《Who Cares!!?》Chapter 26


It took some time for Jason to find Dr. Watson. Meanwhile, Alex returned to his normal lifestyle. *If you can, call it normal.*

Before Alex become a genius, Hikaru stood proudly in the limelight, but now Alex was the center of everyone’s attention.

There was a war-level rivalry between those two, that’s what Hikaru thought.

Hikaru was already a genius, but now his brain had started to work on overclock. He was working as hard as he could, but be it be a test, quiz, shogi, chess, or some assignment, Alex was always on par with him.

Hikaru commended him for putting up such a nonchalantly face when deep down, Hikaru knew Alex must be working hard as well to keep up with him.

But the truth was Alex didn’t even think of it as a rivalry, more like a game.

One day during the last period, the school announced that there was going to be a competition.

A company had just started which was selling chocolates. The CEO of the company thought of a great way to kickstart their business.

Instead of spending money on advertisements, which may or may not boost their sales, he decided to hold a competition in schools, the winner, who would sell the most chocolates, would get two concert tickets for a famous band.

Holding contests in a few schools in every city, getting guaranteed sales as the students will try to sell as much as they can to win the competition for the mere price of two concert tickets is actually a pretty good idea. *Damn, that’s one smart CEO.*

The announcement was music to Hikaru’s ears. As soon as he heard it, he thought of a wonderful plan.

He would challenge Alex to the competition, enhance the chocolate’s flavor by himself and eventually win the competition and win the concert tickets to ask Asuna out to the concert.


It was killing two birds with one stone.

‘Hey Alex, I’ve got another competition for us, want to know what it is?’

‘Let me guess, it’s a competition about who sells the most chocolates’

‘How did you-’

‘Hikaru, you’re not the only one who heard the announcement, the whole school heard it, did you forget that?’

Hikaru’s mind was still childish. In his excitement and fantasizing, he forgot that the announcement was made on the speaker, and everyone heard it.

‘Of-of course I knew that. Are you joining or not?’

‘Hmm…maybe not. I do have better things to do.’

‘No, you can’t do that. I have to beat you, please join.’

‘Okay, okay, could you get up now? It’s really weird.’

--Sheesh man, how desperate are you?

Hikaru practically fell on his knees and begged Alex. It was more of a plead than a challenge, and it made Alex join the competition.

Hikaru instantly stood up and smirked as if this was some sort of his master plan.

‘Ha! I knew you would take pity on me and then join. You see, to be a great salesman, you need to be an expert psychologist. It looks like the winner is decided already.’

Just then, the bell rang and school was over. They were handing out cartons to students who were interested in the competition.

Hikaru merrily got two boxes.

--As soon as I get home, I am going to synthesize these chocolates with more flavor, more flavor means more variety, more variety means more attraction, more attraction means more sale.

The two cartons were a little heavy for Hikaru ’s weak physique. He had to put them down a couple of times to regain his strength.

It took him some time to even get to the school gate.


In his mind, the phrase was put in a loop.

--As soon as I get home, as soon as I get home, as soon as I get home.

On his way out, he saw many students carrying their cartons to home. Near the gate, he saw Alex, but there wasn’t any carton with him. Curiously, he asked,

‘Alex, where is your carton? I thought you were going to participate.’

‘Oh, I just sold two of my cartons in school, so I’m good for today.’

Hikaru was flabbergasted.

‘H-How many?’

Hikaru asked again since his ears refused to listen to what Alex said.

‘Two cartons.’





There was a moment of silence.

--Two Cartons!!

Hikaru stared at Alex in disbelief.

‘Man, Alex your salesman skills are beyond awesome.’

Yuuto came from behind, carrying his carton to whom Alex sold two chocolate bars. Alex also sold a whole carton to Takumi, who gladly bought it.

‘I have no idea how you sold me chocolate when I’m even in the competition.’

‘Don’t compliment me, I just followed what Hikaru said, that you have to be a great psychologist to be a great salesman.’

The challenge was on.

That day Hikaru dragged 4 cartons home and synthesize them all.

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