《I Need You》Chapter Fourteen
"I brought you one of my T-shirt's is that okay?" Adrian asked as he opened the door to the room. Staying true to his words I stayed exactly where I was until he came back, just continuing to take in the surroundings of my new room.
Oh my god. My new room.
"That's fine." He smiled at me while he laid it on the bed, along with a pair of men's underwear. My eyes left the piece of fabric as soon as he stepped away from it to look at me. I blushed at the thought of wearing them. They were his and were more intimate with him than I'd ever be.
"I don't have any women underwear around here.. I wasn't expecting I would return with some company." His dimples showed as he smiled again, and what feels like the billionth time he's done that to me in the last hour. He walked to the bathroom door. "Are you coming?" He asked as he turned around.
Finally moving from my spot I followed behind him, anticipating the feeling of getting clean for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
The bathroom was even more extravagant. The shower and the tub were separate, with the tub being very spacious and the bath head was gold and so were the knobs. You could walk all the way around it as if it were a small pool. A shower head type of thing was connected to the tub I guess so if anyone wanted to rinse off also. The shower had a glass sliding door and there were smooth rock tiles that encased the rest. The counter had a marble finish with specks of gold incased within it and the mirror seemed gigantic. This was the best bathroom anyone could ever imagine.
"I'm taking that you like this too?" Adrian said braking me out of my thoughts. Speechless, I nodded at him. Surely this has to be everything there is to show me. Nothing could get much better than what I've seen of this house.
The water started running while Adrian was bent over the tub filling it up with bubble bath soap. Soon enough, many bubbles were starting to form and to me, it looked like it would be so fun to play in. I'm not going to lie about it. I am still a kid at heart.
He turned the facet off and a tub of bubbles was spilling out of the sides, but Adrain didn't seem to mind. "I hope that's not to much. I might've overdone it," he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Overdone it was an understatement.
But I sure wasn't complaining.
"It's perfect. Thank you."
There was an awkward moment that came in between us. I still stood close to the door, wondering when he was about to leave to let me undress. But it looks like he's not planning to move from his spot. Nonetheless, I continued to stand where I am, twiddling my fingers..
He cleared his throat gaining back my attention, "You can start getting undressed now.." My head shot up so fast to meet his blue eyes. Was this all a trick? Oh no, nothing good-
"No I don't mean like that Kayla," he was quick to explain, " I need to help you. I know you can't do it by yourself with the whole broken wrist thing." His back was facing me now. His shoulder muscles flexing underneath his shirt as he opened up a few cupboards that were above him.
He pulled out a plastic bag that resembled a ziploc bag. "Here, we'll put this on over it so it won't get wet."
Walking over to me, he rapped it around the white cast pretty skillfully. It seemed like he already knew how to do exactly everything. But why would I need help? It wasn't that hard to take a bath.
"I've broken my arm before so these plastic bags were made especially for this reason and I guess I never thought to have thrown them away." He finished up rapping it, my fingers going into finger slots much like a glove and the end of it seemed like a seal to keep all moisture out. "I'm glad that I didn't know," he said, focusing on adjusting the bag.
My earlier question coming back, "Why do I need help taking a bath?" I asked him quietly. From taking them before, I knew they weren't hard. And what if he sees stuff. What if he tries to take advantage of me? What if this is the part where he kills me by drowning me and I never truly had my escape? What if-
Breathe. Why would he do that? After everything.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" His eyes held concern, the way they stared deep into mine. Just looking in them made me want to tell him that I'm perfectly fine now. Ever since I first stared into his beautiful eyes.
But I know I couldn't do that.
As if expecting I wasn't going to answer him, he broke eye contact staring at our feet.
"What will it take?" I heard him mutter to himself. What? What will what take?
"I broke my arm and knew it was a pain in the ass to have to do everything myself." Answering my previous question, he pulled a towel out of the cabinet. "Weird coming from an alpha right?"
I'm going to guess that was a rhetorical question.
"I'll turn around while you get in the tub okay. I promise I won't peak."
"Pinky promise?" It came out of instinct. I used to say that to my parents every time they promised me something.
It didn't matter, I still held out my pinky for him to take. I probably looked stupid doing so but I don't care. What else of my dignity did I have to lose?
Patiently waiting for him to reach his pinky out, I was starting to think that I shouldn't have expected him to do so. He's an alpha and from what I know, they always take everything seriously.
When I was about to put my pinky down, he reached his out and it pretty much engulfed my own. "Pinky promise," he answered back with a small smile.
I returned it.
He turned around waiting for me to strip, which only consisted of a raggedy T-shirt and old boxer underwear Liam let me have.
Hmm Liam.
Hesitantly, I began to take off the T-shirt, the cool air hitting my chest. The boxers slowly coming off too and eventually I was completely bare with a man standing ten feet away from me. My eyes never left Adrian's frame, wanting to make sure that he kept his promise of not seeing anything. I don't know what I would do if he did.
Still looking at him, I inched my way towards the tub cautiously. Holding the bar next to it for balance, I dipped my right foot in, the water feeling warm. Eventually, I sunk completely into the tub, the bubbles covering everything.
This felt so good.
"Okay you can turn around now." The water felt amazing on my dry, dirty skin. The warmth being observed by my skin made me feel like I was on cloud nine. The bathroom probably now smelled like roses thanks to the soap. The smoothness of the porcelain tub felt comfortable actually. I had to wash up in an old rusty tub before.
"The only shampoo I had was mine. I forgot to restock for the guests." Adrian came up behind me, reaching past my shoulders to show me a men's shampoo bottle. He moved himself to the side of me. "I hope you don't mind your hair smelling like a guy." He's doing that thing again where he just likes to look into my eyes. I should probably tell him to stop doing that soon, it did to much to me. The tingly feeling constantly reappeared in any interaction, and i don't want it to lead to where I can't even hide it anymore. "I should be able to buy you some tomorrow, you can come with me if you'd like too."
But what would his pack think about me? I'm just that mystery girl that their very much alive Alpha, randomly appeared with.
"Actually I was thinking about shopping for you sometime this week anyways. I'll make a whole day out of it." He turned the tubs shower head on to where it was only spewing out a little bit, gently. He gathered some shampoo in his hands and started to wet my kinky curly hair. Water was starting to feel like I was experiencing heaven. It felt so nice on my scalp. It felt nice everywhere.
I tilted my head back so he could get more of it, my arms crossing over my knees. My eyes were closed, being afraid that soap would get in them.
"For now you can wear some of my clothes to pass you by. I think the pack still has to grasp the fact that I'm back and I don't want us to go out to the mall and get flooded with questions. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." It's like he knew me completely already.
Which is why you can trust him.
His fingers were gently scrubbing my scalp and rubbing the shampoo all throughout my hair. The scent did smell like a guy but.. I liked the smell.
It smelled like him.
"Does that sound good to you love?" He asked, still washing my hair.
"A whole day?"
"A whole day."
"Just to buy me stuff?" There has to be some sort of catch to this. I don't think anything could be just for me.
"Of course. Anything for you." He stopped washing my hair. What he said made me blush. I could feel it throughout my whole body. Hopefully he would think it's cause the waters warm. Yeah that sounds good.
Rinsing my hair, he grabbed the soap and squeezed it onto a loofa. "I'm just going to get your back okay?" I nodded at him afraid to speak. I knew if I did, I'd get back into my stuttering phase with him.
I felt the loofa touch my back and I sat up a little more so he could get everything. The room was silent, nothing but the small sound of the bubbles popping.
A few weeks ago, I would have never thought that I'd be having a bath in the most luxurious house I've ever seen. Never would have thought that I'd be cared for like this and haven't felt this way in a long time.
Never would have thought that I'd meet someone like Adrian to help me. And like I've said before I should trust him. He hasn't given me a reason not too. Yet.
I wonder if they're looking for me, just to torture me some more or are they happy that I'm gone but didn't really want to give me the joy of setting me free. And the main question that's been on my mind for the past years is why? Why would they keep me hostage for all those years and kill the rest of my pack? It just never made sense to me.
And what if they offered a deal Adrian couldn't refuse and he gave me back. Or what if they fooled someone they loved like they took me. It would put him in a hard place and put me back in the one I was in. There's just to much that could happen in a short period of time. I guess it's a way my life is telling me to live the best while I can.
But how can I live the best if I don't know the best the world can offer me?
So caught up in my thoughts, I haven't realized that the loofa was taken off my skin and replaced with a long finger. Just right under the base of my neck.
My scars.
"No!" I yelled jumping back further into the bath tub, the bubbles covering the rest. How could I forget about the one thing I don't want anyone to know see about me. Especially him.
I peered up at him, just a little bit. His swirls of blue blazing with a little anger and sadness. The loofa was still in his hand being squeezed to death, Adriana knuckles turning white. My arms came above my head, resting them in between my knees and shielding me away from all the light, including the brightness of his stare.
I didn't realize I was crying. Again.
Sir was right. I really am weak.
I could tell he moved. I could feel the shift in the room. He was quiet, but I could hear him. He came near me, and I also could hear the draining of the water. Warmth engulfed me, the fluffy cotton drying up the moisture from my body. His hands slowly came towards me and rested themselves on my shoulders and guided me to step out of the bath tub, my sobs becoming quieter.
Adrian hasn't said one word.
Cool air hit my shoulders once we stepped out of the bathroom. He left me to go to the edge of the bed to pick up the shirt and boxers he was letting me wear.
"I'm going to turn around," was all he said to me.
I gave him a small nod and dropped the towel and put the clothes on.
He could tell I was done.
Adrian turned back around and led me to a vanity mirror. It was decorated with wood carved roses into it and had a few gold specks scattered across every one. I sat down in the chair that stood before it and saw a girl staring back with wet hair and bloodshot eyes with the most handsome man I've seen in my life staring right back at me. Looking right into my eyes.
He crouched down in front of me, still looking at me. Neither of us breaking from each other's stare. He hesitated, his hand midway in the air. Seeing that I hadn't moved or reacted in an absurd way, he cupped my jaw, in the most gentle way. His thumb swept across it in one swift movement.
How could he do that? Make everything better with something so small?
Getting up from his crouched position, again stood behind me brush in hand and began to go through my unkempt hair. He sectioned it off into small pieces so it wouldn't hurt as much.
Over and over, his fingers ran through my hair and I could have him do that for days on end. I always loved it when people played with my hair. And it felt even better since Adrian was the one doing it.
"Your hair is really pretty," His soft, deep voice resonated through my ears. "Is it always this curly?"
"Y-yes.." How could he think my hair is pretty? Everyone's always told me it's always getting in the way and how they're so happy they don't have it. Most of the comments coming from girls my age. But my parents always said they loved my hair. Now Adrian said he thought it was pretty..
Was it pretty?
"I love it."
For some reason, the fact that he said that, it's all the confirmation that I need. That I only care about what he thinks — no one else.
"Really?" I looked at him through the mirror and I saw him admiring my hair while he was brushing through it. Water droplets still dripping into the towel around my shoulders. Anyone with curly hair has to brush it while it's wet for it to not be frizzy and for him to know that, actually surprised me.
"I wouldn't lie to you sweetheart, ever." And with that he laid the brush down on the vanity and picked up the hairdryer. "Don't forget that."
With a small smile on my face, he began to blow dry my hair slowly, making sure to get every inch of it. Fifteen minutes later, it was completely dry, and I've never seen my hair like this before. Curls flowed down to my mid-back. They looked soft, and clean.
It looked a lot better than it did before.
Finishing it up, he pulled a hair tie out of the drawer and pulled my hair back into a bun on the top of my head. Tendrils not making it into the bun fell down into my face. His fingers brushed them back behind my ear, slightly touching my face while doing so. His fingers left lingering sparks on the places he touched.
"There. We're all done."
"Thank you." Adrian looked at me through the mirror again making me blush from the intensity of his stare.
"Again you don't have to thank me." Still staring at me, he took the towel off my shoulders, "Let's get you to bed. You need some rest after everything today." He motioned for me to stand up and follow him to the bed. He pulled back the red satin covers and waited for me get into them. The fabric felt good against my legs, no everything felt good. I was clean, my hair was combed, i was about to sleep in a real bed.
Still sitting up, Adrian pulled the covers over me, the sheets resting right above my hips. "My room is just right down the hall if you need anything." He assured me, tucking me in. I slid all the way into the bed now. I just couldn't resist the way these sheets felt.
Getting up, he turned the lamp on the bedside table and walked towards the door. I watched him the whole time.
"Goodnight Love. Sleep good for me alright."
Believe me when I say he didn't have to tell me twice.
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