《Who Cares!!?》Chapter 21


Alex jumped on a dumpster nearby on the right instantly used the wall to jump and propel himself, so that he could catch the foot of the balcony 10 feet above him on the left.

He climbed up the gallery to get to the rooftop, and Jason reluctantly followed.

Alex began running like a free runner, jumping from buildings to buildings and rooftops.

His body was adapting to his movements. At first, he was having difficulty, but after a short while, he was running like he had been doing parkour since he was a child.

For a moment, he glanced back to see if Jason was still behind him. He looked around, and Jason was nowhere to be found.

He looked down to see if he was on the ground. Still nothing.

“Maybe I lost him?”

‘Did you?’

Alex turned around, and Jason was right in front of him, less than a meter away.

‘Give up?’

Alex grinned, seeing it would be too boring if it was this easy.

‘Not Yet’

Alex instantly did a backflip and jumped off the building. Jason sighed.

‘I should have immobilized him when I had the chance.’

Jason looked down to see where Alex was, and there was no sign of him.

--Where did he go?

After carefully checking if there was any sign of Alex, he backed up and began scouting on to the next building.

After a few moments, making sure Jason was gone, Alex quietly emerged and crept on top of the building.

He did a backflip to leap to the building behind him so that he would catch the pipe. He only caught hold of it for a moment and then jumped through an open window into an apartment.

The whole maneuver took no more than 2 seconds.


Alex had been experimenting himself after some time after the treatment.

He noticed that he never felt any tiredness, and he would feel wholly energized after only a 3-hour sleeping period.

He began studying books, memorizing them after a single read, and watched videos in his free time.

He began testing his strength when one day, he applied a little too much force on the doorknob, and it came off.

After a few more incidents like this like accidentally bending the spoon he was eating with, crushing an apple with his bare hands, destroying the TV remote while pressing the button, etc.

He realized he had immense strength now, he noticed that he could lift a 100 pound with one hand and could still jump 3 feet high with 50 pounds sandbags in both sides each.

He began conducting all sorts of tests on himself in each, no matter what he did, the result was the same.

At first, it would hurt a lot, but after a few brief moments, his body would quickly adapt to it.

When the first time he lifted 100 pounds, it was like his arm was on fire.

But after no more than 20 seconds, he was feeling no pain.

He also had incredible agility, speed, balance, and photographic muscle memory.

He began watching parkour and acrobatics videos, and he could copy all the moves after seeing it once.

As money wasn’t a problem for Alex, he built an indoor parkour court, and after going through it once, he could go through it again while blindfolded.

He also realized that his body’s natural healing ability was explosively high.

Alex once had cut himself while making his school lunch, and he grabbed a paper towel that was right in front of him, but when he looked for the cut, he couldn’t find it.


As Alex quietly and skillfully climbed back, he saw what was looked like a fading white light, slowly moving, 3 building away.

Jason was searching there, or so he thought.

‘Definitely, lost him this time.’

‘Are you sure?’

Again, Jason was there. Sitting casually on top of a chimney as if he was expecting him to come out.

‘How did you know I was here?’

‘You used the oldest trick in the book and expected me to be fooled by it.’

On the building from where the torchlight was coming was simply a torch tied by a rope by Jason to lure Alex out.

He leisurely got up and walked towards Alex.

‘I have confirmed that I can’t run away.’

‘Good to see you learn quick.’

‘But fighting is another case.’

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