《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 20: Legends of the past


Vayazi appeared too sudden in front if peter that he thought the skeleton was attacking him.

"Vayazi, you old hag. What are you doing here?" The great lord was extremely disturbed. It recovered immediately only to get scorned by the fae.

"Do you think just cause you are an undead that I can't kill you?" Vayazis voiced turned up an octave. Slowly, peter checked out the skeleton sitting on the throne.

Zenith, the Guardian (U) SAINT LVL 300

'Too bad.' While peter wondered why the LVL 300 skeleton acted flustered around a fae, the aura around the fae changed entering into a menacing flow. 'Crap'. As peter turned around to look, he saw an LVL 300 monster prostrating its self in front of the fae. "My master. Please forgive me. I will never sit on the throne ever again." He suddenly started banging his head on the floor. Another look at the fae and Peters world suddenly shook.

Vayazi(U) DEVATA LVL 999

Grand Elder of the Fae

"It's rude to peek" the monster turned around staring at Peter, it's aura slowly returning to the human realm.

"So...Sorry." Words were stuck in his head. He wasn't prepared for this reveal. "Pay no mind. You are my benefactor. Without you, I would still be a helpless little fae." She took out the blowhorn hidden behind her drape and blew into it hard.

The floor shook as air rushed into the room washing off the dust and debris while artfully skipping around peter and the skeleton. Vayazi slowly moved towards the throne sitting on it. 'Is 999 the highest level?' Peter wanted to ask but the thought was stuck in his head.

"So, how did you end up here? You are still too weak to be here." Peter started iterating what happened from dying to the bear to jumping over the fence further angering the diety. "Zenith, you had one job and it seems you failed at that too." Her tone slowly shifted from anger to disappoint. The now clean throne room sparkled as the sunshine made the golden sculptures glow.

Vayazi got up from the throne and gestured Peter to follow her. "I guess it can't be helped now. So, did you figure out which race you want to join?" Peter, who doesn't even know what races existed shook his head mumbling, "anything with mana". Vayazi stopped staring back at Peter. " All races have mana, kid. Including human. It's just that you can't feel it around you. If that's all you need, I guess you don't really need to change the race." Humans could use mana. Peter knew it but what he needed was a way to use it easier. Seeing his hesitation Vayazi started walking across the room motioning peter to follow.

"Most humans I used to know all asked me for the most powerful races or abilities in the world. You just want something with mana." She stopped staring at a statue of a young girl wielding a bow. Seeing peters interest pique, she continued. "She used to be human. Before a diety took her with him and slowly she stopped being a human. What do you think?" 'About what?' Peter had no idea what he was supposed to see. In front of his eyes, there was just a woman holding a bow.


"You don't feel anything? She used to be someone like you. A traveller I believe. Maybe you aren't suited for such a simple life." Slowly the pair started walking towards the next statute. "The beastkin. Most powerful of the lower races. It's a shame it doesn't suit you. Their mana control is impulsive."

The third statue was a humanoid with scales all over the body. Even its face was covered in scale. The slightly oversized chest and the very long tail stood out from the rest of the statues in the hall. "Lizardfolk. They are said to be the forefathers to the dragonkin. Don't be fooled though. They aren't. Also, that should be the race closest to what mana less can get."

"Dragonkin." Vayazi pointed at the more aesthetically pleasing statue that resembled a slimmer lizardfolk. "Don't let the old tales fool you. They don't possess as much many as they seem to show. Elves have a much larger mana reserve than them. But they do have massive life force. Which they burn through like there's no tomorrow. It more than makes up for their low mana reserve."

She stopped checking peter for a few seconds looking for any reactions only to pick the pace immediately after. This time there was a tint of worry in her steps. "Let's just walk through these few. I don't think your soul can handle the dark." Skipping through to the end of the hall, she paused before a race that resembled a human.

"Giants. It would be perfect for you if not for the large belly and the ugly looks." She laughed to herself at some joke that peter didn't understand. Walking to the last statue on the floor, she stopped contemplating something. "Fae. Like me a race of the air. It's quite rare. Also, they possess weaker offensive abilities. Not the best out there mind you. But it can grant you the ability to fly." Vayazi waited in front of it for a few seconds expecting something to happen which never did.

"None of them? Looks like you aren't suitable to inherit any of the normal classes." Vayazi stopped and walked back to the throne. The skeleton, Zenith broke the silence, "Maybe we should check through the higher tier races." Vayazi looked at him as and entered a trance. "Not bad. Peter follow me." Her composure suddenly changed as she moved toward the back of the throne. The panel moved as she invoked some rune behind it.

"This place is both a temple and a tomb. Peter stay close to me." As Vayazi entered the darkroom, Zenith rushed peter inside and slammed the door shut. "For the first time, peter felt like the air around him was liquid. "What you feel is mana I'm used in the air. This once used to be a mass grave. Maybe one day you will understand the story behind it." She walked across the mana rich air supporting peter to the other side of the room. "Peter, I welcome you to the council room." She opened a trap door and stepped into a luminous pathway.

The walls were painted white and the room had no roof. It seemed like it extended to the void beyond. "This once used to be the council of deities. Well most of them no longer exist in this plane." Smiling at the confused look on his face Vayazi explained. "That's what happens when you surpass the plane's level. You don't die. The void sucks you out into another plane. The plane could get damaged if anything above its power used mana."


Vayazi walked slowly toward the fountain at the centre of the room. "This is called the fountain of life. Fancy name but in truth, it is the mother of most races in this plane." Vayazi waited for peter to approach the fountain. "Go ahead. You should drink. All higher races can use magic."

Peter dipped his hands into the water. It was ice cold. Taking some in his palm, he quickly swallowed it fearing it would hurt his throat. A sudden pain seared into his stomach slowly spreading through his body. Peter lost his consciousness falling over into the fountain.


The world slowly formed in front of his eyes. From what appeared he was in a perfectly white room. A young woman sat on a wooden stool patiently waiting for peter to wake up.

"Can you hear me? Can you stand up?" She waited for Peter, as he slowly rose and climbed on to his seat. "Hi, Peter. How are you feeling?" She kept waiting for peter to speak something? "Hi, I'm good I think. Where are we?" The last thing peter could remember was the fountain of life and the searing pain he had in his throat.

"Ok. You look fine. Don't worry. You aren't in any danger. It was the side effect of sudden planar shit. Your brain didn't have the time to recalibrate to the new scene." She paused checking if peter was still in shock and then continued, "You can call me AM. I'm the AI responsible for maintaining the game world as you can guess from the name."

"Now to why you were brought here. I believe Vayazi was the one who recommended you for a legendary race. So, we need to evaluate your mental fatigue so ascertain how much stress you could handle before caving in." Without waiting for a response from peter, AM started pushing some buttons in the air, overloading peters head with images. As the speed became too much for handle she slowly removed it muttering something.

"Excellent. Your benchmark is pretty high. You are the thirtieth person to pass the test with flying colours. So what race would you like to choose." Saying so, AM raised a panel in front of her. It should all the character avatars belonging to different races. Human, elf, fae, dwarf, orc, giant... The list went on.

Without saying anything, peter checked the stat bonuses and filtered out those that couldn't or didn't have mana. The list of races persisted the same as before. "Didn't Vayazi tell you? All races can use mana." "Yes. Just making sure." Peter went through the list but due to the excess of races, he decided to thin it further down.

Humanoid, legendary... The list instantly shrunk down to twenty. Peter not in a mood to go through all the details further filtered it based on mana reserve capacity. Only three race remain on the screen. "Quite impressive. But are you sure you want to take a legendary combat class? They are super hard to level up." Peter kept reading through the list without giving the AI any regard.


Race: Legendary

Base multiplier x8

Starting stats: STR, AGI, VIT, INT

BASE Stats;

STR: 40

AGI: 20

VIT: 100

INT: 30

"Unlike the gods, asura's growth depends entirely on their willpower. This often causes disharmony in heaven and earth, shattering the equilibrium. Asura's are often hated and killed by the gods.


Race: Legendary

Base multiplier x8

Starting stats: STR, AGI, VIT, INT

BASE stats;

STR: 30

AGI: 25

VIT: 40

INT: 70

"A mystical race long disappeared from the world. Said to be the creators of magic and rune craft. The perfect mana control results in other races often disregard them as beings of lower races."


Race: Legendary

Race multiplayer x8

Starting stats: STR, AGI, VIT, INT

BASE stats;

STR: 30

AGI: 50

VIT: 30

INT: 40

"An extremely agile, illusionist mages of the primal time. These mages were well known for creating illusion traps to hunt primal beings. Said to be wiped out by the dragon race."

"So, have you decided what to pick? I can already tell which one you are going to pick. Just get over with it. They all have the same effect when it comes to growth. I think only sunas are slightly different considering their weaker combat strength. That is when compared to other legend races." AM kept staring at peter expectantly. "Illicote" peter had already made his decision.

"Told you I knew you would choose it. Anyways. With race change, your combat class will be reset depending on the race. The experience you already gained will be diverted to the new class so you don't lag behind. Try to keep a low profile at the start. I don't want to cause too much trouble releasing these races this early."

The space around peter shifted again but this time peter was more prepared. Peter woke up on a bed right next to the throne with Vayazi and Zenith arguing over something. Getting up peter cleared his throat regaining their attention.

"So? How did it go? Did you get anything good?" Vayazi teleported right to his face over-excited. While peter was forced to spill every detail of the event, notifications about his new character flew by in the background.



Name: Peter

Race: illicote(L)

Title: Creative Artisan(R), Knight

LVL: 21

Gold: 305

Credit: 48,723,990

Available points: 155

STR: 50

VIT: 80

AGI: 30 (max: 50)

INT: 70

AP: 1500-4500

HP: 800

SPD: 60

MANA: 7000

DEF: 4200 85%

Weapon damage: 100-400

Sword mage(L): T2 L11 (5825/16,500)

Blacksmith: T2 L18 (2294/13500)

Alchemist: T2 L11 (0/5500)

Herbalist: T1 L11 (0/5500)

Miner: T1 L10

World fame: 110

Blacksmith fame: 50

Swordsman fame: 10

"The massive stat is from

1) the legendary race x8 for all levels

2) the legendary class x6(1-10) x7(11-30)"

"Didn't realize how big the gap became. Screw it. I will redo it later."

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