《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 18: Recruitment


You killed Elder Flame Sparrow. Burnt damage debuff destroyed.

You have received 2000 exp. You gained 10 gold, small flame core, two flaming talons.

You have levelled up.

Mystery unlocked:

Elder killer LVL 1 (1/10)

Reward unknown.

The flaming talons were of no use to Peter but the flame cores could be used for crafting weapons with magic abilities.

Small Flame Core

Crafting resource. Can be merged with other cores to upgrade or evolve. Contains lower beast flame.

Flaming talons

Crafting resource. Can be sold for some coins.

Peter closed all the notifications and proceeded to look for more prey. The sparrows were decent. After walking around a bit he entered another patch. A few deer's roamed around in a herd. From the looks of it, they were passive with a higher chance to get away. Not wanting to get stamped down Peter walked around and slowly slipped past the herd. As he travelled further east, the forest kept turning darker. As he checked around for new prey, he noticed a few small boars across a stream. Making as less noise as he could he approach the boars.

Miniature Boar LVL 26

HP: 8,000

AP: 3200

DEF: 1000

Charge, Rampage

'Shouldn't be too hard to deal with'. Peter forced himself into their centre angering the boars. Two of them immediately charged towards Peter. The others started pressing into the ground as if they would charge any moment.

Peter was able to successfully roll away from the two charging ones, but another scratched him from the side. The damage was negated by the armour. Withdrawing his sword Peter charged back at the boar imitating them. Slashing at the one in front of him, he rolled forward and slammed the blunted edge on the boar's head behind.

The boar became dizzy while the other was bleeding heavily triggered by the sharp blade. Without waiting for it to recover Peter pushed ahead and started crushing the skulls of the rest of the boars. After a minute or two, Peter was out of stamina and sat down. There were boar corpses around him.

You killed x18 miniature boars. You received 2160 exp, 14 fine small boar hide, 4 damaged small boar hide.

You have learned a new skill 'Charge'

The remaining boars were further down the stream. Peter wasn't in their aggro range. Peter had to wait 30 seconds to regain his stamina.

Charge: Rush towards your enemy increasing the critical damage dealt. 150% increased damage. Faster stamina consumption.

After a well-deserved rest, Peter got up to hunt the rest of the boars along the river. As long as Peter avoided charge, he was able to ignore the attacks from the boars.

You killed x4 miniature boars. You received 480 exp, 4 fine small boar hide.

You killed x12 miniature boars. You received 1440 exp, 12 fine small boar hide.

You killed x14 miniature boars. You received 1680 exp, 13 fine small boar hide, 1 damaged small boar hide.

The rest of the boars ended up with the same fate as the others. His search for new prey continued and soon he found a new beast. As soon as Peter entered the clearing, Peter felt getting hit by a myriad of emotions. His entire body felt heavy. There was a little fae sitting on a rock towards the centre of the clearing.


You are affected by fae's sorrow.

Wind Fae Vayazi (U) ELITE LVL 30

HP: 120,000

AP: 8000

DEF: 5000

Wind burst, sleeping spell, frustrated, minor emotion burst.

There is a high chance to get afflicted with emotion attacks.

As though sensing the presence of another creature, the fae raised its face looking at Peter. Named monsters in the wild often were linked with quests. Considering that the monster heavily overwhelmed Peter in terms of its stats meant the monster wasn't meant to be killed. With it glaring at Peter, he had no choice but to greet the fae.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" The fae's emotions were on a roller coaster and the constant exposure was unsettling Peter. The fae kept staring at Peter as if waiting for something. "Why are you not running?" The fae asked in a mournful voice. "Can I get away?" Peter was certain this fae would kill him if he showed his back. "No." The response was quick. The fae slowly stood up and walked toward Peter.

"You are much stronger than others." Vayazi kept sizing him. "But still weak." She stopped two feet away. "You asked if you could help. Would you help me?" Seeing a dim light Peter asked, "how?" "My trinket was stolen. Get it back for me?" Vayazi looked at Peter with pleading eyes. She continued, "I would do it myself but I'm claustrophobic. It's a mole that took it. I can't follow it inside." "I don't think I can enter a mole's hole either." The fae looked at me puzzled. Then pointed at a direction across her rock.

Peter walked towards it. Behind the growing shrubs, there was a huge hole dug out by something. 'How big was this mole?' Peter lowered himself in. The whole lead to a bunch of underground tunnels. There was a strong air current present. Peter followed the air current deeper into the tunnel. Soon he found the source of the air current. There was a blow horn kept up on a pedestal.

The horn was constantly circulating air current through the caves. Peter approached the horn. Luckily there were no moles in the area.

Fae's Blow Horn.

Capable of air circulation and purification. Fae Vayazi would deeply appreciate returning it to her.

'This must be it.' Peter picked up the horn and rushed back to the exit. 'This easy?' The fae was sitting at the exit waiting for the Peter to return. As soon as she felt the horn, her mood changed. The air became cheerful. "Thank you." Vayazi took the blow horn from him.

Vayazi (fae)(U)(growth) PRIMAL LVL 45

HP: 240,000

AP: 22,000

DEF: 12,000

SPD: 180

Wind burst, sleeping spell, Primal Wind, emotion burst.

There is a 100% chance to get afflicted with emotion attacks.

The fae went through a massive change in its appearance. It grew almost a feet and two purple wings sprouted on it's back.

"Thank you. If you ever come to Eldercreek visit me." Vayazi gave Peter a token of identification. It had a similar make to the identification token Peter had with him. "That should help you enter any fae territories. I have to leave now." Vayazi extended her hands towards Peter showering him with a blessing.


You received the blessing of a primal creature. You are qualified to inherit primal races and race classes. Please visit the altar at Delford to switch races. Race classes can be learned from the corresponding race capitals.

'Race change? So that's the reward. It was still too easy.' Vayazi flew out to the north leaving Peter alone who turned around to notice more than twenty moles staring at him.

Earth Mole (angered) LVL 28

HP: 12,000

AP: 4000

DEF: 4000

Earth Shatter

They were indeed massive for a mole. Quickly equipped with his sword Peter rushed forward with a Charge. The enraged moles attacked aggressively with its claws but the higher speed helped Peter to avoid most of it. The opening left behind by the attacked lowered the defence which Peter used to counterattack. The fight lasted for a bit but Peter was able to hold on to his life. His health had plummeted to a rock bottom. Gaping for air Peter sat down and slowly regained his stamina.

You killed x23 earth moles. You received 3450 exp. You received 23 ruined pelt.

Your swordsman class levelled up.

'Where is Delford?' Peter planned to ask alder first to what he should do. Since he had to return to the town, he started turning back. Along the way, he killed the few sparrows that had respawned and soon arrived at the town gate.

The town guards saluted him as he entered. 'I should check if Alder is back in town.' He rushed straight to the office where the receptionist greeted him politely. "Is Alder back yet?" "Yes sir. Lady alder returned a few minutes ago. Would you like to meet her?" "Yes, please."


After a short conversation with Alder Peter came out as a tier 2 alchemist. According to Alder, the Delford altar was located to the west of Port Blair on the border to dwarven country. The region had too many higher-level monsters would be suicide for Peter to try and get there on his own.

The dwarven border region was a level 50 map. It extended through the entire western alderriver forest and slightly to the northern mountains. There was a shorter route through the northern mountains but the map was unexplored. There was a higher chance the monster above Hedgesnow would be stronger.

The streets were extremely crowded with crafters from all over the place. Most of them were looking for new crafters to recruit to their guilds. It was rare to see a famed crafter in person. There were representatives from multiple guilds present as well. Peter checked the area out. He hadn't expected such a massive crowd to appear. Since most didn't know of Blackpeak's identity as Vision, he was able to navigate through the crowd easily.

Peter went inside the tavern and switched his name tag. He waited inside the building till Eric came over with Sicily. Alex was behind her as well. "You might want to use a mask. People might recognise you from your face or armour. " Alex extended a rune mask at Peter. "Thank you." After equipping the mask, Peter switched his armour with soldier armour, the trademark of Blackbeak.

"We should form an official alliance before we welcome the crowd. Alex already handed me a treaty and I went through it. It is favourable to us so I think we should take it as is." Eric sent a copy of the treaty to Peter. After skimming through the details, Peter agreed to seal it. As the owner of the guild both Peter and Alex sealed the treaty marking it official.

"So, you need 200 armour of relevant level each day." To Peter, this was a very small quantity but Alex wasn't aware of it. To Alex, most of the crafters he knew could only make up to 100 armour a day. Mass-produced armours had their quality dripped considerably so most guilds forced their crafters to manually construct the items. At the time, rising suns was struggling to satisfy its demand for higher quality armour. If Peter could supply the necessary armour then it would be a huge weight off to Alex.

After a few minutes of chit chat, Peter left the tavern to great the crowd outside. Alex, Sicily and Eric joined him outside. "Hi everyone, we would like to recruit as many crafters as we could but unfortunately we can only contain 400 members until the guild levels up. You can contact Eric to get the details of the guilds and for any information. He will let you know we're the guild area is located at. Thank you for coming."

Black Flame couldn't take too many crafters at the beginning. They were lacking in people who could provide them with the necessary resources. After diverting the tide to Eric, peter got out of the area and entered back into the tavern. After a few minutes, he changed out of the armour and left for the forest to level again. 'I hope Eric can handle them on their own.'

Getting back to his warehouse Peter looked around trying to find the recipes he needs to construct new potions. The tier two alchemy enabled the copyright of potions that were newly created preventing others from stealing it. The herbs that were received from Summerbrook helped but they were lacking in quality and rarity. Most of the tier 2 recipes required rare ingredients as their base. His herb diary was updated by Alder to point out where to obtain the rarer herbs for his concoctions.



Name: Vision

Title: Creative Artisan(R), Knight

LVL: 26

Gold: 305

Credit: 48,723,990

Available points: 0

STR: 25

VIT: 32

AGI: 10

AP: 1450-4450

HP: 720

SPD: 30

DEF: 4200

Swordsman (C): T2 L16 (2325/12000)


Miner: T1 L10

Blacksmith: T2 L18 (2294/13,500)

Alchemist: T2 L11 (0/5500)

Herbalist: T1 L1 (0/100)

World fame: 110

Blacksmith fame: 50

Swordsman fame: 10

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