《Unbound Reality.》-Not a chapter-


Okay, so I am a bit annoyed at the moment. What I am going to say won't really influence anything but I have to get it out. I try to write a story to the best of my abilities and free for anyone to read so I would expect/Like to have sincere ratings on my story. Just giving me 0.5 star for a rating and then saying nothing doesn’t help me at all. Yes, my story might not be entertaining to some or be as perfect as some expect everything to be but atleast try to rate my story sincerely. I know my grammar isn’t perfect or my quality of writing yet it doesn’t just allow you to give me a rating that is solely based on your opinion. And when you do give your rating based on your opinion, give me a reason for your rating, not to just rate my story and don’t say anything. I just wanted this to be said because I know that other people who write stories also would like to know the opinion of others, so please try to at least be sincere.

-Regards Godack.

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