《The Abnormal Existence Called The Creator》Revolution! Contract.


Inside a somewhat large room were two beings one was the size of a child with small yellow wings on it's back and aqua skin with large eyes, while the other was a man wearing a large blue robe with golden patterns covering his chest area revealing only his pants and shoes with Hair so golden that it resembled the Sun itself enchanted by his sky blue eyes with tints of red inside the middle.

These two were known as The Creator and his newly joint traveling companion Jevrath, The Creator was currently creating a dish that he would serve to them both named Barbecue Steak with a side dish of Chicken Soup, in order for it to be made perfectly he needed it to be cooked at the correct heat on all sides with just the right amount of seasoning and herbs to accomplish this he required the help of Jevrath to keep it lit at the right heat while he added the seasoning and herbs at the right moment to increase it's taste and favor.

Smelling the tasty favors flowing into his nose he sucked them all in while giving instructions to Jevrath on how to better control his fire magic to not burn the Steak, as he prepared the Chicken soup with added veggies he turned around in a split second flipping the steak on it's other side letting them equally take in the hot heat.

After a few hours of cooking both the soup and steak were finished giving off delicious smells, as he sliced into the Steak he gave the biggest portion to Jevrath while taking only a normal sized piece for himself enchanted by the yummy chicken soup on the side to wash it all down.

Before he even took a bite Jevrath had all ready started stuffing all he could take down his throat like it was going to be his last meal before his death, The Creator couldn't help but to laugh at such behavior while eating a meal still thinking about all the hardships Jevrath had gone through he only pushed the feeling to the back of his mind while continuing to take a bite of the steak.

After a few bites or so he couldn't help but hear the sound of Jevrath stomach giving off the impression he was still hungry after all that steak and even the chicken soup.

“Hm, I have lost my appetite no point to letting it go to waste Jevrath you finish it.”

With a smile on it's face Jevrath took the plate of food after giving it's thanks devouring it all within seconds, wiping it's face it turned towards The Creator with a curious expression written all over itself.

“What do we do from here?”

In a lazy way the creator only causally answered the question.


The aqua dragon was confused as to what that meant which showed on it's face in which the Creator took action to further explain.


“Many lives have been lost due to Imbeciles being in power instead of the capable such as myself rather than working together the fools instead seek to create false religions and rumors in order for Men and Beast to wage war and decimate against each other preventing them from progressing this I cannot stand for I'll shatter the common sense of this entire world and turn it upside down if need be I'll destroy anything that gets in my way this world shall be shaped in my vision and freed from the chains halting it's progress.

The Aqua Dragon wasn't able to understand most of what he was saying but he was able to catch most of the point which is The Creator was planning on taking on all those who foolishly fought against each other for their own gain rather than working together to succeed and advance into a better tomorrow, still he couldn't imagine this man defeating his mother or the elder of their clan which was shown on his face as clear as day.

As The Creator finished saying that he went back to being as lazy as he was before.

“But for now I'm exhausted.”

Looking at all the dishes he couldn't help but to shake his head in displeasure for a few seconds before revealing a smirk on his face.

“Hmm still this might be the perfect opportunity to do that, come Jevrath I'll show you why I have such confidence in being able to achieve this goal.”

Jevrath was surprised due to this man being able to clearly figure out what he was thinking without him even saying it gaining even more curiosity as to who his new master was.


They went down a few steps before entering a large room with red markings in the middle.

“Watch carefully I won't be able to repeat this process for a few months.”

Instantly red energy started to surround his whole body while his sclera turned pitch black and his iris changed to a glowing scarlet color.

With a flip of his hands the red markings started to give off a dark and chaotic yet pure energy painting the walls themselves completely scarlet.


The Red Markings exploded revealing two figures, as it cleared away you could see a very tall man with long black hair enchanted by the purple horn poking out of his forehead and his crimson eyes though his face was very abnormal it would make most people back down without even putting up a fight not to say he was ugly but he wasn't handsome either if a word were to describe it the best most would pick cruel.

Next to him stood a girl with dark blue hair and cat like pink eyes she had pale skin without any faults giving off the impression of a perfect beauty one can only imagine how she would look when she was older her face was innocent almost like a young child that would make most want to protect her.


The two were like the moon and the sun while The Tall Man had a scary and cruel looking face that resembled the devil, The girl had an angelic and innocent face that only few could copy.

Instantly the two turned towards The Creator and Jevrath.

With shock the Blue haired girl looked at The Creator as though she was seeing Death itself.

“K..khulan! Majesty I thought your soul was erased.”

The Creator only revealed a puzzled expression this girl had mistaken him for someone else.

“I don't know nor care who Khulan is but my name is Michaela Yu I have summoned you two from the netherworld in order to help me accomplish my goals, normally you two would stay trapped in the netherworld for your past crimes in the living world but I require your assistance.”

Hearing these words as the blue haired girl took a look at him more she slowly started to notice the differences between the two Khulan had Black hair and black eyes while the man in front of her had Golden hair and red eyes the differences were much too large for them to be the same person.

As the blue haired girl was lost in thought the tall man next to her normally of few words decided to speak to The Creator himself.

“I know not of the sorcery you used in reviving us mortal but why should we serve you? There would be no benefit other than being your lapdogs and I for one have had enough of that.”

The Tall Man clearly held disdain for The Creator due to him resembling their former Majesty who might have wronged them in a way.

The Creator only shook his head.

“You are mistaken I don't wish to rule you two rather I would request that you two help me out of natural benefit.”

The Tall man clearly didn't believe the words he was hearing.

“Oh and that is?”

With a smile on his face the creator only said a few sentences and the entire room was silent.

“An abnormal amount of dark energy familiar to yours from the Netherworld has managed to sneak it's way into the Living world therefore in order for me to learn more about it I'll require you two to aid me if you do then I'll revive you two to the world of the living permanently.”

The blue haired girl was the first to speak.

“Is that true? We can be permanently revived no longer forced to live in that prison known as the Netherworld.”

Full of confidence The Creator spoke.

“It's a lengthy process but by accident during my years of adventuring I was able to learn a spell which could bring the dead back to life unlike necromancy they would be restored in full mind intact.”

The Tall man and Blue Haired girl both looked towards The Creator with trust in their hearts if he was able to summon them back to the living world with magic why wouldn't it be possible for him to revive them back to life as a Mortal too.

“Let's put the agreement in blood shall we?”

The creator took out a silver knife that he covered with his Red energy and sliced into his skin dropping a bit of blood on the ground in which the other two repeated the same, after which they begun to chant a few words to finish it after it was finished they both bowed down to show their respect.

Title Gained: Demon King

'Interesting inspect.'

Description: ???? Condition To Unlock: ???? Effects: ???? ???? ???? +30 Cruelty

'It seems I'll have to look into this title a bit more but for now I have more important things to take care of.'

“Now that the important matters are out of the way what are your names?”

The Blue haired girl was the first to speak.

“I'm Ela my lord and he's..”

The Tall man spoke himself rather than letting her answer for him.

“Est her half brother.”

Listening to them speak The Creator motioned for Jevrath to also introduce itself.

“I..I'm Jevrath masters servant.”

Est briefly exchanged words with Jevrath then turned away, while Ela started to play with his cheeks.

“All right it's time to head to the Elven capital I have business there that needs to be attended to.”

With that The four headed out not noticing that The Creator made the Castle disappear as thought it never existed.


A black haired elven man was currently extremely upset as he looked down on his second in command not being able to find The stranger.

“How hard is it to find one man? It isn't as though he's a ghost, f*ck.”

“Sir we had some of our Lavi slaves try to track his scent but were weren't able to find anything.”

“Lazy wretch you should have looked for him yourself rather than relying on a house pet, humph it's too late now to correct your mistake now our only choice is to contact the other cities.”

The Young lord originally wanted to capture the man himself to impress his grandfather with but now he had no choice but to alert the nearby cities and even the capital of the stranger of course he wouldn't reveal any valuable information that could let his older brothers rep the benefits for his hard work, but still he couldn't help but have a bad feeling in his gut as he sent his messengers out.

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