《Heroes and Ancients》Chapter 12: Reaching The Hospital
Luke charged at the closest golem that immediately stepped backwards after their bodies hit each other. Wasting no time, he quickly looked for his next target which turned out to be a centaur conqueror. There was a centaur courser close to him but a conqueror was larger thus easier to hit.
A mud golem behind him managed to smacked his back which pushed him further forward as he stumbled towards the conqueror. Losing his balance, he rolled on the ground and landed right beside the conqueror who was about to stomp at him.
He then rolled to his side to dodge the centaur's hooves and immediately pulled himself up before the other centaurs surround him. Seeing all the creeps in the group riled up, Luke then dashed towards the next turn on the road; pulling the creeps away from the main road.
After the last creep in the group left, Roy and his two men quickly passed through the area the creeps were in and stopped tens of meters from the next group of creeps.
Almost half a minute afterwards, the creeps that chased after Luke came back and although they saw Roy and his two men, they didn't bother with them.
Since he couldn't go through the road he went through earlier with creeps back at their positions, Luke climbed over the wall of the house on the corner and exited through the gate, meeting up with the other three again.
"You have a great future as a thief" Roy complimented with a smirk.
"I got locked out of the house most of the time back in high school so I'm used to climbing walls" Luke replied with a laugh as he rushed towards the next group of creeps.
A fire hydrant got busted up near the creeps, flooding the road. Rushing up to a huge centaur conqueror, he dodged to his side, avoiding the conqueror's mace as he slid on the ground to slash its ankles.
Infuriated, the conqueror roared as he waved its mace, prompting Luke to duck. The other creeps were riled up along with the centaurs after the conqueror roared in anger, Luke quickly slipped in between the monsters, avoiding some of the attacks but receiving most of them as he got surrounded.
There wasn't another road he can pull the monsters to that would let Roy and his men safely pass through so he shouted as loud as he can at Roy.
"Climb the gate I exited through earlier! I'm pulling these creeps to where I pulled the first group!"
Nodding at Luke, Roy quickly ran towards the gate and with the help of his men, climbed over it, and watched as Luke was being chased by the creeps.
The other group immediately noticed Luke but stayed still until Luke got closer where they also joined in the chase. With two groups of creeps chasing after him, Luke ran as fast as he could to pull them away from the main road.
With the last creep leaving the main road, Roy and his men rushed in climbing the gate again and entered the main road again as they passed through the area the 2nd group of creeps were at earlier.
Half a minute later, the 2nd group of creeps returned to their area and stared at Roy and his two men for a moment before leaving them alone.
Once again, Luke climbed over the wall of the house earlier but this time he continued climbing the wall to the next house until he passed by the area where the 2nd group of creeps were staying in.
They repeated the process again and passed through a few more groups of creeps, by then they were about 100 m. from the hospital, but the sight that greeted them truly troubled them. The road 100 m. from the hospital were filled with a crowd of creeps unlike the previous groups of creeps they've passed through. The number of creeps in the area clearly exceeded the number of creeps they've already passed through before.
Luke saw that every single type of medium creep were on the road! Centaurs, satyrs, wolves, ogres and golems! He couldn't help but draw his breath with how scary they looked while guarding the road.
It reminded him of the mall a few hours before Christmas, crowded with people with barely any space between each person. Only this time, the area was filled with crowds of creeps!
"For fuck's sake, how am I supposed to pull all of these creeps?" he cursed after seeing how many creeps there were.
"What should we do, Luke? Should we give up now?" Roy asked
"Let me think for a bit" Luke replied as he racked his brains for an idea.
As he was doing so, the sound of gunshots and the firing of tanks could be heard in the background. They had a time limit in rescuing everyone in the hospital so they had to act as soon as possible.
"Everyone in the hospital were said to be gathered together, right?" he suddenly asked Roy
"Yeah, the army told them to gather up so that when rescue arrives, they'll be able to leave immediately"
Luke stared at the mob of creeps for a moment and pondered for a moment. 'Why are these creeps gathered like these, surely Icefrog placed something around here. Is it a crystal ball again? If it is then the ability inside might be an ultimate ability since that's the only ability that warrants this much trouble just to obtain it. Or perhaps there's an item around here? Anyhow I have no way of getting it with how full of creeps the area is'
He checked the area out for a while when he spotted a few coconut trees nearby. With his eyes lit up, he asked Roy to wait for him as he approached the tree. Fortunately for him, the tree had steps that were cut perhaps by its owner as he was able to climb easily thanks to it.
Once he was on top, he saw how many creeps there truly were, 'It's like the inauguration of the president' he couldn't help but think with how the area was packed. He also saw harpies flying around the hospital, perhaps watching out for helicopters.
It didn't take long for him to notice an area right in front of the City Hospital that was different. There was an altar similar to the one he saw in the mountain right in the middle of the road in front of the hospital. Floating on top of the altar seemed to be a hammer or an axe with its shape and it was surrounded by a golden glow. He thought that it was perhaps a mithril hammer that was sold in the shop in the game that would boost one's attack damage.
Seeing how the creeps were closely guarding it that some creeps kept turning their heads to check for any movements in the area, they seemed to treasure the item more than their lives. His eyes then lit up as he had an idea on how to distract the creeps. He then climbed down the tree as he went back to Roy.
"I know what to do now" he said with a proud smile.
"Don't tell me some bullshit like you charging straight at the creeps while we follow behind you" Roy said as he glared at Luke.
"No worries, it would still be safe for you three" he assured "There's an item in front of the hospital that the creeps are closely guarding. I'll target that and I assure you that every single one of those creeps will closely chase me that they would barely notice you."
"And what makes you think that they would barely notice us?"
Roy facepalmed at Luke's dumb idea but since the man himself felt that he can handle it, he helplessly agreed to it.
"But how are you supposed to go through all these creeps all the way to where that item you saw is?" Roy couldn't help but ask.
"The harpies are flying around the hospital but none of them are flying over the road so you should cast Frozen Sigil and let it float right over these creeps on the road and let it stop in front of the hospital. With how strong the snowstorm created by the Sigil is, the creeps would definitely move towards it and try to destroy it As they're distracted by it, I'll slip between them and run towards the item and perhaps try to grab it. There's a crossroad near the hospital, I'll pull them towards that direction, so same as usual, once you have a chance, quickly run and enter the hospital. You have guns right? You can handle the harpies yourselves, right?"
Roy smiled wryly and replied, "If we say no, would you make another plan?"
"Nope" Luke cheekily replied.
"You asshole" Roy smirked "Fine, let's go with your plan"
"Good. I'll call you later once the creeps I pull go back to the hospital. By the way, my brother's name is Lyndon. Taller than me, great skin complexion, looks like a model, hard to miss him."
Roy nodded as he raised his left hand and prepared to cast Frozen Sigil.
The sigil quickly appeared floating above his hand and rose to the sky, followed by the snow whose intensity rapidly grew as it fell. Controlling it with his mind, the sigil then floated towards the creeps.
The creeps immediately perked up as their attention went towards the approaching sigil. As the sigil went above their heads, they tried to jump around to hit it but with how high it was, they were unable to do so. In DotA both melee and range creeps can hit and destroy the sigil, but with how this was in reality, the melee creeps couldn't possibly destroy the sigil.
Luke's eyes lit up with how his idea worked as he saw all the creeps moving towards the sigil. Not missing the chance, he immediately dashed towards the side of the road that was clear of creeps. Unfortunately for him, his plan didn't work fully well as a few creeps immediately noticed him.
Good thing for him, the number of creeps he had to face was significantly reduced thanks to the distraction of the sigil.
With his axe on his left hand and the Ka-Bar knife on his right hand, he charged towards a satyr mindstealer that roared at him. He sidestepped to dodge the satyr's claws as he hacked at its stomach with his axe resulting to a deep cut making the satyr wince loudly in pain, making the other creeps who were distracted by the sigil to notice Luke. Luke didn't bother killing the satyr as he pulled back his axe and rolled on the ground to dodge a few centaurs waving their maces.
Luke hasn't taken a hit yet so he'd prefer that the first hit he'll receive would be from a creep that doesn't have a weapon. He received hits from clubs but the giant maces of the centaurs that was filled with sharp points definitely scared him; he might get disfigured after a single hit from those!
He found a golem in front of him that he immediately tackled so that the other golems around it would be the one surrounding him, with how weak the golems are, he would gladly stay still and let them freely hit him. Mounting the golem he tackled, he continually hit its chest with his two weapons. Meanwhile, the other golems kept on hitting his body with their rocky arms; increasing the stacks of Reactive Armor on his body.
With how many golems were hitting him at the same time, it only took a few seconds for him to have 15 stacks of Reactive Armor. He immediately slipped between the legs of a golem as he headed towards the entrance of the hospital.
He estimated in his mind that he had about 10 seconds before Frozen Sigil would disappear and all the creeps' focus would be on him. He rushed just like a train as he ran straight in front of him, ramming into every creep with his body as he put his weapons to the side. The bruises on his body quickly healed up as a warm sensation spread all over his body.
Just as the sigil disappeared, Luke finally reached the entrance of the hospital and saw the creeps start to get back to their positions earlier. Not missing his chance as there was an opening, he pressed further and saw the item the creeps were guarding. It was a huge red and bronze hammer, although dismayed that it wasn't an item that gave stats or buffs, he immediately grabbed it and as soon as he touched its handle, the eyes of all the creeps turned red as they all roared and howled at him.
"OH SHIT!" he couldn't help but curse.
He was immediately surrounded by all sorts of creeps and once he got hit by them, he turned into a blur as those creeps dropped to the floor.
His eyes widened as he stared at the hammer he just grabbed. He didn't notice it a while ago but it actually felt almost weightless! Staring at the creeps that collapsed, their heads actually caved in! Obviously, the force caused by the hammer was tremendously huge! 'Maybe whosoever is using this weapon wouldn't feel the weight?' he excitedly thought as although the weapon didn't give him any stats, it had its own perks as well.
But he couldn't help but worry as he killed a few creeps, the creeps that the soldiers would be facing would increase! He thus decided to be careful once Counter Helix activates and make sure that he should just incapacitate the creeps.
The creeps didn't even care that the first group of their allies that surrounded him immediately died, they continued rushing at Luke to surround him again as he also tried to leave and pull every creep away from the area.
After getting hit from all sides, Counter Helix once again activated and this time he made sure to control himself to just hit their bodies, but he still had a hard time doing so and ended up killing most of them.
Cursing at how hard it was to control Counter Helix, he then continued running and prayed that the soldiers could handle the additional creeps they have to deal with.
With how strong his new weapon was, he easily dealt with all the creeps that rushed at him. Although he did manage to incapacitate some, he still ended up killing most of the creeps.
He managed to reach the end of the block and turned to the right, following behind him was the mob of creeps. What Luke didn't expect was that, taking the hammer from the altar actually made EVERY single creep in the area chase after him! These included those groups of creeps that he passed through with Roy and his men!
Roy and his men couldn't help but swallow their salivas seeing all those creeps chasing after Luke. They were currently at the side of the road, a while ago those creeps behind them suddenly went berserk and charged at their direction and so they ran towards a wall of a house to try and climb it, but to their surprise, the creeps didn't even spare them a look but just charged straight through!
Roy didn't want to waste time after seeing all those creeps leaving the area as he immediately made his way towards the hospital. Following behind him, his men made sure that there wasn't any creep nearby that stayed behind as they pulled their guns out.
Entering the area of the hospital, they saw that the windows that could be seen from outside were closed and blocked from the inside and as they approached the entrance of the hospital, it actually turned out to be locked!
They kept knocking loudly at the entrance but nobody seemed to want to open it.
"Sir, they probably think someone's being chased by a monster and wants to enter. They wouldn't want the monster to enter too" one of his men told him.
Roy looked surprised as he stared at the man and couldn't help but think he was right. He then had the idea of slowly knocking on the door in a beat. After he did so, just as expected, someone opened the door!
"For goodness sake, I thought you brought along some monsters with you. How the bloody hell did you get here? Aren't there monsters on the road outside?" A man around his thirties said after he opened the door, by what he was wearing he seemed to be a security guard.
"Thanks for opening! The road's clear for now, but don't tell anyone yet or they might leave the building in panic. Where are the leaders of the hospital?" Roy quickly asked.
"Oh. Follow me" the guard said as he brought him inside where a crowd of people were gathered.
Everyone inside the hospital were staring at Roy and his men as they didn't expect that someone managed to reach the hospital without getting themselves killed.
"Joshua, who are these men that just arrived?" a doctor that seemed to be around his forties asked. With his bearing, he seemed to be someone of high position. Behind him were a few other doctors older than him.
"I don't know either sir, but they have some news for you" Joshua excitedly replied.
The man nodded and said, "Very well, you may go back and guard the entrance again. You three follow me to the conference room"
Joshua was about to leave when Roy stopped him and whispered. "Wait, you know that it's pointless to guard the entrance now. Can you help me look for a nurse named Lyndon Rivera? He's one of the reasons why we came here"
"Sure! I'll bring him to the entrance after I find him!" the guard immediately agreed.
"Thanks! Just tell him that his brother, Luke, sent us here. And oh, he apparently looks like a model, that might help you in looking for him" Roy said then proceeded to follow the doctors.
They were inside a conference room with the doctors sitting down and Roy and his men standing in front of them.
"You three managed to get here even though there were monsters on the road that killed whoever got close to them. So, how did you do that?" the man who talked to them earlier asked.
"The road is clear of monsters now" Roy calmly replied.
The doctors were pleasantly surprised as they stood up in excitement. "Excellent! Did the army wipe them all? Wait... We didn't hear any gunshots or whatnot, how is the road clear of monsters?" a man asked, suspicious of Roy's claim.
Roy smiled at the doctor and said, "We did kill monsters along the way, but the monsters outside the hospital weren't totally killed. A friend of mine acted as a bait, the monsters are currently chasing him as these two men and I entered after the monsters left"
One of the doctors suddenly stood up in anger and shouted "Useless! The army tried to rescue us before and killed off the monsters outside! But soon afterwards, new monsters quickly replaced them! We still can't escape!"
Roy coldly looked at the angry doctor and said, "We are currently working with the army, they're currently killing off each new monster that arrives. Are you satisfied now?"
The doctor went silent as he sneered at Roy and sat back down.
The doctor Roy initially spoke to that seemed to be the leader then spoke, "You mentioned that your friend acted as a bait, doesn't that mean that there would be some monsters left outside? He can't possibly get all the monsters outside to chase him, right?"
"Oh every monster chased after him, you don't have to know how he was able to do that."
The doctor stared at Roy for a moment then solemnly nodded.
"But those monsters would eventually come back" Roy then added.
The angry doctor earlier got agitated again and shouted, "Then how the hell are we supposed to leave? You're now trapped here with---!"
Before he was able to finish his sentence, he abruptly stopped as a gun was pointed at his head. Roy's men were both pointing their guns at the poor doctor who was now sweating profusely.
"Calm down" Roy stopped his men but nonetheless he stared at the angry doctor coldly "My friend can pull them away from here once, and he can do it again. I don't know if you saw the news about people with powers appearing all over the world but I have to tell you, my friend and I both have powers and if you don't want to live any longer, I can help you understand how our powers work.
The trembling doctor then sat back down as he bit his lower lip, lowering his head, not daring to look straight at Roy.
The other doctors were both worried after the two men pulled out guns and at the same time astonished especially after Roy mentioned that he and his friend has powers. Although they were trapped in the hospital, they were still connected to the internet and there they saw all those people with powers, two such people helping them escape is definitely a big assurance!
As Roy and the doctors were discussing, Luke on the other hand was still being chased by the creeps!
"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL STILL CHASING ME?!? I'VE BEEN RUNNING FOR 5 MINUTES NOW! WHY AREN'T YOU GOING BACK?!" he cursed as he continued running away from the creeps right behind him.
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