《Man Vs Edythe》Arc 1 -Lost- Part 15


Kayla groaned as Marilyn stood next to her. The green magical circle which projected over her body sent a numbing feeling throughout.

Even if it’s a low tier, healing magic really is something. Dante thought back to his days of deployment when the only healing you’d get in the field was a torn piece of cloth or disinfectant and gauze if you were lucky.

However, this minor healing spell already suppressed the pain, and even removed the bruises and scratches all over Kayla’s body, in such a short time no less.

“You sure you cast a minor healing spell?” Lacey questioned.

“Yes I did, it’s the only one I’ve fully studied,” Marilyn replied as she finished channeling the spell.

“You say that but no way a minor one could deliver results this fast,” Kayla stood up as she surveyed her completely healed body, “this looks like a medium-tier spell than a low tier one.”

“So, it doesn’t normally heal this much then?” Dante interjected as he became surprised at their words.

“No, it’s not normal at all,” Kayla replied.

Now that they mention it, when she used it on that albino quillhound, it took quite a while just to barely heal its injuries. Dante realized as he remembered the events of the previous night. Compared to that this is a large improvement in its effectiveness, but why did it suddenly get so strong?

“I don’t know what to say either,” Marilyn looked down at herself as she placed her hand over her chest, “ever since I woke up, I’ve been feeling really good.” as she spoke her hand slipped down to her stomach as a smile appeared on her face.

“Well, I guess it’s a sign you really are alright,” Lacey spoke, her blue eyes soon peered at Dante, “however, we still need answe-!” a loud grumble echoed out, Lacey’s mouth remained open as her face turned red. Marilyn giggled to herself, while Kayla exposed a teasing grin to her embarrassed friend.

Now that Marilyn, Lacey, and Kayla have all reunited, Dante could finally focus on gaining some information on how to get home. However, before that, it looks like dinner would have to come first.


“Mmm!” Marilyn sounded out as she ate the kebob.

“It really is delicious,” Lacey also gave her compliments about the meal.

“It’s alright,” Kayla mumbled out, though.

“You say that but you’re already almost done eating yours,” Lacey responded. Marilyn giggled as she heard Lacey.

“Shut up! I’m just hungry, besides, Marilyn’s the one pigging it out the most!” as Kayla said that, Marilyn cried out in shock.

“What be these cylinder red pieces anyway.” Lacey changed the topic as she continued to eat.

“They’re made in my world, there canned sausage,” Dante replied as he left a bowl of the roasted sausage further away from everyone.

“Canned-sausage…I see,” Lacey spoke as she stared at the piece of sausage on her kebob.

“So you really are a man from another world, huh,” Kayla said.

“Isn’t it incredible, a real living man,” Marilyn instantly busted out in excitement, “He’s really amazing, he defeated the siren and a behemoth with his bare hands,” with sparkles in her eyes she sang the praises of the man before her, “he’s so big and strong, yet when he embraces you it feels so comforting and warm!”

Embrace? The two women questioned in their minds as they heard their friend’s words.

“Not to mention, the amazing feeling of becoming one, whe-”

“Um, Marilyn I think they get it so you can stop now,” Dante immediately cut her off before she could say anything that might become problematic.

“Dante Santos,” Lacey began to speak.

“Ah, yes?” he replied as he turned to face her.

“I, knight maiden Lacey of Dulac, humbly apologize for our previous actions and thank you for saving our friend,” as she spoke, she lowered her head, “i-if anything were to happen to her…” Lacey raised her head as she held back her tears, “so really thank you, so much.”

“I understand, and no thanks needed.” He smiled as he gave his reply.

“Ah, but-” Lacey was caught off guard by his expression as she blushed in response.


“Well yea, what Lacey said, it’s our bad, and thanks for keeping our sleeping drooly here safe.” Kayla also spoke her appreciation as she averted her gaze from him.

“Lacey… Kayla!” Marilyn’s eyes were teary as she ran to embrace her two friends, “I’m sorry too, and I’m glad you’re both alive!” Marilyn cried out, as Lacey returned her hug and while Kayla tried to hide it, a few tears still slipped out as she grabbed onto Marilyn as well. Seeing the three like this Dante couldn’t help but gently smile, as he thought all that trouble was worth it in the end.

The crackle of the flames sounded out in the night, as everyone sat around the campfire under the darkened sky.

“So, one of the Goddesses brought you here,” Kayla said.

“And in order for you to go back, she said you had to complete a task for her?” Lacey said as she pondered the information Dante provided.

“Honestly you’re the only people I’ve met so far, I was hoping you might know what she means or if you know of a way to send me home,” Dante replied.

So, he really does want to return to his world… Marilyn felt a sudden pain within her as she thought about what he had just said.

“If you ask me, it sounds really farfetched,” Kayla spoke out.

“Well can’t argue with that, but it’s the truth.”

“Well we’re no experts on these kinds of things, but the Queen or the Royal Court Magician might be able to help you,” Lacey said as she turned to Marilyn for confirmation.

“Ah, yes I’m sure if anything they’ll know,” Marilyn said as she returned from her depressing thoughts.

“Unfortunately, we can’t take you there anytime soon,” Lacey said.

“That’s right, we’ve still got our original business to take care of, and if anything, we’ve been sidetracked enough as it is.” Kayla also responded.

“Remember I told you we were searching for someone out here before we got separated,” Marilyn said as she looked at Dante.

“I see…” Dante said as he heard the unfortunate news, “then how about I help you out?” all the girls turned as he posed the question to them.

“You’ll come with us?!” Marilyn was the first to latch onto his offer.

“I don’t know, this is our task, not his.” Kayla voiced her objection.

“He’ll be a great help though; you agree right Lacey?”

“Honestly, I don’t like relying on others, especially someone we barely know…” as Lacey spoke Marilyn began to frown, however, it didn’t last long as she continued, “but as we are now, it would be foolish not to accept your offer,” Lacey stared at Dante with a serious expression as she spoke. She then stood and walked over to him and said, “I Lacey of Dulac, knight maiden in service to the Queen and country of Arthrain, accept your offer and promise to repay you by requesting Her Majesty to aid you on finding a way back to your world.”

“Then, I look forward to journeying with you all.” As Dante spoke Lacey nodded back, while Marilyn gave a wide smile.

“Do you have anything to say, Kayla?” Lacey asked.

“It’s your decision in the end, and Marilyn’s glad about it so it is what it is.” Kayla shrugged as she replied.

Dante quietly watched the girls chatter as he remembered the words of the goddess. She had better be telling the truth. But is getting too involved with this world and its people really the right thing to do? Dante couldn’t help but think that as he glanced at Marilyn and her friends. The image of a woman in tattered clothes shouting at him entered his mine. It had been years since that incident happened, and yet he still remembered it well. Maybe this really is divine punishment, a bitter smile appeared on his face as he thought that.

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