《I Need You》Chapter Seventeen


Leaving the restaurant wasn't as difficult as it was getting in thankfully. There were less people standing around, which was surprising. I would've thought that many would still be here after being technically ordered out by the alpha just because he wanted to tell some girl something important.

But I'm not just some girl.

I'm his mate.

The term means a lot more to me now.

To say I'm shocked about something like this exists is an understatement. Who knew that someone was supposed to care about another person like that. In that way.

That explains a lot about my parents. They're bond was like what Adrian explained to me. And if me and Adrian were going to turn out that way, then there's really nothing I should be scared of.

But not everyone is like them. I learned that the hard way.

"Are you full?" Adrian asked me while we settled in the car. He insisted that he put my seatbelt on for me, on top of opening the door for me.

I was full. Mentally and physically. I know that I didn't even eat all of my food but the explaining the mate thing made up for it.

Sitting up straight so he wouldn't touch anything along the way (of putting on the seatbelt) I answered, "Yes."

"That's great." He told me sincerely with a smile.

Shutting my door, he rounded the car quickly and opened his side. The cool air once again coming through. Even though it became a little bit warmer than before, it was still fairly chilly.

But I've been colder.

He doesn't know that though.

Adrian didn't say anything when he started up the car. All he had was a slight smile on his face as he changed the gears of the car, looking content. And I'm glad he was. He inspires me to be like that.

We finally made it to the house and I started to feel a little uneasy. I started to feel that way on the way here but I didn't want to tell him to freak him out. But now it was starting to feel like I was going to throw up and it probably wasn't the best idea to not tell him.


He flicked his eyebrow, slightly turning towards me while unlocking the door, "Yeah?" He was still trying to get the key in the lock while holding my takeout plate in the other hand.

The thought of eating more food right now made me sick. And I never would have thought that those words would come into mind.

"Um, I don't feel, or I feel kinda.. sick." I need to get used to how much of his attention that he gives me.

"Oh? Is it your head your stom-"

"It's my stomach." I cut him off without really meaning too. It was just progressively getting worse.

The door was open now and I started to hold my stomach. The food that I ate earlier it was rising up slowly. Now I knew I was going to throw up.

"Kayla you're getting pale." He held his hand to my face. I didn't flinch this time, thankfully.

"I think I'm going to throw up," I spoke quietly, afraid that if I talked normally, it would come up faster than it originally would.


"I'm taking you to the bathroom."

I gasped whenever he picked me up bridal style, one of his hand rested underneath my knees and the other one underneath my shoulder blades. He made sure not to touch me anywhere that could possibly make me feel uncomfortable.

Adrian walked fast up the stairs like he wasn't carrying me at all, and made a straight line down the hall to get me to my room and to the bathroom. He set me down near the toilet, and everything was about ready to come up.

I'm pretty sure I feel this way because of the fact that I'm not used to eating as much as I did, and I didn't even finish.

My hair already being pulled up, I let out everything in the toilet. This was disgusting. I'm surprised that he's still in the room. But then again he surprises me all the time.

He waited until I was done when he bent down to my level, gently caressing my back. I turned my head away from him, afraid that some would still be left on my mouth. A paper towel sat in my lap from where he laid it. I instantly picked it up.

"Do you feel better?" He was still rubbing circles on my back and he went over a sensitive area of a scar that made me wince a little bit. Thankfully he thought it was just because of the fact that I couldn't keep any of my food down.

"Yeah.. I think so." Turning a little bit to face him but not looking him in the eye, I continued, "Thank you.. you didn't have to be in here with me." I'm sure my breath was awful. But it seemed like he didn't care.

"Of course, love."

Blushing. Again.

A sharp ringing sound broke the silence and it only took a few seconds for Adrian to realize it was his cell phone. The caller ID must have been important because as Adrian helped me up, he had a more serious look on his face. I stood with my hands together as he took the call.

"Hello. Jacob?"

I could hear faint mumbling on the other side but not enough for me to hear what he was saying.

"Alright, I'll be down there. Just give me a few seconds."

The caller mumbled his reply before there was a beep and it was over.

"Come here," Adrian said as I followed him to the dresser, "I'll give you another shirt to put on." He pulled out a big black T-shirt on it. It was plain.

Looking down at the one I was already wearing, I noticed a few wet stains on it, which made me cringe and feel even more disgusted with myself.

Why couldn't I be normal and just eat a normal meal like everyone else?

"Hey, it's okay. Don't feel bad for something that was totally out of your control." Adrian stepped a bit more close to me. It didn't bother me this time. He's my mate. This is what they are supposed to do.

I simply nodded at him.

"I have to meet someone downstairs. My beta actually. You don't have to meet him now. There's plenty of time for that," he coaxed with a smile.


I smiled at him again while he headed to the door, "I'll be right back," he said with one hand already on the door handle. He looked back at me to see my reaction, which I don't blame him for.


With one more look, he walked out the door.

The room suddenly felt empty when he was gone. I had a longing for him to be back in my presence. I've never really felt that before.

I sat on the bed (with my new shirt on) patiently waiting for him to come back from his meeting with his beta. It's already been at least 15 minutes. Maybe even 30. Was he still talking to him?

I know he didn't leave me here,but, I can't help but think about it.

Knowing that I probably shouldn't, and I could get in trouble for this, I hastily went to the door that exited out of the room.

I turned the corner and got to the stair case where I could hear two voices speaking to each other. One was Adrian's.

The other was in a way, familiar to me, live I've heard it before. But I couldn't exactly think where it could be from.

I started to feel uncomfortable. The familiar voice was unsettling me because I didn't know where I've heard it before, if I've heard it before. It could also be unsettling because he's another male, and could sound like one of the other boys at home that wanted to mess with me.

That must be what it is.

"It's going to be hard for her. I can already tell," I heard Adrian's voice first.

"Why do you say that?" The familiar voice asked.

"She's only known society to be so cruel to her. She doesn't know any better. I feel like I've failed her. I should've found her sooner."

"You can't help what you don't control." The strangers words were much like the ones Adrian had just said to me.

I wanted to see what this stranger looked like.

Taking my chance I peeked from the staircase seeing Adrian's black wavy hair and the lighter, more chestnut hair that was sitting in front of him. The stranger, which I'm guessing is his beta, was facing towards me.

I've never seen him before in my life. Hes probably someone I knew of.

While he was talking he looked up in my direction then looked back down and looked up again to do a double take. My head moved so fast so he wouldn't see me, my hand came up to my mouth to stop any type of noise that could've come out. I should've just stayed upstairs like I was supposed to.

They weren't talking anymore. There was no sound.

I peeked again to see if they moved to another room, only to find them both now staring in my direction and mine directed straight towards Adrian. And he was already looking at me intensely.

Dang it.


I hid behind the corner again, hoping that maybe if I don't answer he'll think I've left. I'm curious on what they're talking about that's taking forever.

"I know you're still there."

It probably doesn't even take an alpha to figure that out. I'm so stupid.

I took one step down, my eyes trained on the stranger, making sure he doesn't get close to me. Then I looked back to Adrian.

"I-im sorry. I was j-just umm.."

Adrian smiled at me, clearly not mad at me, "I know. Come here."

Looking back at the other man, I saw that he too was already looking at me.

I looked away immediately.

I shook my head. My eyes wide.

"Kayla it's okay he won't hurt you," Adrian tried to convince me. I know that if Adrian can trust this man, than I should too. But today alone has been overwhelming. I have to be careful with new people.

Adrian walked over to the stairs, my eyes still trained on the man. Adrian's hand goin mine and I jumped from the sparks. The feeling reminding me of when we used to do this in the cells.

He led me down the rest of the way down the stairs. As I got closer to this man my panic started to slowly surface, but when Adrian squeezed my hand, I somehow felt a little better.

A little.

"Kayla this is Jacob. Jacob, this is Kayla. My mate."

I stared at him. Right into his eyes. Trying to be aware of every movement he did. Suddenly his hand moved and I flinched, but not to bad. Enough for Adrian to notice. He squeezed my hand again.

"Nice to meet you, Luna" Jacob said with a smile, completely ignoring my unwillingness to be doing this right now.

I stared at his hand. I wasn't going to shake it.

Stared and stared.

Jacob slowly put his hand back to his side. An awkward silence filled the room. I didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to and Adrian didn't know what to do.

Here I go again, making it difficult.

Adrian turned me around so I was looking at him, "Sweetheart, why don't you back upstairs. I promise I'll be back up there in 5 minutes." He promised me like I was a child.

5 minutes was to long.

Nevertheless, I nodded at him again, not looking at him in the eye and instantly turned around and dashed up the stairs, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

I made it to the top of the stairs. Halting in place. I heard him speak.

"I can see what you mean by how hard it'll be for her. She was scared of my handshake. It must've been bad."

"It was. I know how they were." Adrian sighed. I could hear him sit in his chair.

"She'll be fine with you. Right now you're her crutch. It's better you than anyone else right now." It seems like Adrian I already told him most of the stuff that has happened so far.

"I'm never letting her out of my sight. She's changed me already in so many ways I didn't even know would change." Adrian spoke as if he found the most wonderful thing.

Is that what I am to him?

"That's what having a mate does to you man,"Jacob laughed, "and you're totally whipped."


"I'm not even going to deny that. I'm perfectly fine with it."

I'll have to ask what that means later.


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