《The Elven Foreign Legion》Chapter Seven The Silver Fox



He was applying pressure to his shoulder which was still bleeding, whilst trying to stop the bleeding, ride an injured steed and regroup his cavalry formation. Using his sabre he cut a bit of his cloak to make a makeshift bandage and bound the wound. The Cyffredinol looked around him at his surviving cavalry. Almost all of them were injured in some way. Five thousand heavy cavalry that had followed him in charge only about a thousand battered and beaten soldiers survived. He closed his eyes and relived the charge. The trumpets had sounded and the cavalry began their descent down the hill towards the Union soldiers. At first it was a slow canter than the horses galloped at full speed. He heard the Union cannons open fire. Explosions ripped through the elven formations. This was followed by the union soldiers opening fire with a volley from their muskets. Hundreds of horses collapsed to ground often tripping up the horses that followed. Than another volley from the Union army hit the charging cavalry. This was probably when a bullet lodged itself in his shoulder.

He remembered when he saw that the Union army arrive earlier that morning with no pikemen he had thought to himself that they would we torn apart by his cavalry. However instead of breaking and fleeing the Union soldiers had held their ground. He had watched as they had placed sword blades into the end of their muskets making the muskets into spears. It was into this wall of spears that his cavalry had ended their charge. A massive melee had than broken out. The heavy cavalry which had followed him to the battle were some of the best warriors in the Confederation. Many of them had fought many a battle. They fought with all their might and it had made him proud to watch as they killed thousands of enemy soldiers. It just wasn't enough the Union army vastly outnumbered his army. This battle was increasingly looking like it would be another Union victory.


They called him Silver Fox it was name given to him after a successful campaign against the hill tribes. However he had never expected to become a Cyffredinol. His family were well respected merchants and he had bought a commission as a Nghapteiniaid which was a Captain. This had been just after the war of the long night and the kingdom was struggling to rebuild. As a young Nghapteiniaid he wanted to prove himself so he volunteered for a post on the border. He hadn't been at his new post long when there had been an escalation of conflict with the wild hill tribes. These wild tribes were often made up of several different races, humans, gnolls, and even orcs living together in unruly settlements. The traditionally strong elven army had been depleted by the Long Night and the tribes had seen it as the perfect time to take advantage of this weakness. They had conducted a number of raids had against elven settlements. Burning and looting the elven forest settlements.

It was during one of these raids when he had been leading patrol near one such settlement he had seen the smoke and heard the war cries of the wild tribesmen and had lead his patrol in defence of the settlement. He managed to chase off the attackers and save many lives. The commander of the outpost, a small fort that stood on edge of the forest was a Uwchfrigadydd or Major by the name of Hathrawon. He had been impressed with his decisive actions. Hathrawon had made him his second in command. For a couple months he remembered he had been happy with this role, but fate had intervened and had been forced to take charge when the Lord Commander had been killed in ambush. He remembered how he raged and led the soldiers of the outpost against the tribe that had ambushed the commander. They had slaughtered those who had killed his commander. Because of this action he was promoted and given command of all the border regiments and was given the mandate to quell the mountain tribes. He had formed a small elite force and led them on a number of lightning strikes against the tribes. Killing the leadership of the tribes and thus bringing back tribes under control. For a short time he had toured the capital and met with the leading Princes of the Kingdom. But he grew tired of the politics and being used by the Princes in there petty games. But with the hill tribes back under control there had not been much action for Cyffredinol.


So he had been excited finally see some action against the Union though now he admitted to himself he felt underprepared for this fight against the Union. He tried to survey the rest battlefield and see how different elements of his army were faring. Over on the far side of the battle the orcs were still locked in a fierce melee with the union soldiers aligned in front of them. He could see that the Union cavalry was moving to reinforce that side of the battlefield. In the fighting in the centre of the battlefield the Union were looking to get the upper hand.

A large fireball crashed into a column of Union soldiers. The Cyffredinol felt foolish he had forgotten about the war wizards that were accompanying the army. He watched as a huge earth elemental form and begins attacking the Union soldiers. The Union struggled to deal with this new threat. Their wizards and priests fired off spells at the monstrous elemental. Suddenly the battle surged back into the favour of the elven army. The Union did not seem to have an answer to the superior magic wielded by the elven magicians. Cannon's and magic fire balls smashed into the earth elemental but had no effect. He watched as the elemental swiped its arm across a stretch of the battlefield. With Its deadly embrace it crashed hundreds of enemy soldiers.

Just as it looked like the Union soldiers might break and retreat the elemental collapsed the magic sustaining the elemental suddenly evaporated. The Cyffredinol looked over to the top of the hill and saw that the wizards had come under attack by elements of their own army. The regiment provided by Prince Teymfradwr had opened fire on the wizards. Many of the powerful magicians had perished unable to put up a magical protective ward up in time. Then chaos erupted on the hill as elf fought elf on chaotic conflict. The green cladded soldiers provided Prince Gwyrdd had attacked the traitors with a wild abandonment.

With conflict opening up on hill the Union soldiers continued there relentless march up the hill. The Cyffredinol looked at all this with despair there was nothing he could do. Already he could see a stream of soldiers fleeing from the battle. More probably would have fled but the some union soldiers moved up blocking the retreat. His army was now trapped, encircled by the enemy, betrayed and about to be destroyed completely. He made preparations for one last charge. He would try and take out as many of the Union as possible. He lifted his sword ready to begin the final charge. That’s when a single pikeman ran towards him calling his name.

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