.

I glare at him and I try to get off the bed but he grabs my leg. "It would happen Jenna. I would not show disrespect to my pack. Either way you are getting mark." I flash him my fangs. He let's go of my leg and walks out.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I held it for awhile and then slowly exhaled. I open my eyes and got up. I walked towards his bathroom and turned on the lights. The bandage wrapped around my throat and I can see blood leaking through the bandage. My hair is in a messy bun and brown locks fall down the side. I look at my brown eyes but can't because of the tears blocking me from doing so.

I wanted to scream and yell but only my whizzes can be heard. I wiped my eyes and walk out. I walk down the stairs and towards the smell of something cooking.

I turn a corner and see a sight I would never forget.

Alcander was with out a shirt on and has a kitchen towel on his shoulder. His sweats were low on his hips and all his back muscles flexed every time he would move.

I suck in a breathe and slowly exhale. He hasn't heard me or smelled me so I walked towards the island and sat down in the chair. He was stirring something in a big pot that smelled so good. His shirt is next to my arm and I push it away. He smells the steam but snaps his head towards me.

"I didn't hear you. When did you come down?" He said taking out the spoon and setting it down on a the counter and placing the towel with it. He turns towards me and crosses his arms across his chest and I'm trying really hard to not look at his body.


I gave him 'are you serious' face and glare at him. He looks at my neck and makes his mouth in a 'o' shape.

"I forgot." He said rubbing his neck. I flip him off and look at the steam coming from the pot. He looks over his shoulder and back at me.

"You hungry? I'm making chicken noddle soup because of your throat. My sister would always make this for me when my best friend and I got in a fight and we would go for throats."

I just realized I'm starving because of not eating for more than a week. My stomach hurts when it growls and I held it. I glare at him because he already knows the answer. He quickly grabs a bowl and grabs a soup spoon and pours me soup.

He grabs a spoon and slides it to me. The steam and the smells hits my nose and my stomach growls again. I slowly grab the spoons and dip it in and collect some of the broth.

I bring the spoon to my mouth and look up and seeing him staring at me intensely. I start to blow but whizzes come out. I bring my eyebrows together and try harder and breathe out. I try again but with all the strength I put to blow it is all whizzes.

The spoon gets taken out of my hand and I look to my right and see him standing next to me and leaning over the bowl and blowing the broth. He looks at me when blowing the spoon. I look at him then at the spoon and he starts to slowly bring it to my mouth.

His eyes stare at my mouth and I hesitate at first and then I slowly open my mouth but close it fast before he can feed me. I grab the spoon out of his hand and slowly put it in my mouth. The broth is warm and so good. I close my eyes and slowly try to swallow. The broth slowly goes down but it hurts. I squeeze my eyes and push down the broth. When it goes down I sigh because that has been the only food I had when I been here.

I opened my eyes and I see him staring at my neck then back at my eyes which held sadness to them.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers so low that I barley missed it. I glared at him and put the spoon back in the bowl. I grab some bits of chicken and broth and put it next to his mouth. He stares at me the whole time he's blowing and I just stare back at him.

He placed his hand over mine and slowly starts to move it towards my mouth. I glare at him but I slowly open my mouth and he opens his slightly acting like he's eating it.

I close my mouth when the spoon is placed in and I chew the chicken slow. He chews with me and he gulps slowly when I do the same. I squeeze my eyes tight when the chicken takes it's time going down. I open my eyes and he holds the empty spoon next to my mouth. He has a frown on his face and he starts to place the spoon down in the bowl but I push his hand and get off the chair.

"Where you going? You still need to eat." He places the spoon down and starts to walk towards me.

I shake my head 'no' and walk up stairs towards his room.

I can't do this anymore.


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