《The Strongest Species》Chapter 8: Sanria Woods


Sanria Woods was Gregory Woods' daughter. Everyone in the village knew her as a good girl. She loved her father just as much as he loved her. When he did nothing as she was taken away, she didn't resent him. She just hoped he would have a happy life.

From the moment she was born, Sanria was different. She had red hair while both her parents had brown hair. It actually caused a commotion in the village in which Gregory's wife was accused of cheating but it immediately died down because she died in childbirth. Gregory didn't care. He loved Sanria just as much he loved his wife. He saw his wife in Sanria and thus took care of her like a proper father.

Sanria grew up quickly and was so much more amazing than her peers. Other children seemed so slow compared to her. She was intelligent, picking up the language at a young age and being able to do basic arithmetics from watching her father haggle with the townsfolk. She was quickly lauded as the hope of the village. Gregory, knowing her daughter was amazing, did everything he could to make her life better.

He taught her all the skills he knew. She knew how to hunt, trade, farm, and be a leader. It was as if her blood was different from her father's. Despite all the rumors and words of the people in the village, Sanria was truly Gregory's daughter. When Gregory's dragon blood passed on to her, it also changed her soul, a 1 in a billionth of a chance yet she was lucky enough to have it. In bardic tales, Sanria would be apt to be called a hero, if she ever used her potential.

As she grew older, Sanria's talents just exploded. She had great strength, fast reflexes, and amazing cognition. At the young age of 9, she was already stronger than most men in the village. At the age of 13, she could outrun deer. At the age of 17, she could already comprehend topics that would confound students of the academy.

Gregory knew his daughter was a diamond among diamonds and he wanted to put her in a good place where she could express her capabilities.

But then, tragedy struck. Sanria was taken by an enamored sagamore of the Incarna empire. Sanria thought that her dreams of providing a beautiful and wealthy home for her father were lost. She thought she would be violated, humiliated, and then tossed away like trash after they were done with her. Fortunately, Sanria still had the soul of a dragon, albeit partially. She could subconsciously control the weak mind of Zack, who thought that he was being a knight in shining armor for not raping the girl he kidnapped.

Sanria stayed in her cage quietly. She was thinking of what to do. She was strong but she couldn't bend metal... yet. So, she waited until an opportunity appeared.

It didn't take long.

Night came and chaos ensued.


A creature appeared. Sanria didn't need her dragon soul to tell her what it was.

A dragon!

If Sanria was a normal person, she would have started panicking and looking for a way to escape but she wasn't a normal person. Sanria bided her time as the dragon continued its massacre. As the seconds passed, Sanria started feeling excited. She watched the dragon with ragged breaths. Her heart, which was used to the mediocrity of the people around her, suddenly started pumping. Despite knowing that she was nothing but a bug compared to this "large than life" creature, she felt the need to test herself against it.

Could I fight it... Is my talent... enough?

Sanria felt a need to fight it. Even if she risks dying, she wanted to try, such as the dragon blood's influence.

The massacre didn't last long. Magnus was too powerful. He overwhelmed the empire soldiers with might and greater fighting experience. After that, Magnus turned his wise gaze towards Sanria. Sanria felt her heart skip a beat.

Is it looking at me?

Sanria's heart started beating fast like a maiden in love if the maiden wanted to beat the man she pined for. Magnus used his powerful claws to grip the metal cage's entrance and then rip it off.

Without missing a beat, Sanria jumped towards a gap on Magnus's side. Magnus didn't grab Sanria. He simply turned to face her. Sanria reached the ground and did a landing roll. While she rolled, Sanria quickly grabs a sword that was dropped there by a soldier. When she quickly sits up, she throws a dagger toward Magus that she managed to steal from Zack while she was being imprisoned.

Magnus used his wing to throw the dagger away. In a normal fight, Magnus would have used the dagger to distract his enemy then lunge in for the kill. But this wasn't a normal fight, this was a fight between two dragons. Magnus must be careful.

Sanria was the lesser of the two and she felt that she needed to act first. She lunges forward and stabs the blade towards Magnus.

A normal blade would not wound Magnus. A normal blade empowered by internal energy, unless empowered by a powerful creature, could not harm Magnus either. But Sanria's internal energy was unbelievably sharp.

Magnus was thoroughly impressed.

The control is lacking and it is definitely her first time using it but her power is impressive.

Magnus moved forward and he swiped his claw towards Sanria. During that time, Sanria had a maniacal smile on her face. Magnus didn't smile but he was amused.


Sanria was so enamored by Magnus's presence that she couldn't hear her father's desperate scream as he ran towards them.

The blade was aimed straight at his heart but Magnus used the tip of his claws as he strikes the blade with precision, shattering it. Sanria tried to dodge away but Magnus moved faster. He lunges forward and uses his claw to pin her down, his hand grabbing her neck. Sanria hits the ground and Magnus looks at her with a triumphant look.


Despite losing quite easily, Sanria wasn't angry or pissed off. She was ecstatic. Her eyes were wide with excitement. Her body was trembling with joy.

Before she could say anything, Sanria was snapped back to reality when she sees Gregory's knees hit the floor in front of the dragon.

"Please great dragon! Spare my daughter! She is the only one I care about! I will gladly take your offer earlier! I willingly become your servant! Please let my daughter go!"

"Fa-father! What are you doing here?!"

Magnus ignored the poor man. Before Magnus could let Sanria go, he heard an annoying voice.

"Master! I knew you'd come for me!"

Gregory and Sanria turned their eyes to an unrecognizable man in another cage. The man was naked. When he was brought here, he was beaten, removed of his possessions, put in a cage, and was beaten again. Despite all that, Melinoe did not falter in his beliefs. His master would surely save him from eternal damnation, like before.

Magnus saw Melinoe. He was surprised. He was sure that the forestborne was dead. He was so inexperienced that he didn't check his magical foundation after being forcefully transformed. He just assumed he can still cast magic which got him into this poor situation. Magnus was amused, very much so.

He lets go Sanria. Gregory quickly kneels and hugs her. He cries his poor heart out as he is reunited with his daughter. Sanria should be crying as well but he looks at the dragon. She wants to try again but knows now is not a good time.

Magnus approaches the metal cage. Raising his left hand, he grabs the corner of the cage and bends it slightly, giving Melinoe just enough space to squeeze through, albeit uncomfortably.

"Master, your power truly knows no bounds! But um... why didn't you fully remove the door?"

Magnus turns around and focuses his attention on Gregory and Sanria. Gregory kneels and prostrates himself to Magnus.

"My lord! You have truly made this old man's life worth it. You have saved my daughter, something you did not deign to do!"

Magnus did not speak.

"My lord... I am ready to serve."

While Magnus never spoke to Gregory, Gregory knew what was intended for him. He could feel his blood boil in anticipation every time he is near Magnus. He knew instinctually that he needed to follow him.

Magnus waited. He knew Gregory had something else to say.

"But... my lord! Please... I must beg you of something."

Magnus nodded. He knew that Gregory was ready to give his loyalty so he allowed him to ask once more.

"My daughter... she is talented..."

Magnus agreed.

"She is... beautiful..."

He agreed once more.

"And she has the ability to reach heights I would never be able to... I beg of you... to let me send her away so she could find her potential."

Magnus did not agree. But fortunately for Magnus, who could not speak, Sanria was also not in agreement.


Gregory was surprised by Sanria's sudden interruption.

"Ria, please quiet down. My lord will-"

"No father! I will not be sent away!"

"Wha-what? I-Why?"

Gregory started to stand, his emotions starting to get the better of him. He almost died trying to save her... for only for her to reject his efforts.

"Sanria! Why must you reject your father's wishes! I do not want you to become like me, a mediocre man, living in a remote village at the border of our kingdom, uncared for and victim to warlike people. I want you to reach your potential. Heights I could not possibly imagine! You shouldn't be afraid to leave just because of this event!"

Gregory started to cry but Sanria stood her ground. She waited for her father to finish. When Gregory stopped, Sanria spoke.

"Father, I do not wish to go away not because I am afraid... I want to stay here."


Sanria held her father's hand.

"I want to stay with him."

Sanria pointed at Magnus. Magnus simply watched them while Melinoe's eyes widened.

"The audacity! How dare you poin-"

Melinoe was just about to exit the cage when Magnus's tail hits his face with the minimum amount of force needed to knock him out. If there was anything to praise Melinoe for, it was his tenacity and endurance.

"What do you mean Sanria?"

"Him father. I want to be his."

Gregory's eyes widened and after hearing her daughter's words, he imagines a marriage. A human and a dragon. The image was terrifying.

"Absolutely not! I cannot let my one and only daughter become the partner of a dragon!"

Magnus raised an eyebrow.

Gregory flinched but he continued. He already said the wrong words, no point in back out now but before he could continue shouting, Sanria stops him.

"I've made up my mind dad. I want to stay with him and learn under him."

Sanria pulls her father to a hug. Gregory was surprised but he leans into his daughter's hug. Sanria whispers.

"Father. I finally found something I want to do. Please support me in it. I know you always cared for me. I promise to do you proud. I swear on you."

Gregory silently teared up again but he nodded in between tears.

Sanria, satisfied, lets her father go. She turns to Magnus.

"So my lord?"

Magnus shakes his head. Magnus writes on the floor a name.


Magnus nods.

"Can I call you Prince?"

Magnus nods.

"Prince, what do I do to become yours?"

Magnus raises his claw once more, like what he offered to Gregory earlier.

And just like that, Magnus gained two loyal followers... three if you include Melinoe

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