《The Girl and the Mage's Forest》Chapter 11


Famma strolled through the village to the chief's house to speak with Farla. The elderly woman waved to those she passed by on the way. They waved back and moved out of the way and lowered their heads as they cover their face.

Everyone always treats me like royalty when I have my special perfume on! She thought as her lips curled into a smile.

Outside the chief’s house, a loud bang could be heard outside, “Damn it!” A voice yelled inside. Famma looked ahead and quickly hurried to her destination.

“What’s wrong!?” She asked as she came inside.

The elder saw Farla standing in front of the table with a piece of paper on the table, rage and sadness blended together on her face as the two looked at each other.

“What… Happened Farla?” Famma asked as she slowly got closer.

Farla picked up the paper and read:

Meisla went to Darlocke forest, probably hoping to kill the Mage and stop the village's plague. I don’t know if it will work, but I will make sure she’s safe.


“That stupid child is going to get her, and her brother killed! How did it get in her head to do this!?” Farla yelled, tears streaming down her face.

Famma patted Farla on the shoulders, “I…uh… don’t know. Meisla’s always been a bit of a wild child, doing whatever she sets her mind to. I’m sure she thought she could be a hero on her own.”

Is this why Meisla asked me about killing the Mage? Her mother’s going to kill me if she finds out we spoke before she left!

“And let’s not forget that your son was a trained soldier! He’ll keep her safe. We have to believe in Denlo.” Famma continued to say to the sobbing mother.

“I’m sure by some miracle they make it alive.”

A scene of knights in shining armor, swords in hand, riding on horseback as they went and rescued the chief’s children floods Famma’s mind. The village would surely praise her for the foresight as long as the two stay alive that is alive.

"Please survive, you two,” Famma said softly.


Meisla moved about the forest like a hummingbird. Each flower and plant fueled her imagination, as she quickly made rough sketches of anything that caught her eye. Denlo followed behind with sweat all over his head and hands despite the air being cool and dry. He clenched his mouth as tightly as he gripped his sword's hilt. Denlo’s eyes darted about frantically, constantly on the lookout for something, anything. The forest was full of unnatural things. A rabbit that changes color was one thing, but what if there’s one that can spew fire or spit acid? What about the predators? He could feel danger lurking in the shadows somewhere. He silently envied his sister as she runs about nonchalantly, like what they’re doing was so simple.



The sound of a branch cracking nearby alerted them both. Denlo once again drew out his sword while Meisla continued to finish up her sketch.

“Meisla, get over here!”

“I’m almost done with this. Besides, it’s probably just another rabbit or something. Trust me. Hunter’s instinct.” Meisla said proudly to her brother.

As she spoke, a deep growl echoed around them. The girl felt the sound pass through her bones. Muscles screamed for the brain to take action. Meisla clumsily put her sketchbook away, running quickly to Denlo and readying her bow.

“I told-”

“Don’t you dare say it.” Meisla seethed.

Meisla made a silent prayer for it to be some harmless forest creature that can mimic the sound of a predator.

What answered her was the face of a hungry bear emerging from the bushes. Its black fur was long and shaggy. What made it physically different from the regular species, aside from being about as big as two male adult bears together, was its glowing beady yellow eyes that stared directly at Meisla. She tried to resist the urge to cower. A pit formed in her stomach as the animal continued looking at her.

This is just like Yoviene’s boar. It’s just a beast with scary eyes. Meisla thought.

I can do this!

Finally gaining the courage to fight, Meisla prepared to fire an arrow at the bear. Before she had the chance to make a shot, a massive roar emanated from the bear as it stood up on its hind legs. Denlo could see the trees near them shaking.

Two wisps of light appeared around the animal and surround the siblings, copying the bear's form.

“This is too dangerous. We should run Meisla. Before we’re fully cut off.” Denlo said as he turned to his sister.

Her eyes glazed over with fear as she looked at the two new enemies on each side of them. She blinked and shook her head to focus.

“No,” Meisla said to Denlo.

“Those things aren’t really real. It’s like when the Mage created that thing to destroy the boar.” She faced the one closest to her and fired an arrow at it.

“If we break it, they should disappear.” She said confidently as the arrow hit its target. The construct of the bear became misty and misshapen as the arrow passed through it. However, after a moment, the construct recovered its form. It roared and proceeded to move toward them, its other copy, and the original following.


“Ok, that didn’t work, but I can just-

Nope, we’re out of here!” Denlo grabbed Meisla and ran away before the bears fully surrounded them.

Denlo ran like a mad man; trees whiz past them as they raced away from the creatures. Two growls followed close behind them. Meisla looked back and saw the two spectral animals behind them and quickly closing in.

“Slow down! The real bear isn’t anywhere near us. We can fight the ones!” Meisla shouted to her brother as she attempted to slow him down.

He didn't listen. He focused only on maneuvering around the trees and being as far away from the danger.

Why am I doing this? Why didn’t I tie her up and go back home? Denlo thought. Why is my arm hot? Oh, it's bleeding. One of the spectral bears sped up to Denlo and slashed his arm with a claw. The force made Denlo let go of his sister and propelled him into a tree.

Meisla fell to the ground right in front of the other bear. Its form looked more ghostly as the nearby plants' pale glow shined around it. She jumped back and prepared to shoot an arrow. She tried to focus like the last time, feel the fire within, manifest it, and move it to the arrow. Her heart beat faster. Her hands were warm, but no burst of fiery energy came out of her.

The bear made a swipe at her, and Meisla shot her arrow at its head. It paused in its tracks as its form turned temporarily into a mist.

Meisla turned and saw the other bear towering over her unconscious brother. She stared at the blood dripping down from his head and arm. Her own blood boiled again, and she tried to feel the fire again. Meisla prepared another arrow holding it as long as she can, but no fire emerged from her.

“Damn it,” Meisla said, releasing the arrow and hitting the bear, causing it to dissipate.

The girl rushed to Denlo and started to drag him away.

The deep growls of the real bear stopped Meisla in her tracks before she can get far. It paced in front of her, glaring at her with its glowing yellow eyes. It roared one final time as it prepared to lunge at Meisla and the unconscious Denlo.

Fear washed over the girl as she cursed her own weakness, “I’m sorry, Denlo.” She whispered, squeezing her brother tightly. Meisla closed her eyes as rows of copper brown teeth closed in on her.

She could feel the hot breath of the bear. Meisla heard it sniffing and grunting. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the large animal looking around as if it lost track of its prey. It paused for a moment as it looked in Meisla direction, but it failed to see her. Suddenly it looked away from her, eagerly turning in the opposite direction. She saw the spectral lights of the bear’s clones reform around it, and they all race away as if catching the scent of their prey again.

Meisla couldn't decide if she should feel relieved or confused.

“You’re lucky I was looking around for food.” A male voice in the distance said.

The girl looked around but cannot find who’s speaking. It did sound familiar to her. In the corner of her eye, she saw someone jump down from a nearby tree. It was a tall, slender man with silver hair and rose-red eyes.

“Those are some pretty nasty wounds on him,” Sylvar said to Meisla.

“Here, I’ll help you carry him, and we can talk more at our camp. I know Gaerra will be happy to see you.”

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