《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 27: Salamander Cave


Juvenile salamander LVL 48

HP: 9600

AP: 100-3760

DEF: 2000

There is a small chance to cause a burn.

The kids were too weak. As long as Peter kept avoiding their flame breath they were easy to pass through. He counted 23 kids around. The two adults that stood at the furthest were guarding the entrance to the next path.

Salamander LVL 50

HP: 50000

AP: 100-2000

DEF: 6000

Bite, burn

Peter went back to the entrance and looked for a suitable angle to kill all the young ones in one hit. This was so that he could conserve some mana for later. The entire cave room was only 20 meters.


There was a sharp shriek from the two guards while the little ones died instantly.

You killed x23 juvenile salamanders. You gained 4416 experience, x12 Tiny Fangs, x16 Blood vails.


You killed x2 salamanders. You gained 800 experience, x3Fangs, Blood vail.

Dungeon progress: 4% complete.

Clearing the first room peter went further into the cave passing the gate.

The place looked like the miners' storage area. There were dozens of crates stacked to the wall, most containing food. The raw food had started becoming pungent. There were none in the room apart from a few salamander guards who saw peter and started attacking. The narrow cave made it easy for peter as he cast two landslides back to back. The cave roof rocked a bit but became stable instantly.

You killed x5 salamanders. You gained 2000 experience, x7 Fangs, x3 Blood vail.

Dungeon progress: 5% complete.

The crates fell over as peter slowly traversed across the cave and reached for the exit to the next section.

"Hey you", peter heard a shout from above only to see two men staring down at him from a gap on the roof. "You the miners?", Peter asked back. "Yeah, you from the city? We were trapped in here for ages and no one gives a damn", said the more robust one.

"No, I just came to kill the salamanders," Peter said. "Is it just you? The things further down ate the guards when they took over the mine. Don't think you can handle them alone. Certainly not the big ones." "Are there more of you?" "A few are holed up further down. Did you kill all the salamanders ahead? We two can leave then." Said the guys jumping down from the top. "Go ahead. I'll go find the rest." The two split from Peter and went towards the exit while Peter went further into the cave.

Dungeon progress: 7% complete.

The cave was much larger compared to the rest. He noticed a few picks laying around and there were a few pull carts abandoned. The area looked like it was a storage for minerals. There was nothing left in the area as if someone had already cleared it. He went further ahead only to meet another two salamanders lurking in the area. Two 'landslides' later, the area was cleared.

You killed x2 salamanders. You gained 800 experience, x2Fangs, x2 Blood vail.

As he approached the door a stronger one emerged from the exit. It had a more reddish glow to its skin.


Elder Salamander ELITE LVL 55

HP: 110,000

AP: 16,400

DEF: 10,000

Expo: 6600

Seeing the higher attack power peter immediately send waves of landslides. The base attack of the elite monster was higher than the other. There was a higher chance he would die if the beast attacked first.

You killed elder salamander. You gained 6600 experience, x4 Fangs, Strong Blood vail, fire crystal shard, x1 chest key.

Dungeon progress: 10% complete

Before moving further into the cave, Peter spent the rest of his free points to INT increasing it to 310. He then changed the reserved mana from 10,000 to 20,000 to be safe. The elite monsters had an attack of 16,000 and he wasn't sure how strong the bosses will be. After resting to regain his spent mana, he went looking for the chest. There was none visible in the area and he went towards the next cave.

The exit opened up passages ahead of him. One was a broader entrance while the other was a narrow slit that a slim human could pass through. He could hear murmurs coming through the narrow slit. Before he could slide in a salamander caught his attention and had fired a flame ball at him.



You killed x6 salamanders. You gained 2400 experience, x2Fangs, x3 Blood vail.

You levelled up.

You killed x18 juvenile salamanders. You gained 3456 experience, x12 Tiny Fangs, x16 Blood vails.

Peter heard a shriek from further down the cave and he slowly approached it. There was an elite salamander and a few eggs in the area. The mother was guarding the eggs when the landslide hit the area. A few eggs were already broken. The mother was visibly angry with flames puffing out her mouth.

Salamander egg

Can be hatched by a beast tamer. Salamander eggs can be sold to fire mage guilds for a high price.


Peter couldn't focus on the eggs as the mother started blowing flame at him. Publishing a volley of landslides, Peter killed the mother destroying the rest of the eggs.

You killed elder salamander. You gained 6600 experience, x4 Fangs, Strong Blood vail, fire crystal shard, x1 chest key.

You destroyed a salamander nest. You gained x1 chest key.

Dungeon progress: 12% complete

Mystery achieved:

Elder killer LVL 2 (20/20)

Reward: Beast taming skill.

Mystery unlocked:

Elder killer LVL 3 (0/50)

Reward: Unknown

Peter went back to the narrow slit that he wanted to explore before and slid through. Miners down the cave kept staring at him as he walked down towards them. "Is there anyone else outside?", asked Peter to the miners.

"No, we are all that remains. Could you please help us get out of these caves?" One of the miners in tattered clothes spoke out. Peter kept looking around and noticed that a few of them had non-human features. "What race are you?", asked Peter to them. "Half-humans." Said one of them. "They were bought down here as slaves to work in mines." The one who seemed to be in charge responded glaring at the half-humans.

"You guys should leave now. I had already killed the salamanders towards the front." Peter let them get out and went to through the bigger cave which he had already ruined.


Dungeon progress: 40% complete

'Now to find the salamander queen.' Peter went further down. Space was getting vast as he went down further. Some vents blew out hot air from below raising the temperature in the room. As he checked the room he noticed more adult and elite salamanders prancing around. There were a few chests toward the back. He was able to find at least three nests next to it.

Three landslides later the room was empty apart from the chests.

You killed x6 elder salamanders. You gained 39600 experience, x12 Fangs, x4 Strong Blood vail, x6 fire crystal shard, x6 chest key.

You levelled up

You destroyed x3 salamander nests. You gained x3 chest key.

You killed x6 salamanders. You gained 2400 experience, x2Fangs, x3 Blood vail.

Peter walked towards the chests. There were ten chests in total. Peter opened the first one and received a recipe.

Recipe: Stamina Recovery Potion(R)

Soulbound: Blackbeak

The second chest had a fire staff blueprint suitable for fire mages. The next one had a few crafting materials and 30 fire crystal shards. The fourth and fifth had flame-resistant armour both suitable for medium armour classes. The sixth chest contained a tameable flame salamander egg.

Pet: Flame salamander egg(R)

Type: Fire

Fire Affinity: 100%

Visit a pet trainer to hatch the egg.

Peter shoved everything into his inventory as he went to the next section. As he neared the place he could see the massive queen salamander waiting for him inside. Peter did a quick inspect and deliberated for a few seconds.

Salamander Queen BOSS LVL 60

HP: 480,000

AP: 28,200

DEF: 15,000

He became wary of the higher attack of the queen. There were multiple juveniles in the cave but no elites or elders could be found. The neat almost occupies the entire ground. Peter allocated more mana to his defence and bolstered it over to 25,000. With his armour his defence barely made it. He had to wait outside for the mana to regenerate to full.

After recovering the mana peter entered the queen's nest and started shooting landslides. It took him almost a minute to kill it off but the Queen died none the less along with all her kids in the room. The cave had a huge makeover due to the massive number of landslides peter dished out.

You killed salamander queen. You gained 12000 experience, x2 Strong Fangs, x16 Strong Blood vails, x2 chest key.

You killed x23 juvenile salamanders. You gained 4416 experience, x12 Tiny Fangs, x16 Blood vails.

Dungeon progress: 70% complete

A fire crystal floated next to the corpse of the queen. Peter went ahead and touched it.

You have attuned with a fire crystal. Fire affinity reached 15%.

Peter searches the place looking for chests and soon found two hidden next to the massive entrance to the next cave section. They had a slight glow to them as peter approached and opened the two.

You received flame blast skill tome.

Skill tome: Fire Blast

Req: Fire Affinity, Mana 100

Skill type: Active Magic

Type: Single-use

Cast time: 1 second

You received a salamander queen egg.

Pet: Salamander Queen Egg(L)

Type: Neutral

Fire Affinity: 100%

Earth Affinity: 80%

Water Affinity: 70%

Wind Affinity: 90%

Visit a pet trainer to hatch the egg.

Peter quickly learned the skill and then placed the egg in his inventory. There was one more boss that he needed to kill as he slowly approached the end of the dungeon

'Time to finish this dungeon.' Peter walked into the last cave. There were countless vents on the ground blowing out heat into the air. Parts of the ground had a reddish tint as peter could feel the heat on the floor. There was no beast to be seen as peter kept looking. As peter kept exploring, he felt the ground below him gave in and fell on his back. The thin heat of ash that he sat on caved in and a mammoth-sized salamander was seen sleeping in the hole in the ground.

Salamander King BOSS LVL 65

HP: 520,000

AP: 30,000

DEF: 16,800

The salamander king had yet to wake up even after the commotion. Peter felt as if it was in hibernation. Peter wasn't confident in shooting off the landslide due to the floor being too unstable, so he slowly walked back towards the entrance to find solid ground. The sleeping salamander didn't know what was happening as it was rudely woken up by a barrage of landslides. The floor being too soft made it hard for it to get out of the hole and soon it became its grave.

You killed the salamander king. You gained 13000 experience, x2 Strong Fangs, x20 Strong Blood vails, x1 elite chest key.

Dungeon progress: 100% complete

You completed the dungeon, Salamander Cave. You can receive the deed from Jester Hall, Port Blair.

There was another fire crystal floating beside the corpse. Peter went ahead and touched it absorbing the crystals mana onto himself.

You have attuned with a fire crystal. Fire affinity reached 35%.

The last chest stood at the back of the cave which Peter went ahead and opened.

You received x60 fire crystal shards.

You received a flame constrict bow.

Flame Constrict Bow(R) ELITE

A bow made from the flames of a king salamander.

Fire Affinity: +60%

INT: 60

Flame blast: (bow skill) when using a flame arrow use 200 mana to cast a flame blast attack which has an added range of 40 m.

Attack power: 3*flame damage*mana cost

'Looks like Sicily could make use of it.' With nothing left to do Peter left the place back to the city to meet Jester Hall.



Name: Peter

Race: illicote(L)

Title: Creative Artisan II(R), Knight

LVL: 32

Gold: 1.9M

Credit: 21.4M

Available points: 24

STR: 672

VIT: 200

AGI: 50 (max: 50)

INT: 310

AP: 6720

HP: 2000

SPD: 100

MANA: 31000

DEF: 5920 90%

Weapon damage: 510

Sword mage(L): T2 L11 (16,500/16,500)locked

Elemental mage(U): T2 L22 (40876/44000)

Blacksmith: T2 L21 (22050/31,500)

Alchemist: T2 L12 (5560/6000)

Herbalist: T1 L13(1060/6500)

Miner: T1 L10

World fame: 170

Blacksmith fame: 1050

Swordsman fame: 10

Elemental affinity

Fire: 35%

Water: 10%

Earth: 20%

Air: 1%

Mana manipulation: 2.3%

Magic damage base values

Fire damage: 115.63

Earth damage: 69.13

Water damage: 38.13

Air damage: 10.23


STR: 40(+16)

VIT: 80(+32)

AGI: 10(+4)

DEF: 4800(+1920)


STR: 510

AGI: 10


STR: 30

AGI: 25

VIT: 40

INT: 70

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