《A generic love story: disturbance》Chapter 68


Nishimura Takumi took out his lockpicking kit as he climbed up the familiar stairs that led to NK high`s rooftop. Slightly out of the blue, the door was already opened. There, he met a male student who looked rather feminine.

Kyoya said “Uhm” in response to his arrival.

Pulling out a sloppily folded piece of paper from his side pocket, Takumi jabbed it at Kyoya: “Your homework.”

“Ah.” The surprised boy let go of the chopsticks “Domo”.

“Cheh.” Takumi sneered, before pulling out a loaf of bread. Kyoya peeked at his face, but then let out a sigh before staring into his bento.

Glancing at the sky, Takumi blurted

“What`re you so sad about?” .


Turning right to throw him an impatient stare, Takumi barked:

“Both your facial expression and body gestures says “I`m sad as fuck”.”

“Eh… Ah… Uhh… I`m just nervous… the final test of this year starts next week… I don`t know if…”

“Don`t lie if you`re dog shit at it.”

Kyoya opened his mouth in shock, but was unable to say anything.

Takumi snapped, and grabbed his shirt collar:

“I`m caring about you, cocksucker! If you just want to suffer more then just keep your mouth shut!”

“I`m sorry.” His face sunk.

“Hell!” He let go “Why am I even bothered.”

The two distanced from eachother. Yet, Takumi spoke again:

“You`re still good at fighting?”

“...I still train everyday.”

“Let`s hope you can fuck up ten people at once, because Kirishima`s place is in deep shit.”

That caught his attention.

“Remember the time they saved Ichiko Ayase? That, made an entire yakuza gang to go after em.”


“They`re not doing anything yet, but I`m sure they`ll show up one day at that boxing gym. The bastard who routinely raped Ichiko Ayase seemed to be the son of some big shot corrupt police. His friends got jailed alright, but he`s all fine and dandy. That type hates losing face, and getting beaten up by a bunch of schoolgirls is a great way to that.”


Kyoya`s eyes changed.

“And your old man Kenichi Kazuo, he was fucking murdered. Not just stabbed in the back, but got killed while fighting an entire gang.”

“How did you know?!”

“An acquaintance gave me a piece of paper. Hospital bill for 42 motherfuckers. Paid on the same night old man Kenichi bit the dust.”

Kyoya frowned.

“And paid by a female police officer.”

“I bet you my ass that these two are the same fucking gang. The police isn`t dumb enough to just let horny crackheads swarming the streets like this. I say, Tokyo Police Dept is rotten almost through.”

“So… our city`s entire police force is… covering for the yakuza?”

“Hell yea you`re right. Means they aint gonna come to save those girls when they call. If we want to survive, I`d need you to attend her classes now and then.”

Keeping his breath some shaking, he replied:

“I understand.”

That night, once again, Kyoya was summoned to Redfist HQ to receive orders. Entering the elevator from the parking basement, Kyoya phoned Celestyna. The phone simply clicked off before any vocal reply was heard. Then, the elevator moved on its own, carrying Kyoya up to the normally inaccessible 23rd floor.

He has never been here before. Compared to the flashy arrangement down the lower floors, this area was unreasonably plain. Walls were left unpainted and gritty. The interior was furnished with old wooden wares. Thick curtains with flower patterns hung loosely above the windy windows. A single light bulb painted the room with a yellow hue. This outdated apartment was spacious, yet empty. An aged man sat next to the heater at the corner.

Looking through his broad shoulders, he spoke English with a nasal accent:

“Evening, boi.”

Kyoya swallowed:

“Vy dzon`t chyu curoze za vindou eef itz colde?”

“We suffocate, boi. Old sthove makes lots of CO two.”


“Zen, bai ae nuu voan?”

“Babuskha`s sthove. You know, Opaa-chaan? Plus, wind blowing on back and smoke touching face is nice.”

The entrance opened:

“Ah, Kyoya-kun. You came. Have you got dinner yet?”

“Eh? Ie, demo…”

“Hora, we`re about to eat anyways. Join us.”

Patting Kyoya`s back with his chunky hand, his figure towered before Kyoya. The smell of curry welcomed them in the kitchen. Demitri, their bodyguard, was already finished with the preparations.


Boris forked half an onion and chewed it raw. Bobbing his head in satisfaction, he casually nudged Celes to talk:

“So… Lately the streets have became much safer… thanks to you doing all of the cop`s work.”


“Your work helped us strike an excellent business deal with the Shidehara group. Who would have known that the chairman`s daughter was frequently commuting in our protected area if you didn`t tell us?”

He showed no particular attitude.

“Haha… And you even got famous online… The dreaded Saddako-san that seeks revenge on all criminals who wronged them…”

Abruptly, Kyoya looked up

“I`m not a hero. The first task you gave me, how did you hide the murder? You said RedFist had connections with the police, did you not?”

Celes laughed awkwardly.

“How much influence does RedFist have?”

“W-Well, not much, unfortunately. Only a few inspector, enough to clear suspicion here and there. That`s why we avoid using firearms you see, to keep our profile low…”

Showing them a newspaper cut-out, Kyoya asked:

“Do you happen to know about the death of Kenichi Kazuo?”

Celesyna eyed Demitri. The burly man reached for the pistol taped under his table.

Boris burst into laughter:

“You are good at more than fighting, boi?” [yes I intentionally use bad grammar]

At which he received a deep frown.

“Yes, we have information. But not for free. Finish task, you get info.”

“Vat iz za task?”

“You see, Kyoya-kun…” Celes loosened “The police doesn`t know that we have information about Kazuo-san `s case. But they are probing. Chief officer in charge of the place you live, Kyoya-kun. He`s threatening one of our connections there.”

“Please be more brief.” Kyoya snapped.

The air tensed up again.

Boris clicked his tongue:

“Kill him. Man doesn`t do nice things. He covers about 10 gangs in Kabukicho. Likes to sleep with little girls. Sells children pornography. Smokes a lot. The entire gang you killed on your first mission, they were spies sent into our zone for sniffing around. He`s been eyeing RedFist after the… Ah nevermind.” Crunching another raw onion in his mouth, he finished “His brat distributes rock meth to young men in Tokyo.”

“Tokyo Police Dept will have too much trouble covering all of previous his crimes upon the murder, we should be safe for a while.” Said Celestyna

“Then why didn`t he suspect RedFist when that gang got wiped?”

“They weren`t following his orders. Spending too much and enjoying themselves on… You saw it, Kyoya-kun. So he cut their funds. But after we made the protection deal with Shidehara group, his minions were being dispatched too quickly. And his men comes here to watch you fight, Kyoya. Of course they would suspect that the famous Kuro Saddako is working for RedFist.”

Putting his fork down, Boris stared Kyoya dead in the eye. His black pupils reflected the image.

“But the question is, boi, are you really working for us?”

“It depends on who killed Kenichi Kazuo.” Answered Kyoya.

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