《The Elven Foreign Legion》Chapter 28 A walk beside the creek
First day First Month Four Thousand and Six Hundred and forty-five rings of the Great White Tree.
Nghapteiniaid Lancia Ap Brwydr Confederation Army.
When Grandfather first proposed to rescue the Prince. He suggested that just himself Lancia, Morwyn and Saethwr would sneak into the city. However somehow the hafling Rad found out their plans and approached Grandfather.
"I hear that you are planning to sneak into the city and steal your Prince back from the Union. If that's the case your going to need my assistance. You'll need a good sneak and I am one of the best. I also thought that you may need some magic or illusions so we should include the Pikku. Afterall we can't leave the poor gnome out here alone with all these kobolds roaming around the camp."
Grandfather agreed for Rad and Pikku to join the party. Then the Phoenix Guard Coch approached Grandfather. The silent guard spoke using hand signs which Grandfather understood.
"Coch here tells me that he was born in Dyffryn Gwanwyn. He tells me that the city was grown on the ruins of an ancient city. So there are many tunnels under the city. Coch believes that there is a tunnel with a creek that empties into the Green River and runs right under the city."
Lancia turned to Grandfather and asked.
"How do you understand what the Phoenix guard is saying."
"The Phoenix gaurd are still soldiers they still need to communicate even if they have sworn an oath of silence they speak using hand signs."
Grandfather looked at the hafling Rad
"The hand signs are similar to the thieves sign language so you should be able to communicate with the guard as well."
"Hey I never said I was a thief I just said I was good at sneaking."
Rad responded. However he did sign with his hands.
Grandfather just laughed at whatever it was that Rad signed.
Grandfather decided to add two more members of the group. The scholar Ysgolhaig because he might be able to find a way into the palace from the many tunnels under the city. Finally there was the hunter Dyn Blaidd because his tracking skills would be useful.
The Crefyddol made the decision that he would attack the city, in the morning of the first day of the new year. They would use the distraction of the battle to sneak into the city.
Lancia was amazed at the new armour and weapons that the fire giant and the dwarves created for the army. They had built two massive suits of armour which were built for the hill giants.
Before the sun had even started to rise the party found the creek that Coch had mentioned to Grandfather. They followed it for about half an hour when it entered an underground cave.
Both the hafling Rad and the gnome Pikku paused before they entered the cave. After being enslaved to mine deep under the mountain both of them looked uneasy about traveling underground again.
Then the gnome Pikku spoke up
"Now that I no longer have that magical nullifying chain there is nothing to stop my magic. I can cast a spell to light up our way. So there's no reason to be afraid."
With that bright glow surrounded his staff lwith light and the gnome headed into the cave.
"Hey wait up you darf gnome who said I was afraid. I've been sneaking into places like this all my life."
Rad responded to the gnome. As he followed him into the cavern. They continued to argue in the tunnel. The rest of the group followed them into the cave.
Now Lancia found himself holding a torch and searching the dark cavern before him. Dyn led the group, the veteran hunter did not seem to struggle with the poor light. He would periodically stop the group and caution them if there was a dangerous terrain.
There were a couple pit holes blocking a section of the cavern. Grandfather had a quick discussion with Dyn. The Hunter began the discussion.
"I thought traps like these were used to keep people out. But these traps look like they are trying to stop something from emerging from this cave complex."
A bit further along there was a cavern or tunnel that split off from the creek. Dyn explored up the tunnel and came back to report his findings.
"I think you better come and have a look at these tracks I found just around the bend. Pikku your light will be handy."
Grandfather Lancia and Pikku followed Dyn down the tunnel and around a bend. There they saw a well worn tracks in dirt. Pikku shown his magical light on the tracks.
"Are they the tracks of humans. Do they have soldiers patrolling the underground."
Asked Lancia. Dyn shook his head and spoke.
"Look more carefully at the tracks, see how some of them look like their dragging their feet."
Lancia looked more carefully at the tracks and saw the drag marks. Lancia didn't understand what that meant. However Grandfather did and spoke.
"Undead. We better get back to the others and make our way out here."
For hundreds of years the elves had waged war against the undead. The war against the tomb king had ended hundreds of years ago but still the undead plagued the Confederation. They rushed back to the main group who were still walking up the creek.
"What did you find?"
Asked Morwyn
"It looks like undead tracks"
Blurted out Lancia. Everyone looked at Lancia as he said that and tightened their grip on their weapons. Dyn moved back to the front of the group. His hunting musket pointed into the dark. Saethwr had his bow at the ready and Coch took up the rear with his glaive.
Every so often they heard sounds echoing up though the cavern. Lancia couldn't say what made the noise. But it put him on edge.
The creek split into two paths one looked like it was heading deeper into the earth. The path that they followed narrowed and there were a few times that they had to walk into the creek it's depth ranged from their knees then at times reaching their waist as they followed the passage.
Finally they followed the creek and it opened into a space within the city. Dyn quickly scouted the area and determined that there was no one around to see them sneaking into the city.
They found an abandoned house at the foot of one of the great trees that made up the city. Grandfather suggested that they hide their weapons in the abandoned building. Dyn and Saethwr volunteered to stay in the building whilst Ysgolhaig went to see what he could discover at the university.
Ysgolhaig explained that a university was a place of learning. It was a concept which had been adapted from the humans of the union and the university at Dyffryn Gwanwyn was one of the largest outside of union. As a scholar Ysgolhaig knew some of the elves that worked at the university and he was confident that he could find a secret way into the palace.
As usual the hafling Rad decided he would head to a tavern. Pikku followed him to keep him out of trouble. Dyffryn Gwanwyn was a multicultural city with a diverse population so a hafling and a gnome hanging out together shouldn't be unusual.
Coch told Grandfather that he might have a place for us to stay and also might know a person who should know what was happening in the palace and if the Prince was actually in the city.
So Lancia, Morwyn and Grandfather followed Coch as he led them through the city. Though most of the streets appeared empty there were still some elves making their way through the streets.
They arrived at an old established area in the city which was inhabited by old wealthy families when Coch started climbing the staircase of one of the trees.
About halfway up the tree when Coch stopped a door. He paused to Lancia it seemed like he was reluctant to knock on the door. When he did knock it seemed like a half hearted.
A young elven maiden answered the door.
"Hello how can I help you"
She took one look at the Phoenix Guard and her look turned to one of anger.
"Why are you back?"
Coch began to sign an answer.
"Still putting your commitment to the royal family over your family."
She went to close the door. However Coch held it open. Grandfather began speaking.
"My lady sorry to intrude on what looks to be a family matter. However we are here on matter of the uttermost importance. Do you mind if we discuss this inside. We don't want to alert the union that we are here in city."
The elven maiden motioned for everyone to follow her into her home. Grandfather spoke to the young maiden.
"We are part of Confederate army now putting this city under siege trying to liberate you and your fellow elven citizens. We came here to see if a report that Prince Ceidwadwyr was being held in city was true."
The young maiden looked at Grandfather and spoke.
"I should have known that he was only here to look after the interests of the royal family. For a moment I thought he may have been here for concern about his wife."
She looked at Coch who seemed to be avoiding looking into her eyes.
"Did you know his wife has has the sleeping disease. Instead of looking after his family he went and joint the Phoenix Guard."
She glared at Coch with an intense hatred. Then she continued to speak.
"Now that all the priestess of glade are dead and the green mages have been locked up by the union there is no-one left to look after all elves that were once under their care. Who do you think is now looking after the elves under there care? Mother is upstairs in her room. I am trying to give her the care that she needs."
Now you come back here and instead of asking about how your wife is all you ask is about a Prince. Well if you want to know yes the Prince is in the city. He is currently chained in the dungeon."
Coch looked over at a staircase and walked over to it he headed up the staircase. The young maiden still looked angrily at where Coch had disappeared.
"Why don't we sit down at the table and introduce ourselves. As I said outside we are members of the Confederate Army. I am Dyf Ap Brwydr"
Grandfather used the fake name that he used to sign Lancia into the army.
"This is Lancia and Morwyn a priestess of glade."
Grandfather pointed at Lancia and Morwyn as he introduced them. They sat down at a table and the young maiden introduced herself
"I am Hyneyw Llygaid Glas."
Lancia knew that the title Hyneyw meant that the elf had been a royal advisor to Prince Gwyrdd.
"I am the last of the Prince's royal court the rest of them fell with the Prince when he made his last stand. It was I who formally surrended the city to the union."
She looked so sad when she made that statement.
"As you might have guessed Coch is my father. He was Drysor Nueadd for Prince Gwyrdd."
The Drysor Nueadd was an important rank within the Prince's court. It translated to captain of the palace gates.
"When my mother fell into her deep sleep. My father was so grief stricken that he left his family and joined the Phoenix Guard. It was during the war of the long night. I felt that my father wanted to die in battle against the werefolk. I think Prince Gwyrdd felt sorry for me and he gave me the title Hyneyw. For that I am deeply indebted to my Prince and if there is anything I can do to help his brother please let me know."
She got up and grabbed a bottle of wine and started pouring it into glasses to hand a glass to everyone. Grandfather spoke next.
"So have you seen the Prince? Is there anyway that you can get us into the palace?"
Llygaid paused sipped on her wine. She looked at Grandfather and shook her head.
"Before the city was locked down by siege I may have been able to sneak you into the Palace but General Beleiringsherre has doubled the soldiers guarding the palace and they have guards posted at all the entrances."
Grandfather nodded his head and spoke.
"So General Beleiringsherre is in charge of the Union forces he was part of the coalition forces that fought in the long night. A good soldier very professional."
Llygaid continued.
"As for seeing the Prince I have seen him a couple times. The new ruler of Dyffryn Gwanwyn the traitor Casglwr treats me as one of the servants. A few times he told me to feed the Prince. The Last time I saw the Prince was when I had to show some Union soldiers to the Prince."
"I overheard that these union soldiers had orders to take the Prince to the Union but with the river being blockaded at Cychwyn Tref they were unable to use a boat to transport the Prince back to the Union."
"A human led the group but there was a elf with a mask who spoke to Prince and told him that once he was back at Grey Haven he would be better treated."
Before she could say anything Lancia jumped in.
"An elf with a mask? You didn't get a name."
"I think he introduced himself as Llysgennad."
Lancia slammed his hand on the table.
"Llysgennad is here in the city."
Grandfather placed his hand on Lancia shoulder.
"Calm down lad. So the grey elf is here in the city. There is nothing we can do about it."
At that moment Coch came down the stairs after visiting his wife. Grandfather motioned for him to sit next to him at the table.
"Your daughter tells me that before you became a Phoenix Guard you were once the Drysor Nueadd for Dyffryn Gwanwyn. As part of this role do you know of a way into the Palace."
The Phoenix guard started signing his answer. Grandfather translated what he was signing.
"Cosa says there is one way into the palace that the union won't know about. Apparently there is a passage that leads into the dungeon. However it needs to be open from the inside. Lucky for us Llygaid can open it for us."
Coch looked get angry and signed a message to Grandfather.
"Coch says he would prefer if Llgaid was left out of any rescue mission."
This seemed to angar Llgaid who spoke up.
"Tell my father that I will do whatever is required of me. If we need to open a door in the dungeon, then only I can get into the palace and unlock it."
Coch signed another message to Grandfather.
"Coch says he doesn't know where the passage into the dungeon starts. However we do have someone looking into that, Ysgolhaig is visiting the university to see if he can find any records that might help us."
Coch was still looking angrily at his daughter who was returning the animosity. It was Morwyn who broke the silence when she asked a question.
"You said that all the Priestess of the glade had fallen and the green priests are under arrest, who is looking after the seedlings in the glade?"
Llgaid looked at the Morwyn sadness in her eyes.
"I am so sorry I forgot that you were a Priestess of the glade and would be concerned with who was looking after your sacred domain. The Union has placed the care of the glade over to the priests of Chauntea. All of our priestess of the glade fell with the Prince when he made his last stand"
Morwyn was clearly upset about this piece of news. Chauntea was the human goddess of agriculture and one of the main pantheons worshipped by the humans of the Union.
"You say your mother is under your care upstairs, I will prepare a potion that we gave those in deep sleep under my watch."
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