《Who Cares!!?》Chapter 15


The girl took off like a bolt after grabbing the fourth flag.

She was now gaining speed, and she was gaining it fast. Takumi also pulled the string a lot harder. The race was intense.

300 meters were left.

--He’s doing better than I expected, but that ends now.

The girl did give credit Takumi for being able to barely keep up with her.

The girl was still ahead, leading with a speed of 150kmph. Takumi was behind her with a rate of 120kmph.

The distance between them was slowly increasing and increasing.

200 meters to go.

--This is bad, can’t my bike go faster she is slowly getting away.

Takumi was starting to feel the pressure. 150 meters to go, it would seem the race was decided.

Alex was at the finishing line, waiting with a pair of binoculars. He saw the girl in the lead.

--This is going even better than I imagined.

100 meters to go.

Takumi started to lose hope. Alex then yelled at the top of his lungs.


Takumi started praying too.

--Please God, give my bike one last push.

50 meters to go.


Takumi pulled the string as hard as he could, and he felt it broke.

--Was that supposed to happen?

Takumi started praying again, not to win the race but to survive it. The girl was in the lead, but she heard a noise which made her turn her head and look back.

An earth-shattering thunderous noise mixed with a high-pitched scream.

‘What the HELL!!!?’

--It was a lost cause if this was a test of acceleration, the Speed Freak would win, hands down. But it’s another case when it comes to top-speed. The plan was to make it look like this was a fair race when it was checkmate from the first move. I designed this race for two reasons;


1.To use the cylinder up more than half so it wouldn’t explode when the string breaks, and there will be no limit to how much propane will enter the chamber.

I used the string so that it would break. I knew the pressure would get to Takumi, and he would break it, I didn’t tell him THAT of course.

2.It sure looks badass to win a race against a sports bike with a bicycle. You don’t need a sports bike to win. When there’s a will, there’s a way.

‘Im-impossible he is on par with me?’

Alex watched it while eating popcorn, knowing everything went according to plan.

The Jet bike was now head to head with the Speed freak.

--I think it’s time for the finale.

It was an extremely close race, you might need a high-quality camera to decide the winner, but that changed when it was only 20 meters to the finishing line.

Alex told Takumi to stay to the left side of the road no matter what happens at the last leg of the race.

Despite being scared to hell and his senses leaving his body, he still managed to stay on the left side.

As the 20-meter marker started, there was a small bump on the left side just enough to lift the Jet bike 1 meter of the ground.

Alex had built a small wooden ramp had covered it with dirt. With it being only 40 pounds, it flew the rest of the race.

It was a miracle like the Gods had given his bikes wings to defy gravity.

Takumi was still screaming at the top of his lungs, but now, without any road-friction, the bike became an actual Jet with an astonishing speed of 200kmph and crossed the finish line FIRST.


The finish line was just before two trees. Straight ahead was a mattress ready to take the blow.

At this point, Takumi’s hands were in the air, and they suddenly grabbed something.

The bike crashed into the mattress, bursting in flames of GLORY.

Alex grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the fire.

Takumi hands had grabbed a strip of elastics bands for pants, which Alex had bought two big rolls of and was now stuck in the tree.

The girl was still recovering from the fact that she lost.

--I…lost? To a bicycle?

She was forced to see Takumi with new eyes. Now she wasn’t seeing a wimpy kid whom she had no interest in but a hardcore motorcycle racer, and it was love at first sight.

‘Hey Takumi, you still alive?’

Alex called out to Takumi.

‘Get me out of this tree!!’


‘I’ll go.’

The girl quickly climbed the tree with amazing speed and freed him from the elastics.

‘Are you hurt anywhere?’

The girl said in a polite, sweet angelic voice. Takumi was hurt from continuously hitting the bike, but when he saw her face, he forgot all his pain.


‘Thank goodness.’

The girl lifted Takumi and even carried him down.

--Damn, the impact was deeper than I expected, but WHO CARES? Takumi is living the life.

‘Do you mind if I could sometimes borrow that bike? I would love to ride it sometimes.’

‘It’s yours, Alex. I am never touching that thing again.’


As they say, get the girl and look badass while doing it. Takumi got a girlfriend.

*Damn, these days, you have to risk your life to get someone to like you.*

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