《The wish trials》Chapter 8 The trial
Chapter 8 Unnatural predator
You have leveled up! You are now level 10! You received 8 Attributes points!
Due to the gift of God you have received
2 Defence
You have reached max level. Max level = 10. XP =40/40
Attention! Due to reaching Max level and having at least 1 stat above 20 you have gained the Tile ‘Elite emperor penguin’
Effects of ‘Elite emperor penguin’
For every stat above 7 one additional stat will be permanently added to attack and defence.
Increase to attack and defence
Due to reaching max level and gaining the title ‘Elite emperor penguin’ you can now evolve into:
Weddell seals
Weddell seals are incredibly placid sedentary animals. 3 metres long and weigh around 400–500 kg. The head is small relative to body size and the colour is usually dappled grey and black on the back with a mostly white under-belly.
Effect of Unnatural predator: Predator penguin
Due to having the title 'unnatural predator’ you have unlocked the evolution Predator penguin which will adapt a penguin template to the users stats to become more predatory.
“Well I always wanted to be a predator and it has it in the bloody name, plus a specialised evolution is just icing on the cake.” (Red)
“The title description said it was a one-time thing for the next evolution so I think we should go for it.” (Grey)
“Seals...swim and I...I don't like deep dark water.” (Green)
“Plus seals can't fly.” (All)
“Predator penguin!” (All)
Evolving will cause any unused attributes points to be randomly assigned. Would you like to evolve?
“No” (All)
“Shit forgot about dat single.” (Red)
“Well we want to fly and considering it is a custom evolution of sorts then we should focus on agility, dexterity the most but still strengthen the base.” (Grey)
“Sounds li...like a plan.” (Green)
“Sounds good.” (Red)
You have allocated 15 attribute points to agility. Your agility stat is now 46
You have allocated 15 attribute points to dexterity. Your dexterity stat is now 39
You have allocated 3 attribute points to strength. Your strength stat is now 31
You have allocated 2 attribute points to Defence. Your Defence stat is now 31
You have allocated 5 attribute points to all other stats. All other stats +1
“Evolve into a predator penguin.”
Due to evolving into a predator penguin from an emperor all stats above 0 will increase by +1
“Nice” (All)
Before Fuck off could check over their new status they once again found them selfs in emptiness in three separate forms.
“Oh fuck doing this again,” Says Red and he goes to bite into his wrist only for nothing to happen. “Right no pain or death.”
“Ma...maybe we passed the trail” (Green)
“You are correct green-eyed one.” Says a tall green-haired, purple skin individual.
“It's the grape dude! You made us into a flightless bird you goat fucking uncle sucker!” (Red)
The “Grape dude” rolls his eyes in exasperation at Red.
“It is true that you have passed your trails, Toby. Personally, I would have waited until you all matured a bit. But Chaos decided that you have shown that you can take charge of your life, restraint, and bravery so he sent the hurdle. Which you defeated, allowing you to gain your unique race, thus completing the trail.” He gives a long tired sigh
“That's the official reason at least. What really happened is that I fucked up the time frame pretty badly when I left you at the beginning and the fact that there are three of you in one person did not help the calculations. The council is getting pissed so I am giving you a fast pass with chaos’s approval.”
“Wait, Chaos is a person? CAN I MEET HIM/HER/IT?!?!?!” (Red)
“Oversoul I hope you two don't meet.” Grape guy mumbles while rubbing his temples. “If you become strong enough then it is possible.” He answers the question at a regular volume.
“Yay!” (Red)
“So if we passed the trail what happens now?” Asks Grey
“Well originally you are meant to get three wishes but due to my blunder I am willing to nine wishes with the condition that the red-eyed one doesn't take over and goes on an innocent killing spree or become a serial killer.”
“What kind of person do you think I am?” (Red)
“A bipolar melodramatic hyperactive psychotic child.” Responds the grape looking entity in a monotone voice.
Red smiles “All very true. I agree to your terms, big daddy.”
“Excellent, now Toby considering the company you keep.” He gives a pointed look at Red. “Only you can make the wishes official.” Says the entity.
“Good call.” (Red)
Grey nods.
“Oh and no God like or reality-altering powers.”
“Good those are boring.” (Red)
“I'll give you some space,” Says the entity as he moves back to allow them to make their decisions in peace.
Green and Grey show thoughtful expressions as they stare off into the distance while Red rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet.
After a few minutes of silence Red begins to lose patience. “Could you guys get your fingers out of each other's dick holes, we got wishes to make.”
“It's just so mu...much to take in. We Killed our stepdad, jumped off a bridge, where stuck in a void for years, met a God, became a penguin, completed a trial, and now we need to make wishes? It's all so much.” Says Green in a soft voice as he sits on the floor.
Grey looks at him trying to think of something to say.
“I know, it's been great!” says Red with a manic smile on his face. “And it's only going to get better…”
Green looks panicked.
“...We will be free, you can relax and spend time with dad and build the most kick-ass penguin sanctuary that has ever existed. And while I may be off doing fuck knows what I will always have your back little brother.”
Green smiles at this as he stands back up. “Well, technically I am older than you.”
“Well, I suppose your Dick and brain are bigger.” (Red)
“That's not how age works,” Green says with a smile.
“That's all well and good but how are you going to be exploring while Green relaxes?” asks Grey.
“I thought the first three wishes were a given.” Says Red while the other two look at him expectantly.
“First We get our own bodies, second we can all fly and third we are brought straight to dad. Then we get two each.” Says Red in a tone that makes it sound like he is talking to children.
“Yeah, I suppose that should have been a given.” (Grey)
Toby/Fuck off and his multiple personalities spent the next few minutes discussing wish ideas until they were finally ready and called over the grape dude.
“So Toby are you ready?” Asked the grape dude expectantly.
“Yes. First of all, I would like all three of us to get highly strong and efficient human male bodies that have perfect genes. Second of all, I would like all three of us to be given the highest ability/spell of flight and each of us will be able to use it. Third I would like all three of us to be teleported to our father in an open space that won't kill any of us.” (Grey)
Grape dude nods “Well phrased.”
“Thank you. Now for Green. He would like the highest ability/spell to commune and enhance nature and be able to use it. He would also like to be immune to all damage and pain unless he attacks first.
Next for Red. He would like to have the highest ability/spell to control and enhance his movement, including increasing and decreasing his momentum and be able to use it. He would also like a personal pocket dimension which functions as a holodeck from SyFy that scales to his strength, largest possible inventory, and a penthouse apartment which is constantly stocked with the best possible food and drink.”
“ Smart way to train and resist the urge to slaughter a city if I do say so myself.”Red says while looking proud of himself “And I am going to go so fucking fast! Hahaha.” (Red)
“And lastly for me. I wish for infinite of the world's currency which will come in weekly installments of $10,000 equivalent and for all my skills to level up four times as fast as they normally would.”
“Very well. It shall be done, good luck in Gai and try not to kill too many people Red.”
“No promises Grape dude, good luck with the next dipshit who has to go through the trials.” (Red)
Green gives the entity a bow “Goodbye sir, thank you for the wishes and good luck.”
“Goodbye and thank you” (Grey)
POV of Toby’s father, Paul
After an intense five hour battle, my team and I finally managed to kill the demon king only for his soul to escape and hide within his heavily enchanted throne. We stood guard while we waited for the enchanters and exorcists to arrive.
“I know I said we should take a break once we killed the demon king but just standing around is boring.” Said my wife Jade who was our mage.
Just as she finished her sentence three naked babies fell out a portal that opened up in the middle of the room.
“Me and my big mouth” Said Jade as everyone prepared for another fight.
Everyone in the room stares in confusion as the three identical babies begin to grow rapidly. [They look...But it can't be?] As they grew each developed a different hair and matching eye color, forest green, storm grey, and blood red.
They were all facing away from me and each grew to the size of an 18-year-old before stopping.
Everyone in the room was silent before the grey-haired one spoke: “Well that was unpleasant.”
The redhead giggled before he started to float off the floor. “It's like we were born again.”
“I thi...think it's his way of saying we...we didn't phrase the wishes as well as we thought we did.” stuttered the green head.
Before anyone could say another word to ask where they came from or what they were doing the redhead floated upward and yelled in excitement. “I’m going to put my butt naked ass on the edge lord throne!”
Then before anyone could stop him he moved faster than even I could track and...Face planted on to the throne.
The grey-haired boy face palmed as I tried to yell out a warning.
“Wait!” I yelled out in vain as the demon king’s spirit went into his body. He spasms for a bit before positioning himself onto the throne.
My team and I took up positions to fight the possessed boy before the grey-haired boy spoke once again. “Stop!”
“And the hell should we listen to you?!” Yells Jade.
“Because I can tell Paul what happened to his wife and Toby.”
“Wa...Stand down!” I rushed over to him and put my sword to his throat “What happened to my son!” I yell
“Well first of all the ghost looking thing went into Red’s mind right?” He asks.
“Yes, now What.happened.to.my.son,” I ask as my blood starts to draw blood.
“Well I’d give the ghost thing about a minute before it kills itself then we can talk about your son.” He says in a calm voice.
At the mention of the demon King, I look over to the throne and see the red-haired boy’s body twitching and gagging.”No, I don't want to see your pony collection.” He groans out in clear pain.
“What is going on? His status is complete gibberish.” Askes Jade in confusion.
)[email protected]$%^&
Known abilities
Known skills
Known spells
I look back at the boy hoping for an explanation, but he just shrugs. The green-eyed boy then speaks to answer my unasked question. “Our brother is many things but sane and in excision, mentally hospitable, are not on that list. Th...the spirit is properly struggling to navigate our brother's mind and process what he is seeing.” Says the green-eyed boy as he stares intently at me.
As if on cue the boy on the throne burst into giggles as the vapor like spirit left its body while screaming as it tried to get as much distance between itself and the boy as possible. But leaving its soul anchor without a host caused it to dissipate before exploding.
Everyone stared dumbly at the boy before Ryan, our team's tank, elegantly voiced our confusion. “What the fuck was that?”
The boy just ignores the questions before suddenly appearing in front of me. “Daddy! It's great to finally make your acquaintance.”
“Red you are not helping the situation or making this easier for us.” Says the grey-eyed boy in exasperation.
“Right” The newly named Red nodded his head in understanding before floating upside down. “You're our dad.”
“Did you, or did you not, fuck our whore of a mother?” (Red)
“Paul,” Jade says in a dangerous voice. "What is he talking about.?"
“Red, you are making this painful.” (Grey)
“Thank you.” (Red)
Jade was looking furious.
Ryan was yelling at Red and demanding to know what happened to the demon king. Red just ignored him while staring at me expectantly before rolling his eyes and moving his hand fast enough to create a sonic shock wave.
The room fell into silence at the sudden breaking of the sound barrier.
“You big shield dude” He points to Ryan “ stop yelling or I will rip your tongue out through your asshole.” Ryan looks like he is about to respond but a manic and sadistic look comes over the boy's face and he thinks better of it. “The demon king tried to go into my mind so I showed him my interpretation of Cthulhu, you know the old one who makes people go insane just by looking at him. He left and then died.” He finishes the last sentence with a bored expression as he continues to float around.
[This kid is not sane. But Cthulhu. That's an earth reference. Came through a portal. Looked like a baby Toby. Said they had information on my son. Called me dad. Earth references. Good God!?]
The shy looking green-eyed boy breaks down into tears as he flies over and gives me a hug. "Your Toby?” I ask in confusion?
“We all are.” He mumbles into my chest. I look at Grey who gives a slight nod. The confusion evident on my face I remove the blade from his throat. “ How did this happen?” I ask Grey as he seemed the most emotionally stable of the naked children claiming to be my son.
“Split personality disorder due to abuse given life by a purple-skinned God after we completed a trial in the form of a penguin.” He answers as if he was commenting on the weather.
Deciding to get confirmation first before dealing with the first part of the statement I nod slowly remembering my time with a purple-skinned God. Although I didn't have to go through any trails. “And how do I know you're all really Toby?”
“Wh...when we were f...five we went to Paris and were in a que...queue to go up the Eiffel tower.” Says green as he still sobs into my chest.
“But there was a bomb scare because of an abandoned suitcase so we went back to the hotel.” (Grey)
“And made an Eiffel Tower out of chairs and a drying rack.” (Red)
“Toby” I cry out as I hug the two boys in front of me as Red flies in for the family reunion. “You know Red this would have much easier if you could behave for more than two seconds.” (Grey)
“Oh yes, I sure randomly appearing out of nowhere and saying ‘By the way we're all your son’ to a Man you just gained loads of money, power, levels, and political clout wouldn't have made us look like gold diggers at all,” Red says as he rolls his eyes.
Grey pauses for a moment “True, but it could have been handled a lot better.”
“Fine, Next time I travel through an interdimensional portal I’ll make sure to have clothes and not mind-rape a dead demon monarch.” (Red)
“That would be appreciated.” (Grey)
As I listen to my sons [Son?] talk something sudden clicks “Wait what do you mean you were abused?!” I yell while pulling back from the group hug to look them in the eyes.
“Well, dad it would appear we have a lot to tell you.” (Grey)
A Magic Sniper in Another World
Zack Blake, a boy of contradictions. Stupidly smart, selfishly selfless and responsively reckless. How will he fare up in a world where he doesn't belong? Caught in the crossfires of a conspiracy, follow his adventures as he tries to save the two worlds he holds most dear. Above is a new, shorter synopsis whilebelow is the original one. Zack Blake. A normal high school student, was leisurely studying in his classroom. Or that was what's supposed to happen if he was normal. He was the son of a Major Genral and became a Special Lieutenant at the age of 17 and saved his school from terrorists, only to die due to a bullet wound. When he awoke. Yes. Awoke. He was in a completely white space and saw a white haired girl looking at him. "Hello, Zack. I'm an Overseer named Alia. And welcome to my realm" Given a choice to die as is or be sent into another world, what will he do? Watch over Zack as he tries to survive and enjoy a world of swords and magic full of action, mystery and adventure by battling demons, humans and even Gods. Constructive Criticism is accepted. I wish to improve my writing, and this story would be the first novel i've ever written... Updates will be posted very erratically. If you will rate this story less than 3 stars, please do leave a review so I will know what the problem was in the story. Cover art is not mine and I found it here. If the artist wants it taken down, I shall comply. Hiatus until summer kicks in. It's a bit of a mess right now. Also,please check out my other fiction, Alice in Magicland. AIML will be active since it's much easier to write than this novel.
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Fort Geranium
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