《Sweet Bastard》9



It was already eleven in the morning when I parked my red Ferrari at the basement of the building. I went out of the car, looked around, adjusted my tie, and then headed to the elevator.

"Good morning, Mr. Russo," the guard standing near the elevator door greeted me.

"Good morning, Dan."

I woke up late this morning. I was not able to sleep well last night. Gretchen texted me, inviting me for a nightcap in their cabin. That would mean a long night of hot wild sex. Her husband, Luigi, left for Brunei and would not be back for a week.

I was almost tempted to go to her. If not for my deal with Miss Brooks... I mean Lisa, I would have gone to Gretchen in seconds without thinking. I would miss all my appointments with my big clients today.

I don't understand why I become so weak when it comes to Gretchen, when I know that she's a bitch!

I entered the elevator and pressed the 27th floor. I watched the numbers changing as it went up.

My mind shifted to Lisa. I just hope that she wouldn't change her mind with the deal. It was the best plan that I could think of to forget Gretchen and move on with my life. I wanted to focus back on business without her as a distraction.

The deal was a win-win situation between me and Lisa. I could help her forget her ex-boyfriend and solve her financial problems.

The elevator opened and I walked directly to my office. I noticed a mop of blue-something in the corner of my eye, but I was in a hurry to give it a second look.

"Good morning, sir."

That familiar voice made my stride stop. She's back.

A joy glowed deep inside me. A heavy weight suddenly lifted off my shoulders. I turned around, but saw a different woman.

A woman with shocking blue hair!

She stared back at me with big bright eyes. Her hair in a loose blue bun reminded me of the blue cotton candy selling across our school when I was in grade school.

I blinked my eyes and continued staring at her. It took me awhile to process who she was. "Lisa?"

She stood up and let out a shy smile. Her hand went up to touch the mop of her blue hair.


"New hair." I cleared my throat, studying her appearance. Her conservative black and red checkered dress did not match well with her hair. "I did not know you like blue."

"Um... Yeah, I like blue, Mr. Russo." I could sense her discomfort as she scratched the back of her hair.

"Call me Alessandro." I smiled at her to make her relax.

"Sorry. I'm used calling you Mr. Russo."

I chuckled. "You have to, or else, it will mess our plan." I stared at her eyes. Her lids were still slightly swollen. "Are you feeling better now?"

"A bit better."

"Good. You're not changing your mind about the deal, right?"

"No... of course not. I... I need the money... for dad's knee operation." She stammered, looking down at her clasped hands. "And my brother, Liam... for his tuition fees in medical school. He's going to start university. It's his dream to become a doctor someday. I want him to fulfill that dream."

I was impressed how caring and loving she was to her family. She was honest, loyal, kind, smart and beautiful. The type of girl that any boy would be so proud to bring in front of his mother. I wished I fell for someone like her, instead of Gretchen.

"Your family is very lucky to have you. You prioritize their needs."

"I love them. They are my life."

I nodded. "Me too. I love my grandmother so much. She's my only family left," I said with heaviness in my heart. I miss my mom.

"She's very adorable. Everyone would love a grandmother like her."

That was so sweet of her. I was glad that Lisa knew my grandmother already. It wouldn't be too hard for them to get along.

"We need to talk about the terms of our agreement. Can we do it now inside my office?"

"Sure, Mr... "

I raised my eyebrows, giving her a disapproval look.

"Um... Alessandro."

Inside my office, I settled on my seat behind my table and she took her usual place whenever I gave her a dictation, across me.


"Yes?" Her head jerked up.

"I want to make it clear that I'm going to give you everything that I promised. A monthly allowance, equivalent to your monthly salary which is 4,000 dollars, right?"


"3,456.78 dollars."

I nodded. "A new car... I'll get you a convertible Mercedes."

"Really?" Her face looked so shocked. "You mean it? Oh my God."

"Of course, you'll be a billionaire's girlfriend, so that's expected of you. What color do you prefer? Silver metallic, polar white, blue metallic, Dakota red..."

"I like Silver metallic." She smiled brightly, her face looking excited.

"You sure you don't like the blue?" I looked at her hair.

"Um, no. I like silver better." She smiled.

"Good choice." I winked at her and her face turned scarlet. I wrote silver Mercedes on my notepad under the 4K allowance.

"I never had a car before," she muttered and cupped her face. I could see the blue stains on her fingers. She must have dyed her hair without wearing gloves. I let out a secret laugh.

"You will live in my penthouse for a year. You're going to transfer your stuff as soon as we sign the contract."

"What about you? You're staying there."

"I'll live in my mansion. It's just a twenty minutes drive from here."

"But it's not convenient for you. The heavy traffic could take you an hour to get to the office."

"I'm good. I can take the helicopter anytime." I really appreciated her concern. The more I talk to her, I learned more of her real personality traits. She reminded me of my mom who was so caring, loving and compassionate.

She nodded, clasping her arms together.

"One million dollars for the one year contract. The first half, during the signing of the contract, and the full payment during the end of the contract, after a year. Any breach of the contract on your part will cancel the whole amount, including the car. Is that clear to you?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Good. There are other inclusions in the contract."

"What are those?" she asked curiously, putting her hands on the table.

"First, we will date exclusively. No flings or whatever. You don't entertain men, the same goes with me... I mean, with women."

She smiled briefly. "That's easy on my part."

"Second, we are not allowed to fall in love with each other."

She let out a short laugh. "That's hilarious. After Jason, I don't know if I'm capable of loving anyone anymore."

"Me too. After Gretchen, I won't believe in love anymore."

We both laughed at ourselves and made the atmosphere seemed at ease. We became more comfortable with each other.

"I just thought that we should include this in our agreement. I know it's impossible between us. But you know how things get too messy if emotions... particularly love, gets in the way."

"I agree. You should include it in there." She nodded eagerly. "Never ever fall in love with each other." She laughed finding the statement very funny. "As if we would."

"I'm not your type?" I asked her curiously. "I don't want to brag but I know many women find me very appealing."

"Ahh... I'm not one of them." She laughed, almost giggled, and I laughed with her.

"Good. Well, I find you pretty... but you are not the type of woman that I go for a date. Na-ah... " I shook my head. She was too nice, conservative, prim and proper.

"Wow, that's a relief." She heaved a long sigh, like a thorn was lifted off her chest.

"But Lisa, we need to be friends. Like close friends so we can pull this act together."

She looked at me, not even blinking. "How close?"

"Very close. We have to know each other very well, so we can convince everyone that we're in a real relationship."

"I have a problem. I'm not good in acting."

"Me neither." I twisted my lips. "That's why we need to practice. We have to know our personality traits, hobbies, likes and dislikes... so we can pretend better."

"How do we do that?"

"We need to spend time together, more often. Talk about ourselves. Like the usual things lovers do. The same thing when you first met your ex."

"Okay, I'll try."

"Don't try. Do your best." I put my arms on my desk, getting closer to her. "This is not a game. What we have is a deal. Tomorrow, it will be signed and sealed. I want to get my money's worth, Lisa."

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