《The Melancholy Of Yamamoto Yuuto》Chapter 4-First Friend


*chatter* *talking*


It was getting noisy so I lifted my head and looked at the class. The students were packing their bags and were getting ready to leave the class. School was already over

I was listening to class for the first five periods and then got sleepy during the last and slept with my head on the desk without any disturbances till I heard people talking. Thanks to that nap I wasn't sleepy anymore

During class, Kisaragi-san was looking out the window without listening or taking down any notes. On the other hand Mrs Blonde Hair was super focused on what was being taken in class and was vigorously taking down notes for everything the teacher said. She was also stealing glances at me ones in a while as usual

All the new teachers looked intimated when I introduced myself and would always look away when I looked at them during class. They didn't even ask me any questions during class. One of the few perks in having these eyes

No one approached or even came near me during lunch break. Kisaragi-san left the class immediately when the break started so I didn't have the chance to ask her if she wanted to eat lunch together. I went to the courtyard to eat my lunch and used the extra time after lunch to roam around the school and got to know more about the school

The school building was basically shaped like the alphabet "U". If I had to explain the schools structure in terms of "U" the main entrance would be at the bottom of U and the courtyard which everyone could see from their class windows would be the space inside of the U. The left and right corridors would be the two strokes of U and the stairs and shoe keeping place where at the inner bottom of you. The ground area would be the part above U which was approximately 6 times larger than the school which was surrounded by trees. Like I mentioned before there was a path around the school building and ground which was also surrounded by trees. That was basically the schools rough blue print in terms of "U". Pretty smart way to explain if I have to say myself

I got off my desk on which I was lying on and stretched my hands. I looked around and found both seats next to me empty. They must have already gone home or gone to their clubs

Is Kisaragi-san even in a club? With her personality, doing group activities with others is the same thing as hell. I didn't get to talk to her much today but there's still tomorrow and they day after that. I can take things at my own pace

Since I wasn't in any club I decided to go home. I bent down to get my bag and suddenly a small folded paper fell from my head. Someone must've put it on my head while I was sleeping. I picked it up and opened it. What was written on the inside was

"I'll be waiting for you. Come fast"

It was most probably a prank from the boys for me to think that a girl gave it to me since the handwriting was really neat and elegant. I decided to ignore it but put the paper in my pocket

I took my bag and was about to leave the classroom when four eyes called me

"Yamamoto! Where are you going?"

"Schools over so I'm going home"

"What do you mean going home? All students in this school are required to attend club activities and your no exception"


Seriously? I have to join a club with others. I already know nothing good is going to come out of this

"You need to pick at least one club you want to join and give the club registration form to the office by tomorrow. Since you don't know where the club rooms and other school facilities are, Nakamura-san will guide you around the school"


Cried a girl near the door. She was a friend of Mrs Panties

"Why should I do it!? Ask someone else!"

She protested loudly

"I know your always bunking club activities so you're free anyway unlike the others who go to club"

"But even others bunk club. Why should I-"

"No more questions. Just do it"

Four eyes left the room and the girl looked aggravated

"He's making me do it because he heard me talking shit about him earlier, that spiteful Bastard. Why should I take that physcopath around school? It's not safe being around him; he might do something to me"

Bitch I'd rather go around the school naked, then make a move on your fat ass

She looked around the class and grinned when she saw Hina-san, who was checking her bag. She went up to her and told

"Hina I'm kinda busy right now so I want you to show that transfer student around"

"No,but I-"

"Come on just help me out"


"You'll help me out right?"

Hina-san looked hesitant but said


"Thanks a lot…Hey wait for me guys I'm also coming to karaoke with you!"

She dashed off the second she dumped her responsibility on Hina-san. It's just like what happened in the morning with the Mrs Panties. Why isn't she saying anything back?

Hina-San glanced at me and turned away when we had eye contact. I went over to her seat and said

"Sorry for the disturbance"

"No-No it's no problem"

She looked down instead of looking at me when she said that

We went out of the class and made our way to the first floor without uttering a word. I decided to break the silence and asked

"Why is everyone needed to be in a club?"

"Huh!…Sorry, what did you ask?"

She must be really nervous that she's with me

"I was asking why everyone needs to join a club"

"Oh that. The school has traditionally been giving great importance to club activities. They want the students to improve their social and communication skills by joining a club and strive towards a common goal with the other members to get a sense of teamwork. Their taking club activities so seriously that the whole of the first floor was dedicated to club rooms and a new building is being built specially for new clubs"

"Are there that many clubs that their building a building just for new clubs?"

"Since the school wants to boast that they have a lot of diverse clubs, they accept almost all the requests for new clubs if the required numbers of members are present"

"Oh I see"

So this is why the school has so many achievements for sports and cultural events

We started walking around the first floor and Hina-san showed me all the different clubs while explaining each club patiently and was answering all the questions asked without even a single look of irritation

As she said, there were a lot of clubs different clubs like the railway club or the cheese appreciation club and even a people watching club. Although they sounded ridiculous, the club members inside were actually doing serious club work. Doing tests and talking down notes with graphs and pie charts when we peeped in


Back in first year middle school I tried joining a bunch of clubs but always left them since I was constantly being isolated by the rest of the club members and the mood of the club would go down whenever I was present. So I don't have fond memories of club activities either. Not joining any club was okay back then but now I have to join one. I have no idea how it's going to go. I'll most probably join in name only and hardly ever go to club so that I don't disturb the other members

Although I saw a lot of clubs nothing really caught my interest and then a thought went through my head. If the school accepted all the club requests, there's bound to be a anime or manga research club right? There has to be a bunch of otakus who decided to make a club like that

After seeing every club in the school building and showing where the basic school facilities like the cafeteria and library were, we started walking to the school grounds to see the sports clubs. I checked every single club but didn't see anything related to anime or manga. The only thing remotely close to it was the vocaloid club

How is it possible that no one has created a club to appreciate our country's greatest pride? The main reason foreigners are so interested and travel to Japan is because of the Otaku culture. A big part of the country's GDP from tourism is due to anime. Basically the roads we're walking on and government facilities we use are built from the money anime has earned us. To think that not even a single person shows a bit of appreciation and respect to their benefactor, anime. It's like their throwing shit at our countries honour

I went a little off track there but to think there was actually no club for anime in this school which is brimming with other weird clubs. It's just strange. I decided to do one final check

"Is there any list of all the club's in the school?"


She was surprised and looked away. She was doing the same thing whenever I called her. She also never looked at me and was always keeping her distance

But I can't blame her since she's walking around alone, with a scary guy like me. I'm actually impressed she's been with me the whole time. Other people would've immediately left me saying that they have something else to do

"Umm..I don't know anything about a list but all the club fliers for the first years are hanging on the notice board around that corner"

I think she's done enough already. She's patiently showed me around the school even though she's scared of me and probably had better things to do. She even answered all my questions without thinking of it as a pain and was trying to hide her fear so that I wouldn't notice. She truly is a good girl. I didn't want to force her anymore so I said

"Thanks that'll do. I can manage on my own now, so you can go back"

She'll probably tell me that she'll also go with me out of goodwill, so I started running before she could say anything

"Ah wait-"

She must be relieved that I left. Forcing her for my sake doesn't go well with my principles, so this is for the best

I dashed to the place where the board was and found a bunch of fliers hanging. There were so many of them that they were overlapping each other and some were even stuck on the wall because there was no space on the board. I quickly looked through each fliers but couldn't find anything related to anime

There's actually no club for anime, that's disappointing. Maybe I'll just join the cooking club or-…..Hmm?

I noticed a certain poster that caught my attention. It was at the right corner of the board and was somewhat distinguishable from the others

I took the poster of the board and looked at it. The poster was very simple with only two things written on it in black font

The first thing written on the centre of the page was "Japanese Entertainment Club". The only reason I checked this poster specifically was because I didn't see a club with that name when I was checking with Hina-san earlier and thought it was some mysterious phantom club

But then I saw the second thing written on it and became interested in the club

I decided to check the club out

But where was this club in the first place? I didn't see it in the school, so maybe it's in a different building? Wait does this club even exist? What if it's an actual ghost club or something? What should I do now-

"Please wait up!"

Hina-san's voice?!

I turned towards the direction of that small voice and saw Hina-san running towards as fast as she can but was actually quite slow due to her small body

I shouted

"Hina-san slow down. You don't need to run. I'm not going anywhere"

But she didn't stop until she was in front of me. She was holding her knees and trying to catch her breath. Why did she run all the way over her? If it's something she forgot to say she could have told me tomorrow


*panting *


She was trying to speak while gasping for her breath

"Calm down. Talk to me after relaxing"

She stopped talking and took some deep breaths. Finally when she caught her breath, she straightened her posture and cleared her throat. Looks like she's okay now

"Yamamoto-kun you really run fast. I thought I wouldn't be able to catch up to you"

"Why did you run all the way here? Do you need to tell me something?"

"No it's not that. I haven't finished guiding you around the school yet so I can't leave you alone"

"But I told you that I can manage on my own"

She now looked at me in the face

"If you went alone, it would take you a long time to find each club since you're a new student and in the end you wouldn't have enough time to observe each club. If I went with you it would get over much faster and you could go home earlier. So let me guide you"

What is up with this girl? Just how kind can she be? Instead of worrying about herself she's worrying if I would reach my home on time and trying to make my life easier. She's too much of an Angel. I can't let an angel like her suffer by being with me

"It's okay I can do it on my own you can just go back"

"No it's my duty to guide you around the school"

"It's fine you don't need to come with me"

"No I insist"

She raised her voice quite a bit and was fighting back while looking at me instead of the ground. That just shows how determined she is to help me. If this goes on she'll win the argument and come with me. There's no other way but to be direct with her

"Hina-san you don't need to force yourself anymore. I know you're actually really scared of me and are forcing yourself to accompany me. So it's okay, you can go back"

She looked at me with a blank face. I guess she didn't know how to react when I found out she was forcing herself. Well she was trying to hide it all along

And then with a clueless expression she said

"Why would I be scared of you? Did you do anything wrong?"


"Wait aren't you scared of me?"


"Not even a little bit?"

"Not even the slightest"


A girl that isn't scared of me? That's impossible! She's gotta be lying to me since she was avoiding me the whole time

"Then why were you always nervous around me and keep your distance"

'"That's because-…."


She looked hesitant to say the next part but then said with all her vigour

"That's because you were a boy I who wasn't used to seeing!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I haven't told anyone this yet. But the thing is I've always been shy and awkward around boys since I was a child. I become fidgety and nervous when I'm around them. Whenever they approach me, my mind goes blank and I can't even look at them. I tried to improve myself and somehow got used to seeing the boys in my class and could somewhat talk to them normally. But when I saw you, a transfer student who I hadn't seen before my habits came back to me again. Sorry, if you took it the wrong way"

Wait, so she isn't sacred of me?

"Then the reason you were startled when you first saw me was because you were shy and not because you were scared of my face"

"Why would I be scared of your face?"

"Isn't my face a bit menacing?"

"Not really. In fact you look quite handsome in my eyes so I was extra nervous when I was around you-…Ah!"

She blushed and started nodding her head

"Forget the last part I said, I didn't mean it. No I meant it but didn't want to say it. It's not like I'm thinking of you in a weird way. Please forget it"

She looked like a tomato now

Either this girl likes bad boy types or something is wrong with her eyes since I couldn't believe a girl actually said that. This face that has made hundreds of children cry was called handsome? That's just not possible or maybe I'm over criticizing myself

In the past I've been told by my family that I looked like my father in his younger days. I checked to see if it's true by going through the old family albums and I found my father's picture. He looked just like me but with normal eyes. I showed my sister the photo of my dad who was the only person I could ask for a female's opinion and asked how he looked. She saw the photo and told

"OMG, Who's this guy Onii-chan, he looks just like you but without the scary eyes. He's so good looking. You should set up a date for me and him or give me his number so I can call him. He's just my type"

"You want to go on a date with dad?"


"The guy in the photo is dad when he was young"

"Really! That's dad!? I can't believe it, he was so hot back then. No wonder he looks just like you"

She then went to our father and asked him about his younger days and that dumb idiot started talking about how he was quite the player when he was young and the different techniques he used to pick up girls, to his daughter who was listening with great interest. My sister was only 9 years old back then and she already had a favourite type and wanted to go on dates. Scary

Maybe I'm actually pretty good looking but my eyes ruin the whole thing

"And if you were a scary person, why would you help me carry my books? I believe a person's true value lies in their character and actions rather than how they look. So in my eyes you're not a scary person but actually a nice person who helped me when I was in trouble"

She said that and gave a angelic smile

I quickly covered my eyes and looked away

"Eh? Yamamoto-kun what happened? Did something go into your eye?"

"No it's not that. It's just that your shining so brightly that it's hard to look at you"

"I'm shining?! Where? I can't see any light on me. Show me where?"

I looked at her adorable self, taking what I said literally and checking her body for light


"Why are you laughing? Is there something on my face?"


"Come one. It's rude to laugh at someone like that"

"Sorry Sorry. You were just too cute that I couldn't help but laugh"

"Eh! Me! Cute?!"

She became a blushing tomato once again with even her ears becoming red with embarrassment

All that stuff about her being scared of me and forcing herself looked stupid now. I was the only one suspecting her good intentions. I'm ashamed at myself for deciding how she looked at me, without even getting to know her. She's too pure of a girl to even think about that in the first place

"Sorry about all that. I had the wrong image of you. I think we started off a little rocky so I'd like to start over. My name is Yamamoto Yuuto and I'll be in your care from now on"

"My name is Ishikawa Hina and I too will be in your care"

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