《The Elven Foreign Legion》Chapter 13 Grandmaster


Fifthtenth day of eleventh month of forty third year after the foundation of the Union.

John Edward, Sergeant, The 44th Blue Guards, Union Army

An elf burst through the door.

"Have you heard that song?"

He shouted at the officer's in room

"It's being played all over the city, according to the song we are loosing this war".

The General's had just received a briefing from Captain Wayne. I was standing next my captain and turned to examine the brazen elf.

The elf was tall for an elf at almost six foot he had a rich golden mane and was clearly a member of the sun elves of the confederacy he was richly dressed in an elegant blue silk robes.

At his side he wore a rapier the hilt was engraved with gold and silver embedded with rubies.

He was followed by two attendants both were elves of the conferacy and wore the heraldry of Dyffryn Dwfn. They were looking nervously around and looking very unconfortable.

Rising from the chair that he had been resting a loud voice roared.

"Who do you think you are to barge in here".

Dressed in black leather with a chest plate was a grey beard human. He wore a great two handed sword on his back and strapped to his belt were two flintlock pistols. It was clear he was a paladin by the cloak he wore showing he was of the order of Torm the god of courage and self sacrifice.

The elf instinctively placed his hand on his sword. His attendants or bodyguards did the same. Next to the old paladin a young disciple placed his hand on his flintlock

Slipping between the two of them appearing out of the shadows an elf in a general's uniform interceded. This elf was paler with dark hair. His skin was almost grey and showed his heritage as a grey elf from Greyhaven.

The elves of Grayhaven were part of the foundation of the Union. The grey elves sometimes called sea elves because they travelled the oceans in their trading ships.


"Grandmaster may I introduce you to the Prince of Teynfrafwr Lord of Dyffryn Dwfn. Prince Teynfrafwr let me introduce to Grandmaster Gerard de Ridefort."

The General Deallusrwydd Milwrol commanded no regiments of men. No he commanded officers like Major Hookes. I had seen him a few times in my years in the army but this was first time I actually heard him speak.

"General Wayne and I were just going over a plan to trap the Silver Fox, if you would care to look at the map on the table."

General Milwrol gestured at the table that dominated the middle of the room.

On the table was a large map. It didn't really make much sense to me. Though I guess that's why I am sergeant not an officer like the rest of the people in the room.

General Wayne spoke he looked unhappy that he had to explain his military plans to the Prince.

"We believe the enemy have moved into the deep forest somewhere between the Bloody valley and our mining operations over here. Currently we have three regiments stationed here with our mining operations. Which I intend to move two of the regiments out and hold this side of this river whilst five of our regular regiments move across to crush them."

The Bloody valley was name of the battlefield were the union had fought the elven army. The Union had claimed the battle as a victory. The defeated elven army had fled to the safety of the deep forest.

It was a decisive defeat for the elves and the Union leadership were hopeful that it would mean a quick end to the war. This was not the case. His current company had been involved in some of the fighting with the enemy.

Now the enemy struck at unguarded supply caravans. They had just come from forest where they had discovered remains of one of these caravans.

He had also heard the song which the Prince was talking about on his last foray into Dyffryn Dwfn in the tavern that he was drinking a brazen elven bard had sang the song. The tavern had been full of Union soldiers they had proceeded to rough up the elf and arrested the bard who now found himself beaten and bruised in the dungeon under the fort.


General Wayne was explaining some of the finer details of the campaign against the conferate elves to the Prince.

"I also have a few tricks up my sleeve which might see the elimation of the enemy Cyffredinol. This so call Fox will soon find himself elimated."

The Prince finished examining the map and looked as if he was going to leave but he turned to General Milwrol.

"Also I want to know what is happening to my nephew and brother's?"

General Milwrol spoke

"Your nephew Prince Tywysog Bach formally of Gellifew has decided that he wanted to visit Greyhaven. It is hoped that this will smooth his transition into the Union."

Gellifew had fallen shortly after the battle of the bloody valley. It was quickly followed by the cities ruled by Prince Ceidwadwyr and Prince Gwyrdd.

"Prince Ceidwadwyr is currently been detained in his city. I regret to tell you that Prince Gwyrdd was killed resisting our troops when we liberated the city."

A pained look crossed the Prince's face. At the news his brother and rival had been killed.

"I was assured that my family would not be harmed. That they would be handed over to my custody."

The General answered

"We are at war my lord and Prince Tywysog Bach requested to be sent to Greyhaven. Once we have pacified the region then your brother Ceidwadwyr will be handed over to you. As for Prince Gwyrdd he was given the opportunity to sutrender he refused his body will be handed over to you so you can give him send off"

The was an ackward silence then the Prince left the room.

General Milwrol stated he then turned to Captain Wayne.

"Captain Wayne here is a letter for the Commander of the fort overseeing our mining operations."

With that we were dismissed from command centre. However before we could leave the Grandmaster approached the Captain.

"Captain Wayne I believe you found one of my disciples?"

The Grandmaster asked.

The Captain nodded his head.

"Yes sire we bought his body back to the fort."

"May I see the body?"

Asked the Grandmaster

"Certainly Sire follow me and we will take you to the body."

We exited the command centre with the Grandmaster and one of his apprentices. We went to the wagon that currently carried the dead paladin that we had brought back from the forest.

"William open up the cart"

I called commanding one of the soldiers that remained at gaurd next to wagon.

He pulled back the cover showing the dead paladin. The corpse had been exposed to the elements for a number of days. Dressed similar to the Grandmaster in robes of a Templar. Although they checked the surrounding ground they found no weapons.

The Grandmaster knelt down next to the cart and said a pray for his fallen comrade. With a tears in his eyes the Grandmaster rose.

"We will make sure that the Confederation pays for what they done."

The Grandmaster stated.

"Bertram you will go with Captain and report back to me once we have defeated the enemy who have taken the life of Waldrom."

The Grandmaster rose and headed towards the stables.

"I will return to the capital and talk to the leadership of the church, I will be proposing that our holy order steps up its support for this war."

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