《Beast Games》After Dark Episode 1


{Co-Written with BethanyClark95

Harper-Jay and Reich belong to BethanyClark95}

Swillow gave the hyena a note. She was to come to the "Punishment Chamber". The chamber had long been wrecked in a previous fight, meaning the rooms had been crushed and under construction. So Swillow stood in front of a pile of rubble with yellow tape in front of it saying condemned. Citrus Snow stood at her side as well. They both awaited for Harper to appear.

Harper's body continued to throb with each step. She vigorously chewed the inside of her cheek. "I lost. I lost. I lost. How? What did she bite me with? No wonder they warned me about her. I hope they don't ask for me to take off my mask." Harper saw the two up ahead and frowned at the yellow tape. Just what in the heck did they have in store for her? Her gut was warning her to flee, but she couldn't. She lost and she had to own up to the consequences.

It had been a full week since Harper lost at the steel cage match. Swillow seemed pleased with herself. "You are quite the fighter," she said. "And I think you could serve us well. I have thought of what a fitting end would be to someone who tries to fight me for the crown. You can't waltz into the Beast Games and fight the champ."

Citrus Snow said, "That's what you did Swillow. You got the crown because our Agent didn't define the rules well enough because he knew you'd cheat." The Beast King growled. "Well, Harper, we have a small wheel here." She brought it out. "You could be our servant. You could get chased by bees. Get exiled. Get boot to the head - but we have lost our boot. Get a long spanking. Or even be forced to fight a person. I'll give you the honor of taking a spin."

Harper grumbled. "A week? It felt like forever." And she was still sore. Her ears began to turn red as she took in the options. "Great, " she thought. "What lovely options." Harper stepped forward and with her remaining pride, she puffed out her chest and spun the wheel to the best of her ability.

It spun for a while. "I lubed it up," Swillow said. "It makes it spin long. Makes for more suspense. Let's watch what we get."

The spinning needle almost hypnotized Harper. When her ears heard Swillow's voice, Harper had to blink and turn away.

It landed. Indentured Servitude. "Great, this option means you have to work until Halloween for your King! King Swillow, what a nice ring there is to that. How are you feeling about that Harper?" She gave a dark grin.

She narrowed her eyes in annoyance as she took in her "King's words." A wave of hot rage surged in her belly, but Harper released it through a loud exhale. A king, someone over her. Who would have thought this would have happened to her? Harper's heart began to quicken as she turned to the dire wolf. "As much as I still dislike you for your lack of honor oh "King Swillow," a win is a win. And besides, I spun this stupid wheel my self. My destiny is laid out in my own paws. You may have my cooperation, but you haven't even begun to gain my respect." She hesitated, and her lip began to quiver.

"Take off your mask," Swillow told her. Then she said, "Perhaps I should start wearing it? Now that I am a Beast King and perhaps the queen of your pack."


"And we don't have your respect?" Citrus said. "We don't need respect. But then again, we could beat you in more fights."

Harper flinched. She had a gut feeling this was coming. She eyed Swillow and slowly said, "Fine, but know this: only one other has ever seen my face. Be honored."

She then eyed Citrus, trying her hardest to ignore her snarky comment. "And if you must know, respect means everything to a Hyena. Especially a Queen. If you would have fought "fare and square", then we wouldn't be having this conversation. I may have still lost, but you would have my complete respect and admiration."

Harper paused and her mouth twitched upright. "And speaking of fare, once I am fully recovered, I will delightfully partake in some fights. And this time, NO needles." With that, in one swooping motion, and the last of her pride, Harper removed her black and golden mask. Her eyes remained locked onto Swillow.

Swillow blinked and said, "You're a kid." She laughed and said, "I'm almost 66 on my planet, but for my species, that's not too old still. With a partner in our first true team match. That would be an honor, right?"

Harper smirked. Yeah she was just a kid. The first in her history to become a Queen at such a young age. Her fur shivered as she remembered just what she had to endure to earn that rank. But those days were over now. "Yes, I may be young, but I have the heart and fire of any seasoned warrior." She paused. "As strange as it is to serve someone, I am honored to learn what I can from a seasoned warrior." Harper then titled her head. "A partner you say? I guess. I had to fight along a scrawny fox one time, and it turned out all right. As long as I get to sink my fangs into a worthy opponent, count me in."

Swillow said, "I can show you a lot of foes. You may need to ask your friend to come in again. I will be looking to see who my own choices are for the fight."

"But under these terms," Citrus said, "you and your partner, once you lose, will have to spin the wheel again. How's that sound to you?" Not that she had a choice in it.

Harper almost smirked, imagining her friend's reaction if he had to serve someone. Or better, be chassed by bees. That would be hilarious. Harper focused and nodded. "I can agree to those terms."

Swillow said, "Go ahead and bring him back here, while my friends and I prepare who should fight you." Swillow would retreat with Citrus to discuss. They grinned when they came up with their forces.

Harper merely nodded once to Swillow's statement.



Thirteen hour, first ever after dark match.

Soon Swillow would gather her forces at a hollow stage, where there was no one. Survivalist JAC walked down with Citrus, this time he had his hair in pink curls, as he stepped down, and slid into the ring.

"This is a After Dark match," Swillow said. "This match will not go on the record books, and it is unsanctioned..." Unsanctioned... That meant that they could do all it took to win. As long as someone got a pin, it was a win. Within the building stood a lot of rows of empty chairs, but the open roof let the moon in.


"Well that sounds like fun!" Harper's voice called out. Her walk radiated with confidence, as a new figure remained glued to her side. It was a male fox, with sharp amber eyes. A strange tribal mark was branded on his chest.

The fox eyed Citrus and JAC, then turned to his companion. "So, I take it these are our opponents?"

Harper just grinned. "Indeed. I need you to give it your all Reich. Don't hold back. I even think you can do your freaky lightning thing. Just... try not to kill them ok."

Reich's tail flashed back and forth. "I can't hold any promises Harper. Besides, lightning is known to cause a harmful range of mental and physical injuries."

"Problem for all of you is that this is an After Dark Match. There are no rules in this match. That means flat out THUGS like us are going to take you out." Swillow said, "Begin."

JAC ran over to a bunch of folded steel chairs, while Citrus ran at the two head on.

Harper pounded the ground and released an energetic whoop. "Thugs or not prove me that you're worthy! Reich! Ready?"


With that, she grabbed the fox and threw him at the Citrus. The air sizzled as the tribal marks ignited on Reich's chest as he became a blazing form of electricity. Harper began to bolt towards JAC.

Citrus jumped up and did the Code Red on Rei as she anticipated him coming. She'd lock his shoulders with her ankles and her paws to his knees. Then she'd flip over. That would crash them down. Citrus would have him pinned with his bottom in her face and his shoulders on the ground. A ref would count as he was pinned.

Reich gasped and shut his eyes tight. "Blitz!" He screamed. The electricity surrounding his body shot up and began to electrocute Citrus.

Citrus gasped and jolted her grasp from him and she twitched.

Reich wasted no time. Being trained by Harper at one time, he twisted his body mid air like cat and delivered a quick bite to Citrus's muzzle. Citrus pushed him off. Then she threw him up onto metal barricades so half him would drape one side, half the other side. Like being on a metal rope.

JAC threw a chair at Harper while it was folded, straight at her head and between her eyes.

Harper's head did a whip lash and she slammed into the ground. Just then, something in her clicked. The burning rage of her ancestors began to deafen her ears. Tears threatened to blind her, and her head was already screaming, but she had a lock. In a furious rage, she jumped to her paws and flung herself onto JAC. With lips peeled back she gripped JAC's arm with her jaws and bite down. She heard the sickening crack under her teeth.

JAC felt the hyena and felt the CRUNCH! He shifted the bones back into place as a white aura went over his arm. He slunk his arm back, before taking a ladder. He aimed the ladder top at her like would ram her. It was clear he used the one arm, meaning his other had not healed.

"Don't you even think about it," Harper snarled. "I am not a mole!" With that, she bolted with all of her speed and plowed into JAC's frame. With her vision still blurry, she aimed for his strong shoulder.

JAc fell back, but put his legs on either side of her throat to choke her out.

Reich's heart fluttered as he was tossed up into the air. He grunted as he made contact with the rope. "I gotta bite harder next time," he muttered to himself.

Citrus gave his bottom a quick bite then. Reich yelped and instinctively shot up, slipping out the rope. Citrus jumped after him to chase him down.

Reich could sense this Citrus character chasing him. His rear end still burned and he couldn't believe he let that happen. He had to release a more powerful attack. Reich spun around to face her and slammed both of his paws down. Electricity surged above him and formed into the shape of a large feline. It swung it's paw at Citrus in warning. Citrus would back off from the giant cat.

Reich grinned as his plan worked out as a success. Now he could charge and take her out in one strike.

Meanwhile, Harper had gone far beyond rage. She couldn't even think, let alone see. This JAC was choking her! How dare he? However, Swillow said anything could go. So be it. With her reserved strength, she used her paws to push her head out. Now free, Harper twisted her body and gripped one of JAC's legs. Using her remaining strength, she flung him into the air and slammed him face first into the ground. She pounced onto his back, and began to pin his arms and legs with all four of her paws.

JAC rose up and let out a grunt as he felt the slam. But as she went for the pounce, he rolled out of the way. He ran up the stands, taking the ladder with him with his one arm.

"Oh great," Harper grumbled. That trick again. Harper spread her limps, taking in a defensive approach.

JAC placed the ladder on barricades to make a bridge, and got onto the bridge. He said, "Let's go, then."

JAC rose up and let out a grunt as he felt the slam. But as she went for the pounce, he rolled out of the way. He ran up the stands, taking the ladder with him with his one arm.

Harper tossed her head and ran to meet him. "I am sick of that pathetic excuse you call a weapon!"

Citrus ran off to the bridge ladder.

Harper eyed Citrus running towards them, but it didn't faze her. Her eyes were locked onto JAC. He was a threat with that ladder. Her paws slammed into the ground as she charged at him. This time, she was going to bite his head. HARD. Then he would understand the pain he had inflicted onto her.

As she ran at him, he would jump and kick at her head with one foot. That way she would fall down, onto Citrus who did a Matrix Shift. Citrus went for a pin and at the end, the ref called it for Citrus as a win.

Harper's vision went black as JAC's foot collided onto her head.

Reich's head turned, and his jaw dropped.

His electric cat form roared and he charged at the two with a battle cry.

Citrus jumped at him, and did a Code Red to take him down too.

That's when Citrus ran at him. Code Red to take the form down. Even if it hurt a lot. In fact the shocks made it hard for her to move at that point. Both would be taken back to the wheel.

Reich released a high pitch yelp as Citrus pinned him.

"how could she touch me? Harper was right. These aren't normal opponents. We've met our match."

Swillow came back up. "You two have lost again. This was not on our records. Still, it's now time for our wrath. Spin the wheel again."

Harper regained consciousness and groaned. "That's good its not on our records. I'll call it a warm up."

She rose to her paws and motioned for Reich to follow. "Come, we'll spin their wheel of theirs. See what our fate is."

They were taken back to the punishment chamber. JAC slunk away. Citrus spun it and it landed on... "You will get spanked on your bottoms."

Reich's brow wrinkled, and he slowly looked at Harper. "You're joking." Harper didn't even meet his eyes.

"This is the terms. You'll survive. As will I," Harper reminded herself. "This will motivate us to win next time," she encouraged him.

"Have either of you been spanked before?" Swillow asked them.

"What do you think?" Reich yipped. Harper just rolled her eyes. "Neither have I. My mother only bite me into submission when I displeased her. This will be a first for us."

"Problem is that it got broken, the robot that did this," Swillow said. "So you two will have to design a new one."

Reich leaned in and whispered to Harper, "What is wrong with these guys?"

Harper hushed him, stepped forward, and analyzed the broken machine. "I don't know how you think it can be fun, but we can at least attempt. Maybe I can use it later against whoever looses against me."

They had to redesign it since there was no table or straps left. Meaning now, they would have to approach it on their own.

Harper dragged Reich over and they begun to fix the machine. After a half hour Harper nudged Reich and he reluctantly sparked the circular ring of the machine causing it to begin the motion. "It's done." Harper said.

Citrus asked both, "How are you feeling?"

"Still sore from the battle," Harper answered. Reich's face flushed and he muttered, "My rear end still hurts. I'm not looking forward to this."

Citrus told them, "Well get it done then."

Harper dragged Reich over. "You first. I will have to hold you in case you get any ideas of leaving."

Reich nodded and flinched as the procedure began. Harper was gentle, as she held him firm. Time passed and the machine slowed. Harper released him and he bolted. Harper nudged the switch and the machine started all over again. She didn't dare meet anyone in the eye, praying that it would end quickly.

101 spanks. Harper's rear end burned. She looked at Reich. "He won't be able to sit for a week."

"I would have put it at 303," Swillow said, "But since you two are young, you get a pass. Soon as you two fail again, it will be 300. Is that clear to you?"

"Yes King Swillow," Harper huffed. Reich just released a high pitch whine. "I won't survive such a beating." Reich huffed.

Swillow said, "Until Halloween, you two are also to serve to my needs as you are under my rules." She gave them a grin. "You must win your next matches."

"I'll destroy them." Harper grinned.

Swillow said, "Great." As she turned, she flicked her tail. "Best not disappoint."

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