《Sweet Bastard》2




I collapsed on my chair, shuddering at the release while feeling sated. Fat drops of sweat ran down all over me as every cell of my body started to calm down.

But the feeling of guilt was there, making me regret why the fuck did I do this again. I told myself last time that I should stop yet here I am now, doing it again. Why the hell could I not control myself from touching her? She made me feel so weak that I could not say no.

I looked at Gretchen putting on her dress. That seductive dress, with a slit as high as Mt. Everest. One flip and it shows her mound, so wet and ready.

Dammit! She's just so good at fucking. She knows a man's weakness and pleasure points.

I should stop. This was not helping me anymore. I was ruining myself. Where's my pride? I'm a man, for heaven's sake. I deserved better.

Six years ago, Gretchen dumped me to marry an old Australian billionaire. At that time, I was still a struggling nobody in Italy, with nothing but a Business Finance degree to my name. I met her during my third year in the university when we ran together in the student council. She was a very ambitious woman, always wanting to be rich.

Last year, I met a good businessman called Luigi Hore, and we became close friends. I gained his trust and he immediately transferred his Swiss bank deposits to my account. I found out six months later when we met again in a charitable fund raising event that he was actually Gretchen's husband.

Gretchen never stopped pursuing me since then, declaring her love for me. She said that she'd been lonely since we broke up and regretted her decision of marrying Luigi. Her husband could not give her the love she wanted. She was so unhappy.


To me, she was a temptation luring me to hell. As much as possible, I avoided her. I highly respected her husband, who was both my client and good friend. I would not want to ruin his trust on me.

But Gretchen was so irresistible, seducing me to the core. She was so aggressive in her advances on me. I became weak and always ended up falling for her traps. In the end, I indeed lost my willpower to say no to her.

"Have you seen my thong, you beast?" She eyed me wickedly. "You're so impatient, couldn't wait to get rid of my panties. If you ever see it, just keep it."

"That's not my thing. I'm not a pervert who collects women underwears. Let the janitor have it."

"You naughty, dirty bastard." She battered her eyelashes and knelt down in front of me. "Another round my darling? Oh... you're getting a hard on again. Let me suck this big, juicy—"

"Stop it, Gretchen." I stood up immediately, moving away from her. "We can't do this anymore. I feel guilty every time we have sex. We're deceiving Luigi." I picked up my pants and shirt on the floor and put it on.

"Don't be, amore mio. We belong together."

My jaws tightened. "Then divorce him so we can be together. I love you and I want to show the world that you're mine."

Gretchen moved closer to me, her fingertips caressing my lower lip, then she replaced it with her tongue. She's really a tease, a witch. "I love you too. But I can't divorce Luigi. He's ill. His heart is getting bigger. The doctor advises us not to give him any stress or problem. And giving him a divorce... no... he can't take it. I don't want to be blamed if something happens to him. You know he's seventy-six years old already, and everyday, he's getting weaker. We have to wait until he," she shrugged her shoulders and continued, "dies."


"He'll live for another ten to fifteen years, trust me." I let out a sarcastic smile. "I can't wait that long for you."

"If you really love me, you'll wait."

"Bullshit. Just admit that all you want is his money!" I bursted at her. "I have plenty of money, Gretchen. I'm a billionaire! Fuck! I can give you whatever you want. Just name it."

"Alessandro, calm down. I'm doing this for our own good. Luigi's money will be ours. The more money we have, the happier we will be. We can compete with your rich snob relatives, those Petrakis who disowned you and your family."

"That's bullshit, Gretchen. Money won't give you happiness and fulfillment in life. And don't you ever involve the Petrakis. I'm in good terms with them already." I shook my head, feeling very disappointed with her. She's a bitch. I didn't understand why I love her and couldn't get enough of her. "You never changed. You're still the selfish and ambitious woman I've met before. You never really love me, do you? All you care is money. I wonder if I'm still poor, will you even notice me again?"

"Shhh... don't say that, tesoro mio. Why wouldn't I notice you? You're my first and only love. I was so miserable when I married Luigi. Everytime we made love, I think of you. My life has been lonely without you."

"I don't think you missed me, Gretchen. You were busy shopping and traveling all over the world, enjoying the luxury of spending Luigi's money."

Her eyes opened widely, staring at me angrily. "How could you say that to me? You don't know my suffering. I sacrificed a lot to be where I am now."

"What did you sacrifice actually? Your body and soul in exchange for money? You just love money too much."

I felt the hard blow of her slap on my face, leaving a sting on my cheek.

"I have no choice! It's my only diversion so I won't go crazy." Tears started to pool on her eyes. She looked at her hand, then on my cheek. "I'm so sorry, my love, my heart... my darling. I-I did not mean to hurt you. Please be patient. Just wait for a little while, okay? We'll be together forever."

I touched my burning cheek and moved to the window, looking at the skyscrapers below. "I can't take this anymore. Either you divorce him or we're over."

"What? You want me to choose?" Her voice went an octave higher. "I told you, I won't divorce Luigi. That's final."

"Then, we're over."

"HA! So easy for you to say that." She laughed loudly. "I know you, Alessandro. You can't resist my charms. One wink from me and you're drooling like a puppy."

"Is that what you think of me?" I turned to face her, feeling so belittled. Calling me a drooling puppy was very insulting.

"Oh, Alessandro darling. I know you better. Want me to prove it to you again?" She stood in front of me and ran her hand from my chest down to my manhood. I gripped her wrist, stopping her.

"I'll prove you wrong. I'm not an easy boy," I said strongly.

One of her eyebrows raised as she studied me from head to toe. "Let's see if you can resist me." She laughed and stormed out of my office.

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