《A generic love story: disturbance》Chapter 20



BB pellets gushed out from the barrel, pricking his face rapidly. The pain from one single shot to the face is enough to make most people flinch, but the murderer was hit with a surge of ten round burst. Holding his face while yelling, he backed away, giving Takumi just enough time to do a combat roll and retreat. Then he emptied his magazine, pushing his opponent back even further.


The killer shook off the pain and rushed at Takumi again, this time he covered his face with the bat. In response, Takumi pressed the magazine release, simultaneously jerking his weapon. The empty magazine fell to the ground, and his left thumb guided the full mag from his belt into the gun. Barely finishing in time, he cocked the gun and the stream of pellets stung the killer`s throat.


Holding his neck, he writhed in pain. Takumi snatched the chance, hopped forward, and kicked the open pair of nuts in between his opponent`s leg. The murderer`s eye rolled backwards [his tongue stuck out] and he collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.

“Hah! Take that you psycho!”

Takumi looked around for a bench to rest. Spotting one behind him, he staggered there and slammed his exhausted body on the thing. Pulling out his phone, he dialed 110 and waited. He was still hyperventilating.

Without warning, the memory of his first time using the full auto airsoft Glock started playing in his brain. Though his eyes remained open, his vision faded, and Takumi revisited the airsoft arena. Walking with him was a big, strong Western man that he held dear. The group of adults was hiding in the surroundings.

“Otto, where is everyone?” [pls it`s obviously dad right?]

“Oh, this is weird. They should`ve be here by now.” His dad couldn`t hide the playful grin.


From the third person perspective, Takumi saw his dad`s friends giggling in their hiding spot. And when the little Takumi wandered near, all of them jumped out at once.


“Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!” They all started singing in English, including his dad.

An uncle stepped up and gave him a box. Takumi opened it…

Tears ran down from his unfocused eyes. The police station has already picked up, wondering who is on the other end. A shadow, burning with fury, loomed behind. The killer held the bat high in the air, preparing an executioner`s cut.


Kyoya crashed in with a side kick, bashing the killer`s exposed ribcage and threw him meters away. Not letting a second go waste, he dashed forward and raised his right leg straight at the sky. Moonlight flashed on his heel, and the axe kick plunged down like a guillotine blade.

Hearing the horrid crack of bone being splintered, Takumi snapped out of the trance. Behind him, the killer was unconscious; his right leg bent in a weird way. Kyoya stood there, with a scornful look on his face.

“We were late. The trash got another killed.”

Takumi shook his head. He had already known that the moment he saw bloodstains on the criminal`s clothing.

“Hello? Is everything alright there?” The officer`s voice through the phone startled Takumi.

“Ah yes! Please come to xxx park, we have the serial murderer…”

Waiting in the car, Takumi and Kyoya`s gaze randomly bumped into eachother.

Kyoya looked like he was going to say something, but it took too long so Takumi broke the ice:

“Why did you come out at this time?”

“I accidentally drank coffee instead of hot cocoa. Couldn`t sleep so I went outside for a run.”


“Really? At this time and temperature?”

Kyoya shrugged.


“But still, the other culprit remains.”

“Ah right, you told me that there were 2 criminals behind this.”

“Well I got a call telling me to go to the park. The other one should be someone that knows me…”

“Uhm… You need to be carefull.”

“Anyways, thanks for saving my life back then. My head wouldn`t be intact without you.”

“Ah, no problem.”

The conversation ended, tastelessly.

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