《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 40: Qualifications


After a well deserved long rest, Peter went back into the game getting ready to Level his alchemy. The new territory was still under construction and Peter had to visit Alder to request for the opening of the trade route between the fort and Hedgesnow.

Alder agreed with a request to join the Empire after the cooldown period. Since the forest region was within her territory, Alder was responsible for maintaining the decorum of the place.

Peter went back to the warehouse office where he planned to start concocting the new pills he was rewarded.

Strength Boost Pill(Inferior) recipe

Type: Permanent

Absorption: 3 days

Stat boost: +10 STR

The difficulty of crafting also increased by a huge margin from the simple potions. Although the potions gave immediate results, they all had a temporary boost. The pills that Peter was now able to make were all inconceivably superior to those lowly potions. 'It makes sense to limit the sale of medicines this good. Now, these laws make a lot more sense.'

If such pills were directly available in the market, every rich magnet out there would be able to make overbearingly powerful avatars and destroy the game balance. The restrictions and limiting the higher quality pills to only be available at the capitals, which are all level 100 restricted maps made more sense after he saw the recipes.

Sitting across from his handcrafted cauldron, Peter started using his recipes to craft an inferior strength pill.

The template displayed a complete procedure on how to prepare the pills which included the ingredients. Going through the list it was comparable to the old strength potions he had made early.

Strength Boost Pill(Inferior) recipe

Bloodmoon leaves x50

Aura leaves x100

Powdered lotus flower 250g


Sunflower oil

Method: Preheat the cauldron. Add water and heat it to a medium temperature. Once the water reaches a warm temperature, add a few pinches of powdered lotus flowers. Increase the temperature and then add the Aura leaves and Bloodmoon leaves. Keep the content at boiling temperature till the liquid turns deep red.


Start drying the liquid and slowly pour mana into the mixture to make sure the content doesn't burn. Add a few drops of sunflower oil. Keep drying till the residue alone is left behind.

Once the dry residue is obtained place them in a closed container. Drop a few drops of sunflower oil and slowly transfer it into a pill casket. Now let the pills dry naturally. Wait for at least three hours for the pills to solidify.

Always place the same pills in one pillbox to avoid losing quality.

'Three hours?' Peter followed the procedure and slowly started making the pills. Time ran by incredibly slow but patiently Peter finished the first batch and placed them to the side for drying. There were at least 200 pills in the casket. Thanks to the massive production ability of his cauldron, he was able to increase the quantity of the products by around twenty times.

Peter was drained of his stamina after crafting that batch of pills. So, he decided to leave and check out the design Sicily came up with for the guild armour. 'How layman can you get?' Low and behold it was the old soldier set but the design on it gave a superior look.

'Did she just paint a new coating over the older design? But I must agree that it looks a lot superior." The old soldier armour was the marking feat of his fame. To Peter, this was an undeniable part of his career. If not for the huge success that was the soldier armour, Peter might not have reached the current stage he was at now.

'Back to the basics, I guess.' Peter took out his signature armour blueprint and loaded the template.

After changing the base metal to steel, Peter started working on strengthening the item. The work was done faster than he expected as a system notification went off showing its completion.

Your magic smithing class skill, Handcrafted is triggered. You have created a rare magic armour. The template is added to the database.


You received 20,000 experience.

Soldier's Heavy Armour set(10)

Item level: 70

Type: Rare Magic

Creator: Blackbeak

STR: 2000(+2000)

VIT: 2500(+2500)

AGI: 20

DEF: 25000(+2500) 96% Heavy


Heavy Armour Class

Armour Bonus:-

250 defence for each soldier ally in a 10m radius. +200 strength when attacking with another soldier +10 agility when marching with another soldier.

Magic traits:-

Has a chance to increase damage by 200% when attacked in a platoon.

'That went better than expected.' Peter kept the item in the guild inventory and started mass producing the armour set. He was able to produce decent sets although none of the new ones was magic armour.

Soldier's Heavy Armour set(5)

Item level: 70

Type: Rare

Creator: Blackbeak

STR: 1600(+800)

VIT: 2000(+1000)

AGI: 15

DEF: 20000(+10000) 90% Heavy


Heavy Armour Class

Armour Set Bonus:-

250 defence for each soldier ally in a 10m radius. +200 strength when attacking with another soldier +10 agility when marching with another soldier.

While the armours lacked in quality, they were still much superior to what was available in the market. The added black flame design gave it an amazing look. Every few seconds the system kept churning out an armour into Peter's inventory. Soon the number reached 8000 and Peter finished it off. By the time the pills had already hardened, sending out another notification for Peter.

You have completed a permanent pill: Strength boost pill(inferior, strengthened) x210. You received 200 alchemy fame, 210,000 experience.

He quickly went over and inspected one of the pills.

Strength Boost Pill(Inferior, strengthened)

Quality: 9

Type: Permanent Common

Absorption: 10 days Unlimited

Stat boost: 10(+120) STR

Peter immediately ate one of the pills and started creating another batch. The arduous task of concocting pills became a pleasure to Peter seeing the value of what he created. By the time the second batch had done cooling, Peter completed the sixth batch and placed it for cooling. Due to a lack of bloodmoon leaves, Peter was forced to stop. After a three hour wait, the last pills were done

You have completed a permanent pill: Strength boost pill(inferior, strengthened) x210. You received 210,000 experience.

Strength Boost Pill(Inferior, strengthened)

Quality: 9

Type: Permanent Common

Absorption: 10 days Unlimited

Stat boost: 10(+120) STR

Congratulations. You have qualified to attend the alchemy pavilions competition. Please visit your master for further instructions.

Peter's wait was finally over. He took the pills and left back to his new territory looking for Sicily.

The girls were busy building up the place. Seeing the amazing town that was already built up by them, Peter stood stunned. "Hey, help me build mine as well. I only got like 5 or 6 builders." Sicily hired an architect and a few builder players from Alex's guild to build the place up. The process became too fast once these players joined.

Handing over the armours and pills, Peter told Sicily not to sell the pills as it was illegal to sell at the moment. Seeing the pills Sicily became ecstatic and immediately took one. "This is great. We can reward the players with these pills. No one will want to leave the guild anymore."

Peter logged out.



Name: Peter

Race: illicote(L)

Title: Creative Artisan II(R), Duke

LVL: 29

Gold: 7.5M

Credit: 8.4M

Available points: 0

STR: 195(+15)

VIT: 150(+1860)

AGI: 50(+10)

INT: 125(+590)

AP: 1950(+150)

HP: 1500(+18600)

SPD: 100(+20)

MANA: 71500

DEF: 750 20%

Combat jobs;

Illicote Elementalist(L): T2 LVL 19/30


Crafting jobs;

Magic Blacksmith(R): T2 LVL 32


Pill Maker(R): T2 LVL 32


Gathering Jobs;

Herbalist(C): T1 LVL 13


Miner(C): T1 LVL 11


World fame: 6170

Blacksmith fame: 1250

Alchemy fame: 200

Elemental Affinity;

Air: 1.55/2

Earth: 1.2/2

Fire: 1.35/2

Ice: 1.3/2

Water: 1.4/2

Light: 1.001/2

Void: 1.001/2

Mana manipulation: 1.023/2

+ 5 Str from mystery

+ 80 int from light armour bonus

+ 500 int from weapon bonus.

+ 1800 vit from ring

+ 10 to all stat guild bonus.

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