《The wish trials》Chapter 4 Stepping to the left.
A small boy with bright green eyes sits on the edge of a bed in an empty and barren room. He shivers on the edge of his bed, looking down at his scarred and bruised body he breaks down into a nervous sweat. Through the door the sound of loud thumping could be heard as someone approaches the room. His eyes widen in terror as the door is kicked down to reveal a tall and wide, imposing figure in a police uniform. In his hand is a worn out belt with blood red stains on it. Immediately dashing for the window he sees a man in a long coat stand there in the rain staring into the room.
“Father please, help me” the boy cried out, but the figure turned away and walked into the pouring rain. Continuing to cry out for help he felt the familiar slash of belt on his back as he fell to the floor.
Ruthless strikes rained down as he curled up into a ball, brutal kick after brutal kick slammed into his fragile body causing more tears to stream down his face.
As the tears fell down his face he cried “why did you leave me mum, dad? What did I do wrong? I did everything I could, I worked hard, I did what I was told. So why?! why did you leave me?”
The body of Fuck Off began to uncurl and roll to lay there flat on its back with no expression.
Grey walks along a sidewalk in a dull city with tall grey buildings that reach into the sky. Busy crowds swarm around like grey dull faced ants. Everyone is silent, they stare at their phones only stopping to laugh at people who stood out. TV screens showed images of people praying to faceless individuals who sat on thrones made from crying children and broken families. Chimneys produced toxic chemicals on mass while broken figures tore down trees as they were whipped by overweight humanoids which only had mouths on their faces. Giant stick thin figures tiptoed around the mass of grey bodys before picking one, seemingly at random, and eating it.
As he walked the seamingly mindless drones bumped into him but after a short finger point and laugh, did not appear to care. The familiar feeling of numbness and helplessness crashes into Grey as he struggles to move through the crowd as his pale skin starts to take on a leathery texture with blotches of grey start to worm their way from inside him.
The Body of Fuck Off began to violently spasm and roll around.
Red endlessly stares at himself while being contained within a mirrored room. Wearing a straight jacket he is suspended by multiple spiked chains. His mouth was gagged and his ears blocked only leaving his bulging crimson red orb eyes that rattled in their sockets as they are forced to stare at the reflections.
After a while, a sneer appears on his hidden mouth as he looks into the reflections eyes. Swinging his back he slams it forward, forcing a spike to pierce his own eye causing a black liquid to leak from the wound. Laughing hysterically he repeats the action as the black liquid forges a way down his face and into the gag. Miniature hands are created from the tar-like substance which begins to peel off the bindings holding his body.
Once free, Red giggles as he stubbles to the floor as he uses his own hands to dip into the ruined remains of his eyes. A broken smile appears on his face and he tears out his own eyes and plops them into his own mouth where he starts to chew.
“Hehehehhahahaha If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there. If I can't see you, you can't be there.”
Reds head began to spasm as he used his fingers to rip and tear at his own face. Suddenly his head rips around to face one of the reflections.
Without warning Red slams his head into one of the mirrors causing it to shatter into countless sparkling shards of glass.
“Yell I suppose I should crash the others party.”
Disregarding the shards of glass, an eyeless, cut and torn Red walks to the shattered mirror. Cracking his neck he mercilessly slams his head into the wall again, causing a hole to form. Black fluid pouring down his face he laughs as he steps into a grey city.
Grey walked around the city looking at the sense when suddenly the inhabitants start to twitch as their eyes bled red which created a stark contrast to the grey city. The blood began to flow together into a pool as the people began to crumble and the buildings started to melt and stretch. The pool starts to rise as it takes a human form before hardening. The fist clenches causing the solidified red liquid to shatter, revealing Red as he steps forward and looks around.
“Damn Grey what have you been smoking?” (Red)
“Nothing, it's just your dramatic entrance” Grey says in a monotone.
“I don't know what you are talking about. Now let's go get yellow and blues love child.” (Red)
“Yes, I suppose we should go help as we appear to be having a nightmare. What did you see?” (Grey)
“Oh little old me? It was great I gotta smack my face on to a spike. Well if we ignore the forced thaasophobia session. (Fear of boredom)” (Red)
“Oh sorry about the thaasophobia.” (Grey)
An angry and savage scowl comes over Reds face before disappearing. He walks up to a twisting building before ripping it apart and stepping into a barren room. Grey follows as the city collapses.
“Yo bitch long time no see,” Red says as his hand impales the chest of the mental construct of their step father created by their shared subconscious leaving a heart in his hand. “You know how many times I masturbated to the pure ecstasy the thought of your death brought me?” (Red)
Giving a childish smile he crushes the heart and the dream Shatters to reveal Green lying on the floor crying.
“Well, that was fun but playtime’s over now Green.” (Red)
“Th thank you, Red.” Green says as he wipes his watery eyes (Green)
“No problem big guy.” (Red)
“Well now that we are up we may as well get started” (Grey)
Fuck Off looks around the bay and all of its feathery inhabitants which were starting to wake. The sun was starting to rise causing the snow to sparkle the rays of light where reflected. The calm expanse of water gently strokes the shore.
“How do penguins fuck?” (Red)
“Sigh. I feel like you ruin the mood on purpose. Besides, I feel like that question should be relatively low on our priorities.” (Grey)
“But we would probably get xp if we produce offspring.” (Red)
“We are not having sex with a bird.” (Grey)
“Boring.” (Red)
“We, we should continue to raise our stats.” (Green)
“Fine but I am taking control of the Penguins today. We should do a lap of the bay as we train stamina, agility, and dexterity. Once we get to that hill we will do strength. I will have the penguins prepare a surprise for us.” (Red)
“It’s not going to be an orgy is it?” (Grey)
Fuck Off begins to move around the perimeter of the bay while waving its flippers in increasingly complex motions but still looking like a coked-up cougar at a rave.
“Well if you ask nicely grey I am sure one of these fine ass penguin bitches would want you. Although you would probably have to pay. A lot.” (Red)
“You know we are the same person right?” (Grey)
“Nope, I am far better looking than you. And Green is just a fine piece of ass.” (Red)
“Hey, guys…”(Green)
“Yes, Green?” (Grey)
“Sup buttercup?” (Red)
“I think we evolve into an emperor penguin.” (Green)
“Please explain.” (Grey)
“Well I may be wrong but they are bigger than us and they appear to be able to reach a higher level of 10 while I have only ever seen a chinstrap penguin at 5 at most. There also seem to be less Emperor penguins then chinstrap penguins. Of course, I could be wrong.” (Green)
“It makes sense, I believe you are right.” (Grey)
Without any signs or prompts two level 10 and a level, 5 emperor penguins began to follow Fuck Off.
“What are they for Red?”(Grey)
“They will be our toys.” (Red)
“Sigh” (Grey)
“Please don't be mean to them” (Green)
“Tehe” (Red)
The emperor penguins followed behind Fuck Off as he continued to waddle along the perimeter of the large group of penguins which number in the hundreds. Eventually, once Fuck Off and its small entourage reached halfway they find a small cove with a radius of 2 M, hidden behind a small wall of ice and snow.
“Perfect.” (Red)
As Fuck Off stops to look at the small cove the three emperor penguins waddled into deepest shadows produced by the wall.
“What are you planning?”(Grey)
“Shhhh! Green we can't tell Grey this but they are setting up the surprise party.” (Red)
“I am right he…”(Grey)
“Shhhhh! Green you can't tell him ok?” (Red)
“Uh...ok?” (Green)
“You are an idiot Red” (Grey)
“Why thank you, Grey. But compliments won't get you anywhere.” (Red)
+ 1 Dexterity
“Yay!” (All)
Fuck Off continued his lap as they talked. Once they made it to the hill They decided to try Green’s plan from yesterday where they would make a large snowball and push it up and down the hill. To avoid most of the dexterous for the fingerless flippers, Fuck Off waddled 30 m up the hill which as about halfway. Once halfway up the hill, he began to pile up snow with its feet, flippers, and beak.
Once the pile was the size of a tennis ball he would roll it down the hill to increase its size before pushing it back up to the top. This process repeated multiple times before Fuck Off had to rest at the base of the hill, thus the circuit was created. Fuck Off would do a lap of the colony (Group of penguins) Push the snowball up and down the hill twice and rest only to start again. At the end of this tedious routine Fuck Off has delighted to revise the following message after allowing the system messages to come through.
+ 2 Agility
+ 3 Dexterity
+ 4 Stamina
+5 Strength
“Well, They should be ready by now, let's head back to the love den.” (Red)
“The cove?” (Grey)
“Yeah that's the one” (Red)
After Fuck Off finished rolling the snowball that now came up to his waist, he began to waddle back the cove where he left the three emperor penguins.
“This is going to be the best orgy surprise party ever.” (Red)
Waddling into the cove Fuck Off is greeted by an odd spectacle. Two emperor penguins stood flanking the third, which was in a hole up to its shoulders.
“Perfect height to suck dick” (Red)
“Hahaha...we are not fucking a penguin.”(Grey)
“W...Why?” (Green)
Without warning, Fuck Off rushes forward, tilts his head back and slams his beak into the head of the downed penguin as the other two turns around and waddle away.
“HA ha hE HA he HA hE Ha ha he ha he he ha HA ha hE” (Red)
“Off he goes again.” (Grey)
“It's like the time with the dog. That poor doggie.” (Green)
As Grey and Green reminisce about the past, Fuck Off continues to smash its head into the now red pile of mush which stains his face red and leaves a piece of brain matter dangling from the beak.
“I think it's dead Red” (Grey)
“DIE, DIE DIE!” (Red)
“You can stop now” (Grey)
Fuck Offs beak was now digging and scraping against the dead emperor's penguins spine as the snow was dyed crimson with its blood.
“RED!” (Grey and Green)
“...Oh, look it's dead.” (Red)
“You ok buddy?” (Grey)
“Sob” (Green)
“Yup I am as happy as a masochist in a blender” (Red)
“Tha...that doesn't sound like...a good thing.” (Green)
“Ooooh look XP” (Red)
As Red changes the subject the blue screens spring to life in front of Fuck Off.
Due to killing a emperor penguin you have received 19xp
(A creature gives half its level in XP when it dies so a level 10 would give 5. Every level above the killers it multiplied by 1.50. Fuck Offs level is 2 so 10 - 2 = 8 8 multiplied by 1.50 is 12 12 + 5 = 17 2XP is given because it is the evolved form of Fuck Off)
You have leveled! You are now level Three!
Due to the gift of God you have received +1 Attack
Would you like to loot this corpse?
“Ummm…”(Grey and Green)
The bloody and now disfigured corpse exploded into countless motes of blue light that danced through the air before condensing into three small piles. One formed into a pile of feathers, another into a pile of meat white the last one was revealed to be a beak.
“Are you sure we shouldn't eat them?” (Red)
“Yes, it's...bad enough that we have to kill them.” (Green)
“Yeah, we could get some sort of disease or negative effect.” (Grey)
“What a shame. Well, at least it cleared the hole. NEXT!!!”(Red)
Hearing the metal call the other level 10 emperor penguin waddles towards Fuck Off with little resistance, before hopping into the hole.
“Itadakimasu” (Red)
Once again the beak of Fuck Off fell down like a guillotine onto the defenseless penguin. Repeatedly striking the eye with its beak, soon killing the penguin.
Smiling Red proceeds to loot the corpse.
Due to killing a emperor penguin you have received 17.5 xp
You have leveled! You are now level Four!
You have leveled! You are now level Five!
Due to the gift of God you have received +1 Attack
Due to the gift of God you have received +1 Defence
The Pile of feathers and meat grew larger, but there was no beak this time. Suddenly a screech invaded Fuck Offs ears. Looking up from the piles of loot he sees the remaining level 5 emperor penguin waddling towards him at high speeds.
“Oh no!” (Green)
“Not sure we can deal with that.” (Grey)
“It looks so stupid trying to run hahahaha. COME ON YOU LITTLE SHIT LETS DANCE. Green!” (Red)
“Smack it balls and get it ready for ass play.” (Red)
“What?” (Green)
“Make it mad and try to get it close to that hole.” (Grey)
“That's what I fucking said. Grey try and stop others from getting curious.” (Red)
Fuck Offs mind started to ache with the intensive use of the control animal ability but Reds glee only continued to increase. Moving in between the hole and in incoming penguin, Fuck Off waited for the inevitable clash.
“I didn't think I would have to use my ultimate move so soon.” (Red)
“We...have an ultimate move?”(Green)
“What are you on about Red?” (Grey)
Fuck Off started to make use of its enhanced dexterity as its flippers started moving in fast, precise and complex movements as its body started to shake.
“Why are you saying Fuck Off in sign language and thrusting our hips?” (Grey)
“Sigh we are going to die again.” (Grey)
“Sob...not again.”(Green)
As the incoming penguin charged Fuck Off in a blind rage he stepped to the left causing the level 5 emperor penguin to run straight into the hole.
...Of stepping to the left. Hahahaha” (Red)
“You are such an idiot.”(Grey)
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Star Odyssey
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Something's rotten beneath the surface; devils roam the streets beneath the notice of ordinary humans and the government bureau responsible for handling them, the Department of Occult Affairs, is woefully underequipped to deal with the situation.What's a shady government organization to do? Conscript high schoolers, of course. Enter Charlie, a seventeen-year-old boy whose sorcery manifests in the form of seeing the world as a video game. But sorceries are always backhanded blessings, and nothing is ever as it seems.
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Pogo D. Shuttle, a small and weak little boy raised on Dawn Island. The poor fellow was so weak in comparison to his peers, an orphan at birth, a pirate at heart. Through countless adventure and gathering of friends and comrades, Pogo will find his ultimate wish--the one piece! After Pirate King, Monkey D. Luffy died in a similar fashion to Gol D. Roger, the pirate era once again surged to the central figure--Raftel! A new era had been ushered by Luffy's final heart-wrenching words, "If you want my treasure, go out and find it. That treasure is something only one man on the sea can ever experience...and that man is the king of the pirates!" His sneery laugh granted him the final wish he desired: The longevity of pirates!
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Magus Zero
Announcement(s): A sudden family emergency happened...so the next chapters may take some time. I'll try my best to release a chapter tomorrow, but I'm not too sure I can. I'll try my best to make up for it. Sorry for the delay and thanks for understanding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey! The light novel reached more than 100 views! Thank you for the support! It means a lot to me who's just starting out! Special thanks to my girlfriend who supports me right now (she's gonna be my illustrator soon too!)Special thanks as well to Deathkiddoom, who made the first ever comments on my works! You guys may not know how much these things mean. They might be little in your sight but for us authors it encourages us to keep going! Once again you have my thanks! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Five magic nations have been created out of the land of Rasec. Gloseren, Loche, Veile, Lieza, Meharea. Each nation with their own unique setting, and thus have their own unique understanding of magic. One thing was common though: they rank their magi according to their capabilities, and the one with the highest capabilities become the ruler of the nation. This story is about a boy from one of the nations. He stood out more than his peers not because he has something unique, but because he has nothing. He has zero. Watch the story unfold as the boy who has zero becomes the Magus Zero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's blab:Hello everyone! This is my second light novel project! This particular project will be updated daily except Saturdays PST until further notice.Anyways, I hope you guys have fun! Here are my other work(s): Strife Howl of the Deities (Discontinued)Title TBD, Either a romance or another adventure (Novel to be published)Title TBD, A romance or a smut (Short story to be published) Cheers! -Halcyon.Bahamut ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This author's works are officially available only here at Royal Road. Announcements will be made on this site regarding any changes.
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You Don't Know Me
Adam and Taylor Preston got married and had 9 kids. Eric, Summer, Matthew, May, Sage, Kevin, Devin, Marc and Sky.Guess which one is me. Yep that's right- I'm Summer. It's bad enough having 5 brothers and 3 sisters. But when my annoying brother invites his football buddies over it's like hell on earth. Especially when Anthony Walton stumbles through my bathroom at 2 AM. { Book 1 of the Preston series }***E-BOOK AN PAPERBACK NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON***
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