《Heroes and Ancients》Chapter 9: Showing Off Their Abilities
It was about 2 pm when they reached the city as the sun was shining quite brightly above them.
Reaching the city, Luke couldn't help getting confused looking at everyone they passed by.
"I thought there were monsters around the City Hospital? Why isn't everyone in as much panic as I thought they would be right now?" he asked Roy.
Roy shook his head as he also had no idea. "I'm as clueless as you are, man. Do you know what's going on, Dax?"
Dax was a young man with a crew cut and sharp eyes who was responsible for getting all the information about the situation for Roy and basically his secretary.
"Sir, everyone was truly in panic a few hours ago when the monsters were marching across the city and attacked anyone in their path. But once people were at a certain distance, they realized that the monsters wouldn't mind them even if they can see them so the military in cooperation with the police immediately set a restriction line to keep people safe." the young man answered.
Roy felt even more confused at Dax's report and asked. "The monsters didn't attack those they saw as long as they're at a certain distance? Is that a joke?"
Before Dax could answer him, Luke interjected.
"It's true. Don't forget that these monsters are from DotA, neutral creeps to be exact. Neutral creeps truly won't attack you even if they saw you as long as you keep yourself at a certain distance. That's how they're programmed; I also tested this out with the kobolds I fought a few hours ago."
Everyone on the car had a look of understanding on their faces as they remembered how these monsters were from a game as they told themselves to study this game well later on.
Roy had a wry smile as he felt that he needed to know the game better to grow stronger. "You really need to teach me how the game works, man"
"Hahaha! You don't really need me to teach you, just look it up on youtube. I recommend PurgeGamer's videos; his videos are great for teaching new players"
"Take note of that Dax"
"Yes, sir."
The car got quiet after that exchange as they travelled through the city, passing by devastation that the monsters caused.
"Sir, there are soldiers, should we ask them to take us to their superiors?" Dax asked after seeing soldiers nearby.
"Let's meet them then" Roy decided as he promptly exited the car followed by everyone else but the driver.
Seeing a group of people getting closer to the restricted line, the soldiers also aproached Roy's group but after recognizing Roy, they assumed a respectful position.
"Sir, what would you be doing in the area? Do you require any assistance?" one soldier asked.
Roy nodded with a pleased look on his face and said, "Take us to your superiors, we need to go to the City Hospital"
The soldiers were taken aback at this Senator's son's plan and were worried. "Sir, you do know that the City Hospital is surrounded by a crowd of monsters, right?"
"I am aware" Roy replied as if it wasn't anything to be worried about. "You don't have to worry about us, we know what we're doing. Just take us to your superiors and they'll understand"
The soldiers stared at each other as they felt helpless and so agreed to Roy's request, leading them to a sports complex nearby.
Entering a building in the complex, Luke saw soldiers were getting in and out as everyone was busy doing their own work but some of them stared at Luke's group for a moment in curiosity then continued with whatever they're doing afterwards.
The soldiers leading them then stopped in front of an office as one of them entered to report to their superiors. After the soldiers exited the room, he then gestured to Roy that they could enter the room now. Patting the soldier in thanks, Roy then nodded at Luke as they both entered the room.
Inside the room were soldiers and police officers with high ranks staring at Luke and Roy as they entered the room. One of the Police officers stood up and bear hugged Roy, lifting him off the ground.
"Hahaha! Look at you! You've grown some balls now eh? Heard you wanna go to the hospital? Is there a hot nurse you wanna rescue? Gahahahaha!" the middle aged police officer guffawed as Roy's face turned into a deep shade of red in shame.
One of the soldiers face-palmed seeing the police officer's actions and said, "Jesus Christ, Webster. You're the goddamn Police Commisioner of the city so act like one. Now sit down and listen to what these young men have to say"
Webster quickly made himself look formal as he obediently went back to his seat with a silly grin on his face, prompting some sighs from the other officers in the room.
Roy straightened his jacket and coughed as if nothing just happened. "Well as the soldier reported earlier, we need to go to the hospital, well this guy here does" he said as he pointed at Luke.
The officers were curious ever since the duo entered about who Luke was. Roy had a big background and he was well-known for not having that many friends so such a situation where Roy actually asked for help from them just so this young man could go to the hospital quite surprised them.
"And who is this young man?" the middle aged soldier who scolded the police commisioner earlier asked.
"He's a friend I met today, General, his name's Luke. I strongly believe that all of you would like to be his friend too" Roy answered with a slight grin.
"Oh?" the general raised his eyebrows in surprise as this young man was actually someone Roy only met today and he actually said that they would like to be his friend too. He couldn't help but laugh in his mind thinking how this average-looking young man would be of any worth to them. "And why would that be the case?"
"You've all seen the news right?" said Roy with a mysterious tone.
"News about what?"
"About those people with powers"
Everyone in the room opened their eyes wide hearing those words as they stared at Luke. Luke couldn't help but turn red in embarrassment as everyone's attention went to him.
Webster couldn't help but raise his voice. "You... you mean this friend of yours has powers?!" He asked Roy as he was trembling.
"I actually have powers too but Luke's is way stronger than mine" said Roy nonchalantly so as if their powers were nothing to be surprised about.
Silence filled the room as everyone gaped at the young men in front of them. Even Webster who was known for being the noisiest of the bunch couldn't even retort.
Roy couldn't help but laugh in his mind at the situation as he felt that he was some sort of superhero being stared in adoration by the citizens, he thought that he could get used to such a feeling. "Anyhow, us going to the hospital will help you rescue those trapped inside so how about we help each other out?"
The general pulled himself together and coughed in embarrassment. "We'll gladly take you up on that offer, but if you don't mind me asking, what powers do you two have?"
The other officers were obviously also curious to know what their powers were as their eyes shone brightly while they were visibly trembling in excitement.
"Well I can show you my power but we should probably go to a bigger space since my power would affect our surroundings" Roy pointed out.
The officers agreed so they went outside followed by Sunny and Roy's men to the field. Everyone who saw them were truly surprised seeing the gathering of high-ranked soldiers along with the Senator's son, curious of what they were up to.
Seeing the officers that couldn't wait to see his powers, Roy didn't wait for their signal as he raised his hand and a frozen sigil promptly appeared floating above it after his wrist shone for a moment as it continued rising to the air.
The officers were like kids seeing a magician as waves of "Oohs" and "Aahs" can be heard from them. Then suddenly to their big surprise, it started snowing! The area they were in was quickly filled up with snow and it wasn't soft at all as it seemed to be like those snowstorms they saw on foreign news.
Shivering in the cold, they couldn't help but stare at Roy in both fear and reverence; he could actually produce a snowstorm! But they also noticed with confusion that tens of meters away from them weren't filled with snow at all but what happened next wiped away their confusion. The sigil they saw that rose in the sky suddenly moved towards another area and moving along with it was the snowstorm! They realized that wherever the sigil went, the storm would also follow!
30 seconds after Roy used Frozen Sigil, the sigil then disappeared along with all the snow as if it was just everyone's imagination.
"You don't have to look at me like i'm some sort of God, the snowstorm would only last for 30 seconds at most. And as you all saw, the area my sigil can affect is limited although I can decide where I want the storm to go. My Power is perfect for catching targets or running away from them as those inside the area of the storm would be significantly restricted in their movement"
"Still, your ability would be incredibly useful in many situations! You should continue working together with us from now on, Roy!" Police Commissioner Webster said so as his eyes glistened like stars while he imagined how amazing their force would be like with Roy helping them.
"I'll have to pass on that, I plan on working with Luke here in killing off as many monsters as we can anyway so you could consider that as my service for the people" Roy quickly declined and explained to the commissioner.
"Well at least you're gonna put that power of yours to good use, how about this friend of yours? Let's see his powers now, shall we?" the commissioner asked with curiosity as he stared at Luke.
"Well uhhhh..." Roy was at a loss remembering Luke killing off those kobolds after Counter Helix just activated once. "I think it would be better for him to show his powers in battle, let's just say that his body is sturdy and whoever dared to engage in melee with him wouldn't end up well"
The officers were taken aback and couldn't help but stare at Luke incredulously. Looking at Luke's physique, they could see that he was quite fit but he definitely didn't have a fighter's body. The only thing they could point out was that his eyes looked like those of a predator, but besides that, he looked harmless.
"How about you let some of your best fighters fight me, about 5 of them should suffice" Luke suggested, seeing how none of them believed he was strong.
"Luke..." Roy called as he was worried that he would hurt the soldiers.
"Don't worry Roy, I won't be using a weapon so they would at most just fall unconscious. Those soldiers can handle that" Luke nonchalantly replied.
The high ranked soldiers were especially angered at Luke's words. He has powers but fighting in melee against a group of their best fighters? They definitely didn't believe he can handle it. So they immediately called some of their men and told them of the situation which also angered the men very much seeing how the lanky young man wanted to fight against all of them at once and even claimed that they would fall unconscious at most since he wouldn't use a weapon.
Seeing 5 robust soldiers wearing tank tops and camo pants, Luke wanted to taunt them a bit. "Don't bother going one by one, hit me with everything you guys got and I'll just retaliate once"
The angry men looked at each other and mentally agreed that they would be beating the shit out of Luke and so they immediately tried to surround him.
A sigh escaped from Roy's mouth as he lamented the fate of the soldiers. Hearing him sigh, the officers couldn't help but be puzzled.
"Is he really that strong? These are veteran soldiers we're talking about here that he's going up against, even if he has powers, how could he handle attacks from all of them?" one officer couldn't help but ask.
"You don't understand, the more attacks Luke receives, the sturdier his body becomes. That's his power. Just look" Roy replied with a wry smile.
The soldiers have just surrounded Luke at that moment and a soldier initiated with a low kick at Luke's left leg while another soldier threw a punch at Luke's right side.
Luke unconsciously dodged the kick to his left leg and met with the strong punch to his right side. He couldn't help but draw a deep breath after that punch as he clenched his teeth and grabbed the area that got punched.
"What the hell? I thought he had a sturdy body?" One of the officers clamored. It couldn't be helped, Luke was so arrogant a while ago but looking at how he's in pain after just a single punch, they all doubted that he even has powers now!
"Shhhh. Just look" Roy patiently said so with a solemn look on his face.
The soldiers surrounding Luke were just as surprised as the officers but with how angry they were at Luke's words and actions earlier, they continued with their barrage of kicks and punches not giving him any chance to rest. But as they continued doing so, they felt their knuckles sting more and more after every punch. What felt like punching a hard pillow earlier felt like a steel sheet now! They also realized that even though Luke was clearly in pain at the beginning, he was actually so relaxed now! As if their punches did barely any damage to him! He was just standing there taking all their punches and kicks!
They obviously got so pissed and so they put even more force to their hits but it still barely hurt Luke. Suddenly, Luke mysteriously smiled and while they were wondering what he was smiling for, they lost their vision and just like what Luke claimed, they fell unconscious, unable to figure out what just happened.
The officers who saw what happened were stupefied, they saw how the soldiers got knocked out but they only saw a blur! They couldn't see clearly how Luke knocked them all out. They couldn't help but imagine if Luke was armed with a weapon and he did that swift action again, wouldn't those soldiers be dead by now? They all felt a chill down their spines as they stared incredulously at the young man who they thought was a sheep actually turned out to be a savage wolf!
"I forgot to mention, Luke actualy has 2 powers, the first one was what I told you about a while ago where his body gets sturdier the more he gets hit. The second one was that blur you saw a while ago where he swiftly attacks everyone around him. That's why he asked the soldiers to attack him at the same time; with all the attacks he received, his defense rose rapidly then because he was surrounded, all 5 of them were hit by his attack." Roy explained to the shocked gazes of the officers.
Luke smirked at the soldiers on the ground as he calmly walked back to Roy and the officers. "Are you all pleased now?" he asked with a wide smile on his face.
The officers were all veterans but they felt some fear seeing Luke's seemingly harmless smile. 'He's smiling right now but behind that face is a demon! Good thing he's willing to work with us, I wouldn't want to fight against such an enemy'
"Of course we're pleased! Ahahahaha! Roy, you found yourself a great friend here! Rescuing everyone in the hospital with be easier with you two helping us! So what are your plans?" Police Commissioner Webster asked Roy as he was the only officer here who was close to him.
"Well the plan is for Luke to handle the monsters around the hospital, pulling them away so we could enter the hospital. Of course, your forces would help him in doing so. But he would take the brunt of the force so you can all just relax and shoot with ease. Meanwhile, I would enter the hospital with some of your forces to rescue the people inside, I can only use my powers twice in the operation so before we enter the hospital I'll use it in case some of the monsters would notice us and try to chase us then once we leave I'll cast it again to make sure none of the monsters would be able to catch us off-guard."
The officers deliberated with each other for a while and eventually agreed to the plan as they went back to the conference room to further discuss the details of the operation. Only Luke, Roy, Sunny and Roy's men were left in the fields as Sunny approached the two.
"Geez Luke, you didn't have to put those poor soldiers to sleep" she chided Luke with a pout.
"Hey! They were asking for it! They actually doubted my strength! Hmph! Roy already told them I have powers but they still treated me like a weakling, they deserved it" Luke answered like a child who got wronged.
Roy could only wryly smile at Luke's behavior as he felt that this young man is truly quite childish, wrong him once and he'll definitely make you pay for it.
"Let's go now, I'm sure the army has some melee weapons that may be of some use to you Luke, like a sword~" Roy said so to calm Luke down.
And it worked like a charm as Luke's eyes immediately lit up, "Let's go! It would be awesome if they have some swords I could use!" he cheered as he ran towards the building they came from.
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