《Dauntless Star》Chapter 1 Reset: Mysterious Stranger (part 4)
Slowly the two beautiful yet fake ladies began approaching me, “hey handsome I’m July and this is April and we would just lovvvveeee to get to know you better...”. Sigh what a mess upper class society has become these days. These to women where perfect examples of two young ladies trying to rebel against their families even though it would end in nothing but ruin. Brushing aside my thoughts I coldly stated “I’m not interested in your fake gestures of love and pleasure, go back to whatever dark corner you crawled out and target another interesting victim.” Sighing to myself at their hurt and angry expressions as they moved away I thought that perhaps I may of stated my intention a bit to strongly.
Then again, on the other hand I really don’t have time to deal with insecure pampered princesses seeking attention. No need getting attached to excess baggage that will more than likely turn on me in an instant for a safer environment. At least that’s my opinion on the matter...
Finally exiting the crowd of attention seekers I made my way over to a dark corner just to the left of where the bar was dishing out free drinks. Honestly what kind of home has bar in it... Rich freaks with no appreciation for the revolution that is to come. Merely a day away and they partying like their life depends on it, instead of making preparations for the future. Keeping my eyes open, observing the various guest going about their business, a business that generally consisted of getting drunk and hitting on the opposite sex...
Suddenly the nearby speakers flared to life, “Good evening my lovely guests and thank you all for so graciously attending my humble party. As many of you may know we the Hillvalls are hosting this wonderful party with yours truly, Jonathan Hillvall leading the charge. I would like to thank all for your time and enjoy this lovely event.” . As I cringed at the horribly proud voice spouting nonsensical words of gratitude and honor I truly wonder how such a man was raised. I started to frown as the man in question striding down from the podium with arrogance leaking from his steps, the thing that stuck out most from me is his bleached hair that screems look at me, I’m cool...Or not!
Sitting up in the seat as I drew my attention away from the host, my eyes caught a veiled woman approaching the bar. The crowd still abuzz from the lastest announcement completely ignored the strange masked person amongst them, more than a few girls were trying to cozy up to mister blond money bag. As the veiled woman approached me I began appraising her as a potential target. Dressed in plain black clothes tinged with slight emerald greens she was draped in an aura of prosperity and power that the rabel surrounding us couldn’t compare to.
Slowly striding up to the bar she ordered dark apple cider, leaning onto the rustic bench in front of her I watch as she inspected her surroundings.. Her eyes swept across a 180 degree surroundings until her gaze approached my corner. We locked eyes, like beasts starring each other down, for a good 15 seconds, each trying to discover each others secrets. As I tryed to pry behind her mask, her face appeared to suddenly stiffened in surprise, given away by the slight tightening of the eyes and movement of the hair. She seemingly found what she was seeking.
As my eyes scrolled across the crowd of maniacs in boredom, I was drawn to a young man in the corner, seemingly trying to sink into the shadows. However no matter how desperately he sought to hide himself, he couldn’t conceal his unique aura. An aura complex that speaks of hardship, pain and suffer but more importantly the ruthless, coldness and pride brought about through shear will power and perseverance. Smiling at the new entertainment I had found for the evening I though to myself maybe my dad forcing me to socialise with others wasn’t that bad. Even though I know for sure that this party wasn’t quite what he had in mind. Grabbing my cider and strolling across with practices elegance drilled into me from a young age I began inspecting my conversation partner. Hmm he seems to be on the young side, 18-20 maybe, quite handsome however his most defining feature had to be those haunting, piecing emerald green eyes. Almost as if he new my intention, he straightened up in his seat and cleared the other side of the table for me. This is going to be interesting...
As the mystery woman approached I quickly checked the time, 9:45pm, just 16 minutes until shit his the fan. Making room for my new suspect, trying to save as much time as possible I cleared the table... Striding over she greeted me in cheerful voice overflowing with momentum “Hi there could help but notice your all by yourself in the corner here, thought I’d join you.”. Smiling as best I could at her cheerful attitude I introduced myself in hopes of obtaining more information from her. “Lovely to meet you miss...” keeping my elegance of a refied gentleman I patiently waited for her reply. “Miss Charwin, you are?” “Ahh sorry I’m Crescent, a lovely veil your wearing is it alright if I take a closer look at the craftsmanship.”. Trying my best to come across as curious and not inquisitive I waited for the response. “I’m flattered to meet you Crescent, it’s such a relief that I’m not the only sane person attending this party. As for my veil I’m afraid I don’t want to ruin my air of mystery, plus it’s a personal preference, you never know I could be hideous under this.” Twitching my left eye at overly cheerful voice that gave away nothing. As our back and forth conversation continued with neither of us learning anything new, I look across at my new companion and see she’s enjoying the game we’re playing... Sigh I shake my head only to freeze as a low vibration goes off in my pocket. It’s time! Looking across at Charwin I quickly make a decision to protect her. Even if she isn’t Charlotte Goodwin she still had to demeanour of someone important and can more than likely help my cause.
Loosening the Glock concealed in my jacket pocket I look across at my new “baggage”, still happily smile and chatting away like she was born to it. I count in my head, 3,2,1 jumping across at Charwin, I push her to the ground as she shrieks in protest at the sudden assault. Like the sound of raindrops a heavy handheld machine bursts to life shredding holes in the surrounding walls like swiss cheese. Each bullet penetrated through the walls into the closely pack crowd of
panicked and crazed maniacs. Every shot ripped through up to three people before finally losing momentum. The suppressive fire continued for 2 minutes before nothing but silence and the wails of the wounded and oppressed traveled throughout the building
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Би ер нь дуу хөгжимд их мэдрэг ханддаг хүн л дээ. Тэгээд энд нэг булан гаргасан юм. Энд чухам юу орох нь уу гэтэл хэдэн дууны шүлэг орох шинжтэй. Би дууны ая данд илүүтэй хандтай, чих тавин таашаал авдаг л төрлийн хүн юм л даа. Гэхдээ аливаа нэг дуу надад машид гүн гүнзгий сэтгэгдэл төрүүлбэл шүлгийг нь нэн шохоорхож эхэлдэг. Энэ хэсэгт чухамдаа миний зүрх сэтгэлд хэсэгхэн зай эзлээд одох гадаад хэл дээрх дууг монгол хэлнээ хөрвүүлэн оруулах бяцхан ажил өрнөх юм. Гадаад хэлнээс эх хэл рүүгээ дуу, шүлэг хөрвүүлнэ гэдэг бас ч нарийн мэдрэмж шаардсан ажил гэж бодном. Тэдгээр яруу сайхан мөр шадуудыг шуудхан үгчилж буулгах чухам учир дутагдалтай санагддаг тул аль болох утгачилж, утга санааг өөрийн хэл соёлын өвөрмөц онцлогт дүйцүүлэн орчуулж гэмээ нь яруу байдлаа хадгалсаар байх болов уу. Иймд миний бие онц сонирхолтой, олонд танигдаагүй өвөрмөц шүлгүүдийг аль болох утга дүйцүүлэн, мөн ядмагхан яруу найргийн мэдрэмжээ давс хужрыг нь тааруулах мэт хаялаад чадан ядан уншигч та бүхэнд сонирхуулахаар шулуудлаа. Болгооно уу.
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